Huron Fringe Birding Festival 2024

May 26 - The Bountiful Bruce with Erik Van Den Kieboom

We got to sleep in slightly today, since our all-day trip on the Bruce did not start until 7am! We awoke to a foggy morning, which did not improve for a few hours.


We met Erik at the Camper’s Beach parking lot and proceed to Bruce Road 33 to stop for the winged warblers. They were buzzing when we got out of the car, but seeing and photographing them in the fog was difficult. But we did see both Blue-winged and Brewster's Warblers (no pure Golden-winged).

We also saw a Great-crested Flycatcher (common) and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

We then drove to the J&I Line for grassland birds as the fog slowly lifted. The hoped-for Upland Sandpiper did not appear, but we got lots of Eastern Bluebirds, Bobolinks, Savannah and Chipping Sparrows, a Yellow Warbler, an Indigo Bunting, Eastern Kingbirds, and Clay-colored and Grasshopper Sparrows.

Our next stop was at Tim Hortons, where the group got separated and went to two different ones. We lost time, but got reunited at Horseshoe Bay where saw a Killdeer and extremely distant Black-bellied Plovers and Dunlins.

Next, we stopped at Oliphant Fen where we admired the vegetation and herps. We almost got a photo of a Wilson’s Snipe. An adult Bald Eagle flew over.

We moved on to Sky Lake where we saw a Pied-billed Grebe and many Black Terns, including some on nests.

Erik cut the trip short since he had to go to work. So, we slowly made our way back to Port Elgin, stopping at the Isaac Lake boat launch for another look. Here we got a Common Raven, an Eastern Phoebe, a Common Grackle and a Great Egret.

It was still early, so we decided to revisit the J&I Line. Unfortunately, it was really quiet except for the Bobolinks.

Instead of going out for dinner, Colin ordered us a pizza which we ate beside our pool. After dinner, Hilda and B&B drove to MacGregor for a very interesting talk on Dune Ecology by Jenna McGuire.

We were tired, but a least we had not done a lot of hiking today.