Pictures in this directory of 2010 trip from Jackson, Wyoming and Teton National Park to coast of Pacific Ocean via Yellowstone Park, Missoula, Montana ... and ...

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343 Teton Park, near Jackson Wyoming
378 Tetons
397 group shot in evening
405-10 Lower Mesa Falls
412-20 Upper Mesa Falls
420 Lodge at upper Mesa Falls
422 Mariposa Lily
Yellowstone Park
439 group shot Yellowstone Park entrance
453-469 Yellowstone Gorge
478-87 Artists' Paint Pots
489-502 Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone Park
440-4, 616, 618 along Madison River
447 Buffalo
448,9 Construction
466-9 Yellowstone Canyon
451 Raging Fire, 1988
453-8 Yellowstone Canyon from Inspiration Point
459-65 Walking along rim of Yellowstone Canyon
466 Lower Falls, Yellowstone Canyon
469 Upper Falls, Yellowstone Canyon
478-487 Artists Paintpots
478-500 Norris Geyser - Back Basin
501-504 Norris Geyser - Porcelain Basin
513-522 Firehall Canyon Drive
529-31 West Yellowstone
532-61 Mommoth Hot Springs
582 "the race" between 2 cars and Buffalo in Yellowstone Park - eh, Buffalo can run at 30 mph; some humans can run at 10 mph
569-74 Petrified Tree
587-91 Yellowstone Lake - stop at Gull Point
592-609 Old Faithful
619 Ecology Lane a few miles outside West Yellowstone
631 Madison County
632 Earthquake Lake
652 Real Cattle beside the road in Idaho
672 looking back at Ennis, Montana
676-89 Virginia City, Montana
691 Nevada City
693 the search for gold goes on ...
694 rattle snake at side of road in Montana - 2 cyclists rode beside it or over it and it hissed
698-701 Alder, Montana
703,5 Laurin, Montana
708-9 Sheridan, Montana
716-20 Twin Bridges, Montana
717 Library - use internet
719-20 Beaverhead River - free camping in this little park!
726,7,9 Beaverhead Rock
733 Eagle on post
735-9 Dillon
760-793 Bannack State Park - now a well-preserved ghost town; Bannack was the first Territorial Capital of Montana
764 Lots of the group visited the park
767,789 Schoolhouse
770 Hotel
771 street
792 welcome
817-27 Jackson, Montana
831,2 Big Hole Valley
835,6 Wisdom, Montana
836 campground
840 Beaverhead Mountains
841-861 Big Hole National Memorial
844,5 Battlefield - teepee poles in background
854 Memorial to Soldiers
864 Explanation
869 Chief Joseph Pass - Continental Divide
876 Ross Hole
881 Trapper Peak, along the road in Montana
882-5 Darby, Montana
883 Packing Up in Campground, Darby, Montana
886-9 Como (near Darby) Montana
890-1 Lumber company along the road
894, 895 Daly Mansion
900 To Know Joy Stevensville, Montana
901 Stevensville, Montana
908 Stevensville, Montana
909-20 Fort Owen in Fort Steven State Park, Stevensville, Montana
920 Fort, Stevensville, Montana
922-958Missoula Montana - rest day at end of 2 weeks of riding
924 At Adventure Cycling Headquarters
925,6 Hail during thunderstorm
938-949 University of Montana
950 rain again on second evening in Missoula
951-4 Historic East Pine Street - took these on an evening walk after rain storm
955-8 War Memorial
962 Fizzle Fort
966-72 Lewis and Clark display and re-enactment at Information Centre on border of Montana and Idaho
981-3 Devoto memorial Cedar Grove
1002-1026 Lochsa Historical Ranger Station
1024 Information cabin
1013 Cabin built in 1922, moved here in 1926, used as a bunk house
1009 Cabin moved here for display
1008 Root Cellar
1007 Interior of work house: 4 parts built at different times that fit together since all use same dovetail construciton with squared ends of logs
1003 Ranger`s Cabin`s interior
1025 Ranger`s Cabin
1026 Work House
1036 Lowell
1038 Campground
1043 3 Rivers Campground is also a whitewater rafting enterprise
1046,7 pick Blackberries along Lochsa River
1052 Highway 12 goes down north side of Lochsa River, but houses are also on south side
1054 go through Nez Pierce Reservation
1059-62 Kooskia (pronounced "coo-ski") - many group members are now happy again as their telephones work after 60 miles of darkness
1064 just outside Kooskia - now in valley of Clearwater River
1067 Stites
1068 just outside Stites
1074 Harpster
1079,80 going up climb to Grangeville
1082 at top of climb
1084,5 Grangeville
1090,1 sunset from Bear's Den RV Park, a quarter mile from Grangeville
1006-13 along I-95 - a very busy road
1094-1103 White Bird Hill Road
1114 White Bird townsite
1115-29 White Bird Battlefield National Historic Site
1130 just oustide townsite of White Bird, near Battlefield
1131-46 Salmon River Canyon and Valley
1142,45 White Water Rafts in Salmon River near Riggins, Idaho
1150-52 Riggins,Idaho - notice the semi-truck. There are lots and lots of these on I-95 in Idaho. The road surface varies from narrow lanes with no paved shoulders to wide lanes with wide paved shoulders. I once was on a very narrow part of I-95, going uphill, and saw a semi coming towards me and heard one coming up the hill behind. My response was to head for the ditch and take an unplanned break.
