From: Carole Burton Subject: Gail Reid's message at Newfoundland Rally
Hello! I am sending you (with her permission) a transcipt of Gail Reid's
message at the Newfoundland Spring Rally in June past. She shared how the
Lord dealt with her about her attitude to the United Church, and how this
prepared her for the task he was about to call her to undertake
of Fellowship Magazine.
All of us in renewal, who have been led to remain within this church,
have been deeply hurt by the church and have had to struggle against anger
etc. at it. But if we are called by God to stay, I think we need to have
of love for this church, as the Lord called Gail to have- even as we
continue to
resist the wrongs within it. We are not to compromise- but we are to
when we must speak against certain things.
I am here to talk about Fellowship Magazine. But first of all, I want to
talk about why I'm here, when I wanted to leave the UC years ago.
We were a group of evangelicals in a liberal UC. We worked hard to have
a little Bible study group going, and we prayed for others in our church
to be saved. We invited them to special evenings that we had. We prayed
for our ministers, and stood up for the opportunity to present Jesus
Christ in our Sunday School classes. We thought everything was going
just fine, and we were pleased with the progress we had made.
And then 1988 came, and everything suddenly turned around. The whole
congregation split down the middle, and it was 'we' and 'they', and who
thought this about what. And without really wanting to, we found
ourselves very angry and very frightened. We actually feared for our
families, what our children were going to be taught when suddenly
Scripture was no longer going to be the authority in the UC.
And truthfully, when my friends in the Bible study group started to
leave the UC, I wanted to go with them. I thought they were making the
right decision. I was ashamed of what was happening in our church.
However, by then I'd learned enough about a walk with the Lord to know
that it's always better to ask him first. And so I begged the Lord to
give me permission to leave. But I wasn't getting an answer.
And finally I heard, "I want you to stay in this church." I can remember
just crying my eyes out, saying "Lord, I can't stay in this church- all
my friends have gone." And he said, "Are you doing this for your
friends, or for me?"
And so I was obedient, and I stayed. There were two of us who remained,
out of 25 or 30 people. And we became progressively more and more
Until one day I met an old Baptist friend who lived down the street from
me, and she asked me how we were doing in the UC. And instead of being
really critical- "why are you staying in the UC"- she said, "You know,
you must really need prayer. We've been praying for you. We've been
walking around your church and praying for the UC. We'd like you to come
and join us in our prayer group."
Well, I was so surprised that she wasn't putting us down, that I decided
to go. My friend from our church also went, and it was the beginning of
a real turn-around. They really ministered to us. We grumbled every
week, and they prayed for the things we grumbled about. I'm ashamed of
all the things that I told them about our church. And they would just
smile, and they'd lay hands on us and pray that we'd be filled with love
and peace. And we'd be fine- until the next week.
And then one day, while we were praying in the group, one of the women
began to confess that God had convicted her that she was an accuser of
the brethren, and that she was playing right into the enemy's hands.
And something happened to me inside. I felt "Oh- I think that's God
talking to me. It's been just pouring out of my mouth. I've been putting
down the United Church, I've been putting down the ministers, I've even
been praying that they'd leave." Well, I was skewered on the spot, as
they say.
And as I listened to this woman praying and repenting, I was trying to
find out what I could do about the fact that I was an accuser too. She
repented for what she had done, and then she said, "Lord, make me an
And you know, all those years as a Christian, I had never heard that
word. I never heard that we could be intercessors, that we could
intercede to God the Father in the name of Jesus for other people and
for our church. And it seemed like a word of promise for me.
I went home, and God gave me a wonderful gift. He gave me a dream. It
was a strange dream. I was in our own church, praying with a friend, and
suddenly the church became a very frightening place. It was dark and
frightening, and I wanted to leave. I ran out of the church to get away,
as if something was chasing me. And when I went out and looked back at
the church, it was covered in huge chains. They were so big, it would
have been impossible for any machine to break them.
But do you know what happened? All of a sudden, something began to drip
over the chains. And as it dripped over them, the chains were starting
to disintegrate and melt. As it started to get closer to me, I realized
I had something like a cup in my hand, and I started to take some of the
liquid and pour it over the chains. Then inside my heart I heard, "This
is the blood of Christ."
"This is the blood of Christ. There is nothing that it cannot conquer.
God has conquered everything through this blood. And you can take this
blood of Christ and hold it before the Father and say, `Jesus has died
for these people that we prayed for. Jesus died for our church.'"
When I went back to the prayer group I was so excited about my dream,
and I told them what had happened. And they said, "You have to intercede
right now for the United Church of Canada."
Well, I was excited about the dream, and I said, "I'm willing". I sat
in the chair in the middle of the circle and they laid hands on me. I
thought, "This is going to be easy. I'll just pray the blood of Christ."
