St. Pat's College Senior Grades Go to New York City, February 1957

There are two versions of this photo; my copy looks like the one below - but you can see a few guys were clipped.  See especially to the right of Peter C Quinn. 
The clipped photo (top one was published in the Ottawa Citizen.

Version One

Fifth row (one person, obscured):  Terry Fagan.
Fourth row (l to r) (eight, staggered):  Robert Lessard, ?, ?, Michael Williams, Glenn Carr, ?,  Gerry Valiquette ?.
Third Row (ten): William (Bill) Jennings, Ken Parker, Peter Connolly, Bob Jones, Pierre Bernard, Fred Gorman, Mike Smith, Dave Layton, Peter C Quinn, Denis Baxter.
Second Row (four only):  Paul Kennedy; Brian Carson; Brian Cameron (sports mag); Glen McSweeney.
Front row:  Mike Morgan, Robert Russell, Dave Maloney, David Mullington, Mike Valiquette, Bill Porter.

Version Two (from the Ottawa Citizen archives)

Seven boys on the right have been brightened to show them a bit clearer.  There are two new faces not seen in the top photo. 
As well, Michael Williams shifted right so that he was not obscured as in the top photo.

Fifth row (one person):  Terry Fagan.
Fourth row (nine, staggered):  Robert Lessard, Bill Porter, ?, Michael Williams, Glenn Carr, ?,  Gerry Valiquette ?, ?.
Third Row (11): William (Bill) Jennings, Ken Parker, Peter Connolly, Bob Jones, Pierre Bernard, Fred Gorman, Mike Smith, Dave Layton, Peter C Quinn, Denis Baxter (waving), ?.
Second Row (four only):  Paul Kennedy; Brian Carson; Brian Cameron (sports mag); Glen McSweeney.
Front row:  Mike Morgan, Robert Russell, Dave Maloney, David Mullington, Mike Valiquette, ?.

Finally, a blurry copy of the "Ottawa Journal Photo", taken maybe when we were all dressed to the nines, after meeting Pearson at the UN.

I won't try to identify anyone here, but we have the following list of folks said to be on the trip, copied from the Journal:

Names of attendees (alphabetical) in newspaper reports dated February 6, 11 and 15, 1957:

Grade 12: Phillippe Ayers, Denis Baxter, Francis Blais, Glenn Carr, David Clarke, Owen Coyne, Wayne Daley, Frank Dewling, Paul Dioguardi, Paul Gravel, Paul Guinane, Fred Gorman, Robert Jones, Paul Kennedy, Glen Kiuack, David Layton, Robert Lessard, Michael Morgan, Ken Parker, Robert Russell, Edwin Shennett, Gerald Valiquette, Michael Williams. (23)

Grade 11: Pierre Bernard, Sandy Burke, Brian Cameron, David Casey, Peter Connolly, William (Bill) Jennings, David Mullington, William Porter, Peter C Quinn, Michael Smith, Glen McSweeney, David Maloney. (12)

Grade 10: Brian Carson, Terry Fagan, Michael Valiquette. (3)

Teachers: Fr. JH "Hank" Conway and Mr. Matt Maroney (2)

Note that not everyone is in the photo.

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