Huron Fringe Birding Festival 2024

May 24 am - Kincardine Lagoons aka "Pelee North" with James Turland


We were up on time and had breakfast at 5:30 am in the hotel with Colin & Hilda. We drove over to MacGregor Provincial Park, arriving before 6:30 am. We checked in and went to meet our tour leader, James Turland and his son Simon (ears and eyes).

After rounding everyone up, James led us directly to Kincardine lagoons. This year was not nearly as productive as last, since migration was over due to the very early spring.
However, we had some Ruddy Ducks on the lagoon and a Red-bellied Woodpecker peeking out of the forest. A Chestnut-sided Warbler and Indigo Bunting were cooperative. Eastern Bluebirds were in the plowed field and we spotted a Killdeer and a Red-eyed Vireo.

On the return hike, we saw a Rose-breasted Grosbeak and a Scarlet Tanager that some thought was unusually orange. (But the photos don’t lie). A pair of Northern Flickers were excavating a nest hole.

We returned to the Visitor Centre (VC), and had a BBQ lunch cooked by the Friends of the Park. We went for a walk around the boardwalk to admire the yellow lady slippers.