ALPHA Course

An In-depth Overview of the Christian Faith

Course leader: Tony Copple

This page was set up to invite members of IG Ottawa West to the introduction to the Alpha course. In the event it did not attract sufficient numbers to make it worth while to run. I am leaving the page up in case there are visitors who hear about Alpha in the future and return here. Near the foot of the page is a place where you can type your name, and I will receive the message. If and when I do, I will contact you to answer any questions, and perhaps direct you to one of the many courses running in Ottawa in Fall 2004. In the meantime, you may see advertisements that are part of the "Alpha Initiative" - building awareness about this excellent course.

In Summer 2005 I will again offer to run a course for IG Ottawa West.

Who is the most influential being that ever walked this earth?

           Jesus Christ. No-one else even comes close.

Is it perhaps time you found out more about him?      For this purpose the Alpha course was designed. Even if your only reason for coming is curiosity or general education, this course gives you answers, and encourages you to ask as many questions as you like in a non-threatening environment.

In every way, Jesus changed the world and hugely affects your world, today, from the laws of the land, the date, the moral code that you follow and art and culture. The Bible has always been the world's bestselling book.

A recent movie, The Passion of The Christ, examined just one day in his life and after just four months is now the 20th most successful film ever made worldwide (7th in USA). So many want to know better why and how he died, the theme of the film.

The Alpha course has been taken by upwards of 6 million people in 34 countries. I am an Alpha Advisor for Ottawa and have led many courses (including in OCDC) and trained many course leaders. Alpha is used in all the mainline Christian denominations. Attenders on Alpha include regular churchgoers as well as atheists and agnostics. Nearly all seem to find enormous benefit from the course. Alpha is running in boardrooms in several countries now, particularly Canada where "Alpha in the workplace" was first established, and there are courses currently running in government and industry in Ottawa.

I would like to run a course during lunch times once a week in the Carling office if there is a quorum. I am planning an introductory session Friday July 9 from Noon - 1 pm. Title: "Christianity: Boring, Untrue and Irrelevant."  If you attend this you will know for sure whether the course is for you at this time in your life. If not, it cost you just one hour of your time. We will be serving a light lunch. If you have already attended an Alpha course, please contact me directly - I need your help!

If you would like to attend the introductory session, key in your name below.

Date           Name
July 9

A couple of comments from attenders on courses I have run

"I am so happy that my wonderful friends invited me to attend Alpha. It has been exactly what I was looking for and wanting - somewhere I could learn about Christianity in a non-threatening, welcoming atmosphere; I had no hesitation asking questions and was always pleased with the discussions."

"The grace and warmth of the Alpha team provides a safe environment to explore one's faith. A godsend for me. I had physical and spiritual burnout when I came in September. Now I feel hopeful."

Alpha Canada
Alpha Ottawa

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