Canoe Arctic expedition: Day 11

September 6 2014

Bird of the Day


Early morning

It was our last opportunity to go birding before breakfast. We hoped the Three-toed Woodpecker would return, but it did not. But a pair of Merlins put on a good show.

Barbara found a very tiny spruce tree bent over with large cones - how old was that little tree?

We enjoyed some leftover doughnuts with our breakfast.


We packed everything up, ready for our 3 hour flight back to Fort Smith. Alex nested the remaining canoes together.

Three planes arrived early about 11:30. We planned to have lunch before leaving, but there was only time for doughnuts!

The pilots enjoyed our doughnuts.

The pilots reported they had seen a herd of 17 muskox, so we were all excited with this news... it made lifting off easier for us. This time Barbara & Bill flew in the Otter.

Off we went and soon we all saw muskox.

Again we were amazed by the never-ending vistas.

Soon we were back at the Whooping Crane where we got ready for our celebratory dinner together. Christine had prepared welcome back treats for Jim, Pete and Karen and us - beer, fresh vegetables and dip, cheese and crackers - back to civilization...

Soon our whole group was at the Pelican Restaurant toasting our amazing adventure together.


