Costa Rica Birding Holiday - February 21 to March 5, 2007


March 4

Savegre Mountain Hotel

This location was known for its quetzals, so we were on the prowl first thing in the morning. We did spot a couple high in the trees, but it was too dim for decent photographs.

Purple-throated Mountain Gem Magnificent Hummingbird


Dave arranged for an excellent local guide, who got us onto lots of new birds. Another Quetzal was spotted, but it took off before decent photos could be made. Nevertheless, we had an excellent morning. Highlights were a Flame-throated Warbler, a Collared Redstart, a pair of Spangle-cheeked Tanagers, a Black-faced Solitaire, several Long-tailed Silky-flycatchers, a pair of Torrent Tyrannulets and a Dusky-capped Flycatcher

Black-thighed Grosbeak Rose-breasted Grosbeak


Casque-headed Lizard Black-billed Nightingale-thrush


Acorn Woodpecker Black-faced Solitaire



Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher


Dusky-capped Flycatcher Yellowish Flycatcher


Mountain Robin Slaty Flowerpiercer


Collared Redstart Slaty Flowerpiercer


Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager Sooty-capped Bush-Tanager


Ruddy-capped Nightengale-Thrush Purple-throated Mountain Gem

We had the same guide after lunch, but he took us by bus all the way out to the highway. Poor Alvaro had to negotiate all those switchbacks and hills two times more! It was pretty quiet out there, but we had good views of a Large-footed Finch. And Dave spotted a female quetzal from the bus.


Sooty Robin  


At dusk, some of us headed up the trail behind the hotel grounds in search of the Dusky Nightjar. Dave played the call on his tape recorder at the suggested spot. Sure enough, we had a response. We tried several times, and moved slightly closer. At one point, one came very close, but we did not get a glimpse of it.


This was our last dinner together, and also Frank & Susan’s anniversary, so we had quite a party. Frank ordered champagne, and we had several other bottles of wine and Asti Spumante. We took the opportunity to thank Alvaro for his excellent driving and bird-finding ability. Everyone was having a good time.