(E-mail) distribution - unedited
One week before the Canadian ACC's Valley of Decision

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off your bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain, quoted in Insight@NavPress (Jan 2004) (Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox)

1a) http://www.anglicanmedia.com.au/news/index.php#003779 (Anglican Media Australia) http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/article20.asp (Anglican Mainstream) http://www.virtuosityonline.org/portal/modules/news/ (Virtuosity) http://www.acl.asn.au/Short_on_Koinonia.html Wednesday 19 May 2004, Anglican Church League, Australia "A Crisis in Koinonia : Biblical Perspectives for Anglicans" - paper by David Short. David Short "For the sake of the gospel, for the sake of koinonia, it is time for Anglicans to realign. Jesus is still building his church."

"To remain in structural fellowship with any body that formally promotes and recognizes what God's word condemns as sin is to have communion with the unfruitful works of darkness. In biblical terms, any body that promotes or legitimizes same sex unions has effectively removed itself from the fellowship of the gospel, and the catholic and apostolic faith."

Read this very helpful paper by David Short - Rector of St. John's Shaughnessy in Vancouver. http://www.anglican.tk/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=556 CRISIS IN KOINONIA: BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVES FOR ANGLICANS, a paper by the Rev. David Short, May 2004, from the Diocese of New Westminster ... (Via E-mail)

1b) http://london2003.anglican.tk/ http://listserv.episcopalian.org/scripts/wa.exe?A2=ind0405c&L=virtuosity&D=1&H=1&O=D&F=&S=&P=602 CANADA: Seven ex-gay clergy and laity to make stand at General Synod ... (DV)

2a) http://www.AmericanAnglican.org/News/News.cfm?ID=1059&c=21 http://www.anglicancommunionnetwork.org/news/dspnews.cfm?id=37 http://www.virtuosityonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=824 Posted by dvirtue on 2004/5/18 7:10:34 REPENT OR FACE EXPULSION SAY 18 PRIMATES ECUSA has three months or face the music http://london2003.anglican.tk/ CaNNet BREAKING NEWS http://www.anglican-mainstream.net/news150.asp Statement of the Global South Primates 17th May

A collective of 18 Primates from the Global South, representing over 55 million Anglicans, have issued the following statement, calling on the leadership of ECUSA to repent within 3 months.

Statement of the Global South Primates

By the special grace of our God, we, the Primates of the Global South of the Anglican Communion representing 18 Provinces with a membership of over 55 million, have met together in Nairobi on 15 & 16 April 2004 under the Chairmanship of the Most Revd Dr Peter Akinola, the Primate of all Nigeria. We begin our gathering around the Lord's Table celebrated by the Primate of Kenya, the Most Revd Benjamin Nzimbi, and the homily delivered by the Most Revd Drexel Gomez, the Primate of West Indies and Bahamas. Through it, we experience, with deep gratitude, Christian fellowship with one another because of our unity in our risen Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

As we meet, being acutely conscious of the current critical challenges we face as a Communion, we reaffirm our unswerving commitment to the historic and apostolic Christian Faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures "once delivered to the saints" (Jude v.3), proclaimed and practiced by the Anglican Communion over the centuries. It is our heartfelt desire to see the Anglican Communion move faithfully forward in true unity under the supreme authority of the Word of God. In this, we express our deep appreciation and prayerful support of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, in his unique leadership role amongst us.

Affirming the Resolution I.10 of Lambeth 1998, and the unanimously agreed Primates' Statement of 16th October 2003 which the Presiding Bishop of the ECUSA himself consented to, and the Global South Primates' Statement of 2nd Nov 2003, we reiterate unreservedly our unequivocal opposition to the unilateral decision of ECUSA to proceed with the consecration of a divorced and practising homosexual priest as Bishop. This deliberate disobedience of the revealed will of God in the Holy Scriptures is a flagrant departure from the consensual and clearly communicated mind and will of the Anglican Communion. By this, ECUSA has willfully torn "the fabric of the communion at its deepest level", and as a consequence openly cut themselves adrift and broken the sacramental fellowship of the Communion.

We commit ourselves to ongoing prayer for the work of the Lambeth Commission recently appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and respectfully submit the following for their consideration:

-The Commission should include in its Report a specific call to ECUSA to repent; revoking and rescinding their decision and action regarding the election and consecration of Gene Robinson as a Bishop in the Church of God.

