Huron Fringe Birding Festival 2024

May 28 - Packard Tract and Homeward Bound

We had breakfast in our room, then drove for 10 minutes to the Packard Tract.

An Indigo Bunting greeted us at the parking lot. We hiked the entire loop and enjoyed the habitat. We played the song of the Kirtland’s Warbler, but there was no response. But a Black-throated Green Warbler did put on a good show for us. Other birds seen were a Brown Thrasher and many Chipping Sparrows.

It was time to hit the road, as we were still a long way from home. We stopped for a break at Kawartha Dairy in Orillia, then carried on, driving past Carden without stopping. We did not stop again until Tory Hill. The birds were quiet, but Barbara discovered a pair of Northern Water Snakes entwined.

We made one final stop at the York River bridge, but it was raining and the mosquitoes were fierce. So, we hightailed it out of there. Finally, it was on to home, the end of an action-packed trip.