2024 OFO Convention Trip to Point Pelee: September 27

The next morning, we were up early and had a quick breakfast. Soon we were on our way to Holiday Beach to meet our guides, Gyr Kite Birding (Kiah Jasper and Alessandra Kite).

There were many hawks and eagles counted at the hawk tower. And, as at Hawk Cliff, there were thousands of Blue Jays. Bill and Hilda went up the tower with Kiah, while Barbara and Colin stayed below with Alessandra. At the bottom of the tower there were hummingbird feeders with lots of hungry customers.

There were many water birds in the marsh too, but mostly distant. On a trail hike with Alessandra, we spotted Common Terns, Belted Kingfishers and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.

We ate lunch at a picnic table, but were interrupted by warblers nearby. Alessandra was a hawk bander, so asked the banders to show us anything that they had caught. They came to our picnic area with first a Red-tailed Hawk, and later, a Cooper’s Hawk. What a treat to see these raptors up close!

Ater lunch, we went on a second hike with both guides. Andrew Keaveny pointed out some interesting caterpillars. On this hike, we saw a Great Horned Owl that flew across right in front of us and a distant juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker.

Then it was time to return to Leamington after a stop in Harrow for Hilda to say hello to a grandniece.

The Birds and Beers event was held at the Portuguese Club. Bill solved the Parks Canada quiz and Barbara bought a hand-made craft from fellow birder Sharon David of Kingston. We enjoyed Sarah Rupert’s diabolical quiz and met some old friends including Justin Peter, Steve Burrows and Richard Skevington.