Thursday, May 12

We bravely decided to travel light for our birding trip to Central Park – no checked bags. This was a challenge because one bag was camera and birding gear, and rain was in the forecast. As well we wanted to take some food to prepare breakfasts and lunches. So, wearing our waterproof hiking shoes, raingear and backpacks and pulling two carry-ons we headed for the airport for an early afternoon flight. Our cream cheese and becel was confiscated (gels!) but we got through.

A half hour cab ride from La Guardia got us to
Central Park Apartments on 73rd St. W in the Upper West Side near Central Park

As planned, we set out right away for the closest Visitor Centre in the park, Belvedere Castle, to get a map and information. As the Centre closed at 5pm, we hustled, soon discovering that park access is limited to a few points and the park trails are in a complex network. With help from a few New Yorkers, we just made it. Having a map in hand gave us more confidence, but we still got lost several times each day. As birds are everywhere, this didn’t really matter.

We quickly found the Ramble with its stunning azalea pond, and had some amazing bird sightings: Green Heron, Gray Catbird (dozens), Black-throated Blue Warbler (common), Blackburnian Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Ovenbird, Yellow-rumped Warbler and Blue-headed Vireo.

A birding couple told us to be sure to go the Point, another birding hotspot, so we put that on our list. We spotted a massive obelisk on the east side of the park and hiked over to investigate. Cleopatra’s Needle was carved in 1600 BC (not in the USA!).

A simple dinner at “The Utopia” got us into the NY spirit. We watched streams of people at the subway stop near our apartment and were awed by the risky driving manoeuvres of the little yellow cabs everywhere.

Although our studio apartment was tiny, it had the essentials, including a fridge, microwave and coffee maker. We added some American beer to the fridge (and sampled some).

Friday, May 13

Friday, we celebrated our anniversary with an early breakfast and a very long hike (several kms) to the starting point of an 8:30am birding hike with
Birding Bob at the Conservatory Garden at the north end of the park. We were part of the early morning crowd – in the park this was joggers, bikers and dog walkers. Very lively!

Birding Bob guided 22 of us around for about four hours. Only $5 each! Major sightings were: Northern Parula (common), Blackburnian Warbler, Canada Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler (common), Black and White Warbler and Common Yellowthroat.

We enjoyed our picnic lunch in the Conservatory Garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers and joined by a female Common Yellowthroat.

We continued to explore the park and find some birds on our own. A very helpful naturalist/birder tipped us off how to get good looks at both the Northern and Louisiana Water-thrushes. His advice was to sit by the stream and wait patiently… and they will come. We also saw Black and White Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, and Great Egret.

Late afternoon we headed back to our apartment for a soothing bath (hot feet!) and a change. We enjoyed a very special dinner of three courses, at an Italian restaurant, ArteCafé, nearby.

After dinner we decided to hike to the Hudson River nearby and enjoy the sunset there.


Saturday, May 14

Saturday, we went birding at 7:30am with
Starr, a tiny energetic 71 year old with amazing ears for bird sounds. This was a group of 15 birders, including some New Yorkers and some other Americans. Her rate was $8 for the whole morning. Another amazing value. She also led her tour in the northern section of the park.

Some good sightings were: Gray Catbird (common), Black-crowned Night-Heron, Brown-headed Cowbird, Cedar Waxwing, Magnolia Warbler and Wood Thrush.

The two of us birded together all afternoon. Sightings: Blackburnian Warbler, Canada Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler, Ovenbird, Ruddy Duck and Northern Flicker.

Another treat was watching wedding parties – it was a beautiful sunny day for wedding pictures.

We discovered the Point and were lucky to see several good birds by the shore of the lake: American Redstart, Wilson's Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Flicker and Black-crowned Night-Heron.

On the way back to 73rd St., we passed Strawberry Fields and a memorial to John Lennon.

We stopped at a simple café for a pleasant dinner.

Sunday, May 15

Finally, we made good use of our raingear! We joined Birding Bob at the Turtle Pond dock Sunday morning but quickly took shelter at a nearby building with an awning. After the downpour, the robins came out in force. We headed for the Ramble. Sightings: Bay-breasted Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Northern Parula, Northern Flicker, Northern Rough-winged Swallow and Scarlet Tanager.

A trip to the Point was not as productive as Saturday, but we did get some good shots of a juvenile Yellow-crowned Night-Heron and Red-bellied Woodpecker.

