Rob Kelk's General Website

(Not to be confused with Rob Kelk's Anime Website)

Hello, and welcome!

As the note above implies, this is my website for all things not anime-related. I'll be moving the non-anime content off of the anime site as I notice it. So far, my incomplete collection of Fenspace stories – written by both me and others in the group – has made the move. ("Fenspace" is a shared-world near-future space-opera setting hosted at Robert M. Schroeck's Drunkard's Walk Forums.) There's a more complete collection at the Fenspace Wiki.

I took during a flyover of Ottawa on April 27, 2008. Here are some photos from that trip.

Something for the tabletop-roleplaying gamers out there: the highly unofficial In Nomine Ottawa sourcebook. (or source-phamphlet, considering how small it is.)

Do you want to send me an e-mail? You can get in touch with me at < robkelk -atsign- gmail -period- com >, without the spaces and replacing - atsign- and -period- with the named punctuation. (Sorry to make you go through the trouble of decoding the address; you can blame spammers for that.)