1151 Riggins, Idaho has lots of sport fishing and white-water-rafting enterprises.
1153-7 still in Salmon River valley
1153,4 on Pollock Road - much more peaceful than on I-95 on other side of river
1155 Canyon Pines RV Resort which is in first 10 miles west of Riggins, Idaho - they helped me recover when I was dehydrated. The recovery: 1st drink one Poweraid 20 ouncer; then, think I need more so take another one-for-the-road; and, the female proprietor offers to fill my water bottle with ice and water. The ice soon melted; I recovered and rode to Zims hot springs resort in the evening.
1158,9 top of hill after Salmon River valley
1160-4 Zim's Hot Springs Resort - I swam in the hot pool here!
1162-4 campground in morning
1165 45th parallel
1166-7 New Meadows, Idaho - stop for brunch (2nd breakfast?)
1168 board mill
1169 looking back along road from board mill
1176-9 Council
1176 City Hall
1185 Weisser River
1186-92 Cambridge
1192 camping under water tower in City Park - RV park is full since there's a county fair on in town
1204-23 campgrounds near Bownlee Dam of Idaho Power
1207 reservoir down quite a bit
1211 Bownlee Dam
1213 now in Oregon!
1213-23 a bit of Hell's Canyon
1224-6 going up
1227 1228 Looking both ways in Pine Valley a mile before Halfway, Oregon
1235-1237 Halfway, Oregon - notice the memory wall in "Heritage Square"
1239-1244 Camping in the barnyard, Halfway, Oregon. I chose to purchase motel room for $50 and sleep there. Please notice the horses' excrement in some of the photos - they are the big brown lumps about 5 feet from the picnic table. Is this healthy?
1249 Memorial for Fort Lloyd in Halfway, OR
1251 Pine Valley Ranch - this is a big ranch as there are many entries near Halfway, OR that have the same entrance way.
1252,3 at top of climb
1254-5 looking down on way down; see road way down in distance
1256 Richland
1257 just after Richland
1258 a water pipe - many water pipes across the road as all agriculture done with irrigation
1261-1266 Rock slide in 1958 at Hole In The Wall, Oregon
1266 actual slide
1269 Cattle in an area that was irrigated
1273-84 Oregon Trail Interpretive Center, near Baker, Oregon
at least 300,000 people used the Oregon Trail
1273 Center is on top of this little hill, eh?
1280 Bike Power! My bicycle pulling the Oregon Trail Wagon
1281 Is this bicycle a covered wagon?
1287-1313 Baker City, Oregon is a rest day
1295 Memorial to the Cowboy
1297-1306 Baker Heritage Museum, Baker, Oregon
1297 1298 the movie "No Name City" was filmed near Baker, OR in 1968
1309 "Geisser Pollman Park" in centre of Baker City, Oregon - there is a free concert
1312 at "Mountain View TRAV-L-R Park"
1313 downtown
1317 looking back from valley ouside Baker City
1320-22 I ride short paved path in "Powder River Recration Area" - big on sport fishing here; Powder River is controlled by a dam
1323 after Dam, another camper persuaded me to ride on the old road; here it is going into the reservoir created by the dam; the other camper almost promised: "looks like thie road goes down along the lake" and implied that the road eventually meets the main road; well, it does if you can swim with your bike, eh?
1326 reservoir above dam
Today has 3 summits
1330 before Sumpter summit
1331 in desert after Sumpter summit
1332 Tipton Station - in Tipton Summit
1334 construction on Dixie Summit
1335,7 view point at end of construction, 5 miles before Prairie City
1340 a couple of miles before Prairie City
1341-52 Prairie City
1347-51 campground
1352 large logging truck passing campground in the morning
1356-60 John Day (a city's name!)
1360 Mount Vernon
1364 entrance to a ranch with road bars - many other rances like this one
1365-6 John Day River
1368-70 Dayville
1372-87 John Day Fossil Beds - a significant international site
1372-7 from overlook
1398 Keyes Summit
1399 coming down
1400,1401 Mitchell
1414-1459 Painted Hills Unit of John Day Fossil Beds National Monument - I take a side trip of 4 hours
1421-37, 1449 Carroll Rim - I walk a short trail
1439-47 Painted Hills Overlook
1454-9 Paleo Arboretum which is a picnic area
1460,1 going up Ochoco Pass
1462,4 going down Ochoco Pass
1466-49 Ichoco Lake, 10 miles before Prineville
1472,3 Prineville
The location of facebook's first data centre
1474,77,78 Crook County Courthouse - Prineville, Oregon - restored -
1475 Prineville street by courthouse
1482-88 overlook - get there when leaving Prineville
1493-6 Redmond, OR - lots of flags around time since city was incorporated 100 years ago - a centennial!
1497 Cline Falls - small picnic area 5 to 10 miles outisde Redmond where "everyone" walks their dogs off leash in spite of the many signs "Dogs must be on leash"
1501-9 Sisters, OR
1501 sign
1504 Cascade Street - the highway
1509 Main Street - a calm street parallel to the highway
1512- McKenzie Pass Scenic Byway
1512 entrance
1513-16 Windy Point
1514 Mount Washington - picture taken from Windy Point
1524-28 Dee Wright Observatory - at top of McKenzie Pass
1524,27 Mount Washington and Belknap Crater (looking north)
1525,26 The sisters (looking south)
1528 Observatory and sign
more of McKenzie Pass Scenic Byway
1532,33 more lava near top of McKenzie Pass
1534 Scott Road, 1st road over pass
1535-60 going down west side
1546-1555 Proxy Falls trail - I hike in to the falls!
1563 covered bridge in McKenzie River near campground
1568 further along McKenzie River
1569 Vida where stop for brunch in a cafe
1570,1 Leaburg Project - a special kind of fish screen to help fish migrate up river
1574 Fruit trees in valley of McKenzie River
1575 Springfield
1577 Eugene
1578-91 University of Oregon in Eugene
1592 Broadway Street in downtown Eugene where there are small lanes for cars and flowers in the median
1593 city bus depot beside Public Library where the guard stored my loaded bike in the stairwell so I could add stuff to the Internet
1596 Coburg
1603 Eugene RV Park in Coburg
1605-6 massive truck stop next door to RV Park
1607 Steve leaving camp with styrofoam cooler on his bicycle
1608-11 Harrisburg on the Willamette River
1613,15 fields before Junction City
1616-1618 Scandinavian Festival in Junction City
1620-21 Monroe where I use Internet in library for an hour
1623 view of extreme road drop off on the right; this is like much of the ride north to Corvalis today
1624 5 miles south of Corvalis, OR
1625 Llewellyn Road - a road with the same name as one in Ottawa!
1627- Corvalis - notice award for Bicycle Friendly Community from League of American Bicyclists
1636-40 Oregon State University in Corvalis
1636 baseball stadium at Oregon State University
1639,40 football stadium at Oregon State University
1641-1649 Road 180 - very few cars
1644 Summit
1646 railroad
1649 old general store that is now a food bank in Village of Nashville
Summits of Coast Range
1654 Cline Hill
1660 Pioneer Mountain
1658 Eddyville
1662-77 Toledo
1666-9 large integrated pulp & paper mill
1675 bicycles resting at brunch time
1677 art stores near brunch in downtown Toledo
1699-97 Siletz to Kernville
1678-82 Siletz
delta of river in Kernville
1702-5 Boiler Bay
1711,13 Devil's Punchbowl
1716 Newport
1717 Agate Beach
1718-30 South Beach State Park
1724-7 campfire
1732-1751 Oregon Coastal Aquarium, Newport, OR
1753 stores near breakfast cafe
1754 Newport bridge
1756 seals - picture taken from bridge further along coast
1757 Yachats library where I use the Internet
1765-71 Florence, OR near camp in Siuslaw Harbor
1773-5 Mapleton, OR
1779 big pass, eh?
1723-87 Fern Ridge Reservoir near Eugene, OR - see mountains in background