Huron Fringe Birding Festival 2023

May 26 pm - Magical MacGregor with Tim Arthur

Back at MacGregor, we decided to get lunch at the BBQ provided by the Friends of MacGregor.

Then we met Tim and our group, and walked the boardwalks in the park, enjoying the turtles at the Turtle Pond and the cooperative Red-eyed Vireo.

We drove a short way to the Stump Dump trail where we saw a perched hummingbird, Least Flycatcher, and House Wrens.
Tim heard a Golden-winged Warbler singing along Road 33, so we stopped and got it!

We proceeded to the Ducks Unlimited Pond where we saw a large Northern Water Snake, a Swainson’s Thrush, a Purple Finch, lots of Eastern Kingbirds, a couple of active Beavers, a pair of Ospreys, a Great Egret, and families of Canada Geese.

After that amazing day, an ice cream stop was in order.

We had supper at our campsite, then went to the Visitors' Centre in the evening to hear Kiah Jasper's presentation about his record-breaking Ontario Big Year in 2022, when he tallied 359 species.

It was going to be another cold night, so we tucked in early to get ready for our own big day with Kiah.