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St Simon's

In the Word made flesh

Dear friends in Christ,

In the Canadian Anglican context, where it is alleged that practices forbidden by scripture can be pastorally holy or sacred (sanctity) without any doctrinal implication, it is helpful to remember that words have defined, objective meaning.

1a) Webster's Dictionary on 'sanctity': [sanctitas, holiness, from sanctus, holy] 1. saintliness; holiness; purity 2. the state of being consecrated to a deity; sacredness 3. the quality of being regarded as sacred; binding force; inviolability 4. anything held sacred Synonym: piety, godliness, holiness, devotion, purity

1b) Webster's Dictionary on 'doctrine': [Latin: doctrina, teaching, instruction, from doctor, a teacher, instructor; from docere, to teach] 1. something taught 2. something taught as the principles or creed of a religion, political party, etc; tenet or tenets; belief, dogma Synonym: dogma, principle, precept, teaching

1c) Concise Oxford Dictionary on 'doctrine': What is taught, body of instruction; religious, political, scientific, etc; belief, dogma or precept

2a) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/ (CaNN News) - FULL TEXT coming soon of the Statement by Abp. Greg Venables and other 21 Primates against the Canadian General Synod (we'll post it when we get it), but here's a foretaste: "The use of the word 'sanctify' means that the whole issue has already been decided and that is devastating. It's saying that God has agreed to bless same-sex unions as the word carries the implication that this isn't just right, but that this is God's will and he has set it apart for the human race. It's rewriting the Christian faith. There's nothing in the Bible about the sanctity of same-sex relationships. Canada's action merely confirms the sad reality of the fragmentation of the Anglican family. We would like to see them expelled. This is going against Christian teaching and they should either repent or shut the door behind themselves…."

2b) http://www.acl.asn.au/ http://www.anglicanmedia.com.au/news/index.php#003834

Bishops call for Canada's expulsion in gay crisis
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent and Jonathan Wynne-Jones Telegraph.co.uk - London, England, UK
(Filed: 07/06/2004)

Conservative archbishops representing more than half of worldwide Anglicanism demanded the expulsion of the Canadian Church yesterday for describing homosexual relationships as holy.

In a significant blow to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, traditionalist leaders lambasted the Canadian general synod for affirming that same-sex unions had "integrity and sanctity".

They said the Canadians should be ejected with the liberal American Episcopal Church, which backed the consecration of Anglicanism's first openly-gay bishop last year(…)

But a late amendment introduced by liberals at the synod infuriated the Global South group of conservative primates, who represent more than 50 million Anglicans in the 70 million-strong worldwide Church.

Liberals said the amendment, which was designed to placate homosexuals angry about the delay over blessings, was not intended to have theological significance.

Conservative primates, including a member of Dr Williams's Lambeth Commission, said using the term "sanctity" put same-sex unions on a par with marriage and pre-empted debate on their doctrinal status.

In a statement on behalf of 22 Global South primates, Archbishop Gregory Venables, the Primate of the Southern Cone (South America), said: "The use of the word sanctify means that the whole issue has already been decided and that is devastating.

"It's saying that God has agreed to bless same-sex unions as the word carries the implication that this isn't just right, but that this is God's will and he has set it apart for the human race.

"It's rewriting the Christian faith. There's nothing in the Bible about the sanctity of same-sex relationships. Canada's action merely confirms the sad reality of the fragmentation of the Anglican family.

"We would like to see them expelled. This is going against Christian teaching and they should either repent or shut the door behind themselves."

Archbishop Drexel Gomez, the Primate of the West Indies and a member of the Commission, added: "It is completely unacceptable to Bible believing orthodox Christians that same-sex unions are described as 'holy'. Such language is reserved for marriage alone.

"The attempt to give 'committed adult same-sex relationships' the same theological stature as marriage exacerbates the crisis in the Communion and will reap devastating consequences."

Traditionalists said that, in Church language, sanctity meant blessed, holy or sacred. It appears twice in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer regarding marriage ceremonies(…)

2c) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/index.asp

Archbishops want church expelled
By Jonathan Petre and Jonathan Wynne-Jones (Filed: 05/06/2004)

2d) http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=63b36965-e8b1-41c5-8c29-3ec7bf30ca64
Montreal Gazette, Quebec

Anglican archbishops want Canada expelled for affirming gay unions Jonathan Petre And Jonathan Wynne-Jones, London Daily Telegraph Monday, June 07, 2004 Conservative archbishops representing more than half of worldwide Anglicanism demanded the expulsion of the Canadian Church yesterday for describing homosexual relationships as holy(…)

2e) http://www.canada.com/vancouver/vancouversun/news/story.html?id=abe614a3-c4a2-4e57-8920-a593206836fc
Anglican archbishops want Canada expelled (National Post) Canadian Anglicans face ouster demand (Vancouver Sun) Church's affirmation that same-sex unions have 'sanctity' angers traditionalists Jonathan Petre And Jonathan Wynne-Jones, With Files From Lori Culbert The Daily Telegraph, Monday, June 07, 2004 Conservative archbishops representing more than half of worldwide Anglicanism demanded the expulsion of the Canadian Church yesterday for describing homosexual relationships as holy.

