(E-mail) distribution - unedited
February 21, 2005, e-mail from Ed Hird, St. Simons
The Anglican Communion in Canada
St Simon's Church, North Vancouver, BC

Dear friends in Christ,

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal."

-- Aristotle, Greek critic, philosopher, physicist, & zoologist (384 BC - 322 BC)


1a) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/


-     AN INTERVIEW ... (T-19)


Bill Good's Interview with Dr. Pamela Dickey-Young and the Rev. Ed Hird on Same Sex Marriage Filed under: General- kendall @ 11:49 pm

For the audio record, click on Thursday Feb 17th 8am, and drag the bottom green bar from left to right with your mouse to 44:52.

1b) http://www.acicanada.ca/faith/index.html (ACiC News) http://www.acl.asn.au/050221_hird_interview.html (Anglican Church


Monday 21st February 2005

Vancouver Rector Ed Hird is interviewed on radio about same sex blessings Click here to read the transcript of the programme, and to hear the audio files. http://www.cknw.com/audiovault/audiovault.cfm


Posted by dvirtue on 2005/2/20 14:51:00

ORTHODOX PRIEST AND RELIGION HEAD IN SAME-SEX MARRIAGE DEBATE Bill Good's Interview with Dr. Pamela Dickey-Young and the Rev. Ed Hird on Same Sex Marriage (Bill Good's CKNW Corus Radio average weekly listening audience is 256,000 people)(...)


2a) http://www.citizenscentre.com/action-referendum.html

    If you can think of others who might like to send the same "Let the people decide" message you did from our Web site, go to www.MarriageReferendum.ca  and click on "Tell a Friend".


2b) http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20050211.wsamesex12/BNStory/National/


Saturday, February 12, 2005 Updated at 1:42 AM EST

From Saturday's Globe and Mail

(...)"I am certain," says Mrs. Qiong, who makes it clear she could never support the Liberals on same-sex marriage, "that more than 90 per cent of Chinese would agree with me."(...) A full six percentage points of Liberal supporters said they would consider exiting their party. By contrast, Tory support dropped by only two percentage points when supporters were asked whether they would drift away should the caucus oppose the bill(...)


2c) http://www.christianweek.org/Stories/vol18/no23/story1.html

Feb 18th 2005 Christian Week Magazine  Vol 18 Issue 23 Parliament tables controversial marriage bill Canadian government gears up for debate over changing the traditional definition of marriage ChristianWeek Staff OTTAWA, ON- (...)Janet Epp Buckingham, director of law and public policy for the EFC, calls Cotler's statements "bland assertions" and "empty promises" and says "there is absolutely no evidence" that religious freedom would be protected should marriage be redefined.


"With more than 75 per cent of marriages in Canada solemnized by clergy, it is clearly a deeply religious institution. It is naïve and impossible to say that you can change civil marriage without it having an impact on religious marriage and religious institutions," she says.


"Already we have seen marriage commissioners forced to resign in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba over this issue. Mayors have been forced to resign in Newfoundland. A human rights complaint has been heard against the Knights of Columbus [in British Columbia] for refusing to rent their hall for a lesbian wedding reception.


"This is just the beginning of the types of religious freedom violations we anticipate from the redefinition of the institution of



2d) http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/feb/05021005.html

Thursday February 10, 2005

Canadian Prime Minister's Parish Priest says he is Considering "Marrying" Gay Partners Montreal Cardinal Turcotte refuses to make any comment on the nationally publicized matter


LASALLE, February 10, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Fr. John Walsh, the "Parochial Administrator" (parish priest) of St. Jean de Brebeuf parish in LaSalle Quebec, told MacLean's Magazine last week, that he is open to marrying homosexual partners in his Catholic church(...)


2e) http://www.christianity.ca/frame.html?http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2005/feb/05021107.html

Friday February 11, 2005

Ontario Elementary Teachers Union Supports Same-Sex Marriage Law


3a) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

- FEEL THE INGHAM-LOVE: Turf war over St. Simon's. Deep Cove church sees controversial rector replaced ... (northshoreoutlook.com)


3b) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

ON WHAT IS OUR ANGLICAN UNITY BASED? -- Click on http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2047


3c) http://www.anglican.tk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=722

Feb 12th 2005 Saturday (CaNN News)

4 testimonies by ex-gay Anglicans


3d) http://www.canadianchristianity.com/cgi-bin/na.cgi?nationalupdates/050216briefs

News Briefs

Anglican rifts grow wider (BC Christian News, Feb 17th 2005) Churches under the Anglican Archbishop of Nigeria, Peter Akinola, have broken all ties with the Diocese of New Westminster and the U.S. Episcopal Church ­ because those members of the Anglican communion have affirmed the "sanctity and integrity" of same-sex unions. Meanwhile, Bishop Michael Ingham of the Diocese of New Westminster has revoked the licenses of four priests ­ maintaining that they failed, after three months, to respond to a notice of presumption of abandonment of ministry. The bishop said he was "left with no alternative" but to confirm that they had, indeed, abandoned their ministry within the Anglican Church of Canada. The four priests announced their departure from the Canadian church last spring, and formed the Anglican Communion in Canada. International Anglican primates will meet in Northern Ireland February 20 - 26, to discuss their churches' responses to the Windsor Report on the same-sex controversy. They will also discuss how the worldwide Anglican communion can preserve its unity.


4a) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news232.asp

Statement on General Synod Debate

17th February 2005, UK (Anglican Mainstream UK)


We welcome the report of the House of Bishops and its strong support for the implementation of the Windsor Report.


What is needed now is action not more words.


Within a specific period of time ( a matter of weeks not months)




      ECUSA must be required to repent of its consecration of Gene Robinson, affirm that it will ordain no more practicing homosexual people to the priesthood or the episcopate, and indicate its willingness to live in autonomy-in-communion.



      Adequate provision must be made for orthodox dioceses and parishes who are vulnerable to harassment from those who have departed from the Christian faith as we have received it(...)


4b) http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=55&ArticleID=949633

Friday Feb 18th  2005

Archbishop's agony as the threat of schism over gay row haunts Synod Michael Brown. Religious Affairs Correspondent, Yorkshire Newspaper

(...)There was further anger when a Canadian diocese became the first in the world officially to sanction a rite for same-sex unions - "marriages" in all but name. As a result the Africans and Asian churches are threatening to walk out of the Communion and set up a rival



4c) http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2098

Posted by dvirtue on 2005/2/18 9:15:00

Archbishop pledges to take tough action in Church gay row

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent, THE TELEGRAPH

LONDON (2/18/2005)--The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, yesterday warned liberals who have brought the Anglican Church to the brink of collapse over homosexuality that they would face the






The "new statement of faith" being circulated in the United Church of Canada is very disturbing.  Here are eight ways in which it abandons the Christian faith of the Basis of Union in 1925.


1)      Seven times the "new statement" tells us that "God is Holy

Mystery".  How many times did Jesus call God "Holy Mystery"?  Why not?

What did He call God?  Have you heard of the Mystery religions of Jesus' time?  They were "syncretistic" meaning they took elements from many religions.  Is this "new statement"  "syncretistic"?


2)      The new statement calls Jesus "the child of Wisdom" (p.10) and

never calls


Him "God's only Son".  Have you heard of the Gnostic religions of Jesus' time?  They denied Jesus' unique divinity and reduced Him to a teacher of wisdom.  Is this new statement Gnostic?


3)      The "new statement" tells us that the Church through the ages

spoke of God as one and Triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (P.10) and then the "new statement"  never again names God the Father, or God the Son!  Is the "new statement" Trinitarian or Unitarian?


