Ecuador Birding Trip

Friday, January 30

Bird the eastern slope of the Andes while driving from Papallacta down to Guango Lodge, to Baeza (1796 m / 5,892 ft) and Cosanga (2,075 m / 6,807 ft). Overnight at Cabanas San Isidro.

Barbara’s Notes

We had a slow start this morning, meeting for breakfast at 7:30am. Before heading over for breakfast we had a quick hot pool dip with Joan, George and Hilda. Janet had revived, although Joan was not feeling well again. We all managed to get on the bus at 8:30am.

We meandered, the birding way, from Termas Papallacta to Guango Lodge, at a much lower elevation, 2600 m. We spent a few hours observing/photographing hummingbirds at several feeders placed in a beautiful garden and hiking down to a river on the property. A hot bowl of soup and a cooked lunch put us in good spirits. Most of us are still on small spice-free portions. Bill is the only one in our group who is 100%. Hilda keeps giving extra portions to our young bus driver, Alfredo – he always accepts with a big smile.


Masked Flowerpiercer


White-bellied Woodstar male

White-bellied Woodstar female


Long-tailed Sylph male

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Chestnut-breasted Coronet

Tourmaline Sunangel female

Tourmaline Sunangel male

Cinnamon Flycatcher

Turquoise Jay


Northern Mountain-cacique

Torrent Tyrannulet


Torrent Duck male

Torrent Duck female

Sword-billed Hummingbird male

Sword-billed Hummingbird female


Long-tailed Sylph

Chestnut-breasted Coronet


Collared Inca

Blue-gray Tanager


We bus birded our way in the afternoon to Cabanas San Isidro Lodge at 2000 m. Lots of good sightings as well as dramatic mountain scenery. Our highway followed a steep rushing river, which looked rather Canadian. We passed a large oil pumping station. We often paralled a large brown oil pipeline as we drove along. It is above ground and rises over each individual driveway in an arc.

We took a bumpy old road (former highway) for about an hour. Here we visited farm country. There were several farms with greenhouses, full of tomatoes and tree tomatoes which are so popular here.

Powerful Woodpecker

Blackburnian Warbler


Red-breasted Blackbird

Golden-olive Woodpecker

We arrived at Cabanas San Isidro Lodge after dark and were escorted to a small cabin. Tomorrow we will explore this Andean Cloud Forest Reserve.

After dinner, with the group, Bill spotted an owl at the top of a tall tree. They use a powerful flashlight to highlight it. Actually it is an as-yet-unclassified owl so is very special. He says it is the size of a Great Horned Owl.

6am birding tomorrow.