Traditionalist leaders lambasted the Canadian general synod for affirming that same-sex unions had "integrity and sanctity" at a meeting in St. Catharines last week. They said the Canadians should be ejected with the liberal American Episcopal Church, which backed the consecration of Anglicanism's first openly gay bishop last year(…)

Openly gay Vancouver priest Peter Elliott, dean of downtown Vancouver's Christ Church Cathedral, said the same group had already called for the expulsion of the Diocese of New Westminster for blessing same sex-unions.

"So, given what they've done already, I guess it's no surprise that they would similarly say the same thing about the general synod," said Rev. Elliott, who was elected chairman of last week's meeting.

"These are people who have never seen the goodness and the holiness that many of us see in the lives of lesbian and gay people in long-term, committed partnerships. So in that regard I feel sorry for them." He said the statement will not change the direction of the local diocese(…)

2f) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/ It is encouraging that the General Synod affirmed "the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships" although it is necessary to point out that the word "sanctity" was used in a pastoral not a doctrinal way.

No doubt many other dioceses in the Anglican Communion in time will join us in providing this form of support, care and recognition of homosexual persons, a group of people who have historically been discriminated against - and who are still persecuted in many areas of the world(…)
+Michael Ingham, Bishop of New Westminster

2g) http://www.churchinfoweb.com/GIW/WebObjects/ChurchInfoWeb.woa/1/wo/YPhMebAAQw38dEPIvE0wtM/
"New Vision" - An Alternative Voice for Those of "Traditionalist" Conscience from the Diocese of New Westminster The Rev John Oakes, Priest-in-Charge, Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Vancouver, BC "…More neutral observers tended to see such conservative responses as something of an overreaction, however…" News Update - June 4, 2004 "Back from the Brink" (…)But Synod's affirmation of "the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships" proved a bridge too far for the Essentials movement and for nine conservative bishops who issued a separate statement on the matter, June 3. "Sanctity equals blessing," according to Rev. Charlie Masters, national director of Anglican Essentials. "This entire discussion is about whether we can bless same-sex unions. So the matter has suddenly already been decided."

"In recent days the General Synod has made a number of contradictory decisions which may be causing confusion in the church," said the nine bishops in a statement read by Bishop Donald Harvey of Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. "On the one hand, the synod has deferred a decision concerning the blessing of same-sex unions for three years in order to explore whether such ceremonies would be a matter of doctrine. This consideration will need to be engaged by all 34 synods of the Anglican Church of Canada. On the other hand the Synod appears to have pre-empted this work by summarily expressing the opinion that it affirms the 'sanctity' of committed adult same-sex relationships."

The other bishops who signed the statement were Andrew Atagotaaluk, Benjamin Arreak, and Larry Robertson of the Arctic, as well as William Anderson of Caledonia, Anthony Burton and Charles Arthurson of Saskatchewan, Buckle of the Yukon and Ronald Ferris of Algoma. But while they deplored Synod's declaration of "sanctity," they also urged "Anglicans across Canada distressed by this expression of opinion not to despair and...to take their full part in the diocesan and provincial synods which will contribute to a decision of whether this is a doctrinal matter."

More neutral observers tended to see such conservative responses as something of an overreaction, however. General Synod's affirmation of "the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships" was so general and non-specific in nature, it was argued, that it could ostensibly be applied to any close friendship, homosexual or otherwise. The use of the word "sanctity" was equally lacking in definition and need not necessarily imply any theological judgement. Last but not least, even if Synod's statement was interpreted as a direct commentary on same-sex unions, it entailed no concrete plan of action. The PTC (Primate's Theological Commission) could come to quite different conclusions and they would be far more significant in the longer-term(…)

2h) http://www.anglican.tk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=585

A PASTORAL LETTER: Diocese of Ontario to be read at all Services of Worship on Sunday June 6 or June 13, 2004

