Welcome to the BVE Routes of the Netherlands Homepage
For BVE2 and BVE4
On this page you will find the Netherlands Routes that I have written, and their associated object folders. Now with one, easy Holland_Object.zip file.
NEW December 1st, 2019 You will find below an addtional Maastricht route (New_DH_Maastricht_v8), this one starting at Den Helder. This new section, Den Helder-Amsterdam Centraal, has been added to the original Maastricht_v8 route. Very little scenery on this portion as yet, but I am working on at least a little around the stations. Many corrections have been made to the original route; also a few additional kms in Belgium. Additional objects are needed for this route. Move most of the contents of the
Objects_DH-Maastr.zip folder to the Holland object folder; and 2 items (dh-1 and dh07) to the Holland/Buildings folder.
There is one train per day starting at Den Helder, and one from Schagen. Train Type WIRMm (object 457). Time 3 hrs 20 min (aprox).
September 24th, 2019 The entire Holland Object file is now located in the Holland.zip folder below; it includes all sub-folders.
Den Haag Centraal
Schiphol - Route 140
Sloterdijk - Route 140
Zandvoort aan Zee - Maastricht Route
A'dam Muiderpoort - Route 140
A'dam CS Maastricht Route
A'dam CS Route 140 Schiphol
Diemen Station - Route 140
Amsterdam Centraal Rheingold
Amstel Station
Bijlmer Arena - Amsterdam Metro
Celanese Emulsions B.V., Geleen - Maastricht Route
Sittard - Maastricht Route
Eijsden - Maastricht Route
Visé Station - Maastricht Route
Amsterdam Centraal - Maastricht Route
Transparency Problem
Jan 15th 2014. My new computer's display adaptor seemed to be unwilling to hide transparent colours properly. I may have to get a simple computer just for coding. Until this transparency problem has been solved I will not make any more additions to any route. Of course,this problem will not affect anyone else's BVE program.
Jan 7th 2015. My son Bryan, the wizard, found an old ASUS EAH4350 series video card. installed it and the transparency problems disappeared. I shall be able to continue with some upgrades pretty soon.
Recently, T.J.Scheffel e-mailed me concerning my routes and Open BVE. I have not as yet installed Open BVE and cannot vouch for his idea. This is what he wrote: "There an ultimately easy way of installing OpenBVE is available. (single installer). So I went ahead with it and after installation I created a separate folder called OpenBVE_content, under which I recreated the folder layout as indicated on your site. Then it was just a matter of starting OpenBVE and browsing to the created folder and now my 8 year old son is enjoying dutch tracks in OpenBVE (set to the dutch language). After I pointed out ctrl-A and printed out the default key-map he found out how to get the train going all by himself." tjscheffel@bitulator.nl Thanks TJ, I appreciate your interest. I have been checking out maps of Geldermalsen and Tricht for some more scenery ideas. Wait for it.
The BVE program, track viewer and structure viewer can be downloaded from the originator:
http://mackoy.cool.ne.jp/ This site has been missing for some time; try this one:
The letters BVE stand for Boso View Express. Boso is the peninsula to the east of Tokyo, where Chiba is the main city. There are two lines, the Uchibo (or inner) Line and the Sotobo (or outer) Line; the Uchibo line starts at Soga station in the city of Chiba. Awa-Kamogawa is the end terminal for both lines. Generally, Japanese track gauge is 1067mm; hoewever there are many lines using standard 1435mm gauge, including all the Shinkanzen routes.
Rüdiger Hülsmann's Switch1.5 program can be found here: http://www.ruedes-bve-seite.de/. The english tutorial is here:
Switch15.doc I have been unable to find this indispensible program on the web, so I will post it here:
switch15.zip Tutorials included.
Vince Black's website (http://www.bve.cz/en/home.html) also hosts a number of rudimentary routes without much scenery.
My Holland routes will be based, more or less, on today's Intercity Routes, and the first ones are here posted for the first time. They contain sufficient objects to make them of interest to most hobbyists. Trackage is based on published trackplans (www.sporenplan.nl) and satellite images; the scenery, however, is mostly fantasy although road crossings and rivers are named (BVE2 only). In the later routes I have attempted to adhere to satellite views with regards to the placement of buildings and trees.
Large-scale maps of many municipalities in the Netherlands can be found here: http://www.plattegronden.nl/
. And Google Maps.
