Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of active-learning?

• Do you remember learning how to ride a bike when you were a kid? Your parents probably instructed you how to peddle and steer, but you never really learned until you started peddling yourself.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re learning how to ride a bike, or starting a new job, active-learning strategies provide hands-on learning benefits that cannot be replaced.
• Group active-learning game sessions increase student engagement, critical thinking, and real-world collaborative skills which are essential in every workplace today.
• Most importantly…. It’s a FUN way to learn!

What is a Live-Action Role Play (LARP) game? How are they educational games?

• LARP games create fictional settings where players physically act as characters while trying to solve the real-world plot of the game.
• Owner and founder, Shawn Roske, wrote an award-winning LARP in 2017. In this game, the players acted as staff of a group home for the developmentally disabled, struggling to discuss the sexuality of residents. The goal of the game was for the characters to create a corporate policy to deal with the matter.
• This LARP exercise intentionally assigns roles to create collaboration and conflict to develop deliberative skills amongst the players.

How do you stop a Live Action Role Play exercise mid-game?

• At Playstories Canada, the player is more important than the game. If a person is overwhelmed or needs a break from playing, we kindly ask them to make an “X,” with their arms to signal a stoppage of play.

How long is the average game session and how many players can play?

• Whether it is a Tabletop, or Improv, Role-Play game, they generally can take anywhere from 1-4 hours, sometimes longer.
• Our games are group activities which means several players are needed. The number of players can range anywhere from 2 to 12.

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