(…)Also included in the resolution was a clause affirming "the integrity and sanctity of committed same sex relationships" This was approved with a smaller majority as many Synod members expressed concern about the use of the word "sanctity". The mover of this clause, in response to a question of clarification, said, "I did not mean the word in the technical theological sense as much as in the pastoral sense" While I was one of those who had difficulty with the choice of word, I am willing to take him at his word and accept that this was a pastoral and not a doctrinal gesture to gay and lesbian members of the church whose disappointment at our inability to decide at this time was palpable. I am not alone in my interpretation since in a similar Pastoral letter, the bishops of the Diocese of Toronto are of the same understanding(…)

2i) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news159.asp
June 7th 2004
Letter from the Leadership of the Parish of Athabasca, Alberta Statement of Response to the Recent Events at the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada We are deeply saddened by the decision of General Synod to ³...affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships(…)We believe that this issue should never have come to General Synod in this form. The appropriate action would have been for the Canadian House of Bishops, in conformity with the Lambeth Resolution of 1998 and in unity with the Primates of the world wide Anglican Communion, to discipline and censure Bishop Michael Ingham of the diocese of New Westminster when he unilaterally broke from the House of Bishops and, contrary to their specific request, approved the blessing of same-gender relationships in his diocese. In failing to act in keeping with their vows and by refusing to take action to restore order to the Anglican Church of Canada, the Canadian House of Bishops created a crisis in global Anglicanism which, along with similar actions in the U.S.A., threatens the unity of the Anglican Communion(…)

Moreover, parts of this decision launch the Anglican Church of Canada on a long and tedious path of what we anticipate will be further fruitless debate and endless discussion. Orthodox Anglicans across Canada are tired of debating and discussing this issue ad nauseam and ad infinitum. We have watched as this issue has divided us, drained us of energy which would have been more profitably spent in the cause of the Gospel and has contributed to the departure of many faithful Anglicans to other denominations. We have seen our church suffer a serious decline directly attributable to its failure to vigorously uphold orthodox Christianity. This issue is simply the last strawΉ in a regrettable series of compromises which have undermined the effectiveness of our Christian witness(…) To read the full article, click on http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news159.asp

2j) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/
- SYNOD 2004: "This is compromise?" ... (EI) http://www.ecumenicalinsanity.net/archives/00000166.htm
06/05/2004: "This is compromise?"
(…)An attempt to maintain fragile unity? What the synod did was insult every intelligent evangelical and Anglo-Catholic in the Communion. By pulling the measure that would have formally approved same-sex blessings, liberals thought conservatives would say, "oh, we don't have to worry about this for another three years." They thought conservatives stupid enough not to recognize that diocesan option on said blessings, combined with pronouncing such relationships holy, was essentially the same thing. If that's an effort to maintain unity, it was pathetic. No one was fooled, of course(…)

2k) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

- CANADIAN DECISION exacerbates crisis in communion ...

2l) http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=27b87a48-df84-460f-96bb-68dc09359671

Two sides of the cloth
Catherine Solyom, The Montreal Gazette, June 6, 2004
You might think there were two Andrew S. Hutchisons(…)

Again, (Archbishop Andrew) Hutchison is out on a limb. "Gay marriage is a concept I find difficult to take on board," he said, "but primarily as a cultural reality - I've been married for 44 years and I don't want the meaning of that to change, or to have to say "(I'm married) by the way, to the opposite sex.

"But if two human beings are drawn to each other and want to commit for life and are active in the Christian community, all they're asking is for the community to say, "God bless you," and I have no problem with that."

Hutchison said he believes when the synod tackles the divisive issue again, same-sex marriage will be an accepted reality in Canada.

2m) http://gs2004.classicalanglican.com/modules/news/

NOW THAT SYNOD is over, battle has resumed on the GS-2004 discussion-list. "Sanctity" is discussed at length. Enjoy. This post and this post by Chris Hawley are insightful ... (anglican.ca) http://anglican.ca/pipermail/gs2004/2004-June/000439.html
2n) http://www.acinw.org/articles/ACiNWStatement_june304.html

Anglican Communion in New Westminster shocked at Canadian Church's move to sanctify same-sex relationships
VANCOUVER, B.C.-The Anglican Communion in New Westminster (ACiNW) is shocked and grieved by the actions of General Synod regarding the blessings of same sex unions.

Initial cautious optimism over the deferral of the decision to bless same sex unions on Wednesday night gave way to grief as fewer than 12 hours later the same Synod voted to "affirm and sanctify" committed same sex relationships.