Bing/maps tend to be a little sharper in many areas than Wikimapia.org. Colours are often better and many places are showing spring colours. It also has a bird's eye view. Wikimapia.org has Openstreet maps and distance measuring capability.
A complete description of the train routes of Holland can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Train_routes_in_the_Netherlands, and
- The HSL FYRA trains (High Speed Line) are using a Belgian locomotive and red, pink and white coaches(8)for now (illustrated above); the TGV trains will come later; two are marked: Fyra. See also:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL-Zuid
http://www.nu.nl/algemeen/3494820/kabinet-stopt-definitief-met-fyra.html (in Dutch). February 4 2015, Dutch gouvernment wants to quit using FYRA trains because of so-called safety concerns. Belgium has already decided. Nevertherless, they are the prettiest coaches in Euope.
- Amsterdam Centraal/Den Haag ('s Gravenhage)/Rotterdam-Utrecht-Amersfoort-Zwolle-Meppel-Leeuwarden/Groningen. This one would be difficult to make because of the change in direction at Utrecht. At Utrecht the 3 sections are combined.
- Rheingold (2015) This route is how I left it in 2013. This is just a beginning. Trackage is finished (more or less) just past Oberhausen. Only a little scenery past Utrecht, here and there at a station. Made a few corrections today (March 13, 2015).
Today this is Route 100, served by high-speed trains, mostly Deutsche Bahn. In 1983 the route was as follows: Amsterdam CS, Utrecht CS,
Arnhem, Emmerich, Duisburg Hbf, Düsseldorf Hbf, Köln Hbf, Bonn, Koblenz Hbf, Mainz Hbf, Darmstadt Hbf, Heidelberg Hbf, Stuttgart Hbf,
Ulm Hbf, Ausburg Hbf, München Hbf, Salzburg Hbf; or Heidelberg, Eberbach, Heilbronn, Stuttgart, Schwäbisch Gmund, Aalen, Nördlingen,
Donauwürth, Augsburg, München, Salzburg. Some stretches were the fastest of any train in Europe (136 km/hr). At the time this route had only double track from Amsterdam to Utrecht (today 4); the occasional Rheingold train serves to commorate this luxurious train, as well as others.
- Route 100: Amsterdam Centraal-Utrecht-Arnhem-Emerich-Oberhausen Hbf-Düsseldorff Hbf-----Köln Hbf to Basel SBB on the left Rhein bank.
- Den Haag CS-Leiden-Schiphol-A'dam South-Amersfoort-Hengelo-Germany/Denmark/Poland.
- Utrecht-Ede/Wageningen-Arnhem-Köln-Frankfurt etc.
- Schiphol-Amsterdam Zuid-Amersfoort-Apeldoorn-Enschede-Hannover-Berlin/Copenhagen/Warsawa. See Route 140 below.
- Leeuwarden/Groningen-Zwolle-'s Hertogenbosch-Roosendaal-Vlissingen (change of trains in Zwolle; over 375km).
- There is today (2010) a scheduled train from A'dam to Enschede (184km) every 10 minutes!
- Amsterdam-Schiphol.rw (103Kb) My first route using 50m switches.
- Amsterdam-Antwerpen-v3.rw (using left track from Roosendaal, 268Kb).
July 9th 2015. I have been reminded that thing are amiss with this route and the Thalys route. I haver started to make some corrections in the first one (Am-Antw3). Moreover there are missing files; I shall look for them.
I have uploaded a new route file.
- Amsterdam-Antwerpen (Thalys PBKA).rw
This is the route enhanced by Rudolf Halenbeek, and is truly marvelous.The objects for this route are found in holland2.zip, and also in holland2add.zip; unzip the last one in holland2 object file (see note below). I have made a start combining the two holland object folders; but this may take some time.
NEW July 10th, 2015.
- Maastricht_v2.rw From Zandvoort aan Zee, via Weert. Oct 25th. I am presently working to upgrade this route to a .csv file for BVE4. I am re-writing the Eindhoven station and filling in the stations between here and Roermond. Scenery here will take some time.
- Maastricht_v2a.csv NEW. Unfinished between Eindhoven and Roermond. It will take a while longer than I had hoped. Problems with colour transparency with a new computer and graphics card.
- Maastricht_v6.rw From Zandvoort aan Zee,via Venlo, 270km, and continued to Liège-Guillemins, Belgium.
There is a scheduled train (450 IC) from Maastricht to Ghent via Visé, Liège-Guillemins and Brussels South. Some small corrections have been made, and more scenery added, like the yards at Visé and Bressoux, and Guillemins station. I am planning to go over this route more extensively.
