Response to this Site

November 20, 1997


From: 	Don Anderson[]
Sent: 	November 18, 1997 8:54 PM
To: 	Copple, Tony
Subject: 	5% answered

Marion Best filled in the missing information about 5% (e-mailed
national @ 1230am and she replied @ 9:30am!).  Very good e-mail
from her.

"It was in reference to the active members of the four renewal 
groups in the church: Church Alive, COC, NACC and Renewal 
fellowship. I based that on paid subscriptions to their 
publications and congregations belonging to NACC."

(Rev) Don Anderson


From: 	Don Anderson[]
Sent: 	November 17, 1997 4:41 PM
To: 	Copple, Tony
Subject: 	Voices United

I stumbled on something (perceptual) while considering Marie 
Brydges' letter regarding the new hymn book (Ottawa Citizen, 
November 16 page A15,

I say this, not as poking fun at the more liberal voices within 
our church, but more, 'wonder'.  Bill Phipps has expressed 
difficulty with the scientific possibility of the resurrection, 
but apparently there is no difficulty in singing hymns which 
express concepts he doesn't believe in.

Like I said, not as poking fun, but the 'wonder' - that which 
separates itself from demonstrable science is not anathema to 
the conservatives, and that which is perceived as doctrinally 
inaccurate is not anathema to the liberals?

This brings one to another 'stumble'.  Marion Best suggested 
that the more conservative wing of the church represented only 
5% of the United Church of Canada membership (Ottawa Citizen, 
November 15 page A4), though there is no indication of where 
that figure comes from.  Within the new hymn book, VOICES UNITED, 
we have the most current survey of what the United Church of 
Canada really thinks its people believe - what it can both 
tangibly and ideologically market (or sell) to its people -
approved by General Council.

The new hymn book is then an authoritative statement (separate 
from doctrine as defined by THE BASIS OF UNION in the MANUAL 
of the United Church of Canada) of what General Council
perceives its people believe.

(Rev) Don Anderson