FTP 101

FTP is a utility used to send and recieve files to and from a remote computer. There are 2 computers involved.....The Server....and The Client (you). The first step is for the client to connect to the server. The second step is for the client to send commands to the server.

To connect to the server, from Windows simply click on START and then RUN. In the empty space type: ftp You are now ready to begin. You will see "ftp>" after which you can type in any of the following commands depending on what you want to accomplish.

open ftp.abc.comConnect to the remote server abc.com if user and password are accepted
get abc.txtDownload the file abc.txt to your computer
put abc.txtUpload the file abc.txt to the server
asciiSets the file transfer type to ascii...used for text files (.txt)
binarySets the file transfer type to binary...used for binary files (.exe or .zip)
closeDisconnect from the server
quitQuits the ftp session