4)      The "new statement" names God "Mother" (p.10).  How many times

did Jesus name God "Mother"? Why not?  What do you know about the Mother Goddess religion of the time of the prophets or of  Jesus' time?  Does this new statement open the door for the Mother Goddess?


5)      Is listing three functions of God (Creator, Redeemer and

Sustainer) the same as naming God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit?  Have you heard of the heresy of "Modalism"?  A Unitarian god can appear in three modes.  Is this new statement an example of "Modalism"?


6)      When the "new statement" lists the tragic outcomes of sin it

mentions "hatred, violence, greed and selfishness" but does not mention "lust".  Twice it likens "sexuality" to gender or race (pp.18, 19).

Does this open the door to the approval of gay, lesbian and bisexual practices?  Does it also open the door to other forms of "sexuality",

such as adultery, group sex, incest, pedophlia and bestiality?   Why

not?  Scripture condemns all such practices as "porneia", sexual irregularity inconsistent with God's intentions.  When the "inclusive" United Church approves some of these practices, why not all?


7)      The "new statement" says that Jesus suffered "torture and

execution by government" (p.14).  Scripture tells us that both religious and political forces conspired to torture and execute Jesus.  Why does the "new statement" exclude


the role of religion in executing Jesus?  Jesus came into conflict with the religions of his time.  Today millions of Christians around the world are tortured and executed by religious and political forces.  Why is this continuing persecution ignored?  Is it because it contradicts the naive religious syncretism that informs this "new statement"?



8)      The earliest Christian faith statement was "Jesus Christ is

Lord".  Why does this     

"new  statement" never declare that Jesus Christ is Lord?  Is Jesus Christ Lord of the United Church of Canada?  Or has the United Church become so dominated by ideology that it has denied its Lord?  The ideology of inclusivity (religious syncretism), radical feminism (Mother

Goddess) and sexual liberation (gay, lesbian and bisexual) dominate this "new statement".  If you compare it to the 20 articles of the Basis of Union of 1925 you can see that it is not the original faith restated, but the original faith abandoned!


5b) http://www.united-church.ca/ucc/faithtalk/

Faith Talk II

[ A Draft Statement of Faith for Discussion and Response ]



Faith Talk II: A Draft Statement of Faith for Discussion and Response


"     Download Faith Talk II (new document) [39pp / 154KB]

"     http://www.united-church.ca/ucc/faithtalk/pdf/faithtalk2.pdf


Faith Talk: Toward a New Statement of Faith


    * Download the original workbook http://www.united-church.ca/ucc/faithtalk/archive.shtm


6) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/


Be Fair to the Liberals: How Worldview Affects Communion

By David Mills

(...)This is why orthodox Christians must understand the nature of communion and know what they are saying and doing by remaining in communion with those who are so fundamentally opposed to the Christian revelation. To put it simply: how can they join at the Lord's Table with those who do not believe in the Lord, or claim to believe in Him but do not believe what He and His authorized spokesmen say? Breaking communion is simply giving liberal Christians the great compliment of taking them seriously and believing that they mean what they say. (It is a compliment some of them may not want, of course.)


Liberals are not confused or ignorant or mistaken or cheating: they are committed to a coherent and thorough understanding of what it means to be a Christian. That faith is not orthodox. The problem is not that liberals err in the conclusions they draw from assumptions and principles they share with those still faithful to the Christian tradition; the problem is that they hold different and incompatible assumptions and principles and act and speak accordingly.


That being so, orthodox believers cannot simply declare that liberals should just be honest about their skepticism and leave the Church, and then (when they don't leave) go about their lives still unequally yoked to them in the intimacy of communion. The only thing to do with Liberals is to respect them for their convictions, and for those same convictions excommunicate them.


7a) http://www.igs.net/~tonyc/ssb.html

Bill C38 Key Speeches

Stephen Harper



Paul Martin  <http://www.liberal.ca/news_e.aspx?type=news&news=917>

There will be a huge rally in Ottawa April 9 in support of traditional

marriage: http://www.march4marriage.ca


Gather at the Supreme Court - 12:00-1:00pm

March from the Supreme Court to Parliament Hill - 1:00-2:00pm Speeches & Music - 2:00pm-4:00pm


7b) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

-     LINKS & NEWS on Same-sex Blessings, by Tony Copple, Ottawa ...


