Canoe Arctic expedition: Day 4

August 30 2014

Bird of the Day
Surf Scoter

Early morning

This morning was windy and overcast as we packed up to paddle. We would soon get used to our morning routine: pack clothes bags, empty tent, set tarp over bushes to dry, breakfast at 8, pack tent, move all gear to grassy area to place in canoes, wait for Alex to give us the word to load the canoes... we were always ready to paddle between 9 and 9:15.


Because of recent forest fires in the area, Alex decided we would avoid his planned portage along a creek. It was a short paddle to a 1/4 mile / 0.4 km portage. This took a lot of energy as we bushwhacked across the tundra, about 4 trips back and forth each. We doubled the canoes, but Alex used to solo his 80 lb. 20' canoe - very impressive for a 71 year old! Lucy portaged the large heavy boxes, in the traditional wanigan style with a pack harness. We appreciated delicious fresh blueberries to snack on, right at our feet!

After a lunch break, we set out for a large lake at about 1pm. It was wavy so we had to paddle hard. Alex and Jim were always ahead so sometimes stopped to wait for us (and have a rest). Amazingly, Karen spotted two eagles perched in a tree in a bay.

After 11 miles / 7 km of wavy paddling, we reached our camp on a sandy beach about 2:30. Alex pointed out a good fishing spot, so we headed out as soon as our tent was up. A large pike took Bill's lure but jumped and got off.

We returned to camp where Alex had set out some Dene hunting tools. He found these here on a previous trip and put them back on the ground after we had seen them. He had some hot food ready too - very welcome today.




a day