Canoe Arctic expedition: Day 10

September 5 2014

Bird of the Day

Three-toed Woodpecker - lifer #3!

Early morning

It was a cold -5°C overnight. There was frost on our tent and on our laundry in the morning.

Barbara went for an early morning walk wearing her winter jacket, hat and gloves.

She spotted movement on a tree trunk beside the beach. Bill identified it as a Three-toed Woodpecker. It was an exciting find - a lifer.

Bill checked it in Alex's bird book and showed it to Barbara L.


We were hoping that today would be a muskox day. We went muskox hunting at the edge of the tree line with Alex from 9am to 3:30 pm - no muskox. But there were more great vistas, described as “strikingly beautiful minimalist scenery” by our friend Judith.
First we hiked to a sparkling creek with a high waterfall. We travelled over long, wide eskers and massive sand dunes. The brilliant red bearberry continued to brighten the scenery. We snacked on more blueberries at lunch.

Alex pointed out a 100 year old spruce tree (shorter than Barbara!)

A few light flakes of snow fell.

Bill tried a few more casts...But it was clear that we had had our trout.

As scheduled, pilot Laurie arrived in a Cessna at 5pm to pick up 2 canoes (nested) to take back to Fort Smith.

As requested by Alex, he delivered our special dessert - from Fort Smith - 60! doughnuts and some blueberries.

Soon our blue canoe and a smaller green canoe were nested together and securely attached to the float on the plane. Laurie was on his way back home.

We gathered for the last time around Jim's fire while Alex prepared our last camp dinner... including doughnuts and blueberries!

Alex did his final big hot wash...

And the day ended.