Checking this route today, I corrected a number of discrepancies; like, Zandvoort is now more like the real station, and Haarlem and Maastricht trackage has been improved. Lots of trees were planted. Much work still needs to be done. Some objects have been added to the holland objects folder.
- Maastricht_v6_BVE4.csv For BVE 2 and BVE4.
Updated Aug.24th, 2011, with more scenery between Haarlem and Spaarnwoude.
Use the same holland object folder for BVE4. Holland object folder updated Aug.16th.
- A complete package has been prepared for OpenBVE by Otto Wipfel on his own website:
This contains a slightly altered object folder. Thanks Otto!
- Maastricht_v8a.csv Th same route as Maastricht_v8, but a start has been made at Liège Guillemins to continue the route to Hardat, Liers, Yperen, Diepenbeek, Hasselt, Leuven and Brussels. The first few km will be in a tunnel, until Liège-Palais. From there the line is partially single track and less interesting. Eventually, the original Maastricht_v8 route will take a different direction to Brussels, via Ans and Fexhel de Haut Clocher.
- New_DH_Maastricht_v8.csv NEW. Den Helder to Amsterdam Centraal has been added to the Amsterdam-Maastricht section of this old route. For additinal objects see below at "Obiects_DH-Maastr."
- Maastricht_v8.csv NEW!! Oct. 27th, 2012: NS is removing and adding track faster than I can keep up with. Two tracks are in progress between Utrecht and Houten-Castellum. Google statellite views do not show them as yet, but www.Bing.com/maps shows the work progressing; much of it still looks like a moonscape. Wikimapia.org/Openstreetmap also shows the planned additions. I have added the tracks between Lunetten and Houten-Castellum. The precise trackage from Utrecht Centraal I have not discovered yet.
More scenery at Houten. A few changes and additions near Roermond, Blerick and Eijsden.
I discovered that Metro Amsterdam (except Line 51) has no catenary overhead and its trains have no pantographs. Consequently I have removed all these objects, and new objects have been introduced, like track and switches without overhead. These are in the updated Holland Object folder, and also, separately, in the New_Objects.zip file (see below).
Unzip the new Maastr1.zip file in the Buildings folder of your Holland Object folder (this is the tower adjacent to the station).
More scenery was added from Venlo to Roermond, and both the Roermond and the Sittard stations have been rewritten to conform to existing data; Venlo-Roermond is now single track. More to come!
I discovered mysterious changes in the Maastricht 6,7,and 8 versions: at 198600 to 198700, turn commands were introduced by some program, as well as distance changes (I have never used a turn command yet!). At one point 'rail 0' disappeared and 'rail 15' took over for several km; I have my suspicions! This has now been changed in this latest Maastricht_v8 version. (Until I discover more.)
At one time is was possible to travel from Haarlem to Maastricht without changing trains. Travelling from Zandvoort today, one has to change at Sloterdijk, a 26 minute wait. I have not been able to figure out which train one has to take there, because I don't have the latest schedules. This train would be an Intercity (fast train with few stops). It takes 3 hours 41 minutes to Maastricht, via Weert; price E24.00. Venlo needs a change at Eindhoven. The Venlo-Roermond route is by diesel, single track. There is no actual train from Zandvoort to Maastricht, via Venlo. They are upgrading things continually, so maybe someday all track will be electrified. My Venlo-Roermond route, therefore, is special, electrified for this occasion only!
Nov 3rd. The timetable is being upgraded; most stations can now be reached by clicking. I have not yet figured out the exact departure times; and some have no actual station. I removed a couple that proved to be only bus depots. More scenery and changes at Guillemins. Also at Houten.
Nov 18th. With the help of Alan Wheeler, I managed to overcome a colour transparency problem with some objects. Amsterdam Centraal now has a half-decent roof that should do for now. Thanks Alan. It needs the Holland Object upgrade.
Nov 23rd. Some additions around Visé, including some actual wall grafiti just past the station on the left side. The river Meuse is beginning to have some water.
Nov 27th. More scenery at Visé.
Dec 26th. Many corrections made.