-Should ECUSA fail to comply within three months, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primates should then take appropriate disciplinary action, which should include the suspension and ultimate expulsion of ECUSA from fellowship and membership of the Anglican Communion.

-Recognition and full Episcopal and pastoral oversight should be given by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Primates to those dioceses, parishes and laity within ECUSA who continue to uphold the historic faith and order of the Anglican Communion.

-Similar measures should be applied to the Bishop and Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster, Canada for their unilateral approval and implementation of rites for the blessing of same sex union.

-We also request the Commission to give urgent consideration to the renewal of mutual accountability and the harmonization of constitutions and canons of the various Provinces in the Communion.

As Primates of the Global South, we are of one mind that these measures are essential to preserve our Communion in true union and to avoid the tragic realignment which would otherwise be inevitable.

The ACC, upon the recommendation of the Brisbane 1986 Missions Conference, organised a gathering of the non-Western parts of the Communion for mutual consultation on their distinctive contextual mission challenges. The 1st South-South Encounter was held in Limuru, Kenya in 1994. The 2nd South-South Encounter in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1997, produced the important "Kuala Lumpur Statement on Human Sexuality" which was significantly fed into the 1998 Lambeth Conference resulting in no small way the historic and overwhelming approval of Resolution I.10. Other subsequent gatherings and initiatives took place in more recent years.

At this juncture of critical challenges faced by the Communion for its integrity, credibility and acceptability both within and before other churches, faiths and an increasingly secularized and divided world, we resolve that our fellowship and unity be further consolidated and mutually strengthened for even more concerted efforts in our common faith, witness and mission of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, notwithstanding our diverse social, cultural, religious, economic and political contexts. We challenge ourselves to spiritual renewal and transformation in stewardship and development of resources, both human and financial, through biblical discipleship and mutual care and sharing! Thus, we further intend to gather in a 3rd South-South Encounter in Egypt under the theme of the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church".

As we have experienced deep Christian fellowship and unity in the faith and mandate of our shared mission throughout the two days of our gathering, we are eager to share with you our wonder and joy in the amazing grace of God in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. By the mercies of God, we urge all His faithful people in our historic and worldwide Anglican Communion, especially those in difficult situations for the sake of the Gospel, to be encouraged and to remain steadfast in "faith, hope and love".

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart". (Heb 12.1-3).

Most Revd Peter J. Akinola, DD, CON for and on behalf of the Global South Primates

2b) http://www.anglicancommunionnetwork.org/news/dspnews.cfm?id=36 http://www.episcopalchurch.org/3577_39628_ENG_HTM.htm http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/articles/38/00/acns3828.cfm ACNS 3828 | ACO | 18 MAY 2004 Exchange of letters between the Most Revd Drexel Gomez, Primate of the West Indies and member of the Lambeth Commission on Communion and the Most Revd Robin Eames, Primate of All Ireland and Chair of the Lambeth Commission on Communion

7 May 2004

The Most Revd Dr Robin Eames

Dear Robin,
Thank you very much for your letter to the primates, providing some update on the work of our Commission, and drawing our attention to some important guidelines on the way in which the Communion may assist the process established by the Primates at their meeting in London last October.

Whilst your letter made some important and valuable points, to which I hope we will all give attention, I felt that the call for restraint appeared to be addressed only to those who take objection to recent developments. Surely, in this grave situation, all sides need to give space for the Commission's work.

There is no small feeling amongst conservative members of the Communion that they are being asked to show restraint whilst the liberal agenda moves ahead, with bishops in ECUSA taking action against conservative parishes; the Church of Canada proceeding to debate the blessing of same sex unions; dioceses in the Episcopal Church actually going forward with the authorisation of such rites, and the appointment of known advocates of same sex unions to senior office in the Church of England. This is only likely to create a situation where the playing field is perceived as skewed - conservative reaction is held back, whilst liberal viewpoints are allowed to claim too much territory. It creates the question in many minds, "Why should we wait, if others are not showing the same restraint?" I should be grateful therefore if some way could be found of addressing this question, and pointing out to our Communion that in the period of preparation of the work of the Lambeth Commission, restraint needs to be shown on all sides, and provocation to "precipitate action" avoided.

I look forward to our next meeting and continue to pray that we may find Christ's will for his church in our deliberations.

Sincerely in our Lord, v The Most Revd Drexel W Gomez
Archbishop of the West Indies


14 May 2004

Dear +Drexel,

Thank you very much for your reply to my letter to the Primates. Of course, you are quite right: in asking for the Communion to hold back from precipitate action, the Primates were asking for space for the Commission's work by all sides to this debate. I take very seriously indeed the points you make, and consideration will have to be given to events across the Communion which seem to take further controversial positions on the issue of ministry by and to homosexual persons. It makes it more difficult for conservatives on this issue to hold back from strong reaction if they are faced with what can be seen as continuing provocation. I am sure that the Commission, as far as their loyalties to their own provincial processes will allow, would join me in asking all sides to refrain from action which prejudices the status quo as it was in October 2003, and that means being prepared to hold back from advancing controversial causes until, as a Communion, we have begun to discern publicly the way in which to handle the issues which divide us, in a way which strengthens and does not damage our discipleship and witness. (…)

3a) Liberals in church 'pursuing gay agenda' http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/05/19/wchur19.xml&sSheet=/portal/2004/05/19/ixportal.html By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent (Filed: 19/05/2004) Telegraph.co.uk - London,England,UK

The Anglican crisis over homosexuality deepened yesterday when a leading conservative accused liberals of pushing ahead with their agenda despite the imminent danger of schism.

The Primate of the West Indies, Archbishop Drexel Gomez, said that last month's appointment of Dr Jeffrey John as Dean of St Albans had seriously undermined pleas for the warring parties to show restraint.

He added that a debate by the Anglican Church in Canada on gay marriages later this month was a further provocation, as was the treatment of conservative parishes by liberal bishops in America.

In a letter reflecting the fury of the conservatives, the Archbishop also criticised the chairman of the Lambeth Commission, set up by the Archbishop of Canterbury to avert schism, for appearing to favour the liberals.

The accusation against the Primate of Ireland, Archbishop Robin Eames, is particularly embarrassing because Archbishop Gomez is a fellow member of the 17-strong commission, hand-picked by Dr Rowan Williams.

The dispute is the first to surface publicly from within the commission upon which the Church's future depends, and will raise fears that the body will not be able to produce a unanimous report in October.

In his reply to Archbishop Gomez, Dr Eames implicitly acknowledged that the liberals were in danger of destabilizing attempts to broker a peace deal between the factions.

But he failed to provide any indication of how the liberal agenda could be curbed.

Archbishop Gomez, the conservatives' most respected spokesman, said that his wing of the Church - the vast majority of Anglicans worldwide - had heeded calls for restraint, but the liberals had not.

"This is only likely to create a situation where the playing field is perceived as skewed - conservative reaction is held back, whilst liberal viewpoints are allowed to claim too much territory," he said.

"It creates the question in many minds, 'Why should we wait, if others are not showing the same restraint?' "

Dr Eames signaled in his reply that there could be an effort to persuade the Canadian General Synod against backing a motion in Niagara that would pave the way for same sex unions in the province. He said all sides should "hold back from advancing controversial causes until, as a Communion, we have begun to discern publicly the way in which to handle the issues."

3b) Rebel parish to fund 'cure' for homosexuals http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/05/16/ngay16.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/05/16/ixhome.html By Elizabeth Day (Filed: 16/05/2004)

A parish disgruntled by the appointment of Canon Jeffrey John as the Dean of St Alban's will divert thousands of pounds it normally sends to central Church funds to a Christian charity that seeks to "cure" homosexuals.

Holy Trinity Church in Barnet, north London, will give £5,500 a year to the True Freedom Trust, which offers therapy to encourage sexual "transformation".

The parish and parochial council announced that they were withholding their £33,600 annual quota - a voluntary "tax" paid by parishes to central diocesan funds - in protest at the appointment of Dr John, a homosexual…

3c) http://www.advocate.com/new_news.asp?ID=12489&sd=05/20/04 Thursday, May 20, 2004 From the pages of The Advocate Gay crisis fallout: Major changes proposed for 77 million Anglicans and Episcopalians

A written constitution, new powers for the archbishop of Canterbury, a looser federation of national churches--these ideas reportedly are among proposals being considered by a commission that is seeking a way to hold the Anglican Communion together.

