VenClimb Sept. 29 - Oct 1 2000 Home Cliff, Luskville, PQ Introductory rock climbing camp. Also an intermediate course. Bill, Christiaan, Dave, Mike, Matt &Aaron
Load Books Sept 27 2000 National Library Marc, Dan, Matt, Aaron, Christiaan, Bill plus Rovers Dave, Christiaan, Paul, Mike, Kirk & Evan. Former Venturers Geoff, Colin & Courtney helped, as did future Venturer, Graham
Unload Books Sept 28 2000 Carlingwood Part 2. Fewer helpers, but hard work by Rovers. Aaron, Colin, Graham, Matt, Mike, Christiaan, Dave, Alex & Pat
Re-load books Oct 1 2000 Carlingwood Part 3. Alex, Kirk, Amanda, Barbara & Bill
White Water Canoeing Oct. 14,15 2000 Madawaska River Only Rovers - Christiaan, Dave, Alex, Mike, Johanna, Bill & Barbara
RoVent 00 Oct 20-22 2000 Camp Opemikon Medieval theme camp. Games, Quest, Siege, Feast, Pumpkin Carving. Bill, Christy, Pam, Dan & Evan; plus Rovers Barbara, Christiaan & Dave
JC Kick Off Oct 26 2000 Saunder's Farm Halloween at Saunders; cost $7. Free bus from Scout HQ at 6:00 p.m. Marc & Aaron
Elections Nov. 2 2000 TA Field House President - Dan; VP - Marc; Treasurer - Aaron; Sectretary - Matt.
Investiture Nov 9 2000 TA Field House Aaron & Matt invested & celebrated Christiaan's birthday
Camp Ice Cube Dec 1-3 2000 Camp No'Chimik, Manotick Venturer Council's annual cold weather camp. Matt, Dan, Aaron, Marc & Bill. We won first prize (again)
All-section party Dec 19 2000 Pope John 23rd Bill, Aaron & Dan. Dan played carols on his trumpet.
Vertical Limit Dec 21 2000 AMC Kanata Climbing thriller movie. Bill, Christiaan, Aaron, Matt & Marc
Skiing Feb 1 2001 Vorlage Beginners downhill skiing. Dave will instruct. Christiaan, Dave, Marc, Dan, Aaron & Bill
Lost Children Feb 16 2001 Rideau Canal Work a shift, get a free beavertail. Bill, Barbara, Aaron, Marc, Dan, Christy, Evan, Dave, Amanda & Kirk






Our Own Winter Camp Mar 2-4 2001 Otter Lake, Quebec Skiing, sliding, ice climbing, swimming, card games & tackle toboggan. Bill, Barbara, Christiaan, Alex, Evan, Christy, Marc, Dan, Dave, Kirk, Amanda, & Pat are all expected
Crazy Canuck Car Rally April 27-29 2001 Base Rideau We are running it. Hollywood Blockbuster theme.
Whitewater 1 May 25-27 2001 Petawawa River Beginner training
Whitewater 2 June 1-3 2001 Madawaska River Intermediate training
River Rescue Aug 24-26 2001 Madawaska River How to save trapped people and canoes.