Big Slide via the Brothers
July 9, 2017
Despite yesterday's big hike I awoke feeling quite good. Since it had been raining on and off all weekend, I decided to
forgo my plan of the Street range and its pesky river crossing and instead make a quick jaunt up Big Slide before
heading home. I drove up to the Garden at 06:30, and discovered the lot full, with two other vehicles milling around
trying to find non-existent space. I drove back down to Keene Valley and parked in town. With the exception of
two noisy dogs
that were not happy with my passing by, the walk was very pleasant, and in not too much time I arrived at the parking
lot and signed in. I decided to climb up over the Brothers as the day was promising to be a spectacular one. I saw
a couple speed up ahead the trail in front of me, and I assumed I would catch them, but they were faster than I had
anticipated. I finally caught up to them on top of the first brother lookout, where I said hello and continued on
to the second brother lookout where I took a break. The couple caught up to me and we chatted a bit before they
sped off again in front. The rest of the hike was in solitude, except for one other couple I passed as I neared the
junction with the JBL trail, and then finally three couples on top of the summit when I arrived there. The original
couple (from Rhode Island) were there and we chatted for a while as I ate my lunch and enjoyed the view. I decided it
was time to high tail it home, so decended directly down to JBL which was a much prettier trail than I remember. The
numerous pools along the brook were very inviting for a swim, but I was sure that my solitude would be broken as soon
as I undressed, so pushed on instead. In short order I arrived down in the Johns Brook Valley, and began the long slog
back towards the Garden. This always takes longer than one would imagine, but after a little more than an hour of
hiking the parking lot appeared. Yay! I'm done... or not really. I still had to hike down to Keene Valley. The
shuttle bus driver offered me a lift for $5, but that seemed a little steep to save a 2 km walk on a pleasant day, so I
just settled in for the stroll. It really did not take much time at all, and before I knew it, I was back in the
village. Fortunately the dogs had been put away this time, and I arrived back at the car 6.5 hours
after I had left.
Strolling past the Keene Valley Hose and Ladder company.

Apparently this is acceptable parking here.

Lovely views of the Great Range all day.

Ladder near the top.

Lookout at the slide of Big Slide.

Summit of Big Slide.
