Birding North-East India

West Bengal March 10-12 Thursday-Saturday: Darjeeling – Lava
Neora Valley Jungle Camp, Kolakham village - about 7 kms from Lava

Friday, March 11

BIRD of the DAY: Rufous-bellied Eagle

Photo courtesy of Oriental Bird Club

Today - no travel! We just birded close to our homey lodge in the mountains surrounded by flowering plants, enjoying more freshly prepared delicious Indian food. One of the family dogs became a "dog mat" at Rick and Sharon's cabin. We felt right at home.

We started our day at dawn with cookies and tea/coffee in "The Nest".

Soon we set out along the road, dogs following. Shyam demonstrated his excellent bird spotting skills and his knowledge of animal tracks and scat. We saw many colourful birds along the road. Gary was helpful in identifying birds and showing them to us using the bird ID app on his phone.

A few boys were heading to school on a lower road.

After a couple of hours of spotting, we were happy to see the van arrive with a picnic breakfast.

We hiked to a river bed - but no water. Then back to camp for lunch.

We decided to open the bottle of white wine given to us by Iqbal and cool it in a pail of cold water in our shower. It would be chilled for supper.

Towards the end of the day we visited the village just below our lodge. People were bringing home bundles of leaves (for cows) and firewood (for cooking and heating) on their backs. Barbara enjoyed giving some local children "Canada" pencils. When she returned to her cabin, the daughter of our cook/housekeeper knocked on her door - she got a pencil too! Big smile.

Birds in the Photos Today

Black-lored Tit
Himalayan Cutia
Rusty-flanked Treecreeper
Rusty-fronted Barwing
Rufous Sibia
Scarlet Minivet
White-throated Fantail
Verditer Flycatcher
Gray-hooded Warbler
Black Eagle
Short-billed Minivet
Red-vented Bulbul
Russet Sparrow

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