Canoe Arctic expedition: Day 8

September 3 2014

Bird of the Day

Northern Hawk Owl

Early morning

We woke to a lovely morning with fog lifting off the water. It was about 12°C. Karen and Bill saw four or five Gray Jays mobbing a Northern Hawk Owl while they were hiking up on the esker behind our tents.


We spent some time examining a structure which Alex told us had been a small trapper's cabin - the main cabin was further down the lake.

Today we would travel 13 miles / 8 km. into an unnamed lake and river. After take off, we entered a large bay, scanning the hills for muskox. No muskox but more beautiful vistas

We stopped on a beach and enjoyed lunch on a rocky outcropping.

The wind came up as we crossed the bay to return to the river and our new campsite. We were all happy to get to shore about 4:30.

As usual, we had a huge campsite and could pick out our preferred spot for tenting - amazing views for everyone. Time to dry out our gear.

As usual, we hiked as soon as our tent was up. We startled a spruce grouse and got some good close up photos of the 'camouflaged" bird.

Bill tried a few casts at a rocky point but - no fish... Then he brought out his maps to show the team where we were.

We walked to a possible Dene gravesite that Lucy had found.

The day ended with a lovely coloured sky.




a day