Ecuador Birding Trip

Tuesday, January 20

Pick up time: 6 am. Our first stop, Jocotoco Foundation’s Yanacocha Reserve (3400 to 4000 m / 11,155 to 13,123 ft). Then, bird the Nono – Mindo Road (Starting at 3086 m / 10,127 ft) all the way and into the Tandayapa Valley (1719 m / 5,643 ft). Overnight at Bellavista Lodge (About 2000 m / 6,562 ft).

Barbara’s Notes

A good start to our official trip. Ottawa guide, Tony Beck, Ecuadorian guide, Vinicio Ortiz (with Swarvoski binoculars, scope, bird caller, laser pointer and bird books) and driver, Alfredo, were all at hotel for 6am departure.

Another cool day in Quito, usual wispy clouds in place. We travelled north west, switchbacking up mountains, mostly on narrow dirt and cobblestone roads. Up high again, 5,000m.

Our major hike was at the Yanacocha Reserve – a special mountainous trail for birders, with three sets of hummingbird feeders. We discovered many lifers (11 for Tony!). Vinicio proved to be an excellent birder, very enthusiastic about sharing his discoveries. What a special morning in the Andean cloud forest. Spectacular mountainous views from every angle. And several orchids. Then a picnic lunch with Ecuadorian salads, fruit and lots of candies.

Interesting that the only birders up there today were mostly Canadians.


Blue-and-White Swallow

Buff-winged Starfrontlet


Tricolored Brush-Finch

Glossy Flowerpiercer


Hooded Mountain-Tanager

Spectacled Whitestart


Buff-winged Starfrontlet

Sapphire-vented Puffleg


Golden-breasted Puffleg

Buff-winged Starfrontlet

We birded our way down the mountains and along the Mindo road (similar to what our cottage road was like in the olden days), finally arriving at Bellavista Lodge, an ecological retreat. A little rain at the end of the day.

I am typing this from battery in our second floor bamboo room hanging over a mountain side. We have a balcony so hope to get some good sightings in the morning.