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December 2, 2006
URGENT! PLEASE HELP!Crucial Vote on Restoring Marriage!
This bill will not actually repeal same-sex marriage but merely study whether to consider doing that in the future. Passing this bill will allow Parliament to carefully and thoroughly consider the implications of so radically redefining marriage as we have done. This effort to thoroughly evaluate this action is essential because the previous Liberal Government did everything it could to prevent such a careful and thorough analysis and debate on the true implications of legalizing same-sex marriage before Parliament voted to do so last year. Here is what we urge you to do as soon as possible.
I know that you understand that throughout human history, marriage between a man and a woman has been the essential foundation of every successful society. None of these societies has ever done what we have now done in Canada by radically redefining and devaluing this fundamental social institution by allowing two people of the same sex to marry. In fact, many nations have chosen not to change the definition of marriage. It is hard for me to understand why any MP concerned about our future would not be willing to at least permit this kind of analysis before tampering with such a fundamentally important institution as traditional marriage. The three Liberal leadership hopefuls have all stated that they would force a vote against reopening the issue, thus robbing us of true democracy. Gilles Duceppe had announced publicly that he would allow BLOC MPs to vote freely on conscience issues, and yet is enforcing a block vote against re-opening the marriage issue. Jack Layton, leader of the NDP, is also forcing a block vote against reopening the issue. Our combined voices will bring about change. If enough constituents contact their MPs, then we have a chance to restore marriage in Canada. This will be one of the most critical votes in our history because restoring traditional marriage is essential to preserving our future as a society and a nation. Please do whatever you can to help! Sincerely, The Hon. Dr. Grant Hill, P.C. Please forward this on to others! To subcribe to this e-newsletter, click
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