Toronto, Point Pelee and Rondeau Trip

May 8 – Toronto to Ottawa

Barbara was up early to take some photos of the specatcular Humber River scenery below while Colin prepared his signature breakfast of peameal bacon and scrambled eggs. In the meantime, Hilda showed Bill her art in a ringed binder. She has done birds from our calendar and many other subjects. She is a lady of many talents.

We said our goodbyes. We had planned to go straight to the Napanee Plain, but at the last minute, decided to check Thickson’s Woods again, in case the warblers had arrived. We did not stay long as there were even fewer birds than on our last stop.

So, on to the Napanee Plain. We exited Hwy 401 at Desoronto Road and went by back roads over to Newburgh. On this route we saw our first two Eastern Meadowlarks.

Soon we were at the Napanee Plain Alvar Reserve. The Loggerhead Shrikes eluded us, but we got another thrasher and several more meadowlarks. On Nugent Road, we touched up our license plate and Barbara spotted a Greater Yellowlegs in a flooded field.

We cruised back and forth, but the shrikes would not cooperate. So, we set the GPS for Sharbot Lake and headed up to Hwy 7. On the way, we came upon a perched Broad-winged Hawk.

When we got to Sharbot Lake, we gassed up and set the cruise for home.

We had so many pleasant memories of our trip with our birding buddies, Colin and Hilda. We will see them again in early June at the Huron Fringe Birding Festival.