2024 OFO Convention Trip to Point Pelee: September 30

We slept in a bit, then packed up and headed to the Mennonite restaurant for breakfast; it was great.

We have eaten here in the past and were saddened to learn that they will be closing for good at the end of October. While Colin & Hilda had a short visit with a relative next door, Babara & Bill photographed the House Sparrow and European Starlings in the parking lot.

We hit the road for our planned stop at Erieau. We checked out the tower at McGeachy’s Pond CA but only found Yellow-rumped Warblers and Golden-crowned Kinglets, nothing in the marsh.

We went across the road and hiked a portion of the Erieau Marsh Trail where the Glossy Ibis had been seen a few years back. No ibis this time, but lots of woodpeckers and Ruby-crowned Kinglets plus a perched Osprey that was finishing its breakfast.

Our last birding stop was at Keith McLean CA where we had previously seen shorebirds. But not this time. We got an American Kestrel, some marsh birds and several migrating Northern Flickers.

We stopped for lunch at a picnic table beside Lake Erie – great views. As we headed up towards Talbot Trail, we saw many giant wagons overflowing with tomatoes. We wondered how the ones on bottom did not get crushed?

We got on the 401 and, to Hilda’s amazement, we sailed all the way in to Toronto without any slowdowns. We celebrated our good fortune with a glass of wine served in Hilda’s best crystal!

Hilda took some salmon out of the freezer for dinner, then she drove us a short way to a weir on the Humber River to look for Salmon jumping. There were many Chinook Samon milling about, and we saw two attempt a jump. However, we were not quick enough to get a jumping photo.

We returned to the condo and Hilda prepared a delicious salmon dinner with rice and veggies. Once again, we were treated to a fabulous sunset.