But as they started to pray, I was overwhelmed with sadness for our
church. I couldn't stop crying. And then I couldn't stop crying for what
I had done to it. I realized that I had put some of those chains on
our church. I had done it with my anger, with my divisions, with my
sarcasm, with my thoughts against everybody in our church who didn't
think like I did.
And I was convicted that I needed the blood of Christ washed over me
again. I needed the Holy Spirit to cleanse me and make me new. And that
very day I felt so clean. I said, "Lord, I'll do anything for the United
What a difference! From wanting to leave- to "I'll do anything". That
was God.
But sometimes `anything' surprises you. About a week later, who should
call me but the editor of Fellowship Magazine. She said, "Do you want a
Well, I was a writer at that time, and I was writing for a lot of
secular magazines and religious magazines, and I was really proud of
what I had accomplished. I used to be a social worker. I went back to
school, and was now in journalism, and I had worked hard at getting to
the level where I could almost pick and choose the articles that I did.
And so I said, "I don't know. I'm a writer; I'm not an editor. I don't
think so." But that night the Lord said, "This is it. You said you'd do
anything. This is it."
Now the people on the Fellowship Magazine Board who interviewed me
didn't know that God already had that in mind. But when I went, I just
felt so confident that God had opened this way and was going to use it.
And it was with great joy that I discovered that FM was becoming a new
thing, that it was going to have a new Board, with all the renewal
groups coming together to create a new magazine. So it was a fresh
And the one thing that I wanted more than anything, and which I believe
God had done a work in me for, was to say, "Let's make the magazine
positive. Let's make a commitment from the very first issue that we will
uphold Jesus Christ, that we will not put the United Church down, that
we will not cast aspersions on anyone's character." And I knew what
that was, because I had done it. I could recognize it as people talked,
and when I read it.
I believe that God has blessed this commitment. In four years the
magazine has doubled in its circulation. And I've had many, many letters
from the readers saying, "Thank you that in FM you've created something
that's positive, that's encouraging, that's holding up our faith." And
that is because of the Lord Jesus Christ. We can thank him for that.
Over the last few years, as much as there have been so many things in
our church that we could be discouraged about, there are many reasons to
Just in the last year 47 United Churches are taking Alpha. For two years
Fellowship Magazine has been sent free of charge to all United Church
ministers. Only a small percentage have said they don't want
the magazine. 267 ministers are financially supporting the magazine. And
there are many, many like-minded congregations that are encouraged and
helped by it- even though they are not in the renewal movements yet.
Over the last year I have been asked to speak in some of these churches.
I've even been asked to speak in a very liberal church. And I think that
was the most exciting opportunity that I had. The minister, who is an
ultra-feminist and was a delegate to the World Council
of Churches, had been in the audience at the Spirit Connection debate
on "Is Jesus the only way to God?" A few of us had stood up and said
yes, we believe Jesus is the only mediator between God the Father and
us. And we were very clear about it. But the majority in that audience
said, "We don't agree with that. You are wrong; you are being arrogant;
you are being exclusive."
Well, this one minister never said anything. She was very disturbed by
what happened that day. Something bothered her about the whole thing.
She had felt disturbed by the way we orthodox believers had been
treated on the show, when we were expressing our beliefs.
Two years later she phoned and said, "Would you be willing to come and
talk to our church about what you said in that debate?" (She had set up
in her church a concept called "meeting place" which provided a safe
place for people to express differences of opinion on faith issues
during the Sunday services.)
Not only was I able to say the same thing that I said in the debate, but
they stayed an hour and a half and asked questions. They wanted to know
how I could believe that God loved everyone and yet some might perish.
(They wanted to hear an explanation that would help them to understand
the discrepancy of God's love for all people and yet the concept of one
mediator which appeared to leave so many out. They were not
argumentative but open.) They were really hungry for the Gospel.
I have some other wonderful news. I have just come from Toronto
Conference, and we had a huge renewal display and Fellowship Magazine
display, which we've never had before. We worked hard this year, coming
together, praying together, trying to say that we're for more than we're
against. Our display included some of the things we're for- especially
Alpha and Bethel. We also displayed all the FM covers for the last four
years. The 600 Conference delegates had to walk past our display to get
to lunch! We were thrilled at the number who stopped to talk to us about
these programs.
At Toronto Conference Bill Phipps came to me to tell me about his
experience at Burlington United Church, during his recent trip to Nfld.
He said he attended an "after-service" there, at which people shared
their faith stories, or 'testimonies'. Bill was profoundly moved by
this experience. He said, "They believe like you do!" He said what
impressed him most was that they showed him respect, "even though I know
they don't believe what I believe." (I then said to Bill that this is
what the Bible tells us to do-to honour and to pray for those anointed
by God to be in authority over us-whether they believe as we do or
And so I ask you people to pray faithfully for Bill Phipps; pray
faithfully for our church. We pray for change in the United Church of
Canada. I believe it's coming. I believe it's here. And it's coming by
lay people changing one by one, and praying for the rest of the church.
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