There's no obvious formula for reconciliation among the world's 77 million Anglicans and Episcopalians. Some support the elevation of V. Gene Robinson, a gay man living with a partner, as a bishop in the Episcopal Church, the U.S. branch of Anglicanism. Many more regard this, and the ordination of other openly gay clergy, to be a repudiation of the Bible and Anglican tradition.

Anglicanism's split could worsen June 2 if the Anglican Church of Canada General Synod approves a proposed bill authorizing all bishops and dioceses to sanction blessings of "committed same-sex unions" if they wish. The decision of one Canadian diocese, New Westminster in Vancouver, to approve blessing rituals for same-sex couples has already provoked condemnation elsewhere in the communion.

This fundamental dispute over sexual morality and biblical tradition has stretched Anglicanism's customary tolerance for diversity to the breaking point.

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, the Anglicans' spiritual leader, held an emergency summit with the heads of the 38 self-governing national branches last year. He then appointed Ireland's archbishop, Robin Eames, to head the 17-member Lambeth Commission that is seeking a solution.

With Canada partly in mind, Eames recently appealed to the irreconcilables on both sides of the church debate to avoid precipitate action and instead wait for commission to complete its work. The panel, which meets June 13-17 near Hendersonville, N.C., and again in September, is scheduled to finish its report in October…

4a) http://london2003.anglican.tk/ http://www.herald.ns.ca/stories/2004/05/15/f298.raw.html Saturday, May 15, 2004 Back The Halifax Herald Limited Same-sex unions splitting Anglican Church Some parishioners feel concerns about same-sex issue ignored, conference told By MICHAEL LIGHTSTONE / Staff Reporter

The issue of blessing same-sex unions may have polarized the Anglican Church of Canada beyond unification, a religious conference in Halifax heard Friday.

Rev. John Newton said the debate threatening Anglican unity "is far more than one of church order and doctrine."

Since it's now a political issue and legal matter, he said, the church has a "social responsibility" to play a role in settling the question(…)

4b) http://anglicanjournal.com/extra/news.html?newsItem=2004-05-17_ts.news Priest appraises parish's arrangement with visiting bishop MARITES N. SISON, STAFF WRITER, May 17, 2004 v 5a) Follow the Leader? http://www.pfm.org/TemplateRedirect.cfm?template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=12460 Same-Sex 'Marriage,' Massachusetts, and the Rest of Us BreakPoint with Charles Colson May 17, 2004 Today marks the beginning of legal same-sex "marriages" in America. It begins in Massachusetts: the result of the state Supreme Court's ruling in the Goodrich case which said, "barring an individual from the protections, benefits, and obligations of civil marriage solely because that person would marry a person of the same sex violates the Massachusetts Constitution." Once again, courts are out of control. What is happening in Massachusetts today threatens to redefine and, ultimately, permanently damage our society's most basic institution…

5b) http://www.charismanow.com/a.php?ArticleID=9092 May 18, 2004 edition: Charisma World News Court Declines Christian Group's Stay Request to Stop Gay Marriage Same-sex couples started registering to marry yesterday in Massachusetts after the U.S. Supreme Court declined a request by a Christian legal group to issue an emergency order stopping homosexual marriages.

Massachusetts is the first state to make it legal for gay couples to marry based on a Nov. 18 decision from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, striking down the heterosexuals-only restriction in the state's marriage law, the Associated Press reported.

Last Friday, the U.S. Supreme declined without comment to intervene and block clerks from issuing gay-marriage licenses. The Liberty Counsel, a coalition of state lawmakers and conservative activists sought a stay, claiming the Massachusetts judges wrongly redefined marriage.

Mathew Staver, president and general counsel for Liberty Counsel, argued that the task should be handled by elected legislators. "We will continue to press this case as far as necessary to ensure that the separation of powers principle is upheld in Massachusetts," Staver said in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling.

"This case is vitally important -- the republican representative form of government must be restored so the people can have a chance to define marriage," he added. "Although an emergency injunction has not been granted, I am pleased the court of appeals expedited the appeal and agreed to hear this case in the next few weeks. ... The battle over same-sex marriage is far from over. In fact, it is just beginning."

Pro-family Christian groups say the launch of same-sex marriages in Massachusetts underscore the need for a constitutional amendment to preserve traditional marriage. "President Bush and members of Congress must realize that protecting marriage is worth the same effort given to other policy issues," Family Research Council president Tony Perkins said.

