Birding West Jamaica Endemics

Our Story

Saturday, February 9: Montego Bay

Birding from hotel before departure
Doctor's Cave Beach Hotel

Bird of the Day: Common Ground Dove

This would be a travel home day. Our taxi was coming a 9 am, so we birded from the 2nd floor landing. We saw a Red-billed Streamertail, a White-crowned Parrot and a Loggerhead Kingbird. Then we went doen for breakfast. Irene was there reading her email, so the three of us had breakfast together. The others came down a bit later. We chatted then left to bring down our suitcase. By then, our friends were checking out the souvenirs. We said our goodbyes and headed for the airport. Soon we were winging our way home as we left beautiful Montego Bay behind.

February 9 Birds

Doctor's Cave Beach Hotel, Montego Bay, JM
Feb 9, 2019 8:11 AM - 9:00 AM
Protocol: Stationary
6 species

White-crowned Pigeon 1
Zenaida Dove 1
Red-billed Streamertail 1
Common Ground Dove 1
Loggerhead Kingbird 1
Bananaquit 1


Jamaican Endemics Seen on our Trip

1. Crested Quail-Dove

2. Ring-tailed Pigeon

3. Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo

4. Jamaican Lizard-Cuckoo

5. Black-billed Parrot

6. Yellow-billed Parrot

7. Red-billed Streamertail

8. Black-billed Streamertail

9. Jamaican Mango

10. Jamaican Woodpecker

11. Jamaican Becard

12. Jamaican Crow

13. Jamaican Tody

14. Blue Mountain Vireo

15. Jamaican Vireo

16. Arrowhead Warbler

17. White-eyed Thrush

18. White-chinned Thrush

19. Jamaican Spindalis

20. Jamaican Euphonia

21. Yellow-shouldered Grassquit

22. Orangequit

23. Rufous-tailed Flycatcher

24. Sad Flycatcher

25. Jamaican Pewee

26. Jamaican Elaenia

27. Jamaican Blackbird

28. NOTE: Jamaican Parakeet (Olive-throated Parakeet) is also listed as endemic in some texts