Welcome to the UC News, UCNewsCanada.ca
The Canadian Crisis Response, I'm Dr. David Teertstra.
As one of Canada's most highly qualified people, I have been asked, at the
highest level of authority, to act in the capacity of a caring parent, to tackle
and solve our most urgent social, economic and ecological issues, now
directly threatening the lives of this generation of Canadian kids.
To develop a Plan to Save Our Kids, defending their Section 7 Charter
rights to life, liberty and security of the person.
To restore local and regional communications. To tackle the housing and
work crisis, and to create sustainable, low-carbon green jobs that protect
and help this generation of young Canadians.
To protect youth and seniors, and anyone in no position to defend
themselves, by creating a social care network across the generations.
As directed by the Supreme Court of Canada to defend the lives of
Canadians, using their plan of action, law and recourse.
Working directly under the authority of the Canadian Constitution Act.
Using the mandate letters our federal and provincial Ministries.
Inviting all Canadians to freely participate in this greatest cause ever to
face humanity. Doing what it takes to ensure that this generation of
Canadians kids has a fair and sustainable, and survivable future.
Our Supreme Court has ruled we must be free to do this work, smartly,
reasonably, and peacefully, without any interference or hindrance.
Make no mistake, we are now facing the greatest threat humanity has ever
faced, a direct threat to the lives of our children. We have the primary
right, as caring parents, to do what it takes to defend and protect their lives
from all threats, foreign and domestic.
Our Canadian soldiers fought and died to defend our rights to live in an
open and caring society free from tyranny, free from social or economic
slavery, creating in 1982 a society based on care, equality and respect.
Remembering our obligations and responsibilities to work with friends and
families in caring community to meet our common human needs for food,
clothing, shelter, work. That's the law.
For many Canadians, Canada is not a place of freedom. Not a place of
opportunity. But a place where their rights and freedoms mean nothing.
Where everything has been taken from them, including the right to shelter.
A place where the rich are exempt from obeying Canada's top laws, and
that exemption is written directly into the Constitution Act, thus allowing
the complete plunder of our lives, land and oceans to such extent that our
planet dying. Our farms, forests and fisheries worn thin, critical ecosystems
collapsing. We must act.
An entire generation of Canadian kids, starting life with nothing, is now
facing an entire generation of adults working against them, not defending
them, not protecting their future, not addressing the most obvious and
urgent issues critical to their lives.
This generation, already trapped between low wages and high house prices,
now faces a grim future and the adults are doing nothing.
This generation has grown up never having heard a politician speak in
defence of their lives, much less do anything.
Experiencing government not as a source of justice, but as a source of
crime, obsessed with money, breaking Canada's top laws, actively driving
our destruction, doing nothing stop it.
The Canadian Supreme Court has sent a clear message to all caring
Canadians. The law is on your side.
It is not our Canadian government that is corrupt, but specific individuals
working in government are breaking the law, working against people, not
doing the job they were elected, hired and paid to do.
Individuals with disregard for life, for your life and the basis of life, who
show contempt, not only for law but for the basis of law, consideration of
impact on others.
Specific individuals not acting as caring parents whose primary purpose is
to protect life, protect the lives of our children. Ensuring they have a
survivable, healthy future.
We remind Canadians that you have the right to Freedom of Association
from those who damage your life, either directly or by creating systems that
attack life, liberty and security of the person.
We remind Quinte residents that you are legally obliged, under Canada's
top laws, under Sections 1, 2, 7, 15 and 52 of our Constitution Act, to not
pay into systems designed for our destruction, to not pay those who commit
crime against you, for if you do so, you can be charged with collusion,
aiding and abetting.
This generation of Canadian kids will charge you with criminal negligence as
you took part in the destruction of our planet, our farms, forests and fisheries,
disregarding Canada's top laws and doing nothing to save their lives.
This is UC News Canada, dot ca