New Abcoude station
Abcoude station on my route does not look like this illustration. This route used to cross the river Gleis normally via a bridge. For some reason that I have not been able to discover, today's train (since 2007) makes an eight or nine meter dive under the river and climbs back up all within 900 meter or so. The climb up to the station is pretty steep (see photo). I could not model this realistically, as the station is at ground level. My station is the old one, although with 4 tracks, plus 2 through tracks (3 platforms). (The reason seems to be a combination of cultural, ecological and visual; the doubling of the Amsterdam-Utrecht route would have meant a very large bridge over the river Gein. The city voted for this less conspicuous (and cheaper) solution.)
June 17th. Just a few corrections and some more trees planted. This route needs about a million more according to the charts :-(
Some corrections of mysterious changes.
Sept 15th. There is now more scenery around Geldermalsen, and especially Culemborg.
Oct 1st. Holland Object file has been updated with a few more buildings for the town of Susteren. More scenery at Susteren and Sittard.
Oct 8th. Some scenery and corrections near Vught; and Oct 10th, more scenery between Sittard and Beek Eisloo.
Oct 22nd. Updated Holland Object and Route files. More scenery at Beek Eisloo. More to come.
NEW May 2015, Sprinter train added to route object-file (freeobj 360 & 361).
May 12,'15. Track correction at Geldermalsen station.
This route, like the Rotterdam, Schiphol and Schiphol-Zwolle routes, will be regularly updated.
NEW. May 17th, 2015.
Some improvements at Liège Guillemins station. Unzip this small file in the Holland Object folder: PierDblL2.zip
May 19th, 2015. Pretty soon I shall have to start looking at the route part after Maastricht, and especially between Eysden and Liège; somehow I lost about 10 km! Many corrections made. Upload the latest route file!
June 3rd 2015, Started Ans station (Gare d'Ans). I could not detect any overhead over the yard and have left them out for now.
NEW June 8th '15: The following small objects have been introduced and should be downloaded:
DSLNTS50_no.zip ,unzip in Holland object folder. The Buildings folder has been replaced owing to some changes. This zip-file includes buildings called build-01 to build-61b. Buildings1.zip includes the rest.
June 12th, 2015: Errors corrected in Maastricht_v8 route file.
Build-25a.zip. This building has been corrected; you may want to unzip it into Holland\Buildings folder. Over-write everything.build-92.zip This bitmap replaces the
present one which shows a skewed building.
July 5th, 2015. Several new buildings have been introduced on the Piet Hein Kade in Amsterdam (about 1 km out of the station, on the left), and also 5 identical buildings at Bressoux, and a few at the beginning of Liége. These buildings have been compressed in a zip-file called Build-A5. Build-A5.zip Unzip in Buildings folder.
Alternately you could download and renew the Building folders, which inluce all the recently made buildings. See below. Buildings folder includes Build-1 to Build-84, Buildings_1 the rest. (The last one includes Build-A5.)
Dec.3,2015, Maastricht_v8. Updated yard at Bierset-Awans. Jan.20,2016, Maastricht_v8. Updated to Waremme station.
NEW. Feb.9, 2016, Maastricht_v8. Updated to Landen station.
No scenery past Gare d'Ans. Getting to Leuven station is somewhat of a bottleneck; I am wondering if it's worth the trouble.

Entering Geldermalsen
- Route_140_Schiphol.csv September 2013. A new route (in progress) starting at Schiphol Airport with lots of scenery and some Amsterdam buildings. Finished track past A'dam Centraal: Amsterdam Muiderpoort, Watergraafsmeer, A'dam Diemen, Weesp, Naarden-Bussum, Bussum Zuid, Hilversum, Baarn, Amersfoort, Apeldoorn. This route is intended as the Schiphol-Enschede line. Only a little scenery past the Weesp railway bridge. I shall enter more scenery now and then. There is a platform at Apeldoorn for the VSM train (Veluwse Stoomtrein Maatschappij), a steam train for tours around the forrested Veluwe (March 1, 2015). NEW. Continued to Deventer (8,2016).
Updated Aug 29th '13 with a fair amount of scenery at Amersfoort Centraal. More to come.
Sept 9th. I have added five new items to the Holland Object folder. Separate download here:CNL1.zip Unzip in Holland\Train folder.
- Route_700_Zwolle.csv NEW May 25th 2015.
This is the same Schiphol route until Amersfoort where it turns North towards Zwolle etc.
Track extended to Wezep. Little scenery past Amersfoort.
