
If you are looking for information that is not found in the following links, try the search engine. This would apply to accommodations, rentals, tours, etc. which I no longer list.


Alps Touring Information

Alan & Nina's European Motorcycle Vacation

@lpenmotorrad - German

Alpenpässe Touren Motorrad Südtirol

Austria Classic Tour - Motorrad Traumstrassen durch Österreich - German

Biking In The Alps - English

Bob's Euro Page - English

Der Alpenmotorradtourer - German & English

Grossglockner Hochalpenstrasse - German & English

Günther's AlpenBiker Seite - German

K Club - Trip reports, maps and photos

Le Tour de Suisse en 80 Cols - French & German

Moto@Alps - German

Motorcycling in Europe - German

Motorradführer - German

Tornanti - German

Tourenland - German

Traumrouten - German

Twinduro Austria - German


Other Touring Information

BMW Motorcycle Owner of America - Global Touring - English

Horizons Unlimited - Global Touring Information - English

Motorcycle Vacation Guide to Touring and Travel - English

Welcome to Joe's World Travel Homepage - Excellent photography!


National Tourist Offices

Austria - North American Site

Austria - Official Site


Salzburg, Austria



Personal Travel Pages

Chris & Neal's European Road Trip '95 (English)

Chris's Touring Page

Frank Campbell's Home Page

Jeff's BMW Motorcycle Toys and Travels Page


Web Directories / Web Indexes

BMW Motorcycle Links and More

Moto Directory

Ronnie Cramer's Motorcycle Web Index