The passing of this morning's resolution has the effect of negating the seriously debated deferral of the decision last night. The amendment, according to Archbishop Drexel Gomez, Primate of West Indies, is "much more serious" than the original motion as it employs scriptural language used in the marriage service.

In church language "sanctify" means "blessed", "holy", or "sacred". It is used in the Anglican Book of Common Prayer twice in the marriage ceremony. Thus, the motion passed this morning effectively gives committed same sex relationships the same theological status as marriage.

The Synod's decision flies in the face of the 1998 Lambeth decision in which an overwhelming number of bishops from around the world declared same sex activity to be incompatible with scripture. Archbishop Gomez's statement warns that the decision "will reap devastating consequences". We are grieved by what damage this decision of Synod may cause to relationships between the Anglican Church of Canada and the worldwide Anglican communion.

Since May 2002 the churches of the ACiNW have been operating without episcopal oversight and protection. In 2002 the Diocese of New Westminster voted to become the only diocese in the world wide Anglican Communion to officially bless same sex unions. We have been spiritually supported by bishops from around the world, but despite the express request by the Primates (worldwide church leaders) and the Archbishop of Canterbury to ensure that we received episcopal oversight and protection, none has yet been provided. We will be awaiting further reaction to today's developments from the worldwide communion. The Anglican Church of Canada's decision to affirm and sanctify same sex unions makes the need for episcopal oversight even more necessary, not only for us, but also for orthodox Anglicans throughout Canada.

contact: Linda Seale (604)852-8645/(604)556-8066

2o) http://www.anglican.tk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=589

Bp. of Brandon: The Right Rev. Jim Njegovan, Diocese of Brandon, Manitoba "The statement of some of my brothers in the order of bishops, read to us last night, causes me some real grief. I love and value each of them as fellow bishops of the church, but I have heard what they have said, but I cannot agree with them.

I do believe that it is still an option, when we listen to people, that we do not have to agree. I'm amazed at how a simple phrase expressing welcome can be used to suit one's own ends, and give an implied meaning.

Did any one of the bishops show me a passage in the Holy Scriptures where committed, loving same-sex relationships are condemned? I cannot think of one, although I can think of a number of examples of committed same-sex relationships, such as that of Jonathan and David, whose love surpassed that of women; of Paul & Timothy; and even of Jesus and Lazarus, and Jesus and the Beloved Disciple-- although none of their relationships imply any physical, sexual relationships, other than perhaps kissing, and laying one's head on a breast.

My brother bishops have said that acceptance of such relationships precludes the discussions of parts of 1, 2, and 3 of Resolution A-134 calls us to do as a church. Again, I would disagree.

We have deferred making a decision on whether we bless same-gender unions until we meet again in 2007. I am distressed that a number of my fellow bishops have felt it important to gather as a separate caucus to address this issue, and share it with the rest of us as a courtesy.

My understanding is that there is only ONE House of Bishops in the Anglican Church of Canada. I was not invited to any separate caucus; and I can only assume, it was because they presumed to know my mind on this issue, and feel that I would have nothing to add to the discussion; a discussion that I feel rightly belongs with the whole House, and not part of it.

I am saddened by their statement, and it's presumption of the error that this council of this church has made, and the implication that we have ignored the voices of Inuit & Indigenous peoples. While we have not necessarily agreed with those voices, they have been heard. I would therefore like to ask my fellow bishops to consider retracting their Statement."

3a) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news160.asp
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 22:15:07 -0400: Virtuosity

Anglican Communion in Canada (ACiC) Critiques Canadian Synod actions (…)The Anglican Communion in Canada (ACiC), a fellowship of churches and ministries who maintain the historic Christian faith, has been established to receive congregations and plant new churches committed to evangelism, discipleship and service under the authority of Scripture.

As a registered charity the ACiC is a necessary vehicle for handling the legal, charitable and benefits packages of the clergy and congregations who accept the offer of Temporary Adequate Episcopal Oversight from the five Anglican Primates.*

For further information please contact: the Rev Paul Carter, ACiC Acting Network Leader, paulandlois@shaw.ca 604-222-4486 http://www.acicanada.ca/

*The Most Rev. Datuk Yong Ping Chung of South East Asia (Chair) The Most Rev. Bernard Malango of Central Africa The Most Rev. Fidele Dirokpa of Congo The Most Rev. Emmanuel Kolini of Rwanda The Most Rev. Benjamin Nzimbi, Archbishop of Kenya