- NEW Zwolle_v6.csv (A'dam-Weesp, 13km) A route in progress. Amersfoort station has been sketched in (Jan 1, 2012). This route will end up as the Amsterdam to Leeuwarden route. I have stopped working on this file (Aug.'13); once the Schiphol 140 Route is done passed Amersfoort, I shall copy and paste the A'dam Centraal-Amersfoort section and re-start the A'dam Centraal, Zwolle, Leeuwarden line. Or make a Schiphol-Leeuwarden line instead, via A'dam Zuid (Route 700); let me know what's better.
- Den_Helder_v3.3.rw Den Helder-Amsterdam, 84km, 122Kb. Little scenery.
May 27th, 2015. This file has been removed temporarily, because of too many errors.
- Amsterdam Centraal-Haarlem-Den Haag HS(Holland Spoor)-Rotterdam CS-Roosendaal-Vlissingen

Den Haag CS
- Rotterdam.csv A start of a route from Den Haag CS ('s Gravenhage) to Rotterdam and further.
March 30. Finished tracks now include Den Haag Centraal, HS stations (Hollands Spoor), Moerwijk and Rijswijk stations. Download and unzip this small file into the Holland\Buildings folder:
Build-03bfront.zip. These two objects are meant to illustrate the Rijswijk waiting room :-) They are also included in the latest buildings object folder.

Rijswijk Station
Rijswijk Station is build in a tunnel; digging will have to wait till later. Delft station is a problem: Wikimapia (Google) shows no industrial trackage, Bing/Maps show quite a bit. What to choose? I shall have to contact someone there.
Today, April 11th, I discoverd that Feb 28th 2015 was the grand opening of the new Delft station and 2.5 km of track, rebuild into a tunnel. Eventually, there will be 4 tracks. I have taken the liberty of installing them now.
The new route is (partially) shown on Wikimapia Openstreetmap. You have to look carefully. Updated Holland.zip should be downloaded.
Delft station is described here: http://www.mecanoo.nl/Projects/project/52/Municipal-Offices-and-Train-Station?t=0
For a small town this is something to see. Nederlandse Spoorwegen has many more improvements in the works.

Delft railway tunnel
from http://www.spoorzonedelft.nl/algemeen/english/
April 19th 2015. Track is complete till Schiedam Station.
Metro tracks still have to be studied. Today, April 24th '15, I uploaded the latest route file, approaching Rotterdam
Central Station. This station will only be an approximation. I am running out of tracks! April 28th. Rotterdam Blaak.
April 30th, Rotterdam Zuid. Trackage for the next several km is rather boring; it is one massive freight yard. Then more tunnel and after Barendrecht more freight yards. NEW. At 30700m I have used a new Y switch (freeobj 48), made with Rüdiger Hülsmann's Switch program. I figured that it must be positioned this way:
.freeobj 0;48;-.25;0;358.3.
Curve is 1250.167. It looks OK. May 7th. Tracks past Rotterdam Lombardijen. May8th, Approaching Barendrecht.
NEW Check 37950, and change the two commas to semicolons.
Rotterdam Zuid
- Zwolle-Arnhem-Nijmegen-'s Hertogenbosch-Breda-Vlissingen
- LongSwitches.rw A 2.3km demo road made with 50m switches, 8.86Kb.
- Rail network map of the Benelux:benelux.gif From http://www.bueker.net/trainspotting. This site has rail maps of most of Europe. A large scale railmap of Russia is here: http://www.parovoz.com/maps/supermap/index-e.html. Many simplified system maps are here: http://parovoz.com/maps/index-olde.php
- A zoomable map of NS train routes may be found here: http://www.trein-kaart.nl/
- Precise departure times can be found here: http://www.ns.nl/reisplanner-v2/index.shtml
- Excellent drawings of the trains and coaches of the Netherlands are here: http://www.arthurstreinenpagina.nl/
- Some cabviews:
- Alkmaar-Maastricht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTYLVpzc_JM
- Alkmaar-Maastricht https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIHJS_kk5VI
- Amsterdam-Zwolle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXBorU5-Dro
- Amsterdam-Rotterdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeO_ajSEKKw
- Leeuwarden-Zwolle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA5RyCSkvOU
- Amsterdam-Schiphol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qQQ-EjDr3w
- Amersfoort-Schiphol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0TUgzsUX7E
- Lelystad-Schiphol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arDi6Ve-HYE
- Lelystad-Den Haag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Wli2IioXGU
And many more.
