China Birding Trip: September-16-30, 2013

Day 7 September 21 - Great Wall of China

Birds of the day: Thrushes -Siberian Rubythroat, Siberian Blue Robin, Bluethroat & Swinhoe's

As usual, we started the day birding – this time the two of us decided to try birding our extensive hotel grounds rather than heading out with the group to Lighthouse Point again. It was a good choice. We had a close up view of the Siberian Rubythroat--- in the courtyard just outside our room. A warbler had flown into a window and was lying on the step. Little warblers were flitting about the morning glories and in the hedges. After an hour we headed out for Lighthouse Point to connect with the returning birding group. We saw a Pallas's Leaf Warbler out our hotel window when we got back.

This was our day to climb the Great Wall, more than 2,000 years old. It was a hot sunny day as we hopped on the bus for our trip to the Great Wall, Jiao Shan (angle mountain) Mountain. We passed through the nearby city of Quinhuangdao, population 3 million, watching the busy action on this holiday Saturday. Interesting that North America chains like McDonalds were part of the streetscape and there were many signs in English as well as in Chinese. We learned that traffic officers at lighted intersections could let privileged vehicles through. Bicycles, scooters, little trucks, buses, pedestrians – lots of action.

Soon we arrived at the Great Wall where we did a little birding while June was getting our passes. Once in, we birded in a forested area just inside the gate. June asked what we wanted for lunch – KFC - and sent in our order on her iphone.

At the bottom of the climb we viewed the remnants of the old wall. We would be climbing on a restored section.

We all climbed as much as we felt comfortable doing. The steps were uneven, some very high, others shorter and narrow. It was steep!

A bride was having her photo taken, wearing the traditional “lucky” red dress – most brides now in China select a white dress for their wedding. June explained that the photos are taken separately from the wedding ceremony and the bride has several dresses and the bride and groom are photographed at different locations, specifically in the mountains and by the sea.

Three of our group – Nunzio, Sharon and June climbed a ladder up to the top of a beacon tower. It was a real accomplishment on this hot morning to climb so high. June waved to us below. Phil celebrated his climb too.

After a final group shot we left the Wall, and drove into the city for our KFC lunch. It was a very busy spot, full of young people.

We continued on our tour of the Great Wall, at Lion’s Head where the wall meets the sea at Shanhaiguan. We joined a happy crowd of visitors. June carried a blue flag so we could always find her in the crowd. Barbara and Phil took turns with the flag too.

Now back to our birding… birding in China is much quieter than visiting tourist destinations. We stopped at the Stone River. Only a few fishers shared the property with us. Again, we noticed a lot of garbage and polluted water. But there were birds: Thick-billed Warblers, a Long-billed Plover, a Bluethroat, a Brown Shrike and many herons. These sightings were a perfect way to end our busy day.

Back at our hotel we freshened up and did some laundry. We were ready for a special barbeque in downtown Beidaihe that June had planned for us. Our bus pulled into a luxury hotel and June guided us to a little private restaurant outside a small house behind the hotel. Everything was delicious. We ended our day with a short stroll in the colorful downtown area.

Tomorrow we would leave the coastal city and go up into the mountains.

English signs of the day: