Winter ascent of Big Slide
Winter ascent of Big Slide
December 30, 2011
After a hard day yesterday trying unsuccessfully to climb Haystack with Debbie, an easier hike was in order for today.
Katja and I decided to do Big Slide in a clockwise loop, returning over the Brothers. Others decided to join, and in
the end we had a group of 9 leaving from the garden cottage at 08:30; Dave, Louise, Ivan, Patrick,
Leisha, Marc, Murray, Katja,
and myself. We hiked the first 5 km to the ranger station over icy trail. Most of us were using spikes and a few were
bare booting it. Here, Louise was not feeling good, so her and Dave went back. The rest of us began the climb. It was
very icy and a few places would have been better served with crampons. At one part I was on an icy slab, slipped and
ended up sliding down with no way to stop myself as my axe was on my pack. I took out the axe and carried it the rest
of the way. We met a lot of people. One guy descending had just completed his winter 46. The summit was crowded, so
we had lunch just below in a sheltered area and waited for it to clear out, after which we cramponned up to climb a
short steep section to the summit. The view was socked in so we took a couple photos of ourselves and then prepared for
the descent. Another dude that arrived was also finishing his winter 46, so we chatted for a bit. The hike back over
the Brothers was spectacular as the cloud cover began to clear and we got some nice views of the great range. I left
my crampons on until we got down the steep parts below Brother number 1. Murray, Marc, and Pat scooted on ahead while
the remaining four of us lazed around on each of the summits. The last stretch went quickly and we got back to the
cottage by the Garden about 7.5 hours after starting.
Katja climbing the crux manouver on Brother 1, two days earlier on a reconnaissance mission to check the snow conditoins
(or lack thereof).

Me, on Big Slide summit.

Ivan keeping safe from the piercing UV rays of a cloudy day at 4000 feet.

Ivan, Leisha, and I on the summit of one of the Brothers. I think this is number 2.

View of the Great Range from Brother 2.