Click on http://www.igs.net/~tonyc/ssb.html


8) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

- WHY THE CHURCH BUREAUCRACIES HAVE TO GO-- brilliance from David Mills ... (home.wol.co.za) http://home.wol.co.za/~20063822/march2005/realitycolumn.htm

Reorganising Religion

Why the Church Bureaucracies Have to Go

by Dr. David Mills


9) http://www.thestar.com/NASApp/cs/ContentServer?pagename=thestar/Layout/Article_Type1&c=Article&cid=1108768211807&call_pageid=970599119419

Feb. 19, 2005. 01:00 AM

Liberal MP slams bill on marriage

Wappel echoes Tory leader

Raises issue of polygamy



OTTAWA-The Liberal bill to give the nod to same-sex marriages is "discriminatory, a sham, and a hoax," and could well lead to polygamy, the federal government heard yesterday from one of its own.


Liberal MP Tom Wappel (Scarborough Southwest) addressed a near-empty Commons chamber over lunch hour during a continuing parliamentary debate yesterday, and made many of the same arguments that Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has.


Wappel, like Harper, slammed the bill to allow gay and lesbian couples to legally wed in civil ceremonies, saying it is not a human right, but a legal right being created by the federal Liberals.


"Absolutely no country in the entire world has declared it to be a human right including the two countries which presently allow it for same-sex marriage," said Wappel, in reference to Belgium and the Netherlands.


On Thursday, Justice Minister Irwin Cotler rebuked Harper for making the same argument, saying he lives in a legal fantasy land "as if there is no Charter of Rights."


Wappel argued that if the opposite-sex requirement for marriage is dropped in the name of equality, why wouldn't the requirement of "two persons" give way to any number of persons in the name of freedom of religion.


"That discriminates against those religions that believe that it is perfectly acceptable to have more than one spouse."


"Why is it acceptable to remove discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation but continue to permit and perpetuate in legislation and common law other forms of discrimination? Either we eliminate all forms of discrimination or we leave the current definition alone. It has worked for millennia. If it ain't broke, don't fix it," Wappel said.


Wappel, unlike Harper, didn't say polygamy was next on the Liberal agenda, but he said it could be a consequence that would flow from judicial challenges, and could be instituted by a judge "at the stroke of a pen."


Prime Minister Paul Martin has said polygamy is and will remain a criminal offence in Canada(...)


10) http://www.acl.asn.au/


News, Church of England Newspaper

Bishop's outburst

Number: 5756     Date: Feb 18, 2005

An American bishop has compared next week's Primates' Meeting with idol worship and urged clergy in his diocese to stand firm against critics of the Episcopal Church's liberal actions, who he accused of being arrogant and "whiny".


The outspoken attack has been made by Rt Rev Sergio Carranza, an Assistant Bishop in the diocese of Los Angeles, where the Ugandan Primate, Archbishop Henry Orombi, has offered pastoral oversight to parishes that have broken from their diocesan bishop.


In a letter to the clergy of LA, he wrote: "I feel that what we are trying to do is placate some arrogant Primates of the Anglican Communion who want to humiliate, excoriate, and severely punish the Episcopal Church for its sin of embracing all of God's children."


Referring to the consecration of the Anglican Church's first homosexual bishop, he said that the Episcopal Church should not "have to apologise for its prophetic acts".


Archbishops from the Global South are expected to repeat their calls for the American Church to repent for taking actions, which are blamed for "tearing the fabric" of the Communion.


Bishop Carranza warned that the efforts to preserve the unity of the Communion were "erecting the Primates' Meeting as an idol".