1. Introduction to the Office of Leadership Development http://www.acicanada.ca/Reception_Intro_to_OLD.doc
2. Process For Affiliation to ACiC prior to Licensing http://www.acicanada.ca/Affiliation%20to%20ACiC%20via%20AMiA%20process.doc
3. Application for Anglican Clergy: Expedited Reception Process http://www.acicanada.ca/Reception_Application_Overview.doc
4. Application for Reception http://www.acicanada.ca/Reception_Application.doc
5. Reference Questionnaire http://www.acicanada.ca/Reception_Reference.doc

3b) http://www.anglicanmissioninamerica.org/ (AMiA)

Trouble Up North
The General Synod of the Anglican Church in Canada has taken another step away from the majority of the Anglican Communion. Although it dodged the expected by not approving same-sex blessings in the Church, it did refute the mind of Lambeth 1998 by affirming the "sanctity" of same sex unions. This move further divides the church in the west (Anglican Church of Canada, ECUSA, etc) from the rapidly growing and orthodox segment of the Anglican Communion in Africa, Asia and South America. Five Primates of the Communion have offered temporary adequate Episcopal oversight to those churches in Canada that are unable to remain a part of the church under Canadian leadership. That group, known as the Anglican Communion in Canada, issued a statement on last week's developments. Click to read: http://www.acicanada.ca

4a) http://www.virtuosityonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=896
Posted by dvirtue on 2004/6/7 14:46:19

News Analysis By David W. Virtue

4b) http://www.virtuosityonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=894
Posted by dvirtue on 2004/6/7 11:25:36

By David W. Virtue, ROSEMONT, PA

4c) http://www.virtuosityonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=891
Posted by dvirtue on 2004/6/7 10:27:27

By David W. Virtue

5a) Topic, Diocese of New Westminster http://www.vancouver.anglican.ca/default.asp?Menu=0&SubMenu=0&Item=0&Content=NEWS&Mode=NEW&Article=643
(…)In a statement issued as the General Synod of the national Anglican Church of Canada ended a week of meeting in St. Catharine's, Ontario, the bishop (Michael Ingham) said the diocese will "continue to allow priests in parishes that wish to do so to bless permanent, faithful, same sex relationships, and we will continue to respect the conscience of those clergy and parishes who feel they cannot."(…)

During debate at the General Synod, Bishop Don Phillips of the Diocese of Rupert's Land, asked the chair, Acting Primate David Crawley, and Chancellor (chief legal officer) Ron Stevenson, whether postponing the decision would result in an embargo on same sex blessings.

Crawley replied that an embargo was not part of the motion to postpone. The status quo would not change whether or not the motion to postpone passed, he said. The archbishop's statement was not challenged(…)

5b) http://www.livingchurch.org/publishertlc/viewarticle.asp?ID=553

Latest News, Living Church, June 7th 2004
Canadians Affirm 'Integrity and Sanctity' of Same-Sex Unions Only four days after hearing a high-ranking Anglican official warn about the global implications of blessing gay unions, the Anglican Church of Canada's 37th General Synod affirmed the "integrity and sanctity" of those relationships(…)

The Rev. Canon Garth Bulmer of the Diocese of Ottawa, who proposed the amendment, spoke of a couple he called Jack and David, saying they had returned to church after 20 years. He asked members to approve his amendment for their sake and the sake of other gay parishioners. "If I go back to my parish without this amendment, I have nothing new to say," Canon Bulmer told members.

He said during the debate that he did not intend any technical or theological meaning of sanctity, but merely meant to reflect Jack's view that his gay relationship already is blessed by God(…)

5c) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/index.asp

As Eyes See It - Dr. Edith Humphries
8th June (Where is the Candlestick?)

5d) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news161.asp

The Rev. Dr. Michael Green - Report on Plano West, California 8th June (Excerpt) (…)The Canadian election of Archbishop and resolution on 'the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships' has complicated the matter greatly for the Lambeth Commission . My own sad view is that unless there is a strong rebuke to ECUSA arising from the Commission, schism is inevitable(…)

6) http://www.st-martins.cc/links/youth.php
Employment Opportunity: Youth Pastor, St Martin's Anglican Church, North Vancouver


Canadian Anglicans now battle it out for church naming rights Vancouver, Canada by Ferdy Baglo ENI-04-0332 Tuesday, June 01, 2004 [Ecumenical News International] (…) Michael Daley, a spokesperson for the Web site CANN (Classical Anglican News Net), told the Anglican Journal, the ACC national publication: "There is no reason to believe that the church has exclusive use of the term (Anglican). It is simply too broad a descriptor."(…)

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Same-sex Blessings