The Kitten's Basket


Tabatha Hi! My name is Tabatha. I am Sammy's sister, and her best friend. We used to look identical when we were younger, and Sharon had a very hard time telling us apart...but I soon solved that problem for her. I gained more weight than Sammy did, and my fur became darker and has better defined stripes. Strangers still have some difficulty with us, but Sharon knows us all too well!

I too am a Domestic Short Hair, but my eyes are brown, in contrast to Samantha's green eyes. I have a thick fur coat, which Sharon brushes quite often, so it is always shiny and soft. Samantha does her fair share of keeping me clean too.

Samantha is a great sister...we sleep together, eat together, play together, and follow each other around. We do not want to miss out on fun that the other one is having.

Tabatha My favorite passion in life is MY BALL!! Samantha does not dare touch it! I will fetch it over and over and over again, for any human that wishes to throw it for me. I then play up and down the stairs with it, and bat it around with my paws when the humans are too busy to play. I have learned though, that if I "lose" it, and start to cry, Sharon will always stop what she is doing, and help me to find it again. That trick always gets her attention! I love my ball!

I am also good friends with Zoey, the resident rabbit. I used to hop inside her pen with her, to share her water, as it always tasted better than mine did...but I am growing out of that silly nonsense. Now I just chase her through our tunnel when she is allowed to run free in the basket. :-)

Finally, I am known by some as "quite a tart!". I tend to raise my tail and show off my butt to people I like!

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