There was a huge AIDS walk in the park with over 40,000 people - a carnival atmosphere. We joined Bob and a young Birder from London, England at the Boathouse for coffee/beer for a quiet time away from the crowds.

As we toured about in the morning, Barbara spotted the Shakespeare Garden, so we returned to enjoy the spring flowers and the poet’s verses.

As well, we had some good bird sightings on a path through Strawberry Fields (John Lennon memorial area), Baltimore Oriole, Red-bellied Woodpecker and Ovenbird.

As we hiked back on Amsterdam St., Bill enjoyed an ice cream cone. He spotted a local Turkish restaurant where we returned later for a fine dinner.

Monday, May 16

Monday was rainy most of the day. Starr sportingly arrived at her meeting spot at Hunter’s Gate near the American Museum of Natural History at 7:30am. A few brave birders joined us and we started out, taking shelter as necessary in little pavilions. Sightings: Warbling Vireo, Black-crowned Night-Heron and Northern Parula.

Mid-morning she decided to call the tour, so we birded on our own again, enjoying our time in the Ramble. Fortunately we found a covered area for our picnic lunch (and the last of our beer!). Our cameras were acting up in the dampness, so have few photos of the good birds we saw: Northern Parula, American Redstart, Tuffted Titmouse, Ovenbird.

In the afternoon we visited the museum gift shop. We had spotted an open tourist bus with a sea of white raincoats, so we appreciated our inside time.

Then we joined the NY rush hour to head out to La Guardia.


Sightings Report

Ducks and Swans

Canada Goose New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Gadwall New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Mallard New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Ruddy Duck New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Double-crested Cormorant New York 14/05/2011 Central Park


Great Blue Heron New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Great Egret New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Green Heron New York 12/05/2011 Central Park

Black-crowned Night-Heron New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Yellow-crowned Night-Heron New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Falcons and Caracaras

Merlin New York 14/05/2011 Central Park


Greater Yellowlegs New York 14/05/2011 Central Park


Ring-billed Gull New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Herring Gull New York 16/05/2011 Central Park

Great Black-backed Gull New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Pigeons and Doves

Rock Pigeon New York 12/05/2011 Central Park

Mourning Dove New York 13/05/2011 Central Park


Chimney Swift New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Ruby-throated Hummingbird New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Red-bellied Woodpecker New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Downy Woodpecker New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Northern Flicker New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Tyrant Flycatchers

Eastern Kingbird New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Blue-headed Vireo New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Warbling Vireo New York 16/05/2011 Central Park

Red-eyed Vireo New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Crows, Jays and Magpies

Blue Jay New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

American Crow New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Swallows and Martins

Purple Martin New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Tree Swallow New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Northern Rough-winged Swallow New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Bank Swallow New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Barn Swallow New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Tits and Chickadees

Tufted Titmouse New York 16/05/2011 Central Park


Carolina Wren New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

House Wren New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Veery New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Swainson's Thrush New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Wood Thrush New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

American Robin New York 12/05/2011 Central Park


Gray Catbird New York 12/05/2011 Central Park


European Starling New York 12/05/2011 Central Park


Cedar Waxwing New York 14/05/2011 Central Park


Tennessee Warbler New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Nashville Warbler New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Northern Parula New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Chestnut-sided Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Magnolia Warbler New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Black-throated Blue Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Yellow-rumped Warbler New York 12/05/2011 Central Park

Blackburnian Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Bay-breasted Warbler New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Blackpoll Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Black-and-white Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

American Redstart New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Worm-eating Warbler New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Ovenbird New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Northern Waterthrush New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Louisiana Waterthrush New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Common Yellowthroat New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Wilson's Warbler New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Canada Warbler New York 13/05/2011 Central Park


Summer Tanager New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Scarlet Tanager New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Sparrows and Buntings

Song Sparrow New York 16/05/2011 Central Park

Lincoln's Sparrow New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

White-throated Sparrow New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Cardinals and Grosbeaks

Northern Cardinal New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Rose-breasted Grosbeak New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Indigo Bunting New York 15/05/2011 Central Park


Red-winged Blackbird New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Common Grackle New York 13/05/2011 Central Park

Brown-headed Cowbird New York 14/05/2011 Central Park

Baltimore Oriole New York 13/05/2011 Central Park


American Goldfinch New York 15/05/2011 Central Park

Old World Sparrows

House Sparrow New York 12/05/2011 Central Park