Choir at Spring Concert  - 1952

(IDs all left to right by row number)

Go to: Enlargement of Top Four Rows

Top four rows: see enlargement.
row 7:  ?, ?, ?, Gail Nugent.
row 6:  ?, Sandra Fagan, Marilyn Dodd, ?.
row 5:  ?, ?, ?, Michael Heney.
row 4:  Marilyn Pender, ?, Jane Bowes, Dick Holt.
row 3:  Peter Pender, Paul Gaffney, Theresa Stringer, Robbie Ferrigan.
row 2:  ?, ?, Brian Morrisey, Mervin Clarke.
front two:  ?, Diane DaPrato.

Enlargement - Top Four Rows

row 11:  Pierre Lachance, John Langford, ?, ?.
row 10:  ?, ?, ?, Mary Holt.
row 9:  ?, ?, ?, ?.
row 8:  ?, ?, Patty Sheehan, ?.

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