He continued: "Idol worship is not only sinful, but dangerous, because it goes beyond bowing heads and offering incense; idols demand human sacrifices, they want blood. Are we willing and ready to offer certain of our brothers and sisters as a propitiatory sacrifice?"


He said that he had grown "weary of listening to a vociferous minority whine about the pain inflicted on them by the 'revisionist' General Convention".


The bishop advised US clergy to study the Windsor report so that they are aware of its plans to make "bonds of affection become confessional chains, and the 'Primus inter pares' becomes a miniature Pope."


11) http://www.churchnewspaper.com/news.php?read=on&number_key=5756&title=The%20Passion%20recut

The Passion recut

Number: 5756     Date: Feb 18, 2005

Most movie makers add reels of extra footage to the "director's cut" of their cherished films. Not Mel Gibson. The actor-turned-director has chopped five to six minutes from his 2004 hit The Passion of the Christ. The result is "The Passion Recut" - less violent than the original, and, the filmmaker hopes, more appealing as a result(...)


12a) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml;sessionid=MH1KUUCVHX0PTQFIQMGSM5OAVCBQWJVC?xml=/news/2005/02/21/nchur21.xml&secureRefresh=true&_requestid=17299

Separate Communions for primates in gay clergy row

By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent

(Filed: 21/02/2005)


Conservative archbishops attending Anglican crisis talks this week will demonstrate their anger with their liberal counterparts by refusing to receive Communion alongside them, The Telegraph has learned(...)


They will demand that the liberal leadership of the American Episcopal Church repents by the end of May or is suspended from the worldwide Church.


They will be seeking similar sanctions against liberals in Canada(...)


The conservatives are also understood to be plotting to tear up the official agenda, as they fear that it will limit the amount of time spent on debating the Windsor report, which the Archbishop of Canterbury hopes could still preserve unity.


Insiders said that, of the 22 sessions planned over five days, only five would be focused specifically on the Windsor report(...)


 12b) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/02/21/nchur121.xml&sSheet=/news/2005/02/21/ixnewstop.html

Archbishop is facing lost cause as he tries to prevent split in world Church By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent

(Filed: 21/02/2005)

The worldwide Anglican Church is likely to be torn apart irreparably this week despite the efforts of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, to keep it together(...) The Telegraph has learned that the conservatives are refusing to take communion with the liberals and plan to boycott the daily services at the meeting in a potent symbol of their divisions. They are also plotting to rip up the official agenda when the five-day meeting begins today because they suspect it has been designed to keep confrontation to a minimum. Officials fear that the liberals could stage a walkout if they feel they are coming under unreasonable pressure from the conservatives(...)


12c) <http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/world/10950240.htm?1c>

Expectations low for Anglican meeting

 By SHAWN POGATCHNIK, Associated Press

NEWRY, Northern Ireland(...)

Conservative bishops, particularly in Africa, are furious with the Episcopal Church for consecrating an openly gay bishop - the first in the church's history - and upset about the blessing of gay unions in parts of the United States and Canada(...) A recent report signed by four African primates and one from Asia blamed the crisis on "the dire state of the Christian faith within the Episcopal Church," and argued that precedents existed for bishops to reach outside their territories(...)

12d) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1418905,00.html

 Archbishop fights to prevent split

Walkouts feared at talks on gay US bishop as church faces worst crisis since birth of Anglicanism

Stephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent

Monday February 21, 2005

The Guardian


Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, will attempt to save the unity of the 78 million-strong worldwide Anglican Communion, imperiled over the issue of homosexuality by a clash of conservative and liberal factions, at a meeting of the church's leaders in Northern Ireland today(...)

The Rt Rev Greg Venables, primate of one of the church's numerically smallest provinces, the Southern Cone in South America, told the BBC: "This is the straw that has broken the camel's back. We are saying we are not in communion now. Communion is broken." Church leaders are warning that the crisis is the most severe since the Reformation of the 16th century, out of which Anglicanism developed.