"If we do not immediately pass a constitutional amendment protecting marriage, we will not only lose the institution of marriage in our nation, but eventually all critics of the homosexual lifestyle will be silenced," he added.

5c) Same-Sex Marriage Is Just the Beginning, Conservatives Warn http://www.cnsnews.com//ViewCulture.asp?Page=\Culture\archive\200405\CUL20040518a.html By Susan Jones, CNSNews.com Morning Editor May 18, 2004 (CNSNews.com) - The same-sex marriages taking place in Massachusetts can happen in other states, too - even states that bar homosexual "marriage," some lawmakers and conservative groups are warning their constituents.

"Many North Carolinians are under the impression that what's happening in Massachusetts has no relevance to them because North Carolina passed legislation prohibiting homosexual marriage," said Rep. Walter B. Jones (R-N.C.) in a press release issued Monday. "Unfortunately, this couldn't be farther from the truth," Jones said.

Jones said liberal activists have made it clear they will use the Massachusetts court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage to "overthrow" the North Carolina Defense of Marriage Act, and to "force gay and lesbian marriage on our state."

In a press release, Jones noted that the activists' game plan is simple -- requiring one same-sex couple to get married in Massachusetts - then come to N.C. and sue to have the marriage recognized there.

"All it takes is one liberal judge to rule in their favor, and our state will be forced to allow gay marriage," Jones warned.

Jones said the only way to prevent such a scenario is to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution protecting each state's right to define marriage as being the union of one man and one woman only.

Jones, an original co-sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, is among the 118 House Members who support the amendment. But more co-sponsors are needed, he said, and only public pressure will generate that additional support.

"If we fail to act, the will of the people may again be tossed aside by a non-elected judge who places his personal ideology and politics before the law."

'Churches will be muted'

Lawmakers who support the Federal Marriage Amendment were holding a press conference Tuesday morning to rally support for the amendment.

"Regardless of whether a Defense of Marriage Act is on the books, marriage can no longer be protected at the state level against activist judges," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which is organizing Tuesday's press conference.

Perkins said it's just a matter of days until the "natural and legal definition of marriage will be attacked through lawsuits filed by homosexual couples seeking recognition for their Massachusetts' 'marriages' in every other state in the union."

Perkins, in a press release, warned that this fight goes well beyond marriage rights.

"If we do not immediately pass a Constitutional Amendment protecting marriage, we will not only lose the institution of marriage in our nation, but eventually all critics of the homosexual lifestyle will be silenced," Perkins said.

"Churches will be muted, schools will be forced to promote homosexuality as a consequence-free alternative lifestyle, and our nation will find itself embroiled in a cultural, legal, and moral quagmire," he said.

Dr. James Dobson, chairman of Focus on the Family, agreed that "gay marriage is only the beginning" of the effort to disguise a liberal agenda as the rule of law.

"Saying there's a constitutional guarantee for two homosexuals to marry is just a few steps away from saying there's a constitutional guarantee to marry more than one person, or for relatives to marry, or even for people to marry their pets," Dobson said in a press release.

However, Dobson does see a silver lining in Monday's events: "Millions of Americans might finally be ready to say, 'Enough is enough,'" he said.

Dobson called passage of a Federal Marriage Amendment "our last, best chance to preserve marriage for future generations."

5d) http://www.frc.org/ Marriage Under Siege: Join a Nationwide Simulcast this Sunday, May 23 - On Sunday evening, May 23, just after same-sex "marriage" becomes legal in Massachusetts, the Family Research Council, along with Dr. James Dobson, Chuck Colson, and Bishop Wellington Boone, will host "The Battle for Marriage," a live nationwide televised simulcast, to educate and motivate churches across the country on the battle to protect marriage.

5e) http://www.fotf.ca/familyfacts/tfn/2004/051304.html FOCUS AD CAMPAIGN DRAWS PRAISE, CONDEMNATION Last week, Focus on the Family ran a full-page advertisement in newspapers across the country that stated simply, "We Believe in Mom and Dad" and "We Believe in Marriage." http://www.fotf.ca/familyfacts/election/images/Broadsheet.pdf Radio ads starting yesterday asked listeners to protect marriage… http://www.fotf.ca/familyfacts/election/index.html

6) http://www.pastors.com/RWMT/default.asp?id=155&artid=6734&expand=1 What drives your people? by Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox, Issue #155, 5/19/2004 Do you know what drives the members of your congregation?…

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