Cuba Birding Trip: January 9 - 22, 2013  

Day 10 Friday, January 18: Vinales


Bird of the Day: Cuban Solitaire

casa particular in Vinales

It was cool and wet this morning. El Chino was shivering - he found Barbara's raincoat warmed him up. People were heading to work and school - lots of umbrellas!

After a bit of birding in the casa backyard garden, we headed out to Parque Nacional Vinales, in spite of the showers.

It was wet; we hiked down a steep path in search of the elusive Cuban Solitaire. In spite of El Chino's calling, he did not emerge. Back on the road we felt like kids having fun in puddles in our attempts to dislodge sand and mud from our shoes.

We spotted a Cuban Emerald feeding and the little Olive-capped Warbler in a pine tree.

In driving along the road we got lucky. A horde of striking Black-cowled Orioles were feeding on pink blossoms on a tree beside the road. They did not seem disturbed by our presence, so we got some good views.

We did a bit more birding along the road and in a small village. Barbara was able to give her Canada pencils to some children.

Soon it was time to go back into town for lunch - the rain had stopped. We spotted an egret from our casa balcony. After lunch, Colin and Barbara headed to the bank to exchange some Canadian money - no luck after a long wait in line. We were directed to an exchange office down the street where we got fast service.

Later in the afternoon we headed out again to seek the Cuban Solitaire. We hiked down another path and, this time, El Chino was able to call him in. Lots of smiles!

On our drive along the road, El Chino stopped when he saw a Cuban Green Woodpecker. No woodpecker in sight, but, surprise, good views a Great Lizard Cuckoo, the Cuban Trogon and of another Cuban Solitaire.

On our way back to Vinales, we stopped at a birding trail/farm where birds were making themselves right at home. Here we got another lifer, a Scaly-naped Pigeon!

In Vinales, El Chino dropped us at a botanical garden which we explored with a guide before walking back to our casa.

At our casa, Inesita welcomed us back. Hilda discovered some china that is the same as a set she has at home.

Tonight Inesita's family had arrived to visit and to help her - her daughter, son-in-law and grandson. Everyone was in good spirits.

Birds seen January 18, 2013
*new birds bolded

Bird of the Day: Cuban Solitaire

1. Northern Mockingbird
2. House Sparrow
3. Turkey Vulture
4. Cattle Egret
5. Cuban Emerald
6. Loggerhead Kingbird
7. Louisiana Waterthrush
8. Cuban Blackbird
9. Red-legged Thrush
10. Zenaida Dove
11. Stripe-headed Tanager
12. American Kestrel
13. Yellow-headed Warbler
14. Northern Parula
15. American Redstart
16. Palm Warbler
17. Great Lizard Cuckoo
18. Olive-capped Warbler
19. Black-cowled Oriole
20. Red-legged Honeycreeper
21. Mourning Dove
22. Cuban Green Woodpecker
23. Cuban Bullfinch
24. Yellow-faced Grassquit
25. Feral Pigeon
26. Cuban Solitaire
27. Cuban Trogon
28. Scaly-naped Pigeon - lifer #45
29. Muscovy Duck
30. Black and White Warbler
31. Black-throated Blue Warbler

Trip Total: 124