(E-mail) distribution - unedited
Aug 30, 2005, e-mail from Ed Hird, St. Simons
The Anglican Communion in Canada
St Simon's Church, North Vancouver, BC

Dear friends in Christ,


30th August 2005

ACiC News Release:

First Canadian Anglican Ordinations by Rwandan Bishop


Vancouver, BC -Over 270 Canadian Anglicans attended the first Canadian Anglican ordination of two new priests, the Rev. Dr. David Bowler of Church of our Lord, Comox, and the Rev. Ken Bell of St. Timothy's Anglican Church North Shore.  10 Anglican priests/presbyters joined with their Bishop TJ Johnston in laying hands on their two new colleagues.

As Common Cause Partners with other faithful Anglican jurisdictions www.anglicancommunionnetwork.org/news/dspnews.cfm?id=112 , we were most pleased to have Bishop Charles Dorrington of the Reformed Episcopal Church in Canada http://www.recwcan.ca/ take part in the ordination.


In January 2004, a number of Canadian Anglicans were invited to the Anglican Mission in America Winter Conference in Destin, Florida. There they met with senior Anglican clergy from around the globe, and the foundation was established for the Anglican Communion in Canada. A video presentation of the ACiC story is available online at http://acicanada.ca/documents/acic.ram . For information on possible affiliation, please click on http://acicanada.ca/affiliate


The ACiC is a coalition of congregations throughout Canada formed as a result of the offer of Adequate Episcopal Oversight by five International Archbishops from the Anglican Provinces of Kenya, Congo, Rwanda, Central Africa, and South-East Asia.  This offer continues to be extended to all faithful Anglicans across Canada who wish to get on with their lives and be free from the ongoing controversy plaguing the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC).


A small CD introducing the work of the ACiC is available free of charge and newly released DVD's of talks from +TJ sharing the Vision, passion and DNA of the ACiC are available on request.  The ACiC is committed to evangelism, church health and church planting


For further information about the Anglican Communion in Canada, please contact the Rev. Paul Carter, ACiC Network Leader at paul@acicanada.ca

or (604) 222-4486 or The Rev. Ed Hird, ACiC Communications Leader at ed_hird@telus.net or 604-929-5350. The ACiC is not affiliated with the ACC (Anglican Church of Canada)


Please note our website: http://www.acicanada.ca



2) http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2933

Viewpoints:  Posted by David Virtue on 2005/8/30 13:00:00

IN VANCOUVER, the Anglican Communion in Canada (ACiC) is forging ahead despite the bullying tactics of New Westminster Anglican Bishop Michael Ingham. Two ACiC priests were priested this past week -- the Rev. Ken Bell and Rev. Dr. David Bowler. They are the first Canadian ordinations with the Anglican Communion in Canada (ACiC) http://www.acicanada.ca. The ordinations were performed by Bishop T.J. Johnston, a Rwandan bishop on behalf of the five international Anglican primates. God will not be mocked, even by the likes of Michael Ingham. The photos of Ken and David's ordination can be found here at www.st-timothy.com/calendar/ordination.php


3) For the latest on the Katrina Hurricane disaster and how you can help, you are encouraged to click on http://www.anglican.tk


4) http://www.acl.asn.au/ http://headlines.agapepress.org/archive/8/252005d.asp

Gender-Neutral Hymnal a Concession to the Culture, Says ELCA Pastor By Jim Brown August 25, 2005


(AgapePress) - A conservative minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America says he and other ELCA pastors are disturbed by the denomination's approval of a new, more gender-neutral hymnal.


At its Churchwide Assembly in early August, the ELCA okayed a plan to update the 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship by eliminating the "Father">. The hymnal overhaul will include other gender-neutralizing and diversity-affirming changes to traditional Lutheran worship lyrics and liturgies as well. For example, in the Lutheran Creed, God and Jesus will now be referred to as "Holy Eternal Majesty" and "Holy Incarnate Word" instead of "Father" and "Son."


Dr. Roy Harrisville is executive director of Solid Rock Lutherans, a conservative group whose mission is to call the ELCA to "remain faithful to the Word of God according to the Lutheran Confessions." Harrisville says those who favor the revisions to the Lutheran Book of Worship want to change fundamental Christian beliefs.


"At base, what needs to be asked is not can we be somehow inclusive in our language, but rather, when we do alter our language, are we altering our theology and our basic values -- and I think that is what's happening," he says.


Harrisville says it is tragic that a number of Lutheran Church leaders desire to be what they regard as more "culturally relevant" in hopes of attracting more people to their church.


"Relevance is a huge issue for many of them," he shares, "and they think that if they acquiesce to a particular ideology that is regnant in society, that therefore they will be relevant and thus influential and thus, of course, attract more folks to their churches. I don't think it works that way."


The ELCA's worship director, Rev. Michael Burk, has said the new hymnal will reflect the fact that the denomination is a "global church." Use of the new hymnal will not be mandated in local churches, but likely will gradually be adopted by most of the ELCA's approximately 10,600 congregations as they either purchase the book immediately or buy it when the time comes to replace their old hymnals. Jim Brown, a regular contributor to AgapePress, is a reporter for American Family Radio News, which can be heard online.


© 2005 AgapePress all rights reserved.


5) http://www.sydneyanglicans.net/aroundtheweb/


Narnia Sneak Peek Events

Millions of people around the world have enjoyed C.S. Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia series. The first of the seven book series, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, is being released as a live action movie in theaters nationwide on Friday, December 9, 2005. Walden Media and Walt Disney Pictures have engaged Weta, the computer animators from the Lord of the Rings trilogy, to help bring this classic to life.


The Mission America Coalition is inviting church leaders around the country to consider the fantastic ministry opportunity presented by the release of this film.


This beloved story from C.S. Lewis promises to be an exciting tale of action, adventure and - most importantly - redemption and forgiveness. Lewis is considered one of the greatest Christian thinkers, authors, and apologists of the 20th Century. His Chronicles of Narnia fantasy adventure series is just the right thing to penetrate today's culture in ways that more overt Christian films may not be able to do. We believe the release of this film is truly a unique opportunity that God has created. By clearly conveying the message of Christ and the cross, it can serve as a powerful evangelistic tool.


In cities and communities across America we are working to convene Church Leaders interested in collaborative outreach for "Narnia Sneak Peek" events. At the Narnia Sneak Peeks, pastors, youth ministers/workers, Children's Ministers, denominational leaders, para-ministry leaders and Christian Educators will come together in your area to "peek" at some important clips of the movie, learn about some of the great outreach/evangelism opportunities and receive a number of free materials.


If you would be interested in serving as a host convener in your city for a 90 minute gathering in October 2005, please complete the Narnia Sneak Peek Convener's Application form http://missionamerica.gospelcom.net/narnia/narnia_app.htm . We will contact you directly upon submission of the application. If you have questions before completing the form, please contact our Narnia Outreach team http://www.missionamerica.org/Brix?pageID=13008 .



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