At issue are what conservative evangelicals see as the authority of Biblical tradition, under threat in the west from modern secular values, and what liberals say is the church's failure to minister with sensitivity and toleration to the small gay minority within its


The Church of England at its general synod in London last week gave its backing to the report, not without some misgivings, but other branches of the church in the British Isles have been more critical. Conservative archbishops, drawn mainly from the developing world, have been meeting privately to discuss tactics for the meeting. It was thought last week that they were short of a majority but some may still walk out(...)


12e) http://xtramsn.co.nz/news/0,,11965-4131732,00.html

 Anglicans Could Face Schism Over Gay Priests


Paul Majendie - Reuters, New Zealand


Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams faces his toughest challenge yet

- keeping the Anglican flock together in an increasingly bitter dispute over gay bishops.


Chairing a crucial meeting of Anglican leaders from around the globe this week, Williams is under fire from both conservatives and liberals in the 450-year-old church that is now confronted by the very real threat of schism(...)


12f) http://www.irishangle.net/news/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=240

Plan for united front at Primates' Meeting

Filed: Friday, 04 February 2005, 07:35 GMT


Archbishops from the global south will present a united front at this month's Primates' meeting, at which they will repeat demands for the American Church to repent for consecrating the Anglican Communion's first gay bishop.


A group of 15 Primates from Africa, Asia and South America met in Nairobi last week to finalise plans for the summit, which they have marked as a critical point for the future of the Anglican Church.


"History will judge the Primates asking whether we preach a social gospel or a saving gospel," said Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini, the Rwandan Primate.


"My responsibility is to bring Jesus to the world. The only question is

this: to make the whole world turn to him. In Northern Ireland that is the big concern."


The Primates said that they were not satisfied with the American Church's expression of regret. "They are apologising for hurting our feelings, but that's not [the problem]" said Archbishop Peter Akinola, the Nigerian Primate. "By their actions the Episcopal Church has "repudiated the provisions of the Scriptures."


12g) http://www.anglicanmissioninamerica.org/index.cfm?id=B5C44C57-77D8-40B7-A093EB55B316C483

Primates to Meet in Ireland

February 18, 2005


Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Anglican Mission.


For a number of years now we have all recognized and acknowledged that the Anglican Communion is in the midst of a significant



Our sponsoring archbishops have again requested that our Executive Officer, Tim Smith, be present in Northern Ireland to serve as a resource for them. Immediately following the Primates' Meeting they have also asked a number of us to gather with them in London to prayerfully discuss and consider the results and the decisions of the Primates' Meeting. This additional follow-up meeting will include Tim Smith, Jay Greener, our Communications Officer, Bishop John Rucyahana, Bishop TJ Johnston, Archbishops Kolini and Yong, one or two other archbishops, and



I ask your prayers for our meetings in London, for our House of Bishops meeting the following week in Kigali, and for God's special anointing to preach the gospel with both clarity and great effect at these two Cathedral services on March 6th(...)


The Rt. Rev. Chuck Murphy, III

Chairman of the Anglican Mission in America


12h) http://www.acicanada.ca/Statement%20from%205%20Primates%20Feb2005.pdf

February 15, 2005 (ACiC News)

According to five Anglican Primates, the breadth and depth of the theological situation in ECUSA and Canada were neither adequately represented to the Commission nor fully appreciated in the recommendations of the Report.(...)


13) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/

News Flash  20/02 21:30 GMT

Liberal Primate of Brazil suspends Orthodox Bishop of Recifé


14) http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/

You are encouraged to join us at our 18th Annual Renewal Mission 2005 on March 11th-13th with our bishop, the Right Reverend TJ Johnston.

Theme: 'Transformed for Mission

Location: LGCA Maplewood School  420 Seymour River Place North Vancouver

Registrar: Adelle Easto (604-929-0542) delea@shaw.ca. 

Cost: $25 (early registration); $30 after February 27th 2005



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Same-sex Blessings