Huron Fringe Birding Festival 2024

May 27 am - Where Woods Meet Wetlands - with Kyle Horner

We got to sleep in more today, since our morning trip did not begin until 7:30 am.

We met Kyle at the Visitor Centre and drove to the trailhead for the Tower Trail in the park. Unfortunately, it was another drizzly day, poor for photography. We hiked slowly to the viewing tower. We saw several warblers, including Northern Parula, but photos were hard to come by. Kyle had a wealth of knowledge about flora and insects, besides birds, which he freely shared.

Most of us climbed the viewing tower, where the best bird was a Least Flycatcher.

Kyle suggested we do the short hike out to the Townline Road; good thing we did! Another group was viewing a Black-billed Cuckoo and a Common Nighthawk. We also picked up a few other good birds, including an Eastern Bluebird, a Gray Catbird and a Common Yellowthroat.

On the hike back to the cars, we saw an American Redstart and an Alder Flycatcher.

We thanked Kyle for an excellent tour, and drove back to the Visitor Centre to have lunch at the Friend’s BBQ.

After lunch, we said goodbye to Colin & Hilda, as they returned to Toronto, while we went to the Brant Tract and on to Angus to overnight and try for the Kirtland’s Warbler at the Packard Tract.

We thoroughly enjoyed getting together with our birding buddies from Toronto.