UC News Canada
Welcome to the UC News, UCNewsCanada.ca The Canadian Crisis Response, I'm Dr. Dave. As Quinte West residents struggle to afford food and housing, the Mayor and council have responded by issuing detailed and explicit plans for the complete control of all essential human needs. Quinte residents have produced strong and compelling evidence that this Mayor and council have overthrown our local Canadian government, replacing it with the full working mechanisms of an authoritarian state. Taking advantage of the lack of public oversight during Covid, this Mayor and council changed our local government into an investment company, seizing control of all public land for illegal purposes. Local citizens have responded by following our long Canadian history of pen over sword, staying at home to stop the spread of Covid, refusing to engage in futile protest, and instead working together online to state their case in writing under the direction of the Supreme Court of Canada. In this major public case, available at TrentonNews.ca, Quinte residents are fighting for the rights to life of their children. Citizen complaints about crime at City Hall are written in the form of Class Action Lawsuit preparatory notes. The 170 pages of charges are broken down into three categories: Hate crimes and human rights abuses. Criminal code violations. Sedition and treason. The case summary reads as follows: The Mayor and council of the City of Quinte West are actively operating an organized web of crime that is gutting our lives, destroying our economy and removing the essential rights to life of an entire generation of Quinte youth. These are planned and persistent hate crimes committed by complete rejection of our Canadian legal system with major violations of criminal code, Charter law and fundamental human rights. The Mayor and council, operating by fraud, theft, extortion, illegal taxation, corporate collusion and price fixing, have created an abusive hateful system devoted to bullying, taking by force, silencing citizens and denying recourse. They simply refuse to obey the law. By criminal negligence of duty and by acting against citizens in distress, they have set a course of reckless endangerment. By attacking our democratic form of government and replacing it with the working mechanisms of an authoritarian state, the charges include sedition and treason. Citizens charges of bullying and abuse by this Mayor and council are substantiated, with clear evidence for obstruction of justice. City Hall ranks high in indicators of pathological behaviour and low in indicators of care consistent with our Canadian Constitution. Acting as authoritarian rulers with little regard for law, the Mayor and council are the source of significant consistent human rights abuses, degrading our lives and denying our rights to save ourselves from a provably grim future. Actively denying our Constitutional rights to self-determination. Our children have no future here. This Mayor and council, as the source of our work, housing and food- security crisis, continue to commit social, economic and ecologic acts against our lives and survival. By refusing to represent and defend citizens in distress, refusing to act on our most urgent issues, and purposely removing our rights to life essential to survival, this is a purposeful act of reckless endangerment. By force, threat and bullying, this Mayor and council aim to remove all citizen rights to self-determination. Their intent is to attack Section 15 Charter law by rejecting our Section 1 rights to reason and our Section 7 rights to life, liberty and security of the person. An entire generation of Quinte children, well aware of the direct threats to their lives, are also well aware that an entire older generation is doing nothing about it. By preparing genocidal plans that threaten our lives and inflict cruel and unusual punishment on children, a serious Section 12 hate crime, this Mayor and council are unfit to govern. We have strong and compelling evidence of fraud, theft, extortion and collusion with improper use of power to write policies with no valid land use or social purpose. We say that bylaws with no Section 1 legal basis in fact, evidence or reason cannot be regarded as law, have no Section 52 force or effect and are furthermore Section 15 discriminatory hate crimes. As caring parents, we are legally obliged by numerous sections of our Charter to address these issues of survival and to not pay into systems designed by this Mayor and council to degrade our social, economic and ecological health. We reject their policies to silence us, deny recourse and remove the rights to life of our children. Section 15 Charter law was designed specifically to deal with such extreme discrimination toward an identifiable group. We understand the group requiring special protection is this generation of young Canadians. Citizens are now forming an emergency crisis response team. We are looking for an acting Mayor and council to respond to citizens in distress in critical areas of food, work and housing. contact UCNewsCanada@gmail.com
Acting Mayor and Council Needed Urgently pdf