- By Norm Henderson
January 7 2006
To the Ottawa Diocesan Listserv

The fact that Bishop Coffin has licensed Linda Fisher-Privitera in the Diocese of Ottawa rather seems to foreclose further diocesan dialogue regarding same-sex marriage.

Linda comes to Ottawa from the Church of our Saviour in Arlington, Massachusetts where she was Rector. She has been living in a lesbian relationship since at least 1997 and has been blessing same-sex unions since at least 1994. It is my understanding (although I have not found the details) that she and her partner are "married" under civil law.

Given the recent transfer of Sharon Schollar to St. Bartholemew's, Linda's "being included in the parish team" at St. John the Evangelist means that she must be, in practice at least, Sharon's replacement.

From the GLBT newspaper Bay Windows, I quote:

June 2003 (just after the election of Gene Robinson as bishop of New Hampshire): "Privitera praised Robinson's election as 'a real movement of the spirit.'"

June 2004 (following the enactment of the Massachusetts gay marriage law): "The Rev. Linda Fisher-Privitera, rector of the Church of Our Savior in Arlington, said her church's vestry, or governing body, opted May 13 to forgo using the formal marriage rites for heterosexual couples until all couples are able to receive them. 'What the parish will offer is equal rites', said Fisher-Privitera, who is herself an out lesbian and has blessed same-sex unions for more than ten years. 'So that means every couple will have the same liturgy.' Fisher-Privitera has already performed one same-sex ceremony since May 17, blessing a couple who had been together 25 years and having a justice of the peace sign the license. She said she will bless another couple June 3..."

In terms of the international same-sex controversy and its underlying theological issues, we can expect that this action by Bishop Coffin (with a background of inaction regarding pagan rites and regarding lectures denying the historical existence of Jesus) will move the Diocese of Ottawa out of the grey zone and firmly establish its alignment with the Diocese of New Westminster, the Canadian church hierarchy, the Episcopal Church USA, and the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil: all of which have been declared to be in a state of broken or impaired communion by 2/3 of the global Anglican Communion.

Speaking for myself, I intend to remain "in communion with the [Anglican Church] throughout the world". If this means that I must soon disassociate myself from the Diocese of Ottawa, I shall do so with profound regret. Who stands with me?

Norman Henderson

-----Original Message----- From: [Listserv]
On Behalf Of Ann Day
Sent: December 16, 2005 10:48 AM
To: Diocesan List
Subject: [Diocese] Permission to function

The Reverend Linda Fisher Privitera has been granted permission by the Bishop to function as a priest in the Diocese of Ottawa and is being included in the parish team of St. John's Elgin Street, Ottawa.

Ann Day,
Executive Secretary to the Bishop.

Anglican Gathering of Ottawa