China Birding Trip: September-16-30, 2013

Day 3 September 17 - Beijing Mountains

Bird of the day: Vinous-throated Parrotbill

As is his habit, Dave starts the day at dawn searching for “early birds”. Our first morning in Beijing we were happy to discover that our hotel was close to a large pond. At 6:30am we explored the hotel gardens and the pond. Beijingers were also up, some swimming lengths in the pond and others fishing, or cycling to work. In the low light, we saw Carrion Crows, Large-billed Crows, White-faced Starings and both Common and Azure-winged Magpies.

Breakfast was an amazing assortment of Chinese food.

Soon we were on the bus in heavy traffic. Mr. Lee, our driver, honked frequently and sped past other vehicles, breaking hard at points. We made sure our cameras and scopes were secure. At stops he quickly hopped off the bus and lit a cigarette. We soon learned that smoking is common in China.

June gave us a short Chinese lesson.

We made one stop near the original Great Wall, where we saw a Crested Myna and some pipits.

We spent the day exploring a natural mountain region, including Baihe Ecogeographic Wetlands Park a few hours north of Beijing.

June had arranged a Subway picnic lunch to eat at the park.

More birding along the river after lunch. We spotted Hill Pigeons, Pallas's Leaf Warblers, Arctic Warblers, Vinous-throated Parrotbills, an Eastern Marsh Harrier, several Little Grebes, a Long-tailed Tit, a Gray Wagtail, a Grey Heron, a Striated Heron, and some Red-billed Blue Magpies.

Dave had three target birds for today: Long-billed Plover, Ibis bill and Crested Kingfisher. We did not find any, in spite of a lot of searching – very disappointing. We hiked along a river where road paving was in progress and we had to carefully skirt our way around it. Dave checked with Vaughan Ashby, a British Chinese birding expert, who let him know he feels the recent denigrated condition of the rivers in this region caused by construction and pollution have forced these birds elsewhere. He tipped him off about another location we may try later in our trip.

When we started back to Bejing, the sun was going down and lit up the Great Wall Towers as we passed. We saw an incredible 9 Amur Falcons pass over in migration. We made a few birding roadside stops and were surprised to see several Mandarin Ducks. A good way to end the birding day.

Tonight June had arranged a Peking Duck dinner for us at a nearby restaurant where we had our own room. We toasted “Gan bei” – Cheers!

After dinner some of us hiked with June to a shopping centre where we checked out the supermarket and a few stores. We learned the quick traffic dodging skill of crossing a large intersection in Beijing.

English signs of the day: