Canoe Arctic expedition: Day 5

August 31 2014

Bird of the Day

Gray Jay

Early morning

We set out to do some birding as the sun rose. When Alex had water boiling we joined him for coffee and hot chocolate.


After a morning hike and breakfast, we were keen to paddle and were ready to set out at 9am. Paddling was hard work, however, as a wind came up and made some sizeable waves. We travelled close to islands as much as possible to minimize headwinds - a tough 12 mile / 7.5 km paddle.

We stopped for a break at rocky point and a short hike. Back on the water and another stop for a welcome lunch break at a beach. We hiked again and discovered an amazing display of bright red bearberries. Alex washed up the lunch spoons with moss - no dishcloths or tea towels needed.

We arrived at another beautiful campsite at 3pm - time for a swim - brrr!!! Jim said his family would never believe he did this. We had a quick - very cold - dip too. Barbara later found using leftover hot water from breakfast was a better/warmer way to wash her hair.

Then we went birding on the hills behind our camp... amazingly Bill spotted a moving black dot with his binoculars - he took a photo which he enlarged later - confirmed by Alex to be a muskox! We happily returned to our camp with this special memory.




a day