- Zandvoort-Amsterdam https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD1PUdiJ0zk&t=22s
- Some interesting Japanese cabviews (Keisei and Keikyu Lines are standard gauge):
- file_structure.jpg Screenprint of the structure of the Holland Object Train folder that is somewhat complicated.
- Deviation_Chart.jpg A handy chart for making curved tracks deviating from the straight or the reverse. Calculated from J.L. Coste's "Loop:The making of". His formulas and calculations have been indispensable. All credit and thanks are owing to him.
- Holland.zip NEW (April, 2016) This is the main object file; the complete file is again available as a complete download. I had to remove the full Holland.zip object file owing to the discontinuation of my customary FTP program (FileZilla) used to update this very large file from my computer to my website.Seemingly WindowsXP is no longer supported. I am now using Ipswitch W5 FTP 12. So far, so good.
- holland2.zip This one is for the Antwerpen route as edited by R Halenbeek.
Unzip in its own folder in Holland\Object.
- 209-500kh.zip I have used the 209-500kh Japanese metro train in pace of a local one, for now. Maker is Y.Negishi.
- Bridge.zip The maker is Y.Negishi of http://urawa.cool.ne.jp/negishi_bve/, but I have been unable to contact him. Thanks anyway.
- Buildings.zip Unzip in Holland\Buildings folder. NEW Updated July 20th, 2015.
These are my own buildings; feel free to use. The front and centre of these buildings are placed on the centre and top of the 0 rail as the nul point and placed to the left. Reverse to place on the right side.
Like this: .freeobj 0;122;20;-.3;180, reads: object 122 (build-25) placed 20m to the right of rail 0,.3m below top of rails and turned 180 degrees. Updated April 14th, 2014.
- Buildings_1.zip Unzip in Buildings folder. The original buildings folder was too large to be uploaded in one file; therefore it was split into two sections. Oct 29 2014. This file includes Build-104, missing previously. The zip-file for this building is here: Build-104.zip
NEW July 20th, 2015. Several new buildings have been added for the Maastricht Route. Both Buildings folders now contain all buildings made by me so far.
- Markers.zip For BVE2 only. unzip in its own folder in Holland\Markers.
- Nanbu.zip Unzip in Holland folder. I have not been able to contact the maker.
- Train.zip Unzip in Holland folder. NEW: As of Jan 7th 2015 this file includes some corrections to many coaches. To be exact, the transparency of "bakken 1 and 2", and "weels 1 and2" has been changed.
NEW July 12th, 2015. Better bitmaps for the Belgian power coach are in this zipfile. Unzip in Holland\Train folder. kastm4adx_new_blauw.zip The model and texture, like all others from Belgian Trains, are by Davie Gijbels and Christian Haezevoets, with my thanks.
Holland Object folder should now look like this: file_structure.jpg
Or: Program Files/Mackoy/BVE4/Railway/objects/holland/train; buildings; etc.
- H2-Misc.zip The H2-Misc.zip and the object2.zip object files have been combined into the holland2add.zip file. Make sure the following folders are in the holland2 object folder: Skypass1,66,politie,GVB,hopper,train; use the train folder from the holland object folder, or re-write the route file like this: instead of 'holland2\train', write 'holland\train'. The program will find it for sure. The contents of the other folders you can place in the holland2 folder. There are some interesting objects here, not found anywhere else.
- Objects_DH-Maastr.zip
- holland2add.zip
- LongSwitches.zip (430Kb) Objects for LongSwitches RR.
- NG25-38Switches.zip These are 25m switches converted to 1067mm and 3.8m track separation, using Switch15.
- NG50-38Switches.zip These are 50m switches converted to 1067mm and 3.8m track separation, using Switch15.
- NG_DoubleSlips.zip A set of 3 25m and 3 50m double switches in narrow (1067mm) gauge and 3.8 track separation, converted using Switch15.
- NG_Crossing.zip These are 25m & 50m crossings converted to 1067mm and 3.8m track separation, using Switch15.
- NewReadme.txt
- New_ReadMe2.doc
- nsmat64.zip (1.33Mb) This is Edwin van Bree's NSMat64 train. Goes into the Train folder. A newer version is available at Vince Black's website: http://www.bve.cz/en/trains_emu.html#nsmat64n This site seems to be temporarily unavailable.
- BRR10-1.exe BVE Route Randomizer v10.2 Copyright 2001 - 2005 Oskari Saarekas
Route-building is fun and educational, but time-consuming :-(
You can E-mail me at mfonda78@gmail.com
Martin Fonda