Costa Rica Birding Holiday - February 21 to March 5, 2007


February 27

La Cusinga

Birding was amazing just in front of our cabin so we always wondered why we went on hikes. Some highlights were Lineated Woodpecker, Red-crowned Woodpecker, Golden-naped Woodpecker, Gray-headed Chachalaca, Roadside Hawk, various tanagers, and Fiery-billed Aracari. Also, this way you can have a cold beer in hand while you bird. Interesting that this is a dry resort but you can bring in your own supplies and they will keep them in their kitchen fridge for you.


Gray-headed Chachalaca Hoffmann's Woodpecker


Lineated Woodpecker Lineated Woodpecker


Lineated Woodpecker Orange-chinned Parakeet


Black-crowned Tityra Black-crowned Tityra


Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Roadside Hawk


Orange-chinned Parakeet Orange-chinned Parakeet


White-necked Puffbird White-necked Puffbird


Golden-naped Woodpecker Golden-naped Woodpecker


Palm Tanager Red-crowned Woodpecker


In the morning we bused to a fabulous beach where were happily whipped about by gigantic waves (there were a few surfers). Bill found it interesting, but unproductive, trying to snorkel in the breakers. The water was quite sandy because of the surf. Also there was nothing but sand on the bottom.

Willet Tree Frog in bathroom


After lunch, while waiting for the bus, someone spotted a tree frog in the bathroom. Then Alvaro saw Slaty-tailed Trogons on a nest. And we got to see the resort’s oxen in action.

Slaty-tailed Trogon (f) Slaty-tailed Trogon (m)



We bused to a park, Hacienda Baru, in the afternoon. Again we had a very well informed young native guide (eco-tourism is very big here). We walked through a large open field and then into a mangrove swamp and out into a river mouth - Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Black-bellied plovers, herons, White Ibis, etc.

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher Black-bellied Plover


Herons & Ibises Roosting Ibises



Then it was back to La Cusinga for dinner and another birthday celebration – Barbara H.’s.