Cuba Birding Trip: January 9 - 22, 2013  

Day 2 Thursday, January 10: Morón to La Belen Farm to Camagüey


Bird of the Day: Cuban Trogon

casa particular in Camagüey

We woke up to a busy morning in Morón as people headed off to work and school. We bid farewell to our host and hostess and set out for the city of Camagüey.

Just out of the city, El Chino stopped to treat us to some of the small local bananas - very sweet.

When we arrived in Camagüey, we checked into our casa and dropped off our luggage. Our new hostess gave us a small clay pot or tinajón. This is the symbol of the city; it is used to capture rain water to be used later, keeping it fresh.

On our way out of the city we noticed many school children lining the road. Soon we were stopped by a parade celebrating a political anniversary - lots of cheering!

Once we got going again, we made a few stops at ponds and were pleased to see a variety of water birds.

At a gas station we met an American group of Mennonites visiting members in Cuba. Brought up in a Mennonite family, Hilda enjoyed a good chat with them.

We arrived at the La Belen Farm at lunch time and enjoyed a hot chicken dinner in their restaurant.

Barbara spotted our first Cuban Trogon, the bright red and white national bird, high up in a large tree. The Giant Kingbird and Cuban Tody were special sightings also. We were pleased to photograph many colourful birds and flowers.

On our way back to Camagüey, El Chino explained the use of monthly food rations in Cuba. A local man showed us his ration card.

Another feature that stands out for visitors is the billboards promoting the Cuban revolution.

We birded our way back into town, happy to have 19 new birds today, including 5 lifers. We discussed our discoveries over dinner together.

Birds seen January 10, 2013
*new birds bolded

Bird of the Day: Cuban Trogon

1. Turkey Vulture
2. Cattle Egret
3. American Kestrel
4. House Sparrow
5. Palm Warbler
6. Black-cowled Oriole –
7. Northern Bob White Quail
8. Eastern Meadowlark
9. Crested Caracara
10. Smooth-billed Ani
11. Great Blue Heron
12. Common Ground Dove
13. Little Blue Heron
14. Cuban Trogon –
15. Loggerhead Kingbird –
16. Cuban Gnatcatcher
17. Cuban Tody – lifer#15
18. Giant Kingbird –
19. Helmeted Guinea Fowl
20. Limpkin
21. Northern Jacana
22. Common Moorhen
23. Green Heron
24. Killdeer

Trip Total: 51