Larry Lavitt
Sonnenfeld Colony:

Submitted by Mottie Feldman of Ottawa

dq126 at
Photos are credited to Keiva Feldman (now of Saskatoon), oldest brother of Mottie Feldman. Keiva Feldman was born and raised in Sonnenfeld, and was one of the Summit School teachers. Click on any photo to see it full size
Threshing machineThreshing machine - Purchased in 1927 as a repossessed machine for $800, the homestead progressed to ownership, rather than custom services, for the critical job of grain harvesting.

Gopher trappers Gopher trappers - Helping the homestead control crop pests in the early1930s, two young brothers head out to trap gophers.

Feeding calves Feeding calves - The kid helps his brothers feed the calves (early 1940s).

Summit school Summit school - Summit School as it stood on the prairie landscape in 1936. Buildings from left to right are: a) Boys' outdoor toilet b) Barn, for horses that many students required to travel to school c) Girls' toilet, combined with a wood and coal shed d) School house.

School classSchool class - Summit School class of 1936 at their desks, all grades in one room.

Page Created:    February 14, 2002

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