China Birding Trip: September-16-30, 2013

Day 4 September 18 - Summer Palace and Beidaihe

Bird of the day: Black-crowned Night-Heron

We prepared for a rainy morning for our 6:30am hotel birding. Ian and Bill kept their long lenses protected.

We were rewarded this morning with a Black-Crowned Night Heron who was not at all bothered by the rain.

Just like the day before, we all enjoyed our hearty Chinese breakfast.

Today we would visit the Summer Palace. June introduced us to the palace's history. It is a royal garden, enlarged and embellished by Emperor Quianlong in the 18th century, vandalized during the Opium Wars and the Boxer Rebellion - there was a major restoration in 1949. As we were driving through the smog, June showed us the mask she wears when cycling to work.

Our group posed for a photo together at the Summer Palace.

We toured the gardens and hiked along the foggy lake, of course, keeping our eyes open for birds. We met some happy Chinese tourists.

As music drifted over the grounds, we found a choir and onlookers singing with enthusiasm. Check out the video:
Note that Barbara, who was shooting the video, was called away to bird…

The birds blended in with the architecture – magpies, doves, pigeons, finches, a Chinese Grosbeak, a Chinese Nuthatch...

We said goodbye to the rain and fog at the Summer Palace and hopped on our bus.

We were off to the coastal tourist town of Beidaihe (north ribbon river). It took us a long time to exit Bejing as tomorrow was the start of a national period and many people were leaving town. We had a good view of the businesses en route – a few familiar western ones sprinkled in. It was interesting to see the Olympic Bird’s Nest stadium.

June arranged a hot Chinese lunch prepared by last night’s restaurant – delivered to our van on the autoroute by some of her friends on small motorbikes. It was a quick turnover. A hot Chinese lunch with chopsticks delivered to our bus was a new experience for us.

We arrived at Beidaihe and quickly got settled into our rooms at the Jin Shan (golden mountain) hotel.

It is a large estate with several buildings. At our building 3, some little birds greeted us, likely Japanese Tits, Dave said – a good sign. The air was refreshingly clear after smoggy Beijing.

Soon we were birding at nearby Longxing Park, a reservoir environmental area. We enjoyed a beautiful nature walk. The birds we saw were Great Egret, Chinese Pond Heron, Eastern Water Rail, Yellow Bittern and Black-crowned Night-Heron.

Dave decided we should check out the ocean salt flats as the tide was out – a good time for feeding shorebirds, ducks and herons. We saw Ruddy Shelducks, Mallards, a few Eurasian Teal, Black-tailed Godwits, Whimbrels, Far Eastern Curlews and other plovers, sandpipers and lapwings. There were dozens of Little Egrets and Great Egrets, several Grey Herons and a couple of Pacific Reef Herons.

Dave asked June to get some up-to-date information about recent bird sightings from some Chinese observers. She hopped over a fence and reached them at a lower viewing platform. One of them came and talked to Dave using June as an interpreter. She needed a bit of help returning over the fence to our viewing level.

Soon, as the sun set and the moon rose, we returned to Jin Shan for a Chinese beer and a good Chinese dinner together.

English signs of the day: