01 - Cover page
THE “BOWERMAN” FAMILY OF DESCENDANTS OF ICHABOD BOWERMAN OF DUTCHESS CO . N.Y. 16?83 - - 1796 BY ALBERT C. BOWERMAN M. B. JULY 1904 © Randy Saylor, 2007 No part of this document may be published without the permission of Randy Saylor and the Canadian Quaker Archives. This unpublished work by Albert
C. Bowerman
is part of the E. H. Marion Cronk Fonds held by the Canadian Quaker
Archives at
The Marion Cronk Fonds contains about 6 feet of boxed material and all came from the home of Marion Cronk, It appears this manuscript was never published in its current form. The bulk of the manuscript is a typed carbon copy on 8.5 x 14 tissue paper with some paper inserts, hand drawn maps and attached clippings and photographs. There are numerous handwritten edits and insertions presumably by AC Bowerman. These handwritten edits are transcribed in italics. The paragraphing, punctuation and spelling is transcribed as written though very minor corrections were made where the meaning is 100% clear to make it easier to read. An example is “In 1787Jesse Gifford” where no space was typed between the date and the name and it was transcribed as “In 1787 Jesse Gifford”. Images were made of most of the older content of the fonds and these images are included in a DVD in the Fonds at the archives. Carm Foster, Doug Smith and Judy Andrus Toporcer agreed to a request from Randy Saylor to transcribe this important manuscript. Randy emailed the images to them for transcription and assembled the document. The three transcribers are all Bowerman descendants and Randy is connected through marriage. Albert Claude Bowerman (1850 – 1917) was a doctor and a genealogical enthusiast. This work appears to be a precursor to Genealogical List of the Bull Family that he had published by the Ontario Historical Society in 1904 and The Bowerman Family of Ontario by A. C. Bowerman dated 1916 that was transcribed by Lorne Shunk in 1994 and is available on this web site. Transcribing Notes An attempt was made to copy the formatting used by the author. All handwritten edit notes are in italics. Most pages were numbered, some are missing, and many pages were renumbered in handwriting. It is difficult to copy the format exactly and if you are unsure of the text please contact me for clarification. Transcribers notes are always placed in [square brackets]. I want to thank Carm Foster, Doug Smith and Judy Torpocer Andrus for their enthusiasm, care and diligence in transcribing this work. Randy Saylor Toronto, 2007 Image 02 - Doug Smith ( Index) Annable - note – page 1 -& - 2. Bowerman " 1 - - Baker 78 Brewer 78 Beadle 79 Bedell 80 Blount 39 Bull 81 Carman 77 Christy 90 Cooper 87 Cunningham 124 Dorland 20 Elsworth 76 “ Garrett 99 Gerow 102 Hare 116 Harrington 123 Hill 78 Hubbs 103 Hughes 112 “Introduction” K Leavens 115 “Landmarks” v. Introduction Mastin 119 “ N O’Neil (Carnahan) 121 Stinson 80 Striker 127 Thorn 77 Vincent 78 White 128 Image 03 - Doug Smith BOWERMAN or BOWREMAN (Devonshire and Wiltshire) Arms “Ermine, on a bend cottised sable, three boar’s heads “couped or. “ Crest “A goat’s head erased or, the horns twisted gold and sable” “ (2) “A bull’s head erased or, the horns twisted gold and sable” ![]() Image 04 - Doug Smith III Among the many families identified with the settlement of Hallowell and vicinity, of whom dates are extant occur the following –– 1783, Youngs of East lake. Bowerman Thos. qv 1784 Capt. John Stinson, Before the year 1788, and after 1784, we find, the names of Conger; Peterson; Capt. Richardson, James Dougall; Richard Hare; and Henry Ferguson; while soon after 1788, came the VanDusens; the Spensers; in 1791; Henry Johnson; and Abram Barker. 1800 Jacob Jarman (German) Stephen Conger, (distiller of spirits) Abram Steele (Thompson “Dr.” Hallowell) Cyrus Richmond (Quaker Preacher) Richard G. Clute David Conger (Store-keeper and teacher of “night-school”) 1801 Paul Huff (Fisherman, Salmon Point) Nathaniel White (Farmer; lot 16, I con. N. W. [blot] Samuel Porter (Tailor) Dr. Pringle (Picton) 1802 Robert Hubbs (Shoemaker) Caspar VanDusen. 1804 10th June “Sowed flax-seed” (David Conger) 1812 Asa Werden (Tanner, East Lake) 1818 Dr Millar (Wellington) Bout Outwaters (To setting “still” for James Barker, As late as 1817, approaching the village from the Spencer house , at what is now known as “Tower Point”, one comes upon the little “school - house”, at the left, between Spencers and Henry Johnson’s. The back of the house was close to the precipice and not far from the The Johnsons, who came in 1791, after suffering great privations at length prospered and built themselves a commodious “frame” dwelling near the steep bank overlooking the Bay, near the Benj. Gillespie residence; at the foot of what is now “Johnson” St. From this point the road skirted the bank, turning a sharp corner behind the E.Sills house; thence to the corner, called since, “Washburn’s corner, at Just below the bank, near this corner, was as distillery, owned, or at least operated by a man named Baird and immediately to the East of the distillery, was the old log house once occupied by the Washburns, but in 1814, used by that family as a general store. It was however occupied as a residence, in addition to the store, as late as 1823, as it was from this place, in this year, that Simeon Washburn lost his later much-sought treasure-box. This house built of squared logs, stood within twenty feet of the water’s edge at the north side of the road leading to the second “ As before observed, when the log house was built there was no bridge nearer than the present “Glenwood” Cemetery. Near that, the latter, bridge was the blacksmith shop of Bela Johnson, on the old Mullett tannery site and close to this shop was a “turning” factory for making wooden bowls. The bateau passed freely to the landing at the “Hovington” House, as there was open water to the latter place for many years after this time as may be seen from an inspection of the sketches by the late Capt. Downs. Beside the store at the present bridge crossing, Simeon Washburn had also a large store-house below the bank at the site of the present or “Old-Red-Store-House” and these two stores were connected by a footpath along the water’s edge at the base of the cliff. These were the three principal landing places “The Red store-house”; “Washburn’s House” and “Hovington’s Landing”; Later developed the pier and store-house on the opposite side of the Bay; while with the building of the bridge at the foot of the present “Bridge Street” , the “Hovington House” and “Hovington Landing” fell into decay and have been entirely obliterated. Simeon Washburn was a man of wealth and involved in many business transaction; he made frequent journeys to and from Image 05, 06 – Carm Foster V. embittered with their recollections of defeat mercenary Hessians, with the spoils of a rich new land as the wage of unrighteous blood the sturdy and staid Quaker, still smarting from personal experience with the recollection of “man’s inhumanity” all these, differing as did their antecedent history, met together at the little hostlery making new friendships which time has cemented in the union of their posterity. Rooms once animated by the songs of camp and river aglow with the pitch-light of the wide stone fire place, and fragrant with steaming “ Doubtless, in the after-years, when only the memory of his companions has remained to cheer his solitary life, many an “old settler”, feeble with age and broken hopes, has crept unseen to the calm of this silent ruin when the noon-day sun warmed the moss-grown shingles, and the dragon-fly disported his green wings above the reedy waters of the old landing, and has repeopled the sepulchral silence with forms long hidden in their forest graves. They were truly men, those worthy pioneers who met together at the homely hostlery under the hill out of the uncomplaining pathos in their rugged lives few of the later generations have ever guessed. But those other Quaker forbears, they also were a versatile folk and turned their deft hands to many trades with surprising skill. Men, and women also, who were their own agriculturists, artizans, and spiritual advisers, were little daunted with the sophistry of the Aesculapian mysteries. They were their own doctors, old age became a religious habit and the perfidious impudence of the Patent Medicine vendor was a national misfortune as yet unaccomplished. Quakerism seems to be synonomous with the breaking up op [of] old idols, hence the Friends generally eschewed the regular physician and allied themselves to newer and nameless schools of physic. Fifty years ago Thompsonianism strutted through the clearings armed with a score of drastic domestic decoctions, and a favourite but fearful compound called “Number Six”. There are doubtless unhappy stomachs stillalight with its internal fires. it was certainly a happy adjunct to the armamentarium of the average orthodox divine. Notable among the other records of the Bowerman family are certain “Landmarks”, bearing [crossed out word] record to their residence and later migration. First among these is the well-known landmark. (1). “Bowerman’s Nose” – A “Rock-Idol” of the ancient Druids, on Dartmoor in ![]() From “The New Illustrated Magazine”, Image 07 – Carm Foster VI. “Landmarks” – cont’d. …(a). “Bowerman’s Hole” – A deep pool at the foot of a cascade on the Dutchess Co. homestead. This pool was a favorite swimming pond for the youth of the neighborhood it still bears the original name though no member of the family bearing the name of Bowerman, has resided at the farm since 1?96 [date is smudged]. ![]() 2 Views of Bowermans Hole – 1894 Bowerman’s Hole. D.B. Bowerman seen in picture. D. B. Bowerman IV Chas. Gideon Image 08 – Carm Foster VII. “Landmarks” cont’d (3). “Bowerman’s Church”. – Near the village of Allisonville, in the Co. Pr: Ed. and so named after one of its chief promoters Thomas Bowerman, oldest son of Ichabod and Jane, familiarly known to his associates as “Big Tommy”, whose farm residence lies on the opposite side of the street. [Note: Old stickers and blank space indicate the former presence of a picture which is missing from the original in this space.] (4). “Bowerman’s Point” – Jutting into the [Note: Stickers and blank space indicate the former presence of a picture which is missing from the original] Image 09, 10, 11 – Carm Foster VIIA Landmarks” – cont’d – “Bowerman’s Hill” – On the old The close proximity of these farms hints significantly at the domestic instinct of these people. Most of their farms have long since passed into other hands; the grave-yard being the only distinctive historical feature remaining. This burial place has absorbed not only the name of its donators, but many members of the large family also and still gives promise to out-live, if one may safely give animation to a Cemetery, not only the name of the Society, but the Society itself for which it first became existant. ![]() ![]() The etching above represents the Hill with the grave-yard, opposite which is Judah Bowerman’s old red house as it was in the 50’s of the last century. The building on the left is ![]() Image 12 – Carm Foster IX. It should be observed that the following Records of the “Bowerman”, and allied families, are neither assumed to be complete nor free from unavoidable errors; they possibly represent a phase of individuality, a “fad”, properly speaking, they are chiefly the treasured matter of conversations with the interesting “old-folks”, who have long been gathered to their well earned rest; some on the “Hill” and some in the newer burying grounds in the village. Timely publication of these desultory notes will bring them to the notice of the “oldest inhabitant”; and thus ensure correction before the last available evidence has passed entirely beyond reach. It is hoped also that the brief references to allied families may serve to establish genealogical clues otherwise lost. In conclusion, the following pages are respecfully submitted to the generous consideration of a large circle of relatives, with the hope that imperfect as these records necessarily are, they may at least stimulate amoung our growing numbers, a general determination to be worthy of a moe exalted record. Albert C. Bowerman Ont. 9th July 1904 Image 13 – Carm Foster Introduction Concerning the Immigration of the Bowerman family into Canada, between the years 1783 and 1790, there is meagre evidence in support of the assumption that this movement was the result of eithrr religious or political persecution; neither is it probably that any of this numerous family was influenced by Gov. Simcoe’s Proclamation of the 9th Feb; 1792, as already several members of the family had ante-dated the Proclamation by periods varying from one to eight years. Samuel Hughes of Yonge Street Co. York, writing on the subject in 1834, says; in refference to the Proclamation……………. “This became an inducement to many who were poor and not able to “get lands where they lived, to run all hazards, in order to avail them- “selves of these grants, among whom were a number of Friends and their “families”. Of the Bowerman family, Jonathan and Ichabod were the only members who drew Govt. Grants in Prince Edward Co., and the evidence is still wanting to show that these lands were given as a reward for military services, either direct or indirect. The majority of the members of this family purchased their farms from the original holders, to whom subsequently the Govt. Patents were issued. The Bowerman family of Pr. Ed. Co. originally consisted of portions of the two families of Ichabod Boerman – viz: four (4) children by his first wife, Lydia Mott, together with his second wife, Jane Richmond, and ten (10) of her children. This makes a total of fifteen (15) persons. While it is true that there are instances of petty sectarian annoyance in Dutchess Co. as early as 1779, probably growing out of local prejudices, resulting from the War of Independence, there is nothing, of a later date to show that political antagonisms contributed to the causes which culminated in the family deportation between ’83 and ’90. On the contrary, there is a very sufficient reason contained in the poverty of a rocky farm on the one hand, Herein was a sensible reason for a wholesale migration; we shall later see how well they prospered under “expectations”, and how much “freedom” they actually enjoyed. Thomas Bowerman, the eldest son of Ichabod and Jane, was the first of his name to reach Canada (1783); following him came Elizabeth, David, and Jane, of the first family; and year by year, until 1790, they kept coming, until all of the second family, except Phebe and Deborah, together with the widow Jane, had finally reached the settlement in Pr. E. Co; Phebe and Deborah, of the second family, never came to Canada; and it is not an insignificant fact, in refutation of the untenable claim of political persecution, that Deborah’s descendants at the time of writing (1902) are still in possession of the Dutchess Co. homestead. After Ichabod’s death, as already stated, his widow Jane accompanied her children into In the journey to Canada, the route followed seems to have been that generally adopted by settlers from the lower Hudson – viz – By way of the River Hudson, the Mohawk, Woodcreek, and Portage, to Oneida Lake by way of Fort Stanwix, now Rome, thence by the Oswego into Lake Ontario, and northward to “Gravelly-Point”, now known as Cape-Vincent. From the latter point, some crossed to Frequent reference is made to the original method of transportation by means of Batteau, hence it is as well to reflect on the foll. quotation from “The boats used on this journey were generally known as the “Durham Boats”; and were constructed as foll.: viz “It is long, shallow and nearly flat-bottomed. The chief instrument of steerage is a pole ten feet long, shod with iron, and crossed at short intervals with small bars of wood like the feet of a ladder; the men place themselves at the bow two on each side, thrust their poles into the channel, and grasping successively the wooden bars, work their way toward the stern thus pushing on the vessel in that (?) direction”. The Bowerman family forming, with it numerous allies, no very insignificant minority of the entire Society of Friends in Hallowell, reference is here made to the records of the latter Society for much of the historical data concerning the individuals of this family. The Soc. Of Friends having been organized in Adolphustown in 1799, and in Hallowell in 1808, it will be observed that Jonathan and Ichabod Bowerman received their grants (1801-1802, respectively) before the establishment of the Meeting at the latter place. While there appears to be no evidence of Friends in Hallowell having received Govt. Grants of land for military services, the subject was discussed at the first Half-Years meeting of Friends held in Hallowell on the 31st of First Month 1810, in the log-meeting house on “Bowerman’s Hill”. Image 14 – Carm Foster (2) In the various records, the name is written sometimes “Bōman” – “Bōrman” – “Bōreman” – “Bōurman” – “Burman” – and “Bowerman”; and is pronounced, as all proper names are liable to be pronounced, according to the caprice of the careless speaker, indifferently either “Bō-man”; “Bō-erman”; or “Bower-man” (au-in out.. Stand. Dict.). The evidence of Robert Herrick the Devonshire poet (1591-1674) establishes the local pronunciation in favor of the long “ō” as against the “au” in “out”, as may be plainly seen in his un-flattering epigram upon the Devonshire miller, in which he says….. “Bōreman takes toll; cheats; flatters; lies; yet Bōreman” “For all the Devil helps, will be a poor man”. Even at the present time, although the Canadian branch of the family unanimously conform to the orthography as adopted in this record (Bowerman) still they vary in the pronunciation indifferently Bō-erman and Bowerman with a probable tendency to the ultimate suppression of the long “ō”. The name Bowerman signifies either an Archer or Bowman; or a Maker of Bows for Archery, [all underlining completed by hand] whether written “Bō-man” – “Bō-erman” – “or “Bower-man”; and is evidently derived from the ancestral calling or occupation of the family during early history of the west of A welsh origin of the family is not inconsistent with the evidence of the Devonshire “Rock-Idol”; already refered to on a previous page; while the armorial bearings of the family rather strengthen the evidence in favor of the military origin of the name. √ A Anthony Annable’s wife Jane died about Dec. 1643; and the record of his second marriage is also qualified by a chronological discrepancy; as the Rec. of New Plymouth state (1) “Anthonly Annable married Anne Alcock 1st Mar. 1645; and (2) “Anthony Annable and Ann Elcock marryed 3rd Mar. 1644”. As already stated Anthony probably removed from Scituate to Barnstable in 1640; and in 1646 he was elected to the Assembly or Court from the latter town; and re-elected for the same place during the years 1647-’51-’53-’56- and ’57. Anthony Annable died in 1673. (Freeman’s Hist. Cape Cod); and in 1674 the Court appointed a Mr. Hinckley executor of his estate. By his second marriage Anthony had the foll. Issue….. (II). Samuel born 2nd Jan. 1645-46; bapt. 8th Feb. 1645. (Church Register by Dr. Ezra Stiles of (II). Ezek- “ Desire born early Oct 4. 1653. In 1678 the Court orders the division of Samuel’s property between his two children – John and Anna – and his widow whose name is not given. “Plym. Col. Rec. Barnstable – 1st Mar. 1646 Anthony Annable Married “Anne Alcocke who died and was buried 16th May 1651”. “Anthony Annable married 3rd Hannah Barker”. “Thomas Burman married Hannahlannible [sic] 1st Mar. 1645-46”. “Pebroke Mass. Rec.” – “William Hatch married Susannah daughter of Anthony Annable 13th May 1652”. (N. H. Rec. Vol. XIX page 220). “Dorchester “Barnstable Rec.” – “Jane Annible wife of Anthony buried about Dec. 1643. “Anne Annible (2) wife of Anthony buried 16 May 1661. “Hannah Annible (3) wife “ of Anthony buried 16 Mar. 1657-58”. (3) wife. [a line was drawn between the (3) wife entries] Image 15 – Carm Foster [Note: this page is typed on paper and is not a carbon tissue paper copy. Appears to be a later addition.] The will of Thomas Bowerman (1). Is dated 9th May QYEE.[sic - could it mean 1633?] ; but Savage’s History states that Thomas died 25th May 1679 (1). Thomas Bowerman married Hannable Annable in Mar. 1644-45.; (See Annable). Freeman’s History of Cape Cod gives the following issue ….viz. (11) Hannah…..born 1646. (Hannah was Thomas’ wife-mar. about 1646). Thomas……“ 1648. (Of whom later). Samuel…….” 1651. (Killed at the Desire……...” 1654. Mary……….” 1656. Mehetalbe….” 1658. Tristram……” 1661. In 1637 Anthony Annable was elected Constable of Situate; and at the General Court for 6th Mar. 1637 his name appears as a juror. The first Legislative Assembly for the neu [new] Colony met in 1639 in General Court with Gov. Bradford as Chief Magistrate; and Gov. Prince as First Assistant. Image 16 – Carm Foster (3) The Will of Thomas Bowerman (1). is dated 9th May 1633; but “Savage’s Hist. states that Thomas died 25th May 1679. (I). Thomas Bowerman married Hannah Annable in Mar. 1644-45, (See Annable). Note (II). Hannah 1646. (Hannah was his wife – mar. about 1646). Thomas 1648. (Of whom presently). Samuel 1651. (Killed at Desire 1654. Mary 1656. Mehetable 1658. Tristram 1661. (I). Thomas Bowerman took the oath of a “freeman” 4th Mar. 1634-35. (Winthrop) and in the list of “freeman” for Barnstable 1643 occurs the name of Thomas Boreman of Barnstable, followed by that of Anthony Annable; while further the Rec. of New Plym. States that – “Thomas Boreman of It has been observed that Freeman’s Hist. of Cape Cod gives the name of Hannah as the eldest child of Thomas and Hannah – born 1646 -; but according to the list of births given in the Rec. of New Plym. we find the list of this family as foll…. (II). Thomas born “ about the middest 1648. (of whom presently). Samuel “ “ “ “ end July 1651. Desire “ “ “ “ “ May 1654. Mary “ “ the middest Mar. 1656. Mehetable “ “ “ beginning Sept 1658. Tristram “ “ “ “ Aug. 1661. (II) Thomas Bowerman born 1648 is the only member of the family of the Ancestor Thomas whose lineage has been traced (note.1.). He was for some time town-clerk in Note (1). – From the “Ipswich Antiquarian Papers” July 1882 we learn that “David Borman and Hannah Hutcheson married the 12. April 1662”; hence we see that David is a possible nephew of Thomas or he belongs to another family of the same phonetic name. Note (2). – “Harper” – On the 23rd April 1658 Christopher Holder and John Copeland having returned to Many families of The following list contains the names of some of the eighteen families who became Friends – viz. – Thomas Ewer; Robert Harper; Joseph Allen; Edward Perry; George Allen; William Gifford; William Newland; Ralph Allen jr.; John Jenkins; Henry Howland; Ralph Allen sr.; Thomas Greenfield; Richard Kirby; William Allen; Daniel Wing; Peter Gannt; Michael Turner; John Newland; Mathew Allen; all of whom were in 1658 fined from ten to one hundred pounds for refusing to take the oath (Holders of Holderness… page 132). Mary Harper who married Thomas Bowerman under circumstances that leads to the suspicion that they were married according to the order of Friends was not improbably a daughter of the above Robert Harper. Image 17 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (4) At this early period it is curious to read – “In 1678 Thomas Burman was fined £10.0.0 for marrying himself” out as according to all evidence the Bowerman and Harper families were Quakers, this item itself is significant of the aversion in which the Society was universally held. In 1688 lands were laid out to Thomas Bowerman; and in 1690 all remaining undivided land in that section was ordered to be laid out or surveyed. Thomas Bowerman was one of two persons appointed to carry the order into execution; and in 1702 Thomas Bowerman with still another, was chosen by the town-meeting to settle with the dismissed teacher and preacher. See Note (II). Thomas Bowerman mar. Mary Harper 9th April 1678 and had issue. . viz. (III). Samuel (probably born about 1682), Thomas -------( “ “ “ 1685), of whom presently. Stephen -------( “ “ “ 1687), [x notes] Benjamin -----( “ “ “ 1690), Hannah --------( “ “ “ 1692), Waite ----------( “ “ “ 1694), Note – Benjamin Bowerman born about 1690; married Hannah dau of John + Martha Wing --- (1723) and had about 1725 a son (IV), Benjamin who mar. 1755 Mary Gifford of This note is necessary in establishing the probable date of birth of (IV). Ichabod Bowerman – of whom later. (III). Thomas Bowerman born about 1685 (?) mar. – about 1718 – Jane - - - ?issue. (IV). Ichabod born in David “ about 1725 – see page 9: and note. Silas “ Joseph “ Sarah “ Jake “ Eliza “ Peace “ Deborah “ The Bowerman family of New England was early associated with the Friends or Quakers; but as that Society took its rise in England in 1648, first appearing in the Mass. Colony in 1657, it will be readily seen that the Ancestor, Thomas Bowerman, was not a Friend on his advent in America, on or before the year 1633; nor even at the time of his marriage with Hannah Annable 1644-46, as the latter event itself antedates the rise of the sect by a period of two years. (II). Thomas son of (I). Thomas and Hannah born 1648 probably allied himself with the Friends about the time of his marriage with Mary Harper 9th April 14 1678. Note that in the following pages the descendants of (IV). Ichabod only are given; together with a note on (IV). David for fixing the identity of these undoubted brothers. (See page ..2.). Image 18 – Judy Andrus Toporcer Copied p 3 (1) Thos Bowerman Note – The town of The first records, “29 Nov. 1661. gives the names and location as well as the acerage of the first settlers- as fol, - - - - - Isaac Robinson, the first to build a house between Fresh and Salt Ponds, 4 acres by the house, and 8 and a half elsewhere. Jonathan Hatch, 10 acres by the house. John Chapman 4 acres. John Jenkins 8 “ “ . Jesse Hamlin 8 “ . “Anthony Annabel” 8 “ William Nelson 4 “ Samuel Hinkley 8 “ Capt. Nathaniel Thomas 8 “ Samuel Fuller 8 “ Thomas Lathrop 8 “ Peter Blossom 8 “ James Cobb 8 “ Thomas Ewer 8 “ At this time the place was called “Suckannesset,” and not until 1694 was it known as “ In 1688 Thomas Bowerman had lands laid out to him; and in Mar. 1691 the lands of the “Plains” were laid out. John Jenkins was appointed to do the work, and he employed as assistants William Wyatt and Thomas Bowerman. As Selectmen since 1700, Thomas Bowerman 4 years. 1760 Stephen Bowerman 5 “ 1838 Barnabas Bowerman 12 “ Town Clerk, Thomas Bowerman 1703 to 1707. At a Town Meeting held 6 June 1687, land was voted for the help and encouranging the teaching of the “Word of God,” which lands, among others, are west of “Bowerman’s Pond,” now included in the village. One of the first industries of In 1787 Jesse Gifford built a wind-mill at East End for Samuel Bowerman, Joseph Bowerman and By this time Silas Swifts grandfather had come into possession of Thomas’s share; and Silas Swifts father, Moses Swift, had bought Seth’s share. Thomas Bowerman sold his farm to Capt. Nathaniel Eldred ; Seth Bowerman sold his farm, and the two hitched up their oxen, put their families and goods into the carts and started for Silas F. Swift thus by inheretence and purchase became sole owner and in 1820* operated the mill. Joseph Bowerman who owned the mill also owned a tannery which stood east of the small pond across the way from S. F. Swift’s residence [transcriber’s note: the dates on this page do not seem to be correct] Image 19 ![]() Image 20 ![]() Image 21 - Doug Smith [Note: this page is typed on paper and is not a carbon tissue paper copy. It is taped to the following map. In 1623 the last of the so-called new comers arrived in the “goode shippe Anne”. Among them were Anthony Annable and Nathaniel Tilden who were granted lands “toward the eele river” in Image 22 – Doug Smith ![]() Image 23 - Doug Smith (IV) Ichabod Bowerman – The record of Ichabod, prior to his second marriage, is limited to his own testimony, as repeated by his children, corroborated by the records of Stonington Mo. Mtg. These records, since destroyed by fire, attested the double marriage of Ichabod and his daughter Jane: the former to Jane Richmond and the latter to Jane’s brother Sylvester Richmond. Jane and Sylvester were children of Cyrus Richmond. Ichbod Bowerman married first Lydia Mott in (V) Timothy David " " ––– Pr. Ed. Co. Jane " " –––– Hannah Sarah The sequence of births as given above is according to the list left by Stephen Bowerman; but from data furnished later it will be seen that this sequence is not correct. From the records of death in the cases of Elizabeth and David; and the birth of Jane’s eldest child, the relative dates of these three is easily established. They are as foll. (V) Jane born 1745 ; as eldest child was born 6 th Jan. 1769 ; hence she was mar. about 1768. Timothy " 1750 ; Hannah " 1752 ; David " 1754 ; died in Pr. Ed. 28 th April 1, 1828; aet. 74 As Ichabod was born in 1720 – 21; and his daughter Jane about 1745; it is probable that Ichabod was first married about 1744, at the probable age of about 23. His first wife Lydia Mott died soon after the birth of Sarah; and in 1758 he married Jane, dau. of Cyrus Richmond; and soon after removed to Dutchess Co. N. Y. where he died in 1791, aet 70 years. There was undoubtedly a close relationship between Ichabod’s wife Lydia Mott and Mary Phebe Mott, the second wife of Cyrus Richmond; but no record has been produced at the present time to establish the genealogy of this particular Mott family. (IV) Ichabod Bowerman has left the statement that he descended from one of a family of four brothers of English origin; that he was born in This tradition of the four brothers was confirmed by an octogenarian named Stephen Bowerman who resided in But for a further confirmation of this tradition we have only to refer to the family of (II) Thomas and Mary, having beside two daughters the four brothers – Samuel – Thomas – Stephen – and Benjamin. Image 24 Doug Smith Leaving This fact alone offers ample reason for the emigration of the next generation in 1790 – 96; with little justification for the untenable assumption of political or religious persecution, the favourite affectation of later generations. Near the site of the original dwelling, lately destroyed by fire, is a deep chasm in the rocky hill-side worn probably by the ceasless wash of a stream. At the bottom of the fall is a deep pool shaded by the overgrowing cedar making the spot particularly attractive to the boys of the vicinity as a favorite swimming-resort. Although the family have long since left the place, the name still lingers with peculiar tenacity to this favourite pond, which even now rejoices in the unromantic cognomen of “Bowerman’s Hole”. see Landmarks. As the Bowerman of Dutchess Co. belonged to the society of Friends, it is to the records of that society we must look for whatever data has been preserved of the ancestor Ichabod. The Quaker records are unquestionably authentic; but it is a great pity that they are so meagre, so stinted in that vital information of a personal character, through which the lives of the old Friends might otherwise have been examined in a pleasing retrospect as worthy examples of living sacrifices to religious convictions. Search however as we may, there is little to be discovered outside the limits of genealogical note, except the briefest mention of complaints for violation of “discipline”; and the verdict of the unrecorded deliberations thereon. Friends as a society have ever been strict disciplinarians; but the paltry fragments known as “Records”, are useless in the effort to discover either the numerical strength of the society or the individual sentiment of its members. Individualism merges into or is suppressed in the general and impersonal character of all committee reports which never evince a suspicion of clerical inspiration. Quaker conservatism hence is a curious contradiction to the uncompromising radicalism of its religious innovations. Quaint and primitive as it is, the Quaker organization, as a type, is worthy of the closest scrutiny and deserving of the highest encomiums. As a society it encourages morality and all those virtues which tend to an increase of the social harmony; at the same time discouraging the less satisfactory indulgence in theological speculation Image 25 - Judy Andrus Toporcer (7) It is, however, to the influence of religious dogmatism unfortunately imbibed at a later period that much of the odium to society has arisen. Official medling in secular matters at the expense of religious advancement, qualified the spiritual attitude of our forefathers in Quakerism; notwithstanding that by a broad exercise of self-control they had already exalted themselves to so lofty a spiritual plane that more consistent results might not have been unexpected. While conservatism is a dominant factor in the unwritten code of Quakerism, making its members trusted citizens on the one side and loyal subjects on the other, the name itself does not stand as a synonym for perfection; hence the influence of the Revolutionary movement of 1776 found lodgement among Friends, disturbing the harmony and scattering the members of the fold. Slow as Friends are to violate the traditions of their own eventful history; and appreciating the blessings of religious freedom, they very naturally sympathize with the growth of individual liberty and the spread of intellectual knowledge; but popular clamor does* never blends well* with the colorless calm of Quaker retirement. Had the true principles of Quakerism obtained to the exclusion of all Secular* Revolutionary heresy, the record of petty grievances at this period of Quaker* their history would never have been preserved. But unfortunately it is from this source that we drive the written record of Ichabod Bowerman; and although of genealogical value it is a question if the credit of the society had not been better considered by its entire suppression – a hint that may not be overlooked by the society even at this late date. Ichabod Bowerman was a member of the “Oswego Preparative Meeting of Friends” within the “verge” – to use an expression peculiar to the records of “Great Nine Partner’s” Mo. Mtg. in Dutchess Co. N.Y.; and as before observed the only record alluding to him is contained in a “complaint” to the meeting under date 19th Mar. 1779 – as foll.. -- -- “A complaint came to this meeting by way of last Preparative at Oswego against Icabed Boreman [sic] for being neglectful in attending our meetings and sleeping in meeting when there; also for keeping unsivel people in his House and selling liquor; therefore this meeting appoints Zebulon Hoxsie and Stephen Dean to treat with him on that account and make a report to next Monthly Meeting”. This stereotyped formula of accusation bears the customary impersonal character of the society as deliberations in general; and in this particular is a painful contrast to the generous frankness practiced by Quakerdom at large. “Non-attendance” and “Sleeping in Meeting” – have always been viewed as grave infractions of Friend’s discipline. These are “dealt with” first by a remonstrance from a visiting committee and lastly by “disownment”. * [note: very faded hand-written edits above lines are included here in italics] Image 26 - Judy Andrus Toporcer [faint] 8 In the matter of “keeping unsivel people in his house” it is a family tradition that a relative of Jane Richmond – one Joseph Earl, a pro-British agitator – was a frequent visitor at the house of Ichabod, true to the precepts of the sect the whole family are well known to have favored the Royal Cause; but the overt act of harboring a spy brought the family under the survalliance of the Continental troops. Searching parties catechized even the infants to gain a knowledge of the whereabouts of the elusive Earl, and they more than once ransacked the premises to secure his arrest but without avail. Earl after many minor depredations escaped into Anecdotes of Indian massacres, of ruthless harryings among peaceful settlers, of imprisonment and hair-breadth escapes; these make better material for a series of “Border Tales” than for the tame narration of events in the history of a peaceful sect such as the Quakers. The records of society however abound with evidence of much personal suffering, distraint, and ultimate exile. Nor did the society itself escape the infection of revolution; and it is rather to the dissentions among Friends themselves rather than from extraneous interference, that the Society suffered most. This disposition among members to make open cause with one of the other party, in striking contradiction to the peaceful precepts of the society, evinces the predominant influence of race over religion; and arouses the suspicion that our – early “fathers” were themselves far removed from the seventh heaven of Utopian Quakerism. Brief as the Minutes are in the case of Ichabod Bowerman the evident determination of Society to have “satisfaction” at the expense of membership, manifests a worldliness of conception, incompatible with the dignity of a church disciplinary committee. At a subsequent Mo. Mtg. the committee previously appointed produced the following report – “The Friends appointed to visit Ichabod Boreman report they had; and he did not appear in a disposition to make suitable satisfaction for the complaint against him, therefore the same Friends are appointed to inform him that the Meeting expects to disown him; and to draw a testimony and produce to next Monthly Meeting.” The record further states that – “The Friends appointed to draw a testimony against Ichabod Bowerman produced it here which is approved and signed. Andrew Moore and Ladowick Hoxsie are appointed to read it at the close of a Firstday Meeting at [Note: It appears that page 9 is missing from the original work.] Image 27 - Judy Andrus Toporcer (10) “Jeremiah’s father David probably married (2nd) about 1752, and allowing 27 years for his age at his 2nd mar. he would have been born in 1725 which is also the probable date of birth of David the brother of Ichabod the ancestor of the Canadian branch of the Bowerman family. From these data it is presumable that Ichabod was born at Falmouth Mass FIFTH GENERATION – (V). Jane Bowerman (IV – Ichabod & Mott Lydia) – born probably 1745 in Mass.; married Sylvester Richmond, son of Cyrus Richmond and his (2nd) wife Phebe Mott. Sylvester was born in “He suffered considerably on account of his Tory proclivities; and went to “He was imprisoned at Sylvester was three times married; In his old age he facetiously remarked, and perhaps truthfully, that the “Lord sent him his first wife – “the second he chose for himself-while the Devil sent him the last”. “Granny Eleanor” as she was familiarly called was the last wife; she survived Sylvester; and is said to have been none too gentle with the step-children. (V) ( Sarah R = Isaac Huff Job[?] killed by gun [? - possibly Killed by Green Mt M – difficult to read] ) probable Encumbrances of Jane & Took the name The issue of Jane and Sylvester were as foll. - - [Original manuscript contained only the eight issue names; all other information was added by hand later and is shown here in italics]. p 12-13 (VI), Cyrus Richmond = (1)Lois Bradley (2) Nancy Morgan “ 13 - (VI.) Ichabod “ = Pamelia Bettes “ 13 - (VI.) Phebe “ = John Darling “ 13 - (VI.) “ 13 - (VI.) Abigail “ = Arthur Elsworth “ 14 - (VI.) David “ = Mercy Ray “ 14 - (VI.) John “ = Dorothy Hutcheson “ 14 - (VI.) Jane “ = Russel Belknap (IV. Ichabod & Mott (V). Elizabeth Bowerman [illegible: –x1,?] born in Ebinezer Palmer; moved to Canada in 1790 and settled on Lot 2, 1st Con. N.W. L. in the tp. of Hallowell, Co. Pr. Ed. The farm adjoining on the east was selected in 1794 by Isaac Garret who came over with his family in the Autumn of 1795 but finding his log cabin unfinished, they were compelled to establish a joint occupation of the Palmer one-roomed log house during the entire winter, making a crowded population of sixteen persons. Although the Palmers first located on the Among its other provisions the will specifies that - - - - “I will and positively order that my wife Elizabeth Palmer shall be furnished with a good bed and bedding; wearing apparel and good wholesome food; and good attendance in case of sickness or being anywise disabled. Image 28 - Judy Andrus Toporcer 11 during her natural life and in lieu of her right of dower”. The executors were ordered to dispose of the real and personal estate and after making the above provisions for his widow were further ordered to divide the property among the eleven children. These executors were two of Ebinezar’s sons-in-law viz. – Aaron White and Joseph Dorland. (V). Elizabeth (IV Ichabod & Mott) 26th June 1827 – aet. 79 years. In the Assessment of the Tp. of Hallowell, for 1798 Ebinezar Palmer is rated “First-Class” at a tax of 2.6d.; but in the Assessment of 1808 he is represented as having – “Acres 200; cleared 50; house Log; horses 2; oxen 2; cows 4; cattle 4; swine 1; total apprizement ₤118.10.0; District expenses 4.117; Representative expenses 1s.8d..”. The issue of (V) Elizabeth and Ebinezar Palmer were – viz. – p 14 – (VI). Lydia Palmer . . . . .mar. William Andress. “ 14 - “ Mary “ . . . . . “ Aaron White. “ 14 - “ Benjamin “ . . . . “ - - Winn. Set Hillier “ 14 - “ Deborah “ . . . “ Palmer Crandal. – v – “ 15 - “ Hannah “ . . . “ Palmer Fergusson. “ 15 - “ Lucretia “ . . . “ Samuel Petit. “ 15 - “ “ 15 - “ Stephen “ . . . . “ Abigail Jones. “ 15 - “ Joseph “ . . . “ Ruth Striker “ 16 - “ James I. “ . . . “ (1). Agnes Foster. (2). Hannah Purdy (3) Eliza Phipps ? (4). Betsy Spenser. “ 16 - “ Phebe “ . . . . . “ Benjamin Crandal (V). Timothy Bowerman – (IV Ichabod & Mott) born 1750; mar. Anna - - - - ; moved to “Coeman’s Patent” – about eleven miles south of (VI). Daniel Bowerman (V) Timothy (IV Ichabod) & - - - - - - - - - and others. (V). Hannah Bowerman (IV Ichabod & Mott, The Crown Patent of Lot 15 containing 200 acres was issued on the 17th May 1802 to the Hon. Richard Cartwright; but there is no record available showing how this property came into the possession of the three named persons, who sold it to Hannah Butts in 1812. Gideon Bowerman and a half-brother of Hannah died in 1810 leaving the sum of ₤100.0.0 each to some of his brothers and sisters. Gideon was not married. This $400.00 probably represents Gideon’s bequest to Hannah, Stephen acting as Executor. (See page --). Stephen is known to have acted as executor to Gideon’s estate; but it is not clear how the executors came into control of this Image 29 – Carm Foster (12.) At the Prep. Mtg. of women Friends held at The issue of (V) Hannah and John were as foll. - - - p 16 – (VI), “ 16 – “ Mary “ “ (1) James Bettice; (2) Gersham Vincent. “ 16 – “ Hannah “ “ William Smith. “ 16 – “ Gersham “ not mar (died at the age of 20). “ 16 – “ Jane “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 17). “ 16 – “ David “ “ Lanah Scriver. (V). David Bowerman (IV Ichabod & Lydia Mott) The issue of (V) David and Catherine were as foll. - - p 16 (VI). John Bowerman-mar. Mary Beadle dau. Of Isaac. (see Beadle) p 16 “ Benoni “ - “ Rebecca Hill. 17 “ Levi “ - “ Jude West. 17 “ Mary “ - “ George Vanvaulkenberg. 17 “ Cornelius “ - “ --- 17 “ ) Ichabod “ - “ --- 17 “ Sarah “ - “ Marmaduke Hutcheson. 17 “ 17 “ 17 “ Phebe “ - - (died un-married). “Charlotte Bowerman” – is here given in the “Elsworth Family” as a dau. of David and Catherine; but as (See Appendix – “Aylesworth” or “Elsworth”). (V). Sarah Bowerman (IV Ichabod & Lydia Mott) – born in SIXTH GENERATION. (VI). Cyrus Richmond (V Jane IV Ichabod) born 6th Jan. 1769 at “Great-Nine-Partners”, in Dutchess Co. N.Y.: died 27th Jan. 1854; and is buried in the S.E. corner of Friend’s burial ground on “Bowerman’s Hill”, Cyrus was a Quaker preacher of considerable notoriety, on account of his eccentricities. On one occasion he went to meeting wearing his night-cap under his hat; and on that particular occasion he is said to have announced prophetically “that one of the congreation contemplated making a journey”. Cyrus volunteered the mysterious information “if the party undertaking the journey confined himself strictly to business he would return safely; but if he combined pleasure with business he would lose his life.” Elisha Sills a merchant of Picton was at meeting and heard the “prophecy”. As he intended shortly going to Image 30 – Carm Foster (13) [Note this image was attached as an over-leaf to Image 31] ARMS OF THE Field – Argent. a Cross patonce fleury between four Mullets gules. Crest. A Tilting Spear, headed or broken in Three parts. One piece errect. The other two in Saltire, Enfiled with a dueal? Coronet - ![]() Image 31 – Carm Foster [Image 30 is attached as an overleaf to this page] (13) goods intending to return home at once; but meeting F. Lazier of Dundas C.W. the two arranged to accompany an excursion of professional men to p 17 (VI). Cyrus Richmond mar. (V) Sylvester & Jane. IV Ichabod & p 17 ( - mar. Joseph Sing. of Meaford p 17 “ Sylvester “ - “ Mary Eckhardt of 17 (VI). Cyrus Richmond (V) Syl & Jane) IV Ichabod & 17 ( 17 “ 17 “ Lois “ - mar. (1) Jeremiah Mabee; (2) Thomas Brock; (3) Daniel Hopkins; and (4) Hiram Moulton. 17 “ Jemima “ - “ Aaron Gifford and (2). Hiram Moulton (Lois’ 4th) “ Isaiah “ - “ Eve Doxy. Isaiah was accidentally killed and Eve mar. (2). -- (VI). Ichabod Richmond (V) Syl & Jane) IV Ichabod & Lydia – born in Po’keepsie N.Y. in 1772; mar. 1798-99 Pamelia Bettes of Brighton C.W. (Pamelia was born 1782). (vi..? The issue of this family was 14 children; see “ ( {“ Sylvester “ - “ 1802; “ Dorcas Strevil (she died aet. 94 Hilton Ont {“ Abigail “ - “ 1804; “ James Holland res. twp. {“ Cyrus “ - “ 1806; “ Mary Ally (Abby) of {“ Sarah “ - “ 1808; “ Elijah Brundage of {“ David “ - “ 1810; “ Eleanor Ryckman. “ “ “ {“ Delilah “ - “ 1811; “ {“ Amelia “ - “ 1813; “ Edmund Thorne of p 13--- “ James A. “ - “ 1814; “ “ Phebe “ - “ 1816; “ Jonah Thorne res. “ Huldah “ - “ 1817; “ Richard Philips of “ “ “ Louisa “ - “ 1823; “ John Herrington, (or Kerrington) Murray, Ont -X (VI). Phebe Richmond (V Sylvester & Jane) IV Ichabod & (VI). ( (VI). Abigail Richmond (V Syl. & Jane IV Ichabod & p. 18 ( “ - “ Huldah “ died unmar. “ 18 “ Job “ -mar. Maria Leavens dau. of Peter E. Leavens q.v. “ 18 “ Caleb “ - - - “ 18 “ Arthur “ - mar. DIANA Spencer dau. of John. “ 18 “ Cyrus “ - “ Elmira Taylor, no issue. “ 18 “ David “ - “ Waite Stnaton. { “ Jane “ - “ Daniel Young of Athol. { “ { “ Abigail “ - “ Daniel Morgan. (See Elsworth) { “ Sarah “ died unmar. VI X See Phebe X Issue Levi } Mary Cardville Smart Alphus } (Mrs Robert Smart) Delilah} 113 Cars St x Image 32 – Carm Foster P 13 ( ( p 10 - (VI) Phebe – (V) Sylvester & Jane Bowerman – (IV) Cyrus – ( mar. John Darling – (1?4?) John Darling died 27 Oct. 1847 at Consecon, Co. Pr. Ed. at the residence of his son John. Mrs. Smart of ( “ Sylvester “ Jane - - mar. Stephen Lapman (VIII) Eliza mar. Ira Prindle. “ Lavina “ (1) - - - - Little. “ (2) - - - - Fiske. “ (VIII) 2 dau. Moved to “ Aaron “ Laura - - mar. (1) - - - - Hendricks of Carrying Place. “ (2) - - - - DuBois a saddler at Consecon. “ Delilah “ James Cardinell. “ William “ Allen Copied Image 33 – Carm Foster (14) (VI). David Richmond (V. Sylvester & Jane) IV Ichabod & Lydia – born in Po’keepsie N.Y. 1785 came to Canada with the family in 1793; married Mercy Ray. Mercy died in the twp. of Pickering C.W. The issue were - - - - p 18 ( “ “ Reuben “ died unmar. 1840 in “ Nathaniel “ “ “ 1847 “ “ Richard “ - mar. and died in “ Daniel “ - “ “ lived in Nottawasaga; no issue in 1859. “ David “ - “ “ “ “ “ ; had 2 sons. “ Mary “ - “ - - - - Cobb – “ Jane “ - “ - - - - Staker – and res. at “ Ruth “ - “ mar. and res. at Markham Ont. and left issue. “ Ann “ - “ “ - - - - “ “ Mercy --- “ Sarah “ --- (VI). John Richmond (V. Sylvester & Jane) IV Ichabod & Lydia – born in Po’keepsie; mar. Dorothea Hutcheson; John was a Quaker preacher; he resided in the Co. Northumberland C.W. where he died. At the “Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held at “of 5th “laying her intention of marriage with John Richmond before our next Month- “-ly Meeting”. ( “ David “ - - - - - - - “ near Trenton Ont. “ Marmaduke “ “ -- “ Cyrus “ “ -- “ Jane “ “ -- “ John “ “ -- (VI). Jane Richmond - (V Sylvester & Jane) IV Ichabod & (VI). p 18 ( -- mar. Benj. Terry. of Wellington Co Pr Ed - 18 “ Sarah “ -- “ Richard Southard (2nd Wife). - “ Palmer “ (died Feb. 1863). - “ Gordon “ ------- - “ Anna “ (The three latter res. in the twp. of Haldimand Ont. (VI). Mary Palmer – (V – Eliz & Eben) 1V Ichabod & Lydia mar. Aaron White (from Dutchess Co.). On the Assessment Roll for Hallowell 18th July 1798 Aaron White is rated “First-class at 2s.6d” he was also one of Ebinezar Palmer’s executors. The issue of (vi) Mary and Aaron White were - - - p 18- ( - 18- “ Stephen “ - “ Catherine White dau. of Cornelius. (see White) - 19- “ Elizabeth “ - “ Benjamin Dunham. - 19- “ John “ - “ (1) Anna Barker dau. Jos. And Polly (Leavens q.v.) (2) Clara Sheldon - 19- “ Gideon “ - “ -------; res. near Trenton Ont. - 19- “ Hannah “ - “ Joseph Baker (see Baker) - 19 “ Rebecca “ - “ Silas Ball (removed north of --- “ Aaron “ --- (died aet. 20 unmar.). - 19 “ Phebe “ - “ Thomas Wright. (VI). Benjamin Palmer – (V- Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & mar. - - - - Winn. Set Hillier Co Pr. Ed – no issue (VI). Deborah “ - (V Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & “ Palmer Crandal (brother of Benj. who mar. Phebe). -19 ( -19 “ James “ -;mar. Fanny White dau. of Cornelius. (See White) -- “ 13 others.” V Allisons? [this is angled downwards on the page] Image 34 – Carm Foster (15) (VI). Hannah Palmer – (V. Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & p 19- ( (VI). Lucretia Palmer – (V. Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & (vi) Lucretia and Samuel res. in Hillier and had issue - - p 20 ( ‘ 20 ( ‘ 20 ( (VI). Elizabeth Palmer – (V Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & “19-20- ( mar. Elizabeth Jones. (V. Dorland (II) p 19↑ 20- “ Thomas “ - “ Hariet Ogden. - “ Gilbert “ - (drowned). 20- “ Jonithan “ - “ Julia Ann Cole. 20- “ Stephen “ - born 1812; died 1833; carpenter; unmar.; res. Hillier 20- “ Deborah Ann - “ John H. Ferguson. 20- “ Samuel “ - “ Jane Smith. 20- “ 20- “ Mary White - “ (1) Wm. Terwilliger; (2) Joseph Walters. - “ Joseph J. “ - - (born 1824; 21- “ James J. “ - “ Sarah Patterson. of Sophiasburg. 21- “ Cicero H. “ - - (not mar.). (VI). Stephen Palmer - (V. Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & (VI). Joseph Palmer – (V. Eliza & Eben) IV Ichabod & The issue of (VI) Joseph and Ruth among others were - - - ~ “ Dorland “ “ Daniel “ p 21 ½ “ Thomas “ Jane “ “ “ 2 1 Jos. & Ruth lived near “ Image 35 – Carm Foster (16) (VI). James I. Palmer – (Elizth & Ebener) IV Ichabod & (2). Hannah Purdy; (3). Eliza Phipps; (4) Betsy Spencer. The issue of (vi) James and Agnes were as foll. – p 21 - ( ‘ 21 - “ ‘ 21 - “ ‘ 21 - “ Rosannah “ - - - } over ‘ 21 - “ Rachel “ - - - } ‘ 21 - “ Phebe “ - - - } ‘ 21 - “ Benjamin “ born 24th Feb. 1825; died 25th Nov. 1890; married 26th May1844 Sarah A. Young dau. of Hans Young of “Consecon” twp. of Ameliasbusg. [Ameliasburg] “ “ Marvin} ----- d inf. “ (VI). Phebe Palmer – (V-Eliz & Eben) IV Ichabod & Lydia mar Benjamin Crandal, brother of Palmer Crandal who mar. Phebe’s sister Deobrah. The Crandals and Palmers were cousins german, probably on the Palmer side. This family lived at the east end of the “Cole-creek” road in Hillier and had issue as foll. - - - p 21 - ( ( ( ( ( p 12. (VI). p 21 - ( “21 - “ Daniel “ --------------- p 12 - (VI). Mary Butts (V Han. IV Ich & mar. (2). [the 2 is overwitten by hand as a 1] James Scriver and had issue (5) children. -mar. (1). James Bettice and had issue (VII). Jane Ann Bettice who mar (1) Jonathan Vincent & (2) Jas. Scriver “ “ -mar. (2). Gersham Vincent, a brother of Jonathan’s and had Per? Vincent (appendix Baker) > p 22 (VII). Margaret Vincent “ Hannah “ “ James “ “ Phila “ “ John “ mar. Sarah Bull, dau. ( p 12 - (VI), Hannah Butts (V Hannah (IV Ich.) & p22 ( “ John “ “ [all quotation marks under Scriver were stroked out] “ Joseph “ “ “ Paulina “ “ “ Merrit “ “ “ “ Hannah Butts Friar McCuiasy? p 12 - (VI). John Bowerman – (V David IV Ichabod) & p 22 ( “ Isaac B. “ “ Elias “ “ Rachel “ “ Sarah Ann “ (Sarah Ann was born in p 12. (VI). Benoni Bowerman (V David IV Ichabod & Rebecca the widow of Benoni mar. (2) Tunis Eckert father of Donaldson. of “Bowerman’s Church” Image 36 – Carm Foster (17) The issue of (vi) Benoni Bowerman (V David IV Ichabod)& ( mar. Gilbert Orser. “ A 7 + A?? -“ Gideon “ - “ Mary Beadle a dau. of Elias of Star in East 2 - “ David “ - “ Nancy Low, and removed about 1860 from See Note Castleton Ont. to p 22 -“ Thomas “ - “ Jemima Mabee Dau. Jeremiah Mabee; she was a grandaughter of (VI). Cyrus Richmond; -“ Rebecca Ann “ - “ -------Brooks -“ (VI). Levi Bowerman – (V David IV Ichabod & mar. Jude West; moved to (VI). Mary “ - (V David IV Ichabod & “ Geo. Van Vaulkenberg, and removed to (VI). Cornelius “ - “ (V David IV Ichabod & ----------resided at (VI) Ichabod “ - “ (V David IV Ichabod & removed to Norwich Ont. whe e [where] he died. (VI). Sarah “ - “ (V David IV Ichabod & Marmaduke Hutcheson of Hillier twp. and had - - p 23- ( (VI). mar. Silas Shorey of Ernestown Co. Frontenac Ont. (VI). mar. Jonathan Trumpour of Hillier and had – v – p 23- ( - “ Jonathan Ricketson Trumpour - d in ??? d May 1913 mar. “ John Trumpour. (drowned in ( Jonathan Trumpour and his son David are buried on “Bowerman’s Hill”.) (VI). Phebe Bowerman – (V David IV Ichabod & SEVENTH GENERATION. ( vii Sarah vi Cyrus V Jane IV Ichabod & (VIII). Cyrus R. Sing - mar -- Southard dau. Wm. “ Josiah “ - “ Mary Jane Richards dau. John. “ Abigail “ - “ Joseph Stovel of Meaford. “ Rebecca “ - “ Rev. Isaac Baker. “Ameliasburg Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held 2nd of 11th ( ( (VIII). Jemima Mabee who mar. Thomas son of David Bowerman. q.v. p 22 [in the following relating to Lois there is a line leading to Lois Richmond above] Lois Richmond mar; (2). Thomas Brock and had one son? p 13 ( (4). Hiram Moulton. After the death of Lois, Hiram mar. her sister Jemima Richmond q.v. (vi Cyrus V Jane IV Ichabod & (VII). Jemima Richmond “ [marr] Aaron Gifford of Hamilton Ont. (VIII). Alfred Aaron Gifford – p 13{ Jemima married -------------“ (2). Hiram Moulton – see Lois. - ( ( p23 (VIII). Roxana P. “ 31st Dec. 1837; mar. 1857; James Nott. “ “ “ “ Asenath C. “ 17th Feb. 1842 “ 13th Jan. 1856. “ “ Diana J. “ 2nd May 1846. “ “ James W. “ 22nd April 1852 died in infancy. “ “ Ruth M. “ 24th Sept 1853; “ “ Robert E.M. “ 20th Dec. 1858. On next page p 18. Image 37 – Carm Foster [Image 37 is attached to the front of image 38 and consists of a newspaper clipping] Clipping of R.J. Noxon to be attached. [the following is the information on the newspaper clipping] Baker? Death of R. J. Noxon Mr. Richard J. Noxon, the popular auctioneer, died at his home in Image 38 – Carm Foster [Image 37 a newspaper clipping, obituary for R. J. Noxon is attached to the front of this page] (19) p 14 ( p 25- (VIII). David Dunham. “ “ Ephraim “ “ “ Hiram “ p 14 ( p 25 ( b. 20 April 1823 “ Alfred “ - “ (1). Lydia Morden b 4 April 1829 dau of Richard of Sophiasburg (2). Lydia Brown dau. of Jos. And Matilda – (p -) ( Issue See below “ Truman “ - “ - - - - ( -25 (VIII). John Stanley White – mar. - - - - Cook, Res. twp. Hallowell. “ “ Sanford “ - “ Rachel, dau. John and Phebe Cronkhite. “ “ Jane “ - “ (1) - - - - Dorland. “ (2) James A. Gibson, (see Henry Cooper). “ Clara Ann “ - “ James Noxon, son of Jonathan & Jemima. p 14 ( p 14 ( p 25 (VIII). Aaron Baker – “ Mary Jane “ - mar. (1). Richard Noxon of Hillier. Issue Richd & Gilbert “ (2). ----Spafford of d 13 Feb. 1900 “ -- Susannah “ “ Jonathan Brown. (see Deborah Bowerman). “ Rebecca “ “ - “ Alva “ “ - “ Sarah Ann “ “ James Sanderson .(res. sometime in Picton). “ Catherine “ “ - - - (suicide). “ Merritt “ “ - - - (res. in twp. of p 14 ( P 14 ( ( [the following list was written in long hand on the right side of the page] (viii) Alfred White & Issue IX. Anna M. b. 6 Mar 1845 “ Mary E. “ 28 Feb 1847 “ Rebecca “ 16 Oct 1848 “ Richard “ 25 Apr 1851 “ John “ 21 Feb 1853 “ Gilbert “ 6 Feb 1855 youngest ( b 15 Oct. 1812. 39 ( oldest 1st ( 2d ( 4th ( 5th ( 6th ( 7’ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( [on the left side of the page is a large bracket around the above Crandal group to the left of the bracket is M?4] p 14- ( p 25 - - Rachel - Lavina - Margaret Eleanor X Leave this to be filled later – ACB [from the strike out above “ Image 39 – Carm Foster (20) [large handwritten brackets surround the 3 Pettit entries below] ( ( ( ( See Ault” (VIII). Gilbert Dorland – mar. Mary Elizabeth Stapleton. p 25 “ Robert J. “ - “ (3). Kate Thorne &6 “ Joseph “ - (born 19th Sept. 1832; died 2nd - - 1856). p 26 “ Mary Elizabeth - “ Thomas Caldwell. “ Sarah Ann “ - “ - - - - Foster of Fish-Lake. “ Matilda “ - “ Tabitha “ - “ Alfred Foster of Fish-Lake “ “ “ “ Samuel “ - “ Ida May Battles of “ John “ - “ Angeline Jackson, res. see Ault ( (VIII). Philinda Dorland – born 1829; died 1850. p 26 - “ William Davis “ - mar. Jane Graham. (VII). Gilbert Dorland (vi Eliz V Eliz & Eben IV Ich & Lydia – born 1807; drowned 1816. See Ault ( p 26 (VIII). Deborah Ann Dorland – born 1840, died 1842. “ “ “ “ Phebe C. “ - born 1844; died 1858. “ “ John R. “ - mar. Amanda Prentice. “ “ Samuel C. “ - “ (2). Minnie Brown of Wooler Ont. “ “ James J. “ - born 1850; died 1872. “ Harriet Alice “ - “ 1852; “ 1853. “ Cordelia Ade. “ - “ 1854; “ 1872. “ - 26 “ Willet C. “ - “ 1858; mar. Eliza A. Mabee of Wooler Ont Ault ( Ault ( 26 (VIII). Susan Ferguson -mar. James N. Carter – res. Picton. - “ Albert “ - born 1842; died 1862. 26 “ Catherine “ - “ 1846; “ 1847. - “ Eliz. Jane “ - “ 1849; “ 1872. unmar. 26 “ Cath. Ault ( p 26 - (VIII). Wm. Henderson Dorland – mar. Elizabeth Kester of Milverton. “ “ Betsy Maria “ - “ Jos. Lusted. Res. Monckton Ont. “ “ - “ Nettie Alberta “ - not mar. res. in 26 - “ Susan Eliza “ - mar. Geo. H. Stephenson of - - “ Deborah Ann “ - “ Jessie Voce of 27- “ Stephen Thos. “ - “ Annie Stone of 27 “ Joseph - “ Isaac James “ - not mar. died 6th Oct. 1881 Ault ( P 27 - (VIII). Sarah Elizabeth Pierson – mar. Wm. R. Roberts of “ “ Joseph D. “ - “ Mary Schneoringer of “ “ William J. “ - born 7th Oct. 1849; died 5th May 1862, Percy Ont. “ “ Charles “ - mar. “ Stephen A. “ - “ Sarah J. Riebe of “ “ “ Phebe L. “ - “ 1868 Wm. Norman. “ Mary White Dorland - - - mar. (2). 1854- Jos. Walters – Picton “ Charles W. Walters – born 1855; mar. 1888 Ella Franks. “ William A. “ - “ 1858 died 1887. √ Ault ( p 27 (VIII). “ “ “ |
Image 40 – Carm Foster [Note: The next two pages appear to be copied from the "Records of the Dorland Family in America" by John Dorland Cremer, 1898. The full text can be seen online at Our Roots. Thanks to Margaret Sharon for this insight.] (Dorland (P 20 ½) (5 sheets) (1) (Dorland) From “The Dorland Family in (I) Jan Gerretse Dorlant (arrived in mar. (1) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -about 1653-54 “ (2) 1667- Mary Remsen dau. of Rem Jansen Vanderbeck and Jannetje Rapalic who mar. 21st Dec. 1642. Children of Jan Gerretse Dorlant. By first wife. By second wife. (II) Gerretse Gerretse (II) Rem (II) Elias (II) Mary (Marretje) (II) Samuel (II) Anna (Annatje) (II) Christina (Stynje) (II) Elsie (Elseje) (II) Gertrude (Gertjie) (II) John (Jan) (II) Elias Dorlant born about 1656; died 1692; mar. about 1680 Mrs. Miriam Williams (widow – born about 1647; dau. of Henry and Anne Pearsall of ( +( ( (IV) Miriam (IV) Anna (IV) John jr. + (IV) Samuel (IV) Joseph (IV) Mary (IV) Elias (IV) Samuel Dorland born (V) Elizabeth (V) Gilbert born +(V) John born (V) Mary born (V) Enoch born (V) Philip born (V) Samuel “ (V) Thomas “ (V) Letty “ (V) Anna “ (V) Miriam “ (Note- Of the above family only John – Mary – Philip – Thomas - Letty – and Anna, came to Image 41 – Carm Foster Dorland (II) (V) John Dorland born (VI) Anna (VI) Mary (VI) Bathsheba (VI) Gilbert (VI) John jr. +(VI) Joseph (VI) Merebeth (VI) Thomas (VI) (VI) Tabitha born 1790; mar. 1820 James Foster of Hillier, settled 1802; came from (VI) (VI Samuel (VI) Joseph Dorland born p15 (VI)- Elizabeth Palmer dau. Ebenezar and (V) Elizabeth Bowerman (dau. IV? Ichabod) & They settled in the tp. Ameliasburgh (Hillier) in 1802. below ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( V. p 25 (VIII) Gilbert b (IX) (IX) (IX) Matilda “1863; “ ------Roblin. (IX) Maud “1866; “ Wallace Huyck, (X) Ida (X) Gertrude (X) Wallace B. (IX) Elbert “1871; res. Morganton Ont. (VIII) Robert Jones born (IX) Edith Emily b (IX) Cora Jones “ 8-17-1865; (VIII) Joseph born (VIII) Mary Elizabeth b (VIII) Sarah Ann born (VIII) Matilda “ (VIII) Tabitha “ (VIII) Samuel Jas. Born John b Image 42 - Doug Smith Dorland (III) (VII) Thomas Dorland born 1805; died 1838?; mar. Harriet Ogden. (VIII) Philanda b 1829; d 1850; (VIII) Wm. Davis “ - - - - mar. Jane Graham ( D 1871) (IX) Jane b 1856 (IX) Thomas b 1858 (IX) William 1860 (IX) Charles 1862 (IX) John b 1864 (VII) Gilbert Dorland born – 1807 ; drowned 1816. (VII) Jonathan Ricketson Dorland b 1810 ; d 1883 ; mar. Julia Ann Cole ( b 1820 d 1869) res. Colborne, Ont. (VIII) Deborah Ann b 1840 ; d 1842. (VIII) (VIII) Phebe C. " 1844 ; died 1858. (VIII) John R. " 1846 ; mar. Amanda Prentice of (IX) Willet Prentice b 1875 ; 8 ’82. (VIII) Samual Cole b 1848 ; mar. (2) 1885, Minnie Brown of Wooler Ont. (IX) Beatrice b 1886 (IX) Lelia " 1887 (IX) Elizabeth Ann b & d 1889. (VIII) James J. b 1850 ; d 1872. (VIII) Harriet Allice b 1852 ; d 1853 (VIII) Cordelia Adelaide b 1854 ; d 1872. (VIII) (VIII) Willet C. b 1858 ; mar. Eliz Ann Mabie, Wooler Ont. (IX) Frank A. b 1884 ; (IX) Clara " 1886 ; d 1894. (IX) James A. " 1888. (IX) (VII) Stephen P. Dorland born 1812 ; died 1833. (VII) Deborah Ann Dorland " 5 – 1 – 1813 ; died 4 – 29 – 1872 ; mar. 9 – 2 – 1838, John H. Ferguson ( d 3 – 11 – 1886) res. Wellington Co. Pr. Ed. (VIII) Susan born 6 – 2 – 1839 ; mar. 10 – 18 – 1857, James N. Carter, Picton Ont. (ch. - ) (VIII) Albert born - - - 1842 ; d 1862 (VIII) Catherine born - - 1845 ; " 1847. (VIII) Eliz’th Jane " - 1849 ; d "1872. (VIII) Cath Augusta " - 18 51 ; " 1884 ; mar. James Ferguson (IX) Bertha b 1874; Image 43 - Doug Smith (Dorland) (IV) (VII) Samuel G. Dorland b 1816 ; d Nov? 1891 ; mar. 14 th April 1841 Jane Smith (D 2 th May 1892 t Toronto ) res. Milverton. (VIII) William Henry, mar. Eliza Kester, Milverton. (IX) Samuel Gil. b 14 th Apr. 1893 (IX) Thomas " 4 th Dec. 1896 (IX) Bertha May " (IX) Bessie " (VIII) Betsy Maria b 11 th June 1869 ; mar. Jos. Lusted ; res. (IX) (IX) Nellie Louisa (IX) William (VIII) (IX) Jos. Cicero (IX) (IX) Peter (IX) Samuel Nelson (IX) Stephen Thos. (IX) Susan (VIII) Nettie Alberta - - unmar/. res. (VIII) Susan Eliza - - . mar. Geo. H. Stephenson, (IX) Roxy Dorland (IX) Archie Thos. (IX) James Albert (VIII) Deborah Ann, mar. Jesse Voce, (VIII) Stephen Thos. b - - - d 17 th Sept. 1896 ; mar. Annie Stone, Res. Duluth. (IX) Lilian D. (IX) William (IX) May (IX) Bertha (VIII) Jos. Cicero, mar. Mary J. Tucker, (IX) Walter (IX) Edna (IX) Bertram Howard (IX) Clifford (VIII) Isaac James – d 6 th Oct. 1881 at (VII) (VIII) Sarah Eliz’th b 24 th Aug 1841 ; mar. 18 th Jan. 1859, Wm Roberts, res. (VIII) Jos. Dorland b 24 th Mar. 1844 ; mar. 24 th Oct 1870, at (IX) Mary b 2 nd Sept. 1871 ; mar. Christian Pieper. (VIII) Wm. Jas. b 7 th Oct. 1849 ; d 5 th May 1862, Percy ; (VIII) Charles " 29 th Mar. 1854 ; mar. 19 th Apr. 1876 (IX) Claude M. b 24 th Mar. 1877, Milverton Ont. (IX) Wm. Herbert b 18 th Mar. 1879 " (IX) Clara Eugene b 17 th Mar. 1883, at Wiarton Ont. (IX) Eunice Mildred b 25 th Mar. 1888 " (IX) Albert Evan b 18 th June 1892 " (VIII) Stephen Albert b 11 th Nov. 1857 ; mar. 24 th Aug. 1881 at (IX) Image 44 - Doug Smith (Dorland) (V) (VII) Mary White Dorland – b – 1821 ; d – 1887 ; mar. (I) 1842 Wm. Terwilliger. (VIII) (IX) Adelbert Edmund b 1866; (VIII) Sarah Sophronia b 1846 ; d 17 th Mar. 1882 ; mar. 1873 Lewis L. Lovell. (VIII) Phebe Louisa B – 1850 ; mar. 1868 Wm. " " " " mar. (2) 1854, Jos. Walters, res. Picton Ont. (IX) Charles Walters, b 1855 ; mar. 1888 Ella Franks. (IX) Wm. Albert b – 1858 ; d – 1887. (VII) Jos. J. Dorland b – 1824 ; d – 1833. (VII) James J. Dorland b – 1827 ; mar. Sarah Patterson of Sophiasburg Co. Pr. Ed. Ont. (Born 1834) res. (VIII) Sarah Cath. b – 1853 ; mar. (I) Jas. Mathews (IX) Robert John – (IX) James D. (IX) Sarah P. (IX) Jennie L. Sarah Cath. mar. (2) John E. Ostrander res. (IX) Catherine (IX) John (VIII) Philinda L. b – 1855 ; mar. D. C. Riddell, ( b 1833) res. (IX) Philinda L. b – 1873 ; (IX) DeWitt Speer b – 1875 ; Philinda l. mar. (2) - - (VIII) Jane P. b - - 1856 ; mar. Jas C. Zuck, of (IX) Ralph James b – 1876 ; mar. (IX) Marguerite " - 1878 : (IX) Rosamond " – 1887 ; " (VIII) Andrew P. b – d – 1858 ; (VIII) Robert Jas. b – 1860 ; d – 27 th June 1897 ; mar. Louisa M. Wentz, (IX) Christian W. b – 1885 ; (IX) Robert " - 1890 ; (VIII) Mary Ann - b – d – 1863 (VIII) (VIII) Phila Ann – b – 1866 ; mar. Frank C. Staniford of (VII) Cicero H. Dorland , b – 1830 ; res. and died at Castleton Ont. (Sept 21) Image 45 - Doug Smith (21) (VII) James J. Dorland (vi Eliz v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) – born 14 th Sept. 1827 ; mar. Sarah Patterson ( b. 26 Nov. ’34) reside at Gilroy Cal. Issue as fol. - - (VIII) Sarah Catherine Dorland – mar. (1) James Mathews. mar. (2) John E. Ostrander, " Philinda " - " D. C. Riddell – " Jane Patterson " - " James C. Zuck, " Andrew P. " - - - - (born 1858 ; died 1858). " Robert James " - mar. (1) Louisa M. Wentz, (2) Mrs. Geneva Johnson, " Phila Ann (Phiso) " born 1866 ; mar. Frank C. Staniford, (VII) Cicero H. Dorland (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) – born 30 th Mar. 1830 ; in the twp. of Hillier ; lived with Gilbert Dorland, father of Dr. Willet Dorland M.P.P. from 1835 to 1850 ; He learned the carpenter’s trade with John H. Ferguson in the village of Wellington ; afterwards learned dentistry about 1854. (VII) Henry Palmer (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydi) see letter of Insert born (Palmer) (VII) Elizabeth Palmer " " " - born 8 th Sept. 1815 ; mar. 1 st Jan 1833 Daniel B. Dorland son of Philip, ( Daniel died 23 rd Dec. 1885). (VIII) " Wm. Hy. " - b 4 th Dec. 1836 " Mary E. Sconton 17 Jun. ‘ 61. " Jos. Bedell " - b 20 th Dec. 1838 " died 24 May 1878. " Agnes Eliz. " - b 18 th Aug. 1843 mar. Ezra Armstrong. " Phebe Ann " - b 26 th Jan. 1845 " Adam Dreasler – Oct. ’81. " James Franklin " - b 2 nd Nov. 1849 " Jennie Armstrong – 1879. (VII) Nancy Palmer – (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) See 21 ½ p (VII) Rossannah Palmer (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Rachel Palmer (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Phebe Palmer (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Benjamin Palmer (vi James I. v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia )- born 24 th Feb. 1825 ; mar. 26 th May 1844 Sarah A. Young dau. Hans Young “Consecon” ; died 25 th Nov. 1890. (VIII) Henrietta Palmer – b 23 rd Dec. 1846 ; mar. 19 th Jan. ’70 ; W. N. Lord. no issue " Byron W. " - b 3 rd Sept. 1848 ; " 8 th May ‘ 82 Angeline Titus " Sarah Faustinia " – b 23 rd May 1851. not mar. lived Hillier " Solomon Levi " - b 28 th Jun. 1853 ; mar. 9 th Jun. 1886 M. J. Hyland. " Nancy L. " - b 14 th Apr. 1855 ; ‘d 21 un mar. " Hannah E. " - b 3 rd Feb. 1857 ; died 17 th Feb. 1867. " Arthur B. " - b 12 th Feb. 1859 ; " 27 th Nov. 1879 " John H. " - b 3 rd Mar. 1861 ; mar. 6 Feb ’89 Fannie Bush ix Phillis " Ella B. " - b 29 th Jan. 1863 ; died 25 th Mar. 1864. " Sidney B. " - b 17 th Aug. 1866 ; mar. 20 th Jun 1888 Elda S. Leavens dau. of - - ix " Leonard " Cory N. " - b 11 th Jan. 1870 ; mar. 11 th Jun. 1893 Sarah E. Flindall dau. of - - ix Benj. L. b 13 Dec 1893 " G. Austin b 19 Mar 1895 " Dorothy C. L. b 19 Oct 1896 " Luella M. b 30 Nov 1898 " (?) Nora (VII) Reuben Crandal ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Gilbert Crandal ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Almira Crandal ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Francis Crandal ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Joseph Daly ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Daniel Daly ( vi Phebe v Eliz & Eben iv Ich & Lydia) (VII) Image 46 - Doug Smith (Palmer) (1) p21 (VII) (Henry Palmer) Insert ( This item is exactly as given by Henry in a letter in pos. of same? files) p 21 - (VII) Henry Palmer – (VI) James I. (V) Elizabeth Bowerman – (IV) Ichabod – (III) Thos. (II) Thos. – (I) Thos. " Henry born ---1819 – mar. (I) Jane Wilson, born in (VIII) Agnes born ---1841-. see below " James R. " 1845 . p 16 - (VIII) Agnes mar. Martin Barret – 1868 – Martin died 1892. (IX) James Henry Palmer Barret born 1872. mar. Clunes Hardy 1899. see below (issue Virginia) (IX) Louisa Hart Barret born 1875 mar. " James R. born 1845, mar. Millie Flagler, 1870. (IX) Agnes Teresa Palmer born 1871. ( " ) Henry - - mar. (2) Lucrecia Noxon in 1849, born 1827 died 1888. Image 47 - Doug Smith (Palmer) (II) (21 ½ ) (VI) Eliz. Palmer mar. Jos. Dorland see p. 21. p 15 (VI) (page 15) Stephen Palmer, mar. Abigail Jones and set. (VII) Jones " " (VII) David " U. S. (VII) Henry " (VII) Thomas " (VII) Amanda – died age 20, unmar. p 15 (VI) Joseph Palmer, mar. Ruth (VII) Sampson " (VII) Dorland " (VII) Daniel " (VII) Thomas " (VII) Jane – died aged 20, unmar. (VI) Jas. p 16 (VII) Nancy, (VI) Jas. " mar. Asal Townsend and set. in Hillier. (VIII) Phebe J. mar. Irvine Valleau, set. Hillier; (IX) (IX) Laura " Herbert Grayson, Ameliasburgh (X) Harry (IX) Emma " Daniel Morden, Hillier, no is- (IX) Peter " Theresa Mabee, set. (X) (X) Hazel (X) Walter (VIII) Laura mar. Albert Hawley, set. Napanee, (IX) Laura (IX) Emma (VIII) Emma mar. Charles Howe, set. Lakeshore, no issue. (VIII) John " Fannie Nethery, Ameliasburgh, (IX) (IX) Marguerite p 16 (VII) Rosanna, (VI) Jas. mar. (1) James Snider, set. Ameliasburgh; (VIII) (VIII) Abner (VIII) Nancy J. (VIII) Stephen W. (VIII) Fletcher " (2) Peter Bradley ditto (VII) Henry, (VI) James I. Palmer qv p 16 (VII) Rachel " John p 16 (VII) Benjamin, (VI) James I. Palmer; see page 21 v Elizabeth & Ebenezer iv Ichabod & Lydia Mott p 16 (VII) Phebe, (VI) James I. Palmer, v (VIII) James H. P. mar. Hettie Stapleton, Hillier; (IX) Lela " " (2) Jennie Diamond (Esther Jane) (IX) Marieline (VIII) (VIII) Wilbur mar. set. Claude Young (IX) Claude Image 48 - Doug Smith (22) (vi) Mary v Hannah ll sch & (VII) ------------------- Scriver (VII) " " (VII) " " [ broad X drawn through these 5 items] (VII) " " (VII) " " (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Jane Ann Bettice – mar. Johnathan Vincent. qv = (2) Jas. Scriverthan (VIII) (VII) Margaret Vincent (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Hannah Vincent (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) James Vincent (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Phila Vincent (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) John Vincent – mar. Sarah dau. Josiah Bull and Sarah Cunningham (see Bull) (VII) John Smith (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Gersham Smith (vi Mary V Hannah iv Ich & Lydia (VII) " (VII) " (VII) " (VII) James mar (1) Roxylana? Elsworth (2) Sarah Jane (Hill) Kingsley (dau. V (VII) John (VII) Joseph (VII) Paulina (VII) Merrit (VII) Nial Bowerman vi John V David iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Isaac B Bowerman ” (VII) Elias Bowerman ” (VII) Rachel Bowerman ” (VII) Sarah Ann Bowerman ” (VII) Catherine Bowerman – mar. Gilbert Orser (vi Benoni v David iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Charlotte Bowerman mar. –Wartman (vi Benoni v David iv Ich & Lydia (VII) Gideon Bowerman (vi Benoni v David iv Ich & Lydia mar. Mary Beadle, dau. of Elias Beadle of Bloomfield Gideon was a protege of his uncle Stephen Bowerman and married the grandaughter of Issac beadle. at one time Stephen’s partner in the “salt-well” Issue - - (VIII) James Bowerman – b. d. mar. (1) Charlotte Williams " (2) Melvina Lovelace. (VIII) Sarah Bowerman – b. " Corey Clark. (VII) David Bowerman [as above] mar. Nancy Low ; resided at Castleton Ont. afterwards removing to David Bowerman of (VIII) Elizabeth Ann Bowerman " " Margaret " " Jos. Bennet of " William Henry " b. in Wellington Co Pr. Ed. 1852; lived 14 years at Springfield Ill. ; railroad employee and was killed by R.R. accident ; buried on Sunday 20th Mar. 1881. (VIII) George Bowerman - - - res. in (VII) Thomas Bowerman [as above] mar. Jemima Mabee, both proteges of Stephen Bowerman (VIII) Lloyd Bowerman " Hiram " Lois Rebecca “not mar. lived with Cyrus R. Sing of Meaford Ont. mar. (2) - - - ? (VIII) Charlotte Bowerman " Matilda Image 49 - Doug Smith [This page typed on paper, not a tissue carbon copy] p22 (VII) David Bowerman (VI) Benoni – (V) David – (IV) Ichabod – (III) Thos? (II) Thos. (I) Thos. mar. (Diagram of ![]() Image 50 – Carm Foster (23) p 17 ( 17 ( P 25 (VIII). George Eckert – ( “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 17 ( “ ( ( ( EIGHTH GENERATION. 17 (VIII). Cyrus (vii Sarah vi Cyrus V Jane IV Ichabod & Lydia d. 25th April 1904 at his home in Meaford Ont. A local paper states that he was “a prominent Quaker; a former Mayor of Meaford; a man well known through the country; leaving a widow and five children.”- (IX). W.H. Sing - -res. Meaford Ont. “ J. G. Sing - - Public Works Dept. “ b. m. W.T. Moore of Meaford. “ b. m. A. McK. Cameron “ 17 (VIII). Josiah ( 17 (VIII). Abigail ( 17 (VIII). Rebecca (vii Sarah vi Cyrus V Jane IV “ Sing – b. d. m. Rev. Isaac Baker. 17 (VIII). Jemima (vii Lois vi Cyrus V Jane IV Ich & L Mabee – b d. m. Thomas Bowerman son David 22 17 (VIII). Jeremiah “ “ Mabee – b d. 17 (VIII). Alfred (vii Jemima vi Cyrus V Jane IV Ich & L. Aaron Gifford – b. d. 17 (VIII). Roxana (vii James vi Ichabod V Jane IV Ich & 17 (VIII). Diana (vii James vi Ich. V Jane IV Ich & Lyd Jane 17 (VIII). Ruth (vii James vi Ich. V Jane IV Ich & Lyd Melvina (VIII). Robert (vii James vi Ich. V Jane IV Ich & Lyd Elsworth Martin (VIII). William ( (VIII). Amy ( (VIII). [Note: large brackets have been used above on the left side of the page to group the different families of generation VIII.] p 18 (VIII). Abigail (vii Job vi Abigail V Jane IV Ich & [Note: X’s, dashes, lines and other marks were used in the above entry to correct information.] (IX). Philip Bowerman – “ “ Ellwood “ - Image 51 – Carm Foster (25) { (VIII). David ( 19 { (VIII). Ephraim ( { (VIII). Hiram ( 19 (VIII). Barker ( “ (VIII). Alfred ( (IX). Anna White – b. 6th Mar. 1845; mar. “ Mary E. White – b. 28th Feb. 1847; mar.Eliphlet Walters Rebeca White – b. 16th Oct. 1848; mar. “ Richard White – b. 25th Apr. 1851; “ John White – b. 21st Feb. 1853; “ Gilbert White – b. 6th Feb. 1855; Phys. Of mar. (2). Lydia Brown dau. Jos. And Matilda. [Note a line is drawn from this “mar. (2).” entry back to Alfred White above.] (VIII). Truman ( d 31 Jan 1911 (VIII). John ( (IX). Emma White –b. “ Homer “ b. m. Loretta Talcott dau. J. Webster Talcott “ Bella “ b. m. Philip Talcott, son of Elisha. W. “ 19 (VIII). (IX). George White – b. “ “ “ 19 (VIII). Jane ( m. (2) James A. Gibson. (see - - ) 19 (VIII). Clara ( 19 (VIII). Aaron (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Baker - b. (VIII). Mary (vii Hannah vi Mary V Elizth IV Ich & Lyd Jane Baker – b. d. m. (1) Richard Noxon m. (2) - - - - Spafford (no iss [off page] (IX). Richard Noxon. “ Gilbert “ (VIII). Susanah (vii Hannah vi Mary V Elizth IV Ich & Lyd Baker – b. m. Jonathan Brown – (see - . (See Deborah Bowerman) (IX). “ } “ } 19 (VIII). Rebecca (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Baker – b. m. - - - - Sanderson. (VIII). Alva (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Baker – b. m. (1) m. (2) (VIII). Sarah (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Ann Baker – b. – m. James Sanderson. (VIII). Catherine (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Baker – b. d. (suicide). (VIII). Merritt (vii Hannah vi Mary V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd Baker – b. m. all Nxt? 5 – (vii Palmer? Vi Hannah V Eliz IV Ich & Lyd) (VIII). William Ferguson 19 (VIII). (VIII). Rachel “ “ indicating they are all attached to 19 shown at the left] (VIII). Lavina “ “ (VIII). Margaret E. “ “ p 20 (VIII). Gilbert (vii John vi Eliz V Eliz & Eben IV Ich & Lyd Dorland – b. 9th Nov. 1828; mar. Mary Elizabeth Stapleton of Hillier born 1831; died 1896. (IX). “ “ Matilda “ - b. 1866; m. “ Maud “ - b. 1866; m. Wallace Huyck – res. (Gilbert Dorland died 8th Jan. 1902 at Norham Ont.) Transpose. Albert “ - b. 1871; res. at Morganton Ont. ( Transpose five ) See Dorland & Image 52 – Carm Foster (V Dorland”) (26.) p 20 (VIII). Robert ( (IX). Cora Jones Dorland – b. 17th Aug. 1855; 20 (VIII). Mary ( (IX). 6 children 20 (VIII). Sarah ( (IX). 6 children 20 (VIII). Matilda ( 20 (VIII). Tabitha ( (IX). 4 ch 4 ch √ 20 (VIII). Samuel ( 20 (VIII). John ( “ (VIII). William ( (IX). Jane Dorland – b. 1856. “ Thomas “ - b. 1858. “ William “ - b. 1860. “ Charles “ - b. 1862 “ John “ - b. 1864. “ (VIII). Elizabeth ( (IX). 7 ch 7 children 20 (VIII). John ( (IX). Willet P. Dorland – b. 1875; d. 1882. 20 (VIII). Samuel ( (IX). Beatrice Dorland – b. 1886; d. 18th Nov. 1902. “ Lelia “ - b. 1887. “ Elizabeth Ann “ - b. 1889 d. 1889. 20 X (VIII). James ( 20 (VIII). Willet ( (IX). Frank A. Dorland – b. 1884; “ Clara “ - b. 1886; d. 1894. “ James A. “ - b. 1888; “ 20 (VIII). Susan ( (IX). -------- ------------ m. Dr. Harry A. Evans, (2 ch¢) Jennie Carter - b. ------------ m. - - - - ------- “ - b. ------------ m. Horace Willcocks (issue - - - ). James “ - b. ------------ m. res. N. Marys b’g 21 (VIII). Catherine ( (IX). Bertha 20 (VIII). William ( (IX). Samuel Gilbert Dorland – b. 14th April 1892. “ Thomas “ - b. 4th Dec. 1896 “ Bertha May “ - b. “ Bessie “ - b. 20 (VIII). Betsy ( (IX). “ Nellie Louisa “ - b. “ William “ - b. 20 (VIII). (IX). Joseph Cicero Hunter - b. “ “ Peter “ - b. “ Samuel Nelson “ - b. “ Stephen Thomas “ - b. “ Susan “ - b. 20 (VIII). Susan ( (IX). Roy Dorland Stephenson - b. “ Archie Thomas “ - b. “ James Albert “ - b. Image 53 – Carm Foster (27.) p 20 (VIII). Stephen ( (IX). Lilian Dorland - b. “ William “ - b. “ May “ - b. “ Bertha “ - b. 20 (VIII). Joseph ( (IX). Walter Dorland - b. “ Edna “ - b. “ Bertram H. “ - b. “ Clifford “ - b. 21 (VIII). Sarah ( (IX). 20 (VIII). Joseph ( (IX). Mary Pierson – b. 2nd Step 1871; m. Christopher Pieper. 20 (VIII). William ( 20 (VIII). Charles ( (IX). Claude Pierson - b. 24th Mar. 1877; Milverton, Ont. “ Wm. Herbert “ - b. 18th Mar. 1879; “ “ Clara Eugene “ - b. 17th Mar. 1883; - Wiarton, Ont. “ Eunice M. “ - b. 25th Mar. 1888; “ “ Albert Evan “ - b. 18th Jun. 1892; “ 20 (VIII). Stephen ( (IX). Roy Pierson - b. 19th Aug. 1884; at Milverton, Ont. 20 (VIII). (died 1866). m. 1863. (IX). Adelbert Edmund Clark - b. 1866. 20 (VIII). Sarah (vii Mary vi Eliz V Eliz IV Ich & L B. Terwilliger – b. 1843; d. 17th Mar. 1?82; mar. 1873 – Lewis L. Lovell. (IX). 20 (VIII). Phebe (vii Mary vi Eliz V Eliz IV Ich & L L. Terwilliger – b. 1850; mar. 1868. William Norman. (IX). 5 ch. (VIII). Charles (vii Mary vi Eliz V Eliz IV Ich & L W. Walters – b. 1855; mar. 1888, Ella Franks. (VIII). William (vii Mary vi Eliz V Eliz IV Ich & L A. Walters – b. 1858; d. 1887. [A large bracket was placed to the left of the generation numbers beginning with Lydia R. Terwilliger and ending with William A. Walters.] 21 (VIII). Sarah ( (IX). Robert John Mathews - b. res. “Globe” “ James D. “ - b. “ “ “ “ Sarah P. “ - b. m. Ed. Winkle, (X). Dorothy Winkle - b. --------- “ Jennie L. Mathews - b. --------- (2) – Ostrander of “ Catherine Ostrander - b. --- “ John “ - b. --- 21 (VIII). Philinda ( (IX). Philinda L. Riddell (“Kitty”) b. 1873. “ DeWitt Speer “ b. 1876. “ 21 (VIII). Jane ( The Zucks are descended from a family of Swiss Protestant Refugees, who wrote the name “Zug”, from a Swiss Canton, as it is still written by members of the same family in Phila. James C. Zuck – b. 14th Jan. 1844, in (2) Jane B. Dorland – (IX). Ralph Zuck b. 1st Oct 1878; grad. B.S. “Univ. “ Marguerite “ b. 21st July 1?78; “Univ. IX Marguerite Zuck mar. 21 Aug 1904 James Francis Abbott of [the rest of this hand written entry above has faded so that it cannot be read] “ Rosamond “ b. 8th Oct. 1887. Image 54 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (29) (IV). Ichabod Bowerman—mar.(2), probably at Note to foll-- Jane Richmond, dau. of Cyrus Richmond, and his (2nd) wife Phebe Mott; and removed into Dutchess Co. N.Y. settling at the Friend’s colony called “Great-Nine-Partners”, near Po’keepsie on the Hudson River. As already observed, Ichabod died at the Dutchess Co. homestead in 1791 aged 70 years; and Jane removed with the younger members of her family to The issue of Ichabod and Jane are as foll. – (V). Thomas Bowerman - b 29th Mar.1760;died 28th Aug.1810; mar. (1) Sarah Vincent; and (2). Maturah Bull. “ “ Phebe “ b. 24th Sept.1763; “ - - - 1783 “ Richard Butts. “ Mary “ b. 30th Jun.1765; “ 6th Jan.1849; “ (1) Nathaniel White “ (2) Ezra “ Ichabod “ b. 2ndSept.1767; “ 7th Mar.1815; “ Rebecca Mastin. “ Jonathan “ b. 18th Aug.1769; “ 2nd Feb.1857; “ Sarah Vincent. “ Deborah “ b. 8th Jan.1771; “ 6th Sept.1819; “ Reuben Vincent “ Stephen “ b. 22nd Oct.1773; “ 3rd Jun.1857; “ Amy Hughes. “ Gideon “ b. 22nd Jan.1775; “ - Jun.1810; - - (not mar.). “ “ (2) Mary Ann Morden. (3) Phila.Cronkhite.and (4) Lavinia Saylor. “ Cyrus was the son, and eldest child of John Richmond, born in “Here lieth buried the body Of Edward Richmond Captain Who departed this life in the 63rd year of his age, Nov 1696” Capt. Edward Richmond was the 2nd son of John Richmond, the Immigrant, born 1594. John emigrated from Wiltshire John Richmond was the 12[?]th generation in direct descent from Roaldus Musard de Richmond, a distinguished leader in the army of William the Conqueror. The descendants of Roaldus were owners of the monor, [sic] and Constables of Richmond Castle; the latter having been built by Alan Rufus (First Duke of Richmond, and a kinsman of the Conqueror) who is also said to have been a descendant of Edward I, and likewise a kinsman of Roaldus. The Ducal Coronet in the Richmond Arms might imply that the family here traced are scions of the same house whence sprang the other branch bearing the title of Duke of Richmond. Image 55 – Judy Andrus Toporcer [Transcriber’s note: at the top left corner of this page, the word “Footnote” is hand-written; “p 29” is hand-written in the top right corner, and a hand-written X crosses out what was typed on the top half of the page. The remainder of the typed page is upside-down and also crossed out with three large penciled X marks.] Footnote p 29 ( (Narragansett Friends Records) “ ( “Syrus Richmond and Jane Crandall married by John Babcock Justice Jan. 29th 1718-or-19.” (Westerly Records) “Cyrus Richmond and Phebe Mott mar. by John Hoxie, Justice, Mar. 27th 1734.” (Friends Records) “Children of Cyrus and Phebe. Jane - born 4 –7 – 1733 Cyrus “ 3 – 6 – 1737 Phebe “ 8 – 25 – 1739 Abigail “ 5 – 16 – 1743 Mary “ 5 – 15 – 1745 Copied [note: the rest of the typing on this page is upside down and crossed out] ( (VI) Phebe Richmond, (V) Sylvester- (IV) Cyrus- (III) John- (II) Edward- (I) John. Married John Darling (1743) Worster John Darling died 127 Oct. 1847 at Consecon Co. Pr. Ed. at the residence of his son John Darling. Mrs. Smart[???] of (VII) John “ Sylvester “ Jane mar. Stephen Lapman (VIII) Eliza mar. Ira Prindle “ Lavina “ (1) - - - Little “ (2) - - - Fiske “ “ Aaron “ “ Laura “ (1)- - Hendricks at Carrying Place. After Hendricks death she mar. (2)- - Debois a saddler at Conseon [sic] “ Delilah “ James Cardinell. “ William “ Allen Image 56 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (30) The family originated in Brittany, the name being derived from riche and monte or monde; and in early English History is given as Rychemonde, Richemount, and Richmonte; finally Richmond. The Richmond Arms are- “Field –Argent, a cross patonce fleury azure, between four Mullets gules. Crest-Atilting-Spear argent; headed or broken in three parts, one piece erect, the other two in saltire, enfiled with a Ducal Coronet.” (Burke’s General Armory”.) “Motto-Resolve well and persevere.” “The name of “The Crest, according to tradition, was won by Sir Philip Richmond by a feat of arms done in single combat with a Saracen Prince during the Crusades, before “The Richmonds settled and for a long-time period held possession of Estates in Wiltshire, with some of the principal families in which country they formed connections and intermarried. In the 15th Century William Richmond married an heiress of large property, named Alice Webb, and he then assumed that name, and for a considerable period his descendants continued it as an addition to or in lieu of the original one of Richmond – the name is found entered as - ‘Richmond, otherwise Webb’ – in the visitations of the Heralds of that period; but subsequently Webb was dropped, and Richmond only was adopted.” (From Burke’s Visitation of the Seats and Arms of the Noblemen and Gentlemen of Great Britain.) Note- Battle-Abbey is at the present time owned by Sir August Frederick Webster, Bart., a descendant of Sir Thomas Webster, who bought the Abbey from Vicount Montague in 1719; and whose family retained possession of it for 130 years. (V). Thomas Bowerman – son of Ichabod and Jane Bowerman – born: 29th Mar. 1760; in Dutchess Co. N.Y.; died 28th Aug. 1810 at The arrival in “Grand-Bay” via the “ Image 57 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (31) occupations calculated to stimulate the convivial rather than the hermetic instincts, and Having selected a farm on the south side of West Point, near East-Lake outlet, - since called the Thompson farm - he returned in the Fall of ’83 to Dutchess Co. where he shortly married Sarah Vincent of the same place and in 1784 settled the farm above named. A little reflection on the regular course of events in connection with Thomas’ advent in Canada: his selection of a homestead, his return to Dutchess Co. and subsequent unmolested marriage; his removal the following year; all this ought to serve to dissipate any remaining transparency which may still encircle the name of even the most worthy pioneer. Thomas Bowerman was the first of his name to settle in the Midland District; and was also one of the first of the Society of Friends, which society later became both numerous and influential-morally rather than politically. Thomas and Sarah Bowerman remained but a short time at the Thompson farm, exchanging the latter for a farm on the south side of Belonging to this farm, by possession or otherwise, is that large island called “Tubb’s Thomas was probably at this place at late as 1804; and had among other neighbors a family named Jenks, as well as one named Petit. The members of these two families joined Thomas in the Spring in sugar-making on the island. The +[hand-penned in red ink] Jenks, of whom Richard was the head, came from the vicinity of Albany, N.Y., Richard’s wife was a “Soper” and the widow of one Reynolds, by whom she had three children. These came in company with the Jenks; and together with nine by the latter marriage, they constituted a family of 14 or more persons. The Petits came from Dutchess Co. N.Y. The only issue of (V) Thomas and Sarah Bowerman was - - - (VI). Vincent Bowerman – born 21st May. 1791, at the “Tubbs” farm; and on the following day 22nd May 1791 Sarah Bowerman died. Sarah is buried in the “Tubbs-Burial-Ground”, a secluded spot hedged round by cedars near the entrance to the shingle beach, now leading to the island. At the time of writing, the old cemetery appears to have been entirely deserted, the graves are trodden and neglected, while the rough stones are mossgrown and hidden in the tangled grass. The once neat palings and cedar markers lie scattered here and there like the flotsam on the shore; or collected into rude heaps among fallen branches and decaying vegetation have so far fallen into ruin that all trace of identity has been obliterated. “Tubbs-Burial-Ground” (1901). +Note-“Hallowell, 18th July 1798. Joseph Jinks-rated First-Class-2.6d.” Image 58 - Doug Smith (32) After the death of Sarah Vincent, Thomas returned a second time to his native For this farm the Crown-Patents were issued as foll – “17 th Mar, 1804; To Mary Ann Peters 170 acres – East part” “ 5 th Oct, 1809” Henry Young sr. 199 acres, West part” “28 th Dec. 1809, Henry Young sr. sold to Thomas Bowerman 199 acres, west part” “for ₤25.0.0 (H.)”. It is a well-known fact that many of the actual settlers in Pr. Ed. Co. entered upon the occupied lands many years before the Crown Patent was issued and in several instances in the Bowerman family, their lands were purchased from the original holder and no deed given until after the issue of the Crown Patent. (See also Canniff’s History – p. 170.) Added to the other occupations more nearly allied to farming, Thomas and several of his brothers varied the monotony of bush-life by engaging a as raftsmen on the St Lawrence River – probably from the Bay of Quinte to the city of Quebec. At what date they began this occupation is not known; but they continued it until 1810 when Thomas died. Neither is there any date to show by whom they were employed; although the presumption is that either Simeon Washburn or Eliphlet Adams were their employers. Although Thomas Bowerman is said to have been a very quiet man with a voice pitched unmelodiously high, it is well known that he was a large and powerful man with great determination of character. omit The story of his adventure with the ship’s crew at The Capt. And a portion of the crew of this ship had just at this time been landed at a point opposite and seeing the damage to the cable, the blood-thirsty Celt screamed to his crew to “come on”, averring in the forceful language of the restless sea that he “would shiver the d---n Image 59 - Doug Smith (33) “thing to splinters”. Though it was the unwritten law of the river that everything afloat should make way for so unwieldy a concern as a raft the irate The first house occupied by Thomas and Maturah was a small log structure, probably built for homestead duties and was situated on the south side of a knoll close to the marshy ground where later they grew their flax. At this time the trail ran on the south side of the cabin; but in 1798 when the “Danforth Road” was made, the line was shortened by running nearly direct from Bloomfield to “Bowerman’s Hill, thus leaving Thomas’ log house several rods to the south of the new road. On the East half of Thomas Bowerman and Cornelius Blount both at this time lived in log-houses; hence it is unlikely that Thomas had begun his new house until after this time as the meetings would undoubtedly have been held in the latter owing to its greater accommodation. It is stated in Cannif’s Hist. that in 1798 “a preparative meeting “was held at Philip Dorland’s house – that “in 1799 a meeting-house was “built”- and that “from this as a center the Quakers spread into Pr. Ed. Image 60 - Doug Smith (34) That Quakers and Quakerism were well established in Pr. Ed. prior to 1799 must be conceded from the reference to the meeting by Hugh Judge as well as by a glance at the Assessment Roll of Hallowell for the year 1798. The first official stand of Quakerism in the Midland District was undoubtedly in Adolphustown; the From Friends’ records we find that – “The first Mo. Mtg. of Friends was held at Adolphustown; in Friends’ Mtg. house – (built 1799) – on the 29 th of 1 st Mo. 1801; the first prep. Mtg. having been opened in the house of Philip Dorland 7 th of 9 th Mo. 1798; the latter being under the control of Nine Partners Mo. Mtg. in Dutchess Co. N.Y.” The meeting referred to by Hugh Judge was according to Eleanor Bowerman – “an indulged meeting” and was evidently set up before the official establishment of Adolphustown Prep. Mtg. Eleanor Bowerman writes as foll. – “An indulged meeting was now allowed at West-Lake, at the house of Cornelius Blount, to be held once in two weeks; for worship only”. The Adolphustown “Preparative Meeting”, established and first held on the 7 th of Sept. 1798, would have no authority to permit “an indulged Meeting” at the house of Cornelius Blount or at any other house. The supposition is that both Adolphustown and West-Lake were originally “indulged” meetings, authorized by the same meeting in Dutchess Co. in proof of which we have the following extracts from the records of Adolphustown – “At a Monthly Meeting of Women Friends, held at Adolphustown 25 th of 4 th Mo. 1803 – Was handed into this Meeting an Extract from the Nine Partners Quarterly Meeting; held 9 th of 11 th Mo. 1802, informing that that meeting had established a meeting for worship at the West-Lake and the Men’s Meeting now informs (this) that they have concluded to allow a Preparative Meeting to be held there on Third-day preceding the second Fifth-day in each month, for three months; which we unite with and appoint Minche VanHorn, Lydia Barker, Isabel VanScriver, Elizabeth Noxon, Elizabeth Dorland and Mary Haight to attend it and report their sense concerning it 7 th Mo. next. Said Meeting to be composed of all Members in the (Extracted from the minutes of the aforesaid meeting by Mary Haight, Clerk) “Agreeable to appointment, one of the Friends appointed by the Monthly Meeting attended with the extracts of the Quarterly Meeting and also a minute of the Monthly Meeting of Adolphustown and accordingly a Preparative Meeting was opened this 10 th day of 5 th Mo. 1803, at the house of Cornelius Blount at the West Lake in the Town (ship) of Hallowell and Philadelphia Cronkhite is appointed Clerk; Sarah Carman and Sarah Garratt are appointed to attend the Monthly Meeting with the accounts from this Image 61 - Doug Smith (35) “(and) that also to bring back such as concerns the report at next meeting.” “This Meeting adjourns until the Third-day preceeding the second Fifth-day in next month”. Accordingly the next regular meeting was held as provided for by the supposed authority from Dutchess Co.; and we find the foll. minutes – “At a Preparative Meeting of Women Friends held at At this or a subsequent meeting held 1803, a proposition was made for building a Meeting-House at Friends Records – At this time there were in Through the efforts of Job Hughes of Yonge Street these three were united into one under the name of the “Canada Half Years Meeting” in the year 1809; and the first meeting was called on the 31 st of 1 st In 1811, the Half Years Meeting united with a proposition to hold Adolphustown Mo. Mtg. alternately at West Lake and Adolphustown and in 1815 “in consequence of the Govt. occupying Adolphus (town) Meeting House, Friends “are united in adjourning Adolphus (town) Mo. Mtg. to meet at West Lake”. (Eleanor Bowerman – from early records). 35 ½ 35 ½ Insert here ─ “The Friends appointed to attend the opening of a Prep. Mtg. at Ameliasburg, 14 th of 3 rd Mo. 1817, all attended and produced the following minute – The Half years Meeting inform they are in establishing a meeting for worship and a Preparative Meeting at Ameliasburg, the meeting for worship to be held on First and Fourth Days; the Preparative Meeting to be held the first Sixth day following the second Fifth day in each month; to be called ‘Ameliasburg Preparative Meeting’. Phebe Blount and Mary White – Rebecca Bowerman and Sarah Barker are appointed to attend at the opening of said meeting with a copy of this minute” – (Extracted from the minutes of Adophustown Monthly” – Sarah Barker, Clerk.) Jan. 1819 – Trustees of the Meeting-House of Ameliasburg, Dr. to Jas. Barker “ To boards and Planks - - - - ₤ 6 - 15 – 9d. “ “ 70ft. of Clear Stuff - - 3 - 6d. “ “ Shingles - - - - - - 10 – 0d. ₤ ————— Total ₤ 7 - 9 - 3d. Note – “28 th Nov. 1817 – In Hallowell, we have one Methodist and one Quaker Meeting-House; preparations are making also for a Presbyterian meeting House. The former is attended by a Circuit preacher every two weeks; the latter by a Quaker every Sabbath”. (Eben. Washburn – in Cannif’s History). Image 62 – Carm Foster 35 ½ 35 ½ to be inserted as indicated on? p. 35 [about ½ way down on the right side of this page a piece has been torn out. See “torn section”] During the war of 1812-14, Friends were obliged to abandon their meeting house as a temporary barracks for troops; hence it was necessary for the Mo. Mtg. to be held each month at Reference to the military records of that time will probably establish the identity of the troops in quiestion, their number and the time of their occupation of the meeting house; inspection of the following copy of an account for services in connection with the movement of these troops, will not be uninteresting to lovers of Canadian History. “ To Willet Casey, - “To Cash Paid you by a Offesser at your house S - 3 . 9 May “To Sharping 2 plow shears - - - 3 4 - 1815… October To mending a ox Chane - - - - 2 4 - [torn section] To Lining and mending a ax Staple - - - 2 . 0? [torn section] To the half Ferring of 105 Solders Being Prest 1814 to that Duty 2d. per head 1 1 7 ? [torn section] Also Ferring 147 at the Same Price & Some horses £1. 4 . [torn section] Government Allowd 4d. pr. Head £2. 13 . [torn section] Sworn before me at Hallowell the 5th day of November – 1817 Willet Casey” “ Ebenezer Washburn J.P.” On the back of this account is the statement as foll- “Amt of this acct - - - - - - - - - - £2-13.3 “the Date E. Adams acct - - - - - - - £1-12.9 “ Cash pd. Casey this day - - - - - - 1- - 6 £2.13-3 “ Rec.d the above balance of “ 6th Nov – 1817 ------ Willet Casey “ being one pound & six pence.” Willet Casey was a blacksmith of Adolphustown, whose personal history has been outlined by the late Canniff Haight Esq. in an interesting narrative “Fifty Years Ago”. But was Willet Casey a Quaker, or a “ U.E. Loyalist? Or was he neither? His own testimony favors the latter supposition. The unbiased reader may gather his own information from the copy of this curious document, in Casey;s own hand-writing. If Casey were a Quaker, he would not have accepted pay from Govt for military services Even that pressed, him: would? he have made over 25lbs account; If he were a W.E. Loyalist, why “pressed” to the? service of transporting soldiers & horses across the Bay? Image 63 and 64 – Carm Foster (36)? Many of the early settlers from Dutchess Co. brought apple-seeds from which originated the first seedling orchards of Pr. Ed. Co.. Some of these appeared to have been grafted at a later period; and a great variety of excellent fruit was the result. Just at what time Thomas planted the orchard on Lot 1, is not accurately known; but a close surmise places the setting at 1796. Thomas was at the Tubbs farm in 1794; and in 1798, the Danfort [off page] Road was run. The log house on Lot 1, was on the north side of the original trail, the orchard being planted on the same side and adjoining the house. When the This tree has a girth of 9 ft. near the ground; it still bears an abundance of excellent and delicious fruit, red juicy, and much prized for domestic use,- and average apple measuring 9 in. in either circumference. ![]() [written on the back of this picture by what appears to be two different hands is the following] Apple Tree 10 ft circumference at base Lower limbs 4 ft. Stands in the yard of Margaret Jane Jones home One of Uncle Thos’ first orchard probably about in 1796 or 97- prior to Much broken by ice in the Spring of 1913 Probably the first house built by Thomas Bowerman on his lot in the Military Tract was the little log school-house, the first in the vicinity and one of the first in the Co. This school was probably begun about 1798; and was described to the writer by an old woman, who as a child attended there. The house stood on the corner of the lot, at the junction of the The little house had a gabled roof; and was supplied with fixed desks and seats arranged around the walls, while the latter were ornamented with figures and Capital letters. Note - The “”Public- The “Danforth-Road” was constructed under contract with the Government by an American named Asa Danforth; the road to extend from Note - “Maturah Bowerman, appointed at the second Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends “held at the house of Cornelius Blount 8th of 6th Image 64a – Carm Foster [The following 4 images are of each side of a two page, double sided note written most likely in ACB’s hand that was found inserted here. Two drawings that are part of the document are reproduced here.] 4 Dec ’85 Aunt Polly Mastin says the old log school-house at Bowerman’s Corner was on Thomas’ place between it & Stephen’s, seperated from the latter by the side road. It was small and low – faced the South – Had a gable roof and a window in Each side and one in front by the side of the door. There was a fire place in the N. W. corner – and in the S.E. Corner was a trap door leading into the low loft. At? this loft once “old crook nose” – Anthony Tyrell put one of the scholars and got into a great rumpus for it. ![]() Aunt Polly went there to School wt Anthony and also wt Joseph Leavens – He was teacher & preacher and “boarded around”- “Crook nose” used to throw tobacco at the children. They held a night school for the young men to learn to write. Anthony likewise? lived in the School House. The house on Stephan Bowerman’s farm west of the orchard was build of a sort of slab – and was occupied by Benoni Bowerman for a time – afterwards as school house and residence by Tyrell & Nethery - there, also Nethery, Image 64b – Carm Foster 2 When Thomas Bowerman was returning from Mrs Stephenson was a widow with 5 children in Dutchess Co. where Cornelius went & married her. David & John - - who married Samuel Cronk. One Susan M. Stephenson married Dorland Noxon - & [A large “X” has been drawn through the following paragraph.] Eleanor & Gideon Bowerman attended school on the hill – and also at the house in the field occupied by and taught Anthony Terrill who was likewise known as “old Crook nose”. This was the first school at this place? [torn section] “Crook nose” slept in the School house and “boarded around”. About 20 [torn section] dunce cap with feathers – seats around the walls large letters over [torn section] - Image 65 – Carm Foster 3 Aunt Polly says the meeting house on the Hill was built of logs – faced the North Had a gable roof – and had double doors in the front opening into the two rooms for it was divided as all Friend’s Meeting Houses have Ever since been built – the doors opened back on the partition. There was a window at Each side in front – two at the South Side, one in Each room – and one in Each End – a pair of stairs led into a low gallery furnished with low rude seats – and these she heard? often seen filled – The seats at the south side were raised – and there the Speakers & officials sat. ![]() At Funerals and other large gatherings Stephen & Judah Bowerman on whose adjoining farms the meeting house was built, used to act as Masters of Ceremony Escorting & leading the procession from the gate up to the meeting house. [The following is written by a different hand.] (the above sketch said by Thos Spencer to be very accurate.) Image 66 – Carm Foster Bowerman Meeting House & School. Note: pages 34 to 36 appear to be missing Image 67 - Doug Smith (37) Anthony sometimes slept in the School-house and according to a custom not so very long discontinued, he “boarded ‘round”. He was a terror to his pupils; he kept a “dunce-cap” made of paper, ornamented with feathers. He regularly enjoyed a siesta during school hours and made use of his quid of tobacco as a favorite coercive projectile. Having taught the first school in the neighbourhood and being a man of undoubted original talent, his eccentricities were regarded with reserved humour and himself as a dominant wonder among the insular clearings. In 1899, an old pupil of Anthony died at the age of 93 years, having attended at the little log school-house in the year 1815 and after. Contemporary with this Bowerman school was one in the village of (now) In Anthony’s school were few pupils, mostly small children. It is very probable that the “Agreement” mentioned in Cannif’s Hist. p. 333, has reference to this school, as Daniel Leavens was one of the trustees who signed it and whose sister Polly had been a pupil there, in 1815. The agreement was in accordance with the Can. Sch. Act of 1816 – so it must appear that this school was in operation in that year. A night-school for instruction in writing, was held in the log school for a considerable time, taught by an American, named When the meeting-house on “Bowerman’s Hill” was abandoned in 1821 for the new house in lower This first Quaker Meeting and first Image 68 - Doug Smith (38) Probably about 1804 Thomas Bowerman began the erection of a large two-storey frame house on the ridge to the north of the According to the first preserved record of the township of Hallowell 18 th Jul. 1798, Thomas Bowerman’s name occurs rated in the second class at 80, 5. 0. - x add note here Early in the season of 1810, Thomas and his brother Gideon went to He was buried in the Friends–Burial–Ground near the log–meeting–house on “Bowerman’s Hill”. A memorable event at the “Big White House” occurred on the 18 th Sept. 1818, when the following couples were married according to the order of Friends – although not legally sanctioned for many years after – these were Sarah Bowerman and Townsend Garrett; Patience Bull, half-sister to Maturah and William Garrett; Stephen Bowerman and Phebe Garrett, a sister of Wm. The memory of that hilarious evening still lingers; but those who were participants in the event, have mostly passed beyond the gloaming and the lapse of almost a century has left little more than their names dimly legible on the pages of fleeting time. Children of (V) Thomas Bowerman and Maturah Bull. See Bull Family – d. 2d Nov. 1846 aged 73 (2) John Stinson { James = Amy Burlingham} {Henry = Vanhorn } b 10 Oct 1794 – p55 (VI) Sarah Bowerman – mar. Townsend Garrett “ 4 Jan 1796 - - - Mary “ ( born 4 th Jan 1796 – died 17 th Aug. 1796.)p56 “ 18 Sept 1797 - - - Phebe “ “ 18 th Aug. 1797- “ 20 th May 1811.“56 “13 Mar 1799 - - - Stephen “ - mar. Phebe Garrett. p 56 “11 April 1803 - Joseph “ - (1) Phebe Cronkhite (2) Phebe Upton. “18 Dec 1802 - - Thomas “ - (1) Jemima Platt. (2) Mary Young (nee Platt). “8 Sept 1804 - - Josiah “ - Sarah Brewer. 9 p 58 – 71 “20 “ 1806 Amos “ - (1) Sarah Haight. (2) Mary Lewis. “ 58 – 71 11 Oct 1808 —— 10 Sept 1810 —— Patience “ - Alexander Sheriff. Insert above, acrs Note - The Assessment roll of the Thomas “ Image 69 - Doug Smith (39) (V) Lydia Bowerman – dau. of (VI) Ichabod and Jane – born in Dutchess Co. on the 15 th Jan. 1762 ; died in the Twp. of Hallowell, Co. Pr. Ed. 13 th of Feb 1811. It may be noted here that Lot I, consisted of two parts, that on the East, of 170 acres, being granted by the Crown Patent, dated 17 th Mar. 1804, to Mary Ann Peters; that her husband John Peters held by Crown Patent dated 17 th May 1802, the west part of When Cornelius Blount Settled on Lot I, his brother-in-law, Thomas Bowerman as we have seen was living at the Tubbs farm on West Lake; while a short distance west of Cornelius, on Lot 16. 1 st Con. N. W. I. another brother-in-law, Nathaniel White was probably already residing, as his farm was Patented directly from the Govt. to him in 1803. It may be seen later that the brothers and sisters of the Bowerman family showed a strong determination to settle close together; hence Thomas left Cornelius Blount built his first log house on Image 70 - Doug Smith (40) the purpose to be found at “Hovington’s Landing”. From this place Cornelius carried it on his back through the bush trail to his home. The distance was about six miles and probably it seemed much greater; but the tasks which that generation set for themselves were not light ones. On the assessment roll of the township of Hallowell 18 th July 1798; the names of Cornelius Blount occurs rated at “first-class” – 2s. 6d.; while in the same assessment for 1808, he appears as foll. – “150 acres – 50 acres cleared one log house – 3 horses – 4 cows – 3 cattle – 1 swine – Total apprizement ₤ 114.10s.0. District Expenses 4s. 9d. ¼ -. Representative Expenses, 1s. 7d. ¼ “. Previous to their removal to The family of Cornelius Blount also were of the sect of Quakers and as already observed, it was at the house of Cornelius that the first meetings of the Friends were held. In 1799, Hugh Judge, a well known Quaker Minister, or preacher, visited Friends in Pr. Ed. at “West Lake”, as the section around Bloomfield was known in Quaker parlance. No doubt he held meetings in the little log house across the creek from the Elms; for in the year 1803, Elias Hicks visited the Co. holding meeting at the house of Robert Hubbs below “Hovington’s Landing” and afterwards - “proceeded to the Township of Hallowell, to the house of our Friend Thomas Bowerman near West Lake etc.” and further – “On the 3 rd. day, 11 th of 10 th Mo. (1803), we returned to the house of Cornelius Blount, where the Meeting for Friends of West Lake, was held”. The above observation establishes the fact that Friend’s meetings had been regularly held at this place for a considerable time; and it is also proof that the “Big White House” was not yet in existence, for otherwise the meetings would have been held in the latter place on account of the larger accommodation. At the second Prep. Mtg. of women Friends held at the house of Cornelius Blount, at west Lake, 7 th of 6 th Image 71 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (41) are rudely carved the letters “C.B.” – and “L.B.”, and close to these are the graves of Rachel Bowerman - and Cyrus Richmond, the former buried in 1834, and the latter in 1854. Lying on the southern face of the hill, this spot is not often visited, and seen only from the railway; the view overlooks the broad marsh-lands, with the islands, sand-banks, and Lake Ontario, to the far south, while on the East, Macaulays hill stands sentinel over Hallowell Bridge and the ancient “Hovington’s-Landing” and “Tavern”. Three quarters of a century ago this old Quaker-Burial-Ground was a sacred enclosure to the memory of many early and worthy pioneers; to-day its once long rows of neatly kept graves are nearly obliterated, and the place is almost abandoned as a “potters-field” to an impecunious immigration. (VI). Joseph } (VI) Mary } (these both died in early infancy). p 60 (VI) Jane Blount – b. mar. Daniel Leavens. gv [qv??] p 60&62 (VI) Stephen " - b. mar. 1. Content Ann Bull –2. Pamilla Brewer. qv[?] (V). Phebe Bowerman - dau.of (IV) Ichabod and Jane - b.24th Sept.1763, died 1783; married Richard Butts, in Dutchess Co. having issue-viz. p 62 (VI). Sarah Butts-who died unmarried-neither of the family came to (V). Mary Bowerman - dau.of (IV) Ichabod and Jane – b. 30th June 1766; died 6thJan. 1849. She married (1) Nathaniel White, in Dutchess Co.; came to The Crown Patent for Lot XVI, was issued to Nathaniel White on the 16th Nov.1803: and the lot consisted of 200 acres,: but Nathaniel sold the rear half to William Christy, 100 acres for £100.0.0. Halifax Currency, the date of sale being 9thAug. 1815. (V) Mary and Nathaniel had a family of eight children, the youngest of whom died in 1822, aged 16 years, so it is probable that they were married shortly before leaving Dutchess Co. p 62 (VI). Ichabod White – no issue, and no other data. " Jane " - " " " " " " " Mary " - mar. Abraham West. " Jeremiah " - " Sarah Keys, and lived at " " William " - " Mary Terwilliger. Lived near R.R. Burlingham place - " Deborah " - " William Eldridge, no issue. " Nathaniel " - (died 1822, aet. 16) (V). Mary, married (2) Ezra Jennings, and moved on the 27th May 1816 to Note-“Ameliasburgh Prep.Mts. of Women Friends, 9thof 3rdMo.1827—a request signed Mary Jinnins” – This was possibly a request for membership. Image 72 and 73 – Judy Andrus Toporcer [Transcriber’s note: this page is torn and the right side missing portions. Page number missing. Two images were taken to reveal writing under the photograph.] p64 - (VI) Ichabod (V Jonathan IV Ich + Jane) Bowerman – mar. Lavinia Hummiston? [Humberstone?] Gardn [rest of line missing] " " John " - " Mary Harris. [rest of line missing] " " Cornelius " - " Martha Morgan. [rest of line missing] " " Deborah " - " Thomas M. Brown. [rest of line missing] " " Eleanor " - " Samuel Foster. [rest of line missing] " " Jane " - " Thomas Clark – die [rest of line missing] " " Abigail " - " Smith P. Leavens [rest of line missing] " " Thomas " - " Jane Mott. Sarah Vincent, wife of (V) Jonathan Bowerman, [rest of line missing] the children of their own large family, they “br [rest of line missing] a relative of Sarah, and Jonathan in his octogen [rest of line missing] -ed to doggerel, a notable sample of which called [rest of line missing] poems, printed in 1849, is an unappreciated classi [rest of line missing] [Here, a deteriorated picture of a house and barn is taped at the top and flipped over the text. All text is transcribed below] ![]() Residence of V. Stephen and Amy (Hughes) Bowerman. (Stephen Bowerman’s Residence in 1857) (V). Deborah Boweran-dau.of (IV) Ichabod and Jane- born 6thSept.1819; married in Dutc and continued to occupy the “Bowerman-Homestead” d of their children later occupied it, and as late as still in the family possession. None of the childre to The house was burned some years since; and with its distinctive character of the place lost much of it’s a to the student of family history. p65 (VI). Paulina Vincent – mar. George Darling. " Hoxsie " - " Abigail Stone. " Elizabeth " - " Stewart Christy. qv " Levi " - " Mary Vail. " Margaret " - " Seth Barmer. " Gideon " - " Platt " - " Jane " - " " Phebe Ann " - " Thomas " - " Mary " - " Cyrus Perkins (V). Stephen Bowerman-son of (IV) Ichabod and Jane-born in Dutchess Co. [page torn] 22ndOct. 1773; died at his home in the Twp. of [page torn] 3rdJune 1857. He came to -ers in 1790. Before settling on the farm where he died, he engag [page torn] with his brothers Thomas and Gideon in rafting on the St. Lawrence [page torn] records of the first assessment of the Twp. of Hallowell, 18th July 1 [page torn] Stephen’s name appears in the “under-rated” class at 2s.0. At one time is said to have owned been issued to him, but he lost this property through a “salt-well” ent -erprise with his brother Stephen located at length on Lot.18.1st Con. N. of before the year 1795, and having first obtained possession of the lot thr- -ough a “swap” with John Bull, the first, of l [hole in page] ield. It was said by the next generation that his bargain with [hole in page] atified by the “boot” of an Indian-pony and a jug of fi [hole in page] es not [?]rans[??] Image 74 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (42) (V). Ichabod Bowerman- son of (IV) Ichabod and Jane-born 2ndSept.1757 1767?, in Dutchess Co. died 7thMar.1815; married in Dutchess Co.N.Y. Rebecca Mastin and came to On the assessment roll of 1798, Ichabod is rated “second-class” at 5s0. while in the first record of the Twp. of Hallowell, 18thJuly 1798, he was with others appointed an “Overseer of Highways and Fence-viewer”. In the Assessment of the Township for 1808, (V) Ichabod had the following property—“150 acres of land; 50 cleared; two storey frame house; 2 horses; 3 cows; 1 cattle; $121.0.0. Total Apprizement; 5s.0d.1/2 1/2; District Expenses; 1s.8d.1/2 ½ Representative Expenses”. The farm of (V) Ichabod was that known as Besides the grist-mill already mentioned, (V) Ichabod had a saw-mill on the east side of the stream, behind his house, while the grist-mill stood on the opposite or west side of the stream. (V) Ichabod and Rebecca were also of the sect of Friends; and on the 18th of 7thMo. 1803, Rebecca was appointed to attend Mo. Mtg. by the Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held at the house of Cornelius Blount. They reared a [illegible word] family; all of whom were born at Lot 7 except Phebe who was born in Dutchess Co. and was nearly a year old on the arrival of the family in p 62 (VI). Phebe Bowerman – mar. Ransaeler Burlingham p 63 " p 63 " Mary " - " William Bedell (also written Beadle). p 63 " Jonithan I. " - " (1) Susan Clark. (2) Hannah (Cunningham) Ferris. " Aaron " - died in infancy. p 63 " Gideon " - " (1) Sarah Harris. (2) Mary Mott. p 63 " Stephen " - " Catherine Cunningham. p 63 " Sarah " - " James Osborne. p 63 " Thomas " - (died 24thFeb.1829, aet 18 years). p 63 " The curious observer will not fail to notice that this land, also allotted for military service, was issued directly to a Quaker. The date of Ichabod’s Patent is prior to that of both Cornelius and Thomas, though it is understood that the members of this large family of immigrants came together in the year 1790. * Garrett Striker kept a tavern at the “Quinte Hotel” place[?] Main St. Picton – Died there – coffin taken out of the window – He mar. Lydia Bowerman + had Gideon Striker MPP[??] - - Mrs. D Chapman of Picton (a dau is Mrs. William[? Willis?] Vinzio[??] See post[?] Image 75 – Carm Foster (43) (V). Jonathan Bowerman – son of (IV) Ichabod and Jane – born in Dutchess Co. N.Y. 18th Aug 1789 died in Bloomfield Co. Pr. Ed. on the 2nd Feb 1857; married probably in Dutchess Co., although it is not known that he was married when he first came to Canada. This was in 1793, when he accompanied the Spencer party which landed in Picton 23rd May of that year. Either at this or a later time, he brought his wife Sarah Vincent . 9.V. The Spencer party, alluded to, comprised among others, Samuel Williams, father of Platt Williams, William Cunningham Sr., Jonathan Bowerman and his two younger brothers Jonathan selected and settled This is probably the first instance of any portion of the Mil Tr. of Pr. Ed. Co. being disposed of to a Quaker; but the incident is in contradiction to the declaration of Rochfoucault; and establishes the certainty that in 1800, there was no discrimination, direct or implied, between the settlers of this portion of the Midland District. Private individuals, such as the Friends, purchased their farms; while disbanded soldiers received certain “Grants” in lieu of other reward for distinguished services. Quakers purchased and occupied these “Grants”; and although the members of this peaceful sect were neither accused nor suspected of treason, in consequence of their refusal to bear arms – a principle well understood by the Govt, which issued their Patents – they were the recipients of indignities and persecution equalled only by the Puritanic deviltries of a preceeding century. In contrast On 25.68 “Assessment of Hallowell, 18th July 1798, Jonathan Bowerman, first-class, “at 2s [smudge] ?? and in that of 1808, he has the foll property; viz. – “Acres 425? [smudge]; cleared 4 ?? ; house, frame, one and a half stories; gristmill 1; “sawmill 1; horses 2; cows 4; cattle 2; Total apprizement $308 0 0?; District “ Expenses, 16s 7d; Representative Expenses, 5s 7d”. (V) – Jonathan Bowerman was one of the wealthiest men of his time at Bloomfield; but his property, accumulated as Quaker property was, by thrift and punctuality, has been scattered until the family possessions include little more than the family name. Besides the sawmill, Jonathan built a gristmill, in partnership with John Bull. The latter mill was situated south of the road, and later came to be known as “Bull’s-Hill”; and was for many years owned and operated by “Uncle John Bull”. It stands on the North side of the Image 76 – Carm Foster (44) road seperating the 1st and 2nd Concessions of the Mil. Tr. near the side-road between lots 8 and 9. This mill was for some years owned and managed by the “Bowerman-Brothers”, and known as the “Atlas-Mills”; but the property has repeatedly changed ownership. Just where the first “saw-mill” or the first “grist-mill” actually stood is a matter of some conjecture. At the east end of the pond in lower Note - Quite as curious as the recent modifications of the society, is the origin of the spruce trees already It will be remembered that David Conger of Picton kept a store at the latter place; on his account-book for the year 1800, appears the name of “Jonathan Bowerman – Dr. To 1. Chamber-pot.”; but the price is unfortunate [off page] not stated and we are unable to appreciate this notable luxury at its proper value. Image 77 – Carm Foster (46) who received the latter. (V) Stephan Bowerman was in possession of his farm at the date of issue of the Crown certificate, 1797, although that Patent was not granted in Stephen’s own name. When his first log house was built on the site of the present brick structure, the trail ran south of the house on a line close to the north side of the C.O.R.R.; but with the change in 1798, when the new Danforth road was run, the old house was left with its back to the road, a condition which it maintained with undignified stubbornness until its demolition in 1877. When Stephen first took possession of this farm, the settler’s log house was situated on the “cross-road”, on the ridge, a few yards north of the old Butternut tree, still standing in 1904,; but this house was burned during Stephen’s absence on one of the periodical rafting voyages. The second log-house Stephen built himself at the place mentioned; and that house remained in use until 1834, when it was pulled down and its place taken by a more modern frame structure, In running the Danforth road there is at this place a deviation from the direct line to “Bowerman’s Hill” due to a compromise with the contractors. Stephen’s house was in the surveyed line and must have been removed had the road been made in the line of survey. As a compromise the road was deflected to the north and Stephen’s house left unmolested. And it is to the winding irregularity of this well-known thoroughfare that so much of the local charm of scenery is brought to the notice of the enraptured traveller. The Crown Patent for “6th April 1797; Twp. Sophiasburgh, To Lieut. W. Moore, 200 acres”. “28th Jan. 1806, Sold by Lieut. Moore to John Dorland for £25.00. (reg. 20, 16 Sept. 1825 “15th Mar. 1810, Sold by John Dorland to Stephen Bowerman, £100. (reg. 10 Jun. 1819) “14th May 1821, Granted by Stephen Bowerman to the trustees of Friend’s Meeting, a portion of lot 18, for purposes of the society, burial-ground, etc. “registered 29th June 1829”. Many years after Stephen Bowerman owned and occupied In 1801, Stephen built a frame barn, close to the road; that barn, after much re-building, still remains in 1904, the frame unalterred from its original building. In the assessment of the Twp. of Hallowell for the year 1808 Stephen had the following property – “100 acres of land; - cleared 60;- “horses 2; -oxen 2; - cows 2; - calf 1; - Total apprizement £110.0.0.;-District “Expenses 4s. 7d; - Representative Expenses 1s. 6d 1/2 ;”. At this time he lived in the round-log house; and about 1800 or 1801, he built a frame house beside the old log structure; and in 1812, he added to the frame a room equal to the size of the original house. This addition was really made to accommodate the new faction in religious circles Image 78 – Carm Foster (47.) known as ”Children of Peace” but by the Gentile community as “Davidites”. Stephen’s generosity received a wholesome check, for as soon as the room was completed, Amy his wife, set up a bed and took formal possession. That was the last of Stephen’s defection toward the vagaries of the new sect; and the house continued to be occupied by the family until after the death of Stephen in 1857. The huge fire-place, oven, and chimney, as well as the hearth, were made from large square brick; these latter were made from the clay along the marsh front, and were burned in a kiln the site of which has been under the high water of the marsh for three quarters of a century. Early in the 30’s of the last century, this old brick-kiln site made a play-ground for the children of the neighborhood; for the next generation it was a quagmire in Summer and a skating-pond in the Winter, as well as a happy-hunting-ground for muskrats. How well the old people built in the early days of the colony may be imagined from an inspection of their material anh [and] the remnants of their dwellings. The supposition that they were devoid of instruction in skilled labor, is an admission of ignorance unworthy of their descendants. Many articles of the handicraft of our grand-parents, are still inevidence, attesting their intelligence and skill; and these would do credit to the better equipped work-shops of our modern artizans. As an example of their untiring perseverance, in additon to other farm duties, they grew their own wool, sheared, carded, spun, and wove it into cloth which they dyed and made into garments for their own wear; they raised flax, which they likewise dressed, spun, and wove into household linen. Much of their furniture, and some of their coarser cullinary articles were both hand-made and “home-made”. Among other relics left by Stephen Bowerman, are a number of wooden bowls, one of which was made by the latter in the year 1800. In the matter of building, the houses were covered with hand-shaved cedar shingles, fastened in the first instances, with small hard-wood pins, and in the later, by short wrought nails, with wide flat heads, all made by hand. Some of these nails are doubtless still in existence on the premises or were so only a few years since. The first roof of Stephen’s barn built in 1801, was held by means of these wooden pins; this roof was replaced in 1854; the succeeding one being secured by the wrought nails mentioned, this in turn being replaced in ’64, though the original frame stands unchanged. From the old homes in Dutchess Co. our ancestors brought seeds of apple, pear, plum, and cherry, all of which they grew in abundance; and it is a mistake to suppose that the Pr. Ed. orchards sprang from the “Wallbridge” stock as erroneously observed in “Canniff’s Hist. page -599”. Very – early in his colonial experience, Stephen Bowerman had a thrifty nursery on his farm, the remains of which were in evidence almost up to the time of his death. In this connection it is well known that Benjamin Leavens brought apple-seeds on his first visit when he spied out his farm Image 79 Doug Smith (48) in the year 1803. Purchasing his homestead from Capt. John Stinson, he planted his apple-seeds, returning the following year with his family. Much of this early or first fruit, was unavoidably almost useless for domestic use, hence the enormous quantities of good old-cider the cheered the hard-working and weary harvesters in the years gone by, but of such cheerful memory that the fragrance of the first “fermentation” rises even now as a wholesome benediction over their forgotten graves. It must not be disguised that our plain-speaking and plainer living ancestors grew their own tobacco, although there is no evidence that the use of tobacco was any more common than it is at the present day. The practice in those days was often in response to the pleasing recommendation of such a popular physician as Dr. Corey of After the day’s work was ended, the fire-place was the common meeting ground for the family; here the old-folks between puffs, recounted their fund of border reminiscences in New England and Pennsylvania; eyes sleepy in the fierce heat of glowing pine-knots, opened in childish afright at the crackle of burning logs and the moaning of wintry winds past broken window panes. These hearth-side gatherings in the old colonial kitchen, were the first links in that holy fetter which binds us to our home, our kin, and our country. With the necessary passing of that happy feature of pioneer life, vanishes much of the romance of forest life, full of its up-building reminiscences both spiritual and secular. Attention has already been called to the Quaker meetings at the house of Cornelius Blount and the synchronous growth of Quakerism in Pr. Ed. and Adolphustown. As a proof of the assertion that Friends did not spread [from] “Adolphustown as a center”, let us see how Stephen Bowerman obtained membership in the society. Stephen sent a “proposal for membership” to Nine-Partners Mo. Mtg. some time in1798; for when the committee from the latter meeting visited Adolphustown to officially establish the Prep. Mtg. at that place, they brought also a minute from the same meeting announcing the admission of Stephen as a member of that meeting. The visit of this meeting was on the 7 th of 9 th |
80 Doug
(49) When the Friends meeting House had been built on the premises granted by Stephen and Judah, since known as “Bowerman’s Hill”, Stephen and Judah took great interest in the welfare of the society and especially in the preservation of the property and the dignified conduct of the meetings, at which they presided as if they were “deacons” of overseers which latter they doubtless were. It will be understood that some of the first settlers among whom were the Garretts, ground their wheat and corn in mortars hallowed out of stumps using as a pestle a block of wood suspended by a long flexible sapling. There is no evidence that the Bowermans utilized this ingenious device they however, being accustomed to an aquatic life and being acquainted with the mills at “Cataraqui”, took their wheat to that mill by way of the creek, known as “Stinson’s Creek, in bateau, rowing out of West Lake at the out-let, thence around the southern side of the Co. to the mills aforesaid. In later years, Jonathan and Ichabod built mills at the The schooling of Stephen’s family was obtained at the Meeting House on the Hill, for the most part; tho’ later members of the household attended the school established near the McFaul bridge, a mile or more to the West. It was at the latter place they used to meet the old Dutch grandmother of whom they were very fond and who in humor [mad]e frequent use of the peculiar expression of “Oh my good lord-putt”. Just what significance the “put” expresses has never been explained. It is doubtless advanced German and if used to-day in “den Vater-land”, would probably elect the use to a term in prison for “lesse majesti”. We may well exclaim with the good old forgotten pioneer – “oh, my good Lord-putt”. On the 18 th Jan. 1812, Stephen married Amy Hughes, dau. of Job Hughes of Yonge Street Ont. but formerly of Catawissa Pa. Amy’s advent into Pr. Ed. was during the war of 1812; and in after years she frequently related seeing the troops pass along the Danforth road on their way to Queenstown. There were two bodies of infantry, one English, in red or scarlet tunics, who marched in regular step and without confusion; while the others were evidently Dutch and who marched as a noisy rabble without the least semblance of military discipline, talking and gesticulating in a wild and unknown tongue that doubtless often suggested to her in later years to exclaim – “oh, my good lord-putt”. see Spencers A Company of Irish solders stayed over night at this time at the old log house of Stephen Bowerman and Amy heard one of the young men say to his comrades – “I wonder what my mother would think if she could see me now”. – Few of this Image 81 Doug Smith (50) By this same cheerful hearth-side where the unfortunate young soldiers slept; many a band of Indians has later slept while on their journeyings among the scanty colonists. They were a peaceful folk, with whom the Quakers were ever at peace; and many quaint tales used to be told at the fire-side of strange visitors, coming from near and far, but always with the same quiet dignity. There is little wonder that the ancestors of Amy Bowerman were unmolested during the [Transcribers Note: the “add here” refers to the page called Image 83] (V) Stephen (iv Ichabod & Jane) Bowerman – died at the homestead, on the 3 rd June and Amy Bowerman – died also at the same place, 31 st July 1863. (VI) Abigail Bowerman - ; died 8 th Aug. 1846, aet about 33 years. “ Eleanor “ - b. 27 th July 1814; died 25 th Nov. 1883 ; unmarried. “ Rachel “ - b. ; died 25 th Nov. 1834; unmarried, aet 18 years. “ Gideon “ - b. 29 th Nov. 1818; died 16 th Sept. 1877; married Mary Christy, dau. Wm and Ruth Christy. (q. v. ) — Oliver “ - — Sophia “ - (the latter were twins, both dying in infancy). (VI). Gideon Bowerman – son of Ichabod and Jane – born 22 nd Jan. 1776; died at the house of Cornelius Blount on the 29 th May 1811. 1810? of “ship-fever” contracted during a rafting voyage to In the assessment for 1797, he is rated in the “under list” at 2s. 0. but in that of 1808, his financial status seems much increased and he is accredited with the following property – “3500 acres of land; 1 horse; 2 cows and a calf; Total apprizement ₤ 165. 0. 0.; Dist. Ex. 6s. 10d ½; Rep. Ex. 2s.4d.” Gideon’s property consisted of land in the “Stinson” Block, near Consecon, bought from John Stinson Jr. though the titles had not been conveyed by him until after Gideon’s death. The lands were paid for by Gideon and after his death, Stephen and Jonathan being his Executors, the titles were made to them direct as may be seen by inspecting the records. (See Hannah Bull) This property was divided among Gideon’s relatives and as a lasting memorial to his generosity, in nearly every family occurs the name of a son or grand-son to his memory. Among the heir-looms left by him is an old double-cased Eng. watch, bought at Quebec during one of the rafting voyages, in the year 1800; that watch is still in good preservation, although “out of time” for a good many years. A small oval tin box also exists, which Gideon used as a primitive “safe-deposit” for his gold, which he brought home from his voyages. For many years after his death this box was used by Eleanor Bowerman as a tea-canister. The first item on David Conger’s account book is as foll – “June 1799, Gideon Bowerman, Dr. To 1 Side Leather. wt. 11 ¾ lbs. @ 2s. - - - ₤1. 3s. 6d. “ 1 Hog - “ 90 “ @ 3d. - - - 19s.9d. By Work, Cr. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - 2. 3s. 3d. “ Note – Those who died from “ship-fever” at this time were – as stated, Thos. Bowerman, 28 th Aug. 1810;- Lydia Blount. 13 th Feb. 1811;- Phebe, dau. of Thomas, 20 th May 1811;- Gideon, 29 th May 1811, at house of Cornelius Blount. Stephen White, son of Wm. and Hannah, aet. 25, about same time. Also one Wm. White, son of Nathaniel of what family is not known. (All at same epidemic). Image 83 – Carm Foster page 50 ½ + + add to page Amy Hughes was the daughter of Job Hughes and Eleanor (Lee) Hughes, of The Society of Friends at this time was undergoing a species of internal ferment, both at Amy Bowerman had no sympathy with the disaffection in the society caused by Willson, whose followers called themselves “Children of Peace” but were more familiarly known as “Davidites”; but even in later life she expressed the utmost aversion both for the man and his doctrines. It was entirely due to Amy’s uncompromising attitude in the matter of her husband’s new house, that a division of the Society at In 1829, Amy at her own request, was disowned by the “Orthodox” Friends of West Lake, and became, with her husband, a member of the so-called “Separatists”, or followers of Elias Hicks, who were said to “hold forth the doctrines of unbelief and infidelity”. Concerning this controversy, the Mo. Mtg. records, of both societies, furnish conclusive evidence that for the time, at least, the general principles of early Quakerism were pretty thoroughly suspended; while the bitterness of sectarian animosity has scarcely subsided to the present day. In the “Separatist” or Hicksite Society, Amy was for many years an “Elder”; and although from feeble health for a number of years at the close of her life, she was unable to attend meeting, she was continued in the capacity of an elder as a mark of the esteem and affection entertained for her by the members of her society. Image 82 Doug Smith p 50 Re This frontier Friends Mtg. having been authorized by the N.Y. Yearly Mtg. through Oswego Mo. Mtg. of Dutchess Co., came under the supervision of the N.Y. Yearly Mtg. hence “representatives” from Adolphustown Mtg. were obliged to make a long tedious journey to and from the Dutchess Co. Mtg. with reports from the Canada Mtg. Two representatives were generally appointed after a system probably peculiar to the society – as foll- When the Mtg. was open to receive names for “representatives” it was, and still is, customary for any member to rise in his place and say that “If the Mtg. coincides with the appointment, I have thought that Stephen Bowerman would be a suitable representative”. After taking his seat, a brief pause ensued during which time the assembled Friends had an opportunity of considering the proposal Frequently the proposal was made in a sort of stereotyped formula – thus – “I propose the name of S. B.” without further remarks. No motion was ever put to the Mtg.; and the “proposal” was considered doubly ratified if one or more Friends expressed a brief approval by a familiar phrase of “unity with the proposal”. Stephen Bowerman and Jacob Cronkhite of Sophiasburg represented the Mo. Mtg. in The other followed on foot until he came up to the horse which by this time was rested and fed. Now mounting and riding forward he overtook and passed his companion again tying out the horse after the usual number of miles. This method changing? ride and walk was repeated to and from Dutchess Co. Stephen and his brother Judah Bowerman once made this representative journey together, probably later than 1812, tho the date is not known. Image 84 – Carm Foster (53.)? (V). Israel Bowerman – son of Ichabod and Jane – born; 21st? Aug 1777; died on the 14th Sept. 1856. The mother Jane Richmond, is believed to have accompanied this party, although it is not positively known. In 1805, On the 4th Oct. 1805, Henry Young sold to Israel Bowerman the West 100 acres, although as above seen the Patent for the West half was not issued until 1820. After various transfers, through which he became possessed of the North half of Israel Bowerman’s name does not occur in the assessment for 1798; but in that of 1808, he is assessed for – “100 acres – 35 of which was cleared – he had a one and a half-storey frame house – 2 horses – 3 cows – 1 cattle – 1 swine – Total apprizement £103.0.0. Dist. Ex. 4s. 3d ½ - Repres. Ex. Is 5d ½ “. The family proclivity for speculative enterprises, involved this, as it already had lost the joint possession of In 1821, √ Image 85 – Carm Foster (Bowerman) (1) ( (Bowerman) (V) “ mar. Anna Terwilliger; (VI) Sarah, died aet. 12/: (VI) Anna mar. Peter Mastin, set. Simcoe/ ( ( ( ( ( (VI) Phebe “ Jos. Rogers, set. ( ( ( (VI) Mary “ Ralph Hill, set. Simcoe; ( ( ( ( (VI) Laura “ Richard Richmond, (v. Richm’d) ( ( ( ( (VI) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (VI) Joseph “ Abigail Davis,; { ( (VIII) Martha: “ Jos.: Carrie: Wm.: Bert. { ( (VIII) Lockwood: Eliz’TH: Charlot “ “ Jos.: Abigail: Simeon: “ “ Frank: John: Jane: Benj.: see 67 { ( (VIII) Jos.: Abigail: Richard “ “ Simeon: Mary: Hiram: { ( (VIII) Harriet: { ( (VIII) “ “ Harriet: { ( (VIII) Reuben: (VIII) Susannah: John: Phebe: (VIII) Wm.: Francis: Hermon: ( Image 86 – Carm Foster (52) Washburn Estate, would seem to imply that a “fortune” still lingers somewhere in the In 1825, William White and Israel Bowerman made a contract with Simeon Washburn for the delivery of “three hundred Stand, white Oak Staves” ett. on account of which they received, “Sixteen Dollars in Cash” dated 18th Sept 1825”. (See White) - (V)- Israel Bowerman (IV Ichabod & Jane) married in Dutchess Co. Anna Terwilliger, born in the same (VI). Sarah Bowerman -b. d. aged 10, C.R.S. aet. 12 years. p 67 - “ Anna “ - mar. Peter Mastin. “ “ Phebe “ - “ Joseph Rogers. “ “ Joseph “ - “ Abigail Davis. “ “ Mary “ - “ Ralph Hill. “ “ Laura “ - “ Richard Richmond. “ “ Judah “ - “ Mellicent Sneath. - (V). (V) The Crown Patent for On the 28th Oct. 1834, Thomas and Josiah Bowerman gave to Judah a Quit-Claim for “that point of land” consisting of 7 acres, on the marsh front of lot 17, for the sum of £5.0.0.; said point and marsh conveyed in 1860, to (vi) Gideon H. Bowerman. (V) Judah Bowerman built his first log house on the top of the hill, by the north side of the road, which was already located as it still remains. This was in the year 1801. Image 87 – Carm Foster and Doug Smith (53) then a resident of Blomfield [Bloomfield], was accidentally killed. Minard’s wife was Nancy Morgan; she later married Cyrus Richmond. In 1809, cabin on the hill. Here on the 13th , April 1810, was born their only child, (VI) Rachel Bowerman – who mar. Peter Cronkhite, and died 25th Aug. 1900 The first log house was superceded by a frame one, which with many subsequent additions, gave to the old red house a very quaint and picturesque appearance. This house in later years was well known as the home of “Uncle Abigail Hughes was born in (V) of Sophiasburg, and had one child – (VI) Mary Ann Bowerman – mar. Palmer Ferguson. (V) “14th of 8th “Philadelpia Cronk(hite) informs this meeting that she proposes taking her friend Judah Bowerman in marriage, which is directed to the Monthly Meeting”. “11th . of 12 th . (V). The Saylor family were of German descent; tho’ not Friends, Aunt Lavinia however became one of the best known and best respected of a society known widely for its consistent and charitable generosity; few of that generatin were so well known as “Aunt” Lavinia, and she probably bears the unique distinction of being the only Quaker woman who had the honor of a “Dead-march” played before her house by an “ “Uncle -tion, with a boisterous humor, and an irritable, though easily mollified temper, Restless and energetic, vigorous and in the prime of his life, he Image 88 – Carm Foster [A large piece of the top and upper right side of this page has been torn away] (??w [torn away] Isra [torn away] [Obvious entries have been lost here due to the lost section] see p 67{ (V ( ( [quotation marks are entered below “Mellicen?” indicating other entries] (Morden) – James M. Morden, the had three sons – Ralph William Joseph, Joseph Morden came to Can. In 1777, by way of Where he must have remained some time, Joseph mar. Lucretia Howell, sis. John Howell of “Butlers Rangers” and had - - ( ( ( x ( ( p 68 ( ( ( (IV) Mary Ann M - mar. Judah Bowerman and had- (V) Mary Ann . mar. Palmer Ferguson, Hillier Image 89 – Carm Foster [A large piece has been torn away from the upper right corner of this page] Page 54 was cut off from the well-earned pleasures of his lat [torn away] affliction of blindness. For twenty five years, his ere [torn away] the hill-top his own hands had cleared from the forest; [torn away] the whole of that long period no ray of cheering sunlight [torn away] darkness, no glimpse of the beautiful landscape at his door [torn away] the days of his dismal vigil. Bereft one by one the family and [torn away] he was at last obliged to abandon a cheerless hearth, and empty [torn away] a deserted home his youth had erected, and which he had rendered con- [torn] -spicuously pathetic through the lingering years of his gloomy tenure [torn] There are wholesome lessons to be gleaned from the lives of our ancestors, lessons which later generations may study with both pleasure and advantage. p 68 (VI). Charles Gideon Bowerman - mar. Mary Jane Brewer. “ “ “ “ Margaret Jane “ - “ (1) Wm. “ “ Elizabeth “ - “ James Swetman. “ “ - (V) Nancy Bowerman – dau. of Ichabod and Jane – born 20?th Nov. 1780; died on the 14th Feb. 1862. She married George Elsworth, a brother of the Arthur Elsworth who married Abigail Richmond, her niece. In the assessment of the Twp. for 1806, George Elsowrth is rated as foll. viz – “200 acres; 0 acres cleared; house of round logs; oxen 2; cows 2; Total Apprizement £85.0.0; District Expenses 3s 6 ½ ; Rep. Ex. Is 2d ½ “. “At a Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends, held at West Lake the 8th of 1st Mo 1818, a request (for membership?) was forwarded to this meeting by way of the overseers – signed Nancy Bowerman”. After George’s death, Her virtues were of the kind that grow with the recounting, while her faults, if any, have long since been forgotten. Her last days were passed with her children, near p 69 - (VI). “ “ Susannah “ - “ Emanuel Mann “ “ Phebe “ - “ James Canovan “ “ Nancy “ - “ Isaac Petit (of “ “ Roxylana “ - “ James Butts “ “ Gideon “ - “ (In “ “ Caroline “ - “ Frederick French (in NY State) With the death of this notable generation of pioneers, passes, for the most part the Genus of unadulterated Quakerism. Born as this Sect was in adversity, it flourished best under the material opposition of the Revolutionary period; but when no longer dignified by oppressive attentions, and when abandoned entirely to the enjoyment of its peculiar internal resources, religious expansion immediately ceased. Extinction is imminent, if not already accomplished; while those survivals still masquerading under the original name, are numbered among the curious but harmless possibilities of an accentuated Image 90 – Carm Foster [The upper left corner of this page has been torn away] (56) SIXTH GENERATION. p 31 (VI) Vincent Bowerman – only son of (V) Thomas Bowerman, and his wife Sarah Vincent, was born at the Tubbs’ farm on “ Referring to his death, a local paper observes – “Deceased was a lifelong resident of his native [torn section] vi) Vincent Bowerman married (1). Nancy Southard, dau. of William and Amy Southard of [torn] 1814 “ [torn]1815 “ Thomas “ - “ Mary Hoag. p 38 & p 70 “ Maturah “ - “ Edward Hazzard. “ “ Levi V. “ - “ Mary M. Haight. p 31- (vi) Vincent Bowerman mar. (2) – “before the 21st Feb. 1850” – Deborah Mullet, widow of Consider Haight. There was no issue. p 38 - (VI) (Sarah Bowerman – eldest dau. of (V) Thomas Bowerman and his (2nd) wife Maturah Bull, was doubtles born at the Tubbs’ farm; and married 18th Sept. 1818, at the “Big White House”, Towsend Garret, son of Benjamin brother of Isaac (see Garrett p - ) and his first wife. (see p 111 Garrett”). Issue - - ( “ Adeline Garrett – mar. Richard VanHorn, of Sophiasburth, and lived on “ Amanda “ - “ Freeman “ - Melissa “ Maturah “ - “ Jane “ - “ Patience “ - “ Edna “ - (VI) Sarah Bowerman was born, 31st Oct. 1794; this was undoubtedly at the farm on (VI) Sarah Bowerman, lived to an advanced age at their home on the (VI) Phebe (V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born at the “old log house”, Image 91 – Carm Foster (57.) [The left side of this page is torn away] p 38 (VI). Stephen (V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born 13th Mar. 1799, known familiarly as “Big Stephen” an athlete, and a “wrestler” of local notoriety. He was one of the contracting parties at the celebrated Quaker wedding, at the “Big White House” on the 18th Sept. 1818, when he married Phebe Garrett, dau. of Isaac and Sarah (Carman) Garrett. (see “Garrett” -p.-). In 1863, [written by hand above & between the 8 and 6 of this date is what appears to be the number 2] Stephen removed with his family to “Battle Creek”, Mich. where [torn] Phebe died on the 18th Jan. 1887, in the 87th year of her age. Concerning [torn] the? longevity of the Garretts, to which family she was a member, the ( 2 Charles “ - 20 Mar. 1821: = 1 Jan. 1845. : 3 Sarah Ann “ - 17 Jan. 1823: = 10 Dec. 1847. : 4 Zuleima “ - 19 Feb. 1825: - “ Oct 1896 [torn] Jan 1827 5 [it appears there was an intended insertion on this line but nothing entered] [torn] ? Jan 1838 6 Byron “ - 15 Oct. 1834: - “ 28 Feb 1839 7 8 Thomas H. “ - 16 Feb. 1841: = 30 Dec. 1862: [torn] 5 – over – [a line is drawn from this hand entry to below Thomas H.] (VI). Joseph (V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born 11th April 1801, married (1st) Phebe Cronkhite, dau. of Jacob Cronkhite and his wife Philadelphia Carmen, who after Jacob’s death, married Judah Bowerman. This family moved to Ever since the days of Herrick’s “Devonshire miller”, the family have proven their descent of lineage from the ( “ Patience “ - - (drowned – not mar.) “ Willet “ - “ “ “ Susannah “ - - res. in Nottawasaga. “ “ Maturah “ - (twin of Phila. – res. in “ Sarah “ - “ Rachel A. “ - (VI) Joseph married (2nd) Phebe Upton, of p 38 (VI). Thomas (V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born 18th Dec. 1802; called “Big x Tommy”, on account of his stature and great determination of character. He lived, during See letter of the greater part of his active life, on a farm by the Twp. line between Hallowell Allen B. and Hillier. Here he built a commodious house, which still stands; and as a legacy to a place which he helped clear from the bush, he has left his name to the country church near his home. This church constitutes one of the family “Landmarks”, already noticed. When Thomas settled on this farm in the vicinity of the “Big-Swamp”, there was an abundance of game, such as deer, bear, and wolves. So destructive were the latter, to sheep and cattle, that the Govt. offerred a bount for the head of either wolf or bear, as witness the foll. copy, copy √ Image 92 – Carm Foster (58.) copy, the original of which is now in the writer’s possession. viz- “ “To Wit.” - - - - “Thomas Bowerman of the Township of “ “Sophiasburgh yeoman, maketh oath and saith that he did kill” “a Wolf within the “on the 1st day of March last, the scalp thereof, with the ears” “upon the same is this day produced before – Simeon Washburn. - - “ “Esq. - - “ “Sworn 16th April 1849”. “Thomas Bowerman” “S. Washburn J.P.”. Note – in 1803, the Govt, passed an Act – “granting a premium of $4.00 to every “one who should bring a wolf’s head to the proper officer; and $2.00 for a “bear’s (head). In 1796, the reward for the bear’s head was withdrawn.” (Cannif) (V) Thomas Bowerman, an active energetic and prosperous man, was not exempt from the speculative family characteristic; broad-minded and trusting, he became a ready victim of unscurpulous dealing, so that he was compelled to abandon, in his old age, the well-deserved home his hands had created, to die in comparative exile, in the uncleared frontier of a neighboring county. See wills? of (VI) Thomas Bowerman married (1st) Jemima Platt, dau. of Caleb Platt, of West Allen Bowerman Caleb Platt, and the widow of - - - - - Young. The issue were - - [A line is drawn from this hand written entry to Allen Bowerman below] Mary Platt = (1) Young p 70 ( “ (2nd) Mary C. Frazer. Step son of “Big “ (3rd) Lydia Caton Thomas” “ Died in “ Amos “ -“ Rhoda Ann Babbitt. q.v. x aged 89 years. [the handwritten entry on the right and above appears to be related to Mary Platt’s marriage to the unknown Young and the child from that union. Not to the children of Thomas Bowerman and Mary Platt.] Lois “ -“ Hester “ -“ Maturah “ -“ Samuel Titus, and res. at p 70 s Allen “ -“ Carrie Stephens. (VI). Josiah (V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman - born 31st Aug. 1804; married 25th April 1830, Sarah Brewer, dau. of Henry Brewer and his wife Ruth Bull q.v. of In the disposal of the farm and the “Big White House”, Josiah had the East and South portion while Amos had the North and Western half. The house altho? was occupied by both families, though no attempt was made to √ Image 93 – Carm Foster Note p 57 [There are splatters from something on this page obscuring some of the type] Re Sarah (Brewer) Bowerman. From the Dunlop, “Sarah Brewer was born in In the winter of 1869 the family came to Monona Co. Iowa, removing to Dunlap in 1876. Here the husband (Josiah) died. After his death Mrs Bowerman made her home with her daughters Mrs G.P. Moorhead and Mrs. Geo. B. Christy. She died at the home of the latter on the 14th Mar. 1896. – 85 years of age and an invalid for Nearly 17 years.” Image 94 – Carm Foster p 58 (From Nelson Bowerman) son of Josiah and Sarah) (vii)- “Henry Bowerman began to learn printing in the Times office at Picton in 1855. He boarded with the Editor, but having to sleep on the “bed” of the press or under the bunk with newspapers for cover he left the place and learned telegraphy instead. He went to At time of writing, 2nd April 1896, Henry was keeping a hotel at Christy “Dr George B. Christy of Dunlap vii (Nelson Bowerman was himself a newspaper man, having served 22 years on the Milwaukee Sentinell, and the Wisconsin State Journal; and 18 on the Tribune.” Nelson has (been for a number of years assistant postmaster at the Soldiers Home at Christy Henry A. Christy, brother of Dr Geo. B. Christy, made his fortune in telegraph family poles, cedar ties etc. and is the president of Hutchinson ( Image 95 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (59) p 38 – (VI). Lydia (V Thos, IV Ich 7 Jane) Bowerman - born 11th Oct. 1808, married 2nd Jan. 1831, Thomas Stinson, son of John Stinson Jr., son of Capt. John Stinson, the immigrant. Thomas Stinson was born 1st May 1808; died 10th Nov. 1893 while With the death of Thomas and Lydia Stinson passed two of the widest known and most consistent supporters of the Society of Hicksite Friends. They were among the last survivors of a generation known far and near for their unblemished social life; and although the plainness of their sectarian deportment made them objects of conspicuous observation, the nobler traits of that primitive simplicity gained for them a lasting and universal respect. Thrift and energy were personified in them: they gave without stint to the poor and distressed; high and low were entertained with the same courteous hospitality; they nursed the sick and gave succor to the afflicted and comfort to the bereaved; their house was ever an appreciated source of blessings to a community who cheerfully pay generous tribute to their excellent memory. p 72 – (VII). Phebe Stinson – mar. 23 Mar 1853 Cornelius Noxon. " Maturah " - " Samuel Noxon b 22 Dec 1838 " Freeman " - " Eliza Spencer. Issue Della d 18 Dec. 1900 d 21 May 1884 Eliza =(2) Robt Dobson b 19 April 1843[?] " Mary Amanda " - " Nathaniel Branscombe. (VI). Patience (V Thos. IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born - - - ; mar. Alexander Sher (VII). John Sher The Sher (VII) Phebe Sher {Albert E {Herbert R Anna M. " - b. ; " William G. Ford -------{Georgiana {William A. {Edward A. {Frank B. Thomas " - b. ; " - - - - - Image 96 – Judy Andrus Toporcer P 60 Stephen Blount, was born at the Cornelius Blount homestead 30th Oct. 1801. He resided in hallowell until 1848 when he moved, first to Image 97 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (61) Dan’l & Jane 2nd Consel [??] p 41 (VI). Jane (V They occupied the homestead first bought from John Stinson in 1800; at this place Benjamin planted apple seeds in the first year of his coming. p 72 (VII). " Samuel " - " (1) Sarah Branscombe (2) Annie Gilberts " Benjamin " - " Eustace Clapp. " Sarah " - " 18th Jan. 1823; died in " Caroline " - " Rev. Robt. Sanderson res. Coral, " Daniel " - " Helen Werden, dau. Aaron, of Hallowell. p 41 (VII). Stephen ( The name of Stephen Blount is closely associated with the first seine fishing on the The second seine, longer than the Fox-Blount seine, was owned by Samuel Cole; it was 80 rods in length, and was in operation in 1826-28. & later. Seine fishing in these waters, succeeded the spear and the “jack-light” and probably also succeeded in destroying this valuable industry in the waters of The late James Johnson of Athol, was associated with Cole; and together, for several years, they operated a regular curing-ground near the “Sand-Banks”, for salting and barreling white-fish for the [?] Johnson Notes [three words handwritten in left margin, first word illegible] In the year 1834, occurred a most phenomenal run of these fish; and so close were the schools packed that the Fox-Blount seine hauled 40,000 ? fish in one night. The Cole-Johnson seine did better; while every seine from Weller’s Bay to It is perhaps well known that white-fish varied greatly in size; the average, according to James Johnson, not exceeding 2 lbs., except in the case of those taken late in the Fall, when the weight was increased. A good “wagon-load” is said to have been about 800 or perhaps 1000, if very small; hence the average scholar is able for himself to calculate the magnitude of the enormous catch along the whole shore-line. Good fishermen are noted the world over for good “fish-stories”, and the Pr. Ed. fishing grounds deserve a passing mention for the originality of its grimy humor. Among its most noted “poets”, was “Cis” Reynolds; while the Garretts, Palmers, Branscombes, Image 98 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (61) The Bowermans, however, were no patrons of the seine, nor of other fishing, except with the “jack-light” and the “spear”, although they were an aquatic horde with the spray of the “Long-Sault” still on their beards, and the treacherous roar of the tumbled waters of “Lachine” ringing in their ears. They nursed the love of the tossing ocean from long-buried generations, out of whose forgotten graves still rose the smell of that briny surf which stretches from the sand-dunes of Cape Cod to the spume-lashed, wreck-strewn, shores of Old Devon. It has already been observed that the fish of the Sept. or Fall, run rarely exceeded (2) lbs. in weight; although later in the season it was not unusual to haul fish of (5) and (6) lbs. weight. The largest ever taken from the seine by James Johnson weighed (11) lbs; it was cached, for safe keeping under a log behind the “shanty”, but it found a devious way to the little village hostlery in the early morning where it was served for breakfast. Had it not been purloined it would not have been weighed and hence would have long been forgotten. When Isaac Garrett settled on the shore East of Wellington, there already lived close to the beach an old settler named Reynolds, father of the well-remembered Isaac did not respect the secret but informed his neighbors and friends, far and near, with the result that for the rest of that generation there were plenty of spring-salmon, as well as white-fish. The indiscriminate seine hauling, in season and out of season, no doubt resulted in the destruction of a valuable industry. The “village hostlery” alluded to was probably that kept by Thomas Garrett; later, “Corey’s Tavern” held a conspicuous place in the public mind-that is the fishing public-and is no doubt a well-remembered rendezvous to the few survivors of the “flush times” on Wellington beach. In the days of Isaac Garrett, the beach itself was thickly grown over with cedar close up to the main land; and the sand, held down from the wind by the cedars, made a succession of banks from West Point to the Wellington Image 99 Doug Smith (62) The issue of (VI) Stephen Blount (V (VII) “ Mary “ - “ William Thorne “ Jane “ - (not married) “ Patience “ - “ James Perkins “ Abigail “ - “ (not mar.) “ Phebe “ - “ Thomas Blount, of Cornelius “ - “ in “ Josiah “ - “ “ “ “ Content “ - “ (died in infancy) “ Matilda “ - “ (not married) (VI) Stephen Blount b 30 Oct 1801 mar. (2 nd) Pamilia Pamelia Brewer, a dau. of --- Henry & Ruth (qv) and moved to (VII) – - - - - -4 -5 p 41 (VI) Sarah (V Phebe IV Ich & Jane) Butts – born in Dutchess Co. N. Y. 24 th Sept 1763 was never mar. and did not come to All same for (V Mary IV Ich & Jane) (VI) Ichabod White – no data beyond the fact that there are no issue. (VI) Jane White - “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ (VI) Mary White – mar. Abram West and moved to (VII) Mary Ann West – born 11 th Dec. 1817; mar. - - - Clark, of “ - - - other issue besides Mary unknown to writer. p41 (VI) Jeremiah White – mar. Sarah Keys and lived at (VI) Nancy White – mar. Levi West, moved to (VI) William White - mar. Mary Terwilliger and had issue lived on the Morden farm near Reuben R Burlingham (VII) William White “ Mary “ (VI) Deborah White – mar. William Eldridge, no issue. (VI) Nathaniel White – (born 1806), died 1822 aet. 16 years. (VI) Phebe (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) - mar. Ransaeler Burlingham. They were not mar. according to the order of the society as witness the foll. - - “Perparative Meeting of Women Friends held at p 42 This family lived on lots 6 and 7 of the 3 rd Con. of the Mil. Tr. Issue – (VII) Rebecca Burlingham – born, 30 th Sept. 1809; mar. 24 th Feb. 1831, Obadiah Cooper, b 26 June 1810, son John, and Mehitable Bull. (VII) Reuben R. “ - mar. Ann Branscombe, dau. Nathaniel. “ Lucy “ - “ Richard Morden. “ Mary “ - “ James Stinson, son John Stinson Jr. and X X (2 nd) wife Maturah (Bull) Bowerman. “ Amy “ “ John Shorts, of Sophiasburgh, Co. Pr. Ed. & Phebe was 9 mos. old when they came to Image 100 Doug Smith 63 (63)? p42 (VI) (VII) Phebe Striker – mar. R. J. Chapman M. D. of Picton. “ Rebecca “ - “ Robert Hopkins, called “Devil” Robert, no issue “ Gideon “ - (not mar.) died 6 th Oct. 1886. For several years a member of the Local Legislature for Pr. Ed. p42 (VI) Mary (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. William Beadle (or Bedell) and had issue – (VIII) Ichabod Beadle. “ Stephen “ mar. Sarah (“Sally”) Shoebridge, dau. Thomas of “ Thomas “ “ William “ “ Emery “ “ Sarah “ “ Rebecca “ “ “ Phebe “ “ Julia Ann “ p42 (VI) Jonithan I. Bowerman – mar. (1) Susan Clark, dau. Jonithan and Sarah of N.Y. The family lived in Hillier, and had the foll. – (VII) 1 Eliza Ann Bowerman – mar. Charles Hubbs, son of Benjamin. “ 2 Rebecca “ - “ Townsend Terry, of “ 3 Sarah “ - “ Erastus Raynor “ (Rose Hill) “ 4 d 19 July 1898 “ 6 Ichabod “ - “ (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) – (d 5 April ’97 “ 7 Jonathan Clark” “ - “ (1) Charlotte M. Pettengill. (2) Sarah aged 65 yrs 3 months 20 days) Cunningham (3) Katurah Huyck Baker “ 8 Stephen “ “ Annie Badgeley – res. “ 5 Catherine “ “ - “ Alva Platt, son of Caleb, of ( p 42 (VI) (VI) Aaron Bowerman d. young — (VI) Gideon (Ichabod iv Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Sarah Harris. (1) Gideon was a cabinet maker, drowned 24 July 1839 lived in Picton at the residence of the late John N. Gilbert. He was drowned near “Stone-Mills”, 27 th July 1839, under circumstances strongly corroborated by evidences of foul-play. p4 (VII) John G. Bowerman – mar. Jane Laughlin, res. at “ Rebecca “ - “ Richard Jackson, of p73 “ Martha “ - “ Samuel Hyatt, of Gideon mar. (2 nd) Mary Mott and had issue - - (VII) Sarah Bowerman – Andrew Stinson, son of David. “ Thomas J. “ - mar. Emma Morgan, dau. Richard, of “ Gideon “ - “ (1) Sarah Jane Cornell, dau. Lemuel of (VIII) (VI) Stephen (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Catherine, Cunningham, dau. of Elijah, son of Chas This address Youngs Bowerman family lived at “Bay-View”, Co. Grey, Ont. (VI) Sarah (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. James Osborne and died 19 thFeb. 1832; no issue. (VI) Thomas (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – (died 24 th Feb. 1829, aet. 18 years. (VI) Judah (V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – (died in early life – no date and no issue.) Image 101 Doug Smith notes p63 (VII) Gideon Striker, (VI) “Mr. Striker was for many years identified with the growth and with the affairs of Picton. In the year 1849 he embarked in the drug business with his brother-in-law, the late R. J. Chapman, and the firm carried on business in the John Allen residence opposite the Ayers building, until an enlarged business lead to the erection of the large brick store later occupied by Allison & Co. From 1873 to 1882, Mr. Striker represented the County in the Provincial legislature, twice defeating the Conservative candidate, but being defeated in ’82 by Mr. James Hart. Mr. Striker died suddenly at the Balmoral Hotel, “R. J. Chapman (Dr) an American by birth, early associated in the drug business with his brother-in-law Mr. Gideon Striker. During Mr. (Dr) Chapman’s long residence in Picton he held a number of offices of trust, that of Dr Chapman died 19 th July 1885.” See p(63) “(VII) Jonithan Clark Bowerman, died 5 th April 1897. (VI) (VIII) mar. Peter Clapp (VIII) Jonithan H. Bowerman, who resides on the home-stead. Mar. Ella May Benson of Hallowell. ( “ ) mar. (2) Sarah Cunningham, dau. Wm. and had one daughter (VIII) ( “ ) mar. (3) Mrs. James Baker (nee Keturah Huyck) dau. of Mr. and Mrs. Selim Huyck, former residents of this place. p63 (Striker) (VII) Phebe mar. R. J. Chapman, of Picton. (VIII) (Lydia died 6 th June 1913) (IX) (IX) Gerald , mar. (VIII) Charles Image 102 & 103 Doug Smith (64?) p45 (VII) Ichabod (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Lavinia Hummiston, widow P73 (VII) Amos Bowerman – born 1 st May 1830; mar. Dorothy b 1 Jan 1835 Hill, dau. of John and Elizabeth Hill. vide p. 73 (VII) Cornelius Bowerman – mar. (1) —— Mastin, VI Emma &? dau. John, of “ (2) Phebe Outwater Issue Smith? “ (3) Julia - - - - “ (4) Eliza Cronk, of Demorestville, Ont. (VII) Ichabod Smith Bowerman - mar. Adelia Wycott, dau. Jos. res. (VII) Susan Bowerman – mar. George Chatterson, of p45 (VI) John (V) Jonathan IV Ich & Jane Bowerman – mar. Mary Harris, dau; Henry and Martha of Hallowell. [Note: photo taped in here; hinged so that it can be lifted. See next page] (VII) Phebe Bowerman – mar. John Philips (? ? “ Martha “ - “ George Scriver qv p73 “ Olive “ - “ Miles Lucas [photo of Olive and Miles attached here – see next page] “ Jonathan “ - “ Ann Origen “ Henry “ - “ Maria Lucas 73 “ Valentine “ - “ “ Sarah “ - “ George VanAlstine, of Napanee, Ont. d. after? Frederick Eshwald? 2 Mar. 1908 aged 77 “ Clarinda “ - “ William Cannon “ Julia Ann “ - “ —— Mastin “ Thomas “ - “ (died young) “ Stephen “ - “ Mahala Reid “ Samuel “ - “ (1) Sarah Gerow (2) — Bushnell (3) Eliz Ann Ostrander wid. Dulmage? (VIII) Freeman? = Hicks “ Stephen = p45 (VI) Cornelius (V Jonathan IV Ich &Jane) Bowerman – mar. Martha Morgan, dau. Thomas and Ella, of Dutchess Co. and sister to Mrs. Washburn & Jas. (Sheriff) Gillespie. Cornelius and Mary lived in (VII) Deborah Bowerman – mar. William Gerow. “ Hannah “ - “ (1) Oliver Gerow (2) Ezekiel Young, of “ John “ _ “ Hannah Honeywell Set. “ Ichabod “ - (1) Jane McVene “2) Harriet Ann Bull Wis. Cornelius Burlingham (see Leavens) dau. Corey and widow of Cornelius Burlingham, see “Sally Garrett “ Daniel “ - Elizabeth Brown, of Glenora. Daniel was also an unfortunate miller and unsuccessful; finally was accidentally killed in his mill at the site of the old “Hallowell–Mill”, which was burned. “ “ Leonard “ - mar. Barbara A. Lambert. She died in 1890; while Leonard, also a miller, whom the fate pursued, died at his place of business on See letter “ Thomas M. “ - “ Rose C. Cunningham. Set. “ Sarah Eliza “ - “ (1) Addison McFaul. (2) W Michner, Wan’s? Mills Sq VIII “ Eva “ Alfretta? “ Melissa J. “ - “ Gideon Gerow Set. B.C. “ Bennett “ - “ Mary Smith, of Marysburgh ( cous. Sir Gil. Bar “ Joseph J. G. “ - “ Melissa Spafford. “ Phebe “ - “ David Gilmore. p45 (VI) Debora (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – (died 16 th Oct. 1888); mar. Thomas A. Brown. d 13 Feb 1900 (VII) Jonathan T. Brown – b. 28 th Sept. 1827; mar. Susannah Baker. See Page – “ Andrew “ - died young “ Margaret “ - “ at advanced age, school teacher, unmarried. “ Melvin “ - “ Jane “ - “ Henry Cameron. no issue; died at A. I. T. Ont. “ “ Theodore “ - “ —— Haight and lived in Hillier. VII p 74 “ Thomas M. “ - “ Phebe Ann Haight, sister of above. He was at (VIII) Image 103 [Note – the photograph below is taped onto the previous page. On the back is inscribed the following.] Miles and Olive Lucas taken Xmas 1901. Miles was blind from cataracts. ![]() Image 104 – Carm Foster (65) p 45 (VI). Eleanor (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) – mar. Samuel Foster, lived in “Schoharie” and had – ( “ Sarah “ - “ Charles W Gilbert. of Picton d. 3 Apr. 1910 at his Son-in-law’s (VIII) 3 Sons & 4 dau. “ Margaret “ - “ Charles Leavens. “ Jemima “ - “ William DeWitt. “ Jonathan “ - “ Catherine Wallace. “ Thomas “ - “ M.J. Southard. “ Abigail “ - “ William Henry Watson. went to p 45 (VI). Jane (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar, Thomas Clark, and died without issue. p 45 (VI). Abigail (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. (1). Smith P. Leavans, who later became VII Dorland totally blind. He will be remembered by the older surviving members of the present time as VII Elizth mar an unfortunate man who assisted his meagre resources by selling from house to house an Albert Gerow original poem – “The sorrows of the Blind”. “ (2nd) Abrose Chapin, no issue. p 45 (VI). Thomas (V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Jane Mott, and moved with his family to ( “ “ Eleanor “ “ John “ “ Deborah “ “ Noah “ “ Cynthia “ “ Alfred “ “ Abigail “ 45 (VI). Pauline (V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Vincent – mar. George Darling. They res. in Dutchess Co. Issue - [A large bracket extends from Jane Darling below to Henry Vincent with the following written by hand Mom Came to Canada] ( “ Deborah “ “ Abigail “ “ Phebe “ “ Jonathan “ “ Alfred “ “ Laura “ 45 (VI). Hoxsie (V Deborah IV I & J) Vincent – mar. Abigail Stone, lived in Dutchess Co, and had – ( “ Antoinette “ “ Phebe “ “ Platt “ “ Henry “ 45 (VI). 74 ( “ “ William “ - “ 8th Aug. 1832; “ Sophia Hendry. “ “ John “ - “ 27th Dec. 1834; “ 20th April 1869, Hannah Creeper of “ “ Jane “ - “ 21st Oct. 1836; mar. David Burlingham, son of Reube [off page] “ “ Gideon V. “ - “ 5th Sept. 1839; “Mary 26 Oct 1913 Cunningham, dau. Wm. 45 (VI). Levi (V Deborah IV Ich. & J) Vincent – mar. Mary Vail, lived in Dutchess Co. and had - - ( “ Isaac “ “ Deborah “ “ Gideon “ “ Thomas “ “ Platt “ “ Edward “ “ Albert “ “ “ Mary “ 45 (VI). Margaret (V Deborah IV Ich & J) Vincent – mar. Seth Barmer – ( “ “ Abigail “ Image 105 – Carm Foster (66.) 45 (VI). Gideon (V Deborah IV Ich & J) Vincent. 45 (VI). Platt (V Deborah IV Ich & J) Vincent. “ “ Jane }) For the “Vincents” address Verbank P.O. Dutchess Co. NY 45 (VI). Phebe (V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Ann Vincent. 45 (VI). Thomas (V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Vincent 45 (VI). Mary (V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Vincent – mar. Cyrus Perkins, and moved from Dutchess Co. to ( “ Deborah “ “ Jane “ “ Hoxsie “ “ Edwin “ “ Platt “ “ “ Cyrus “ 50 (VI). Eleanor (V Stephen IV Ich. & Jane) Bowerman – born 27th July 1834; died 25th Nov.1883; unmar. She was familiarly known by the children of the neighborhood as “Aunt Ellen” – and she was an esteemed favorite by all who had the pleasure of her cheerful acquaintance. The early years of her life were spent in the care of her aged parents; the later in the simple duties of her life and the spread of her limited benevolence. She was a minister among the Hicksite Friends of Bloomfield; devoted to the cheerful routine of her circumscribed existence, a regular attendant at religious meetings. She was a typical Quakeress of the parctical school a patient listener and an interesting talker, hence an ideal visitor which she undoubtedly was. Her wholesome personality gave importance to matters otherwise trivial; while the dignity of her courteous bearing made her an honored guest by old and young. At her humble door the proverbial “latch-string” invited a “pull”; and 50 (VI). Gideon (V Stephen IV Ich & Jane) Hughes Bowerman – born 29th Nov. 1818; died 13th Sept. 1877. mar. 25th June 1845, at the Hicksite Meeting, according to the order of the society, Mary Chirsty, dau. of William Christy and his wife Ruth Bull. He was a successful farmer, a pioneer in bee-culture in the Co. of Pr. Ed., studious and thoughtful, but in his later years a reticent uncomplaining invalid. Mary Christy was born 2nd Oct. 1822; died 12th Dec. 1897. They are buried in the N.E. corner of the Friend’s burial ground on “Bowerman’s Hill” p74 ( Elizabeth Lucas, dau. Miles and Olive – q.v. [Stephen] d 10 Oct 1909 Whyburn p74 Albert C. Bowerman – born 22nd June 1850; mar. (1) Ida E. Bedell, dau of of W.N. Bedell W. N. Bedell and Elizabeth ( Ida E. Bowerman died 12th Aug. 1891. mar. (2nd) Lilian Thorne, dau. James P. Thorne and Helen Augusta Harrington of Picton, born 20th Nov. 1875; mar. 19th Aug. 1895; d 26 July 1911 ”El Monte” (VIII). Amy Helen Lilian Bowerman – born 11th May 1801. buried Picton “ Lilian Eleanor Bowerman 23 Dec 1908 at El Monte, Los Angeles Co. Image 106 – Carm Foster (67.) VI Sarah d. aged 12 – p 52 (VI) Anna Bowerman Bowerman (V ( “ “ Joseph “ “ Anna “ “ Mary “ “ Melissa “ “ Lewis “ “ Jonathan “ “ Phebe “ “ Duell “ “ Harriet “ 52 (VI). Phebe (V ( “ Lockwood “ “ Prial “ “ Mahala “ “ “ Phebe “ 52 (VI). Joseph (V ( “ “ Benjamin “ “ “ Catherine “ “ Phebe “ “ Richard “ “ Mary “ “ James “ “ Joseph “ “ “ Mellicent “ 52 (VI). Mary (V ( “ Joseph “ “ Sarah “ “ Amy “ 52 (VI). Laura (V (also see “Richmond Family” No. 2633). ( “ Alfred “ “ Charles “ “ Emily “ “ John “ 52 (VI). Judah (V ( “ Eliza Jane “ - “ 6th Mar. 1852. “ Mary Eliz’th “ - “ 2nd Jan. 1855; “ Wm. H. “ - “ 21st May 1857. “ James N. “ - “ 11th Oct. 1863. “ Annie Laura “ - “ 23rd Jun. 1866. “ Josephine “ - “ 11th Oct. 1868. “ Ida May “ - “ 24th Nov. 1872. “ Henrietta Lil. “ - “ 5th Dec. 1875. “ Melicent Maud “ - “ 23rd May 1878; mar. 19th Sept. 1891. - - The family of the above Judah Bowerman, reside at “ Image 107 – Carm Foster (68) p 58 (VI).Rachel (V V. “Hughes” p-(VII). (VII) Philip Cronkhite – born 26th Dec. 1830; died ;mar. on the 25th April 1851, Lanah M. Pettingill, dau. of Allen Pettengill and his wife Eliza Martin. They lived in Wellington Ont. and had issue - - (VII) John Hughes Cronkhite – born 3rd Jan. 1833; died 15th June 1899; married 25th Jan 1858, Marilla B. Ogden, born 9th Aug. 1838; dau. of Dyer Ogden and his wife Sarah Sheldon. They lived sometime on the (VII) Setphen Cronkhite – born 7th Oct. 1835; married 13th Jan. 1859, Mary A. Betts, dau. of Robert Betts and his wife Rachel Churchill. They lived at the homestead for some years, later removing to (VII) Rachel Jane Cronkhite – born 12th May 1849; married 27th Sept. 1871 Samuel Saylor, son of Robert Saylor, of Bloomfield and his wife Catherine Gibson, dau. of James. They live in ( ( (VII) Peter Freeman Cronkhite – born 19th Nov. 1846; died 24th Apr. 1882. ( p 53- V. Judah(VI). Mary (V Judah IV Ich & Jane) Ann Bowerman – born 14th May 1816; died 2nd Oct. 1897, married, Palmer Ferguson, of Hillier, and had issue – See note ( p 52 “ re Morden “ Rachel “ “ Lavina “ “ Margaret Ellen “ 54- (VI). Charles (V Judah IV Ich & Jane) Gideon Bowerman – born 19th Sept. 1827; died 18th Feb. 1890; mar. 8th Sept. 1855, Mary Jane Brewer, b. 5th May 1834 d- “ “ “ “ Elizabeth Bowerman – born 20th Feb. 1860; died 24th Feb. 1885. “ “ David Bennet Bowerman – born 25th June 1863; married, 10th Sept. 1891 Hannah M. Cooper, dau. of Josiah and Jane / Bloomfield “ “ Lindlay H. Bowerman – born 16th Feb. 1864; Barrister, 54- (VI). ( “ “ Ellwood “ - 54- (VI). Margaret (V Judah IV Ich & Jane) Jane Bowerman – born 8th Feb. 1831; mar. 23rd Oct. 1851, 75 died 7th Aug. 1904 William S. Hubbs, son of Haviland Hubbs and Martha Southar [off page] Wm. S. Hubbs b. 26th July 1827; died 7th Feb. 1874. - ( - “ Lavina “ - “ 31st Aug. 1860; mar. 29th Dec. 1881 John T. Dorland 54- (VI). ( “ Margaret Jane “ “ Charles Henry “- “ Alfred “ “ Phebe “ “ Mary “ “ Image 108 – Carm Foster (69) p 54 (VI) ( Alfred “ Annie “ 54 (VI). ( “ Martha “ - “ Rebecca “ - mar. (2nd) Mary Mott, and had issue – “ Sarah “ - “ Gideon “ - “ Thomas “ - “ Jay “ - 54 (VI). Susannah (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. Emanuel Mann, of Peterboro, Ont. 54 (VI). Phebe (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. James Canovan. 54 (VI). Nancy (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. Isaac Petit, of N.Y. 54 (VI). Roxylana (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. James (see p. 22) Butts, ani [and] had issue - - ( “ John “ “ Gideon “ (see A.I.K. Ont. records). 54 (VI). Gideon (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. res. in 54 (VI). Caroline (V Nancy IV Ich & Jane) Elsworth – mar. Frederick French, in √ Image 109 – Carm Foster (70) SEVENTH GENERATION. ( (VIII). Phebe Ann Wycott - Adelbert “ - ( (VIII). Sarah Lear, mar. (1st) W. H. Richardson, of “ (2nd) James Foster. no issue – ( (VIII). Hannah Bowerman – “ Vincent “ - “ ( (VIII). Hannah Hazard – mar. W. H. Ruttan “ Thomas B. “ - “ Sarah VanDusen. “ Mary “ (died) “ “ Wm. Edward “ - mar. (1) Lydia Clark, dau. Wm. G: Clark and Sarah. “ (2) -----------------in “ ( (VIII). Nancy Hubbs - “ Mary “ - mar “ George “ - ( (VIII). Carrie Bowerman - mar. Ed. Williams, son of John. Killed in 1889. “ Rachel Alma “ - “ Stanley Williams, brother of Edwin. “ Deborah “ - (died at the age of 15 years) “ Thomas “ - ( “ “ early age) See post for Stephen p 56 Bowerman son of Thomas & Maturah p 57 ( (VIII). Mary Eliza Bowerman – “(2). Mary Catherine Fraser, of Napanee. (VIII). Lucy Bowerman – “ Richard F. “ - “(3). p 57 ( (VIII). George Young Bowerman. “ Mary Adelia “ “ Emma W. “ “ Henry Allen “ “ John Denton “ “ Benjamin B. “ p 57 ( Mar – (2) Thomason Hume? 17 Oct 18[smudged & torn] (Resides at Image 110 – Carm Foster (71) p 58 ( (VIII). Ida Selma “ Freeman Edgar “ born 13th Sept. 1868; mar. 20th Apr. 1892, “ Harry “ born 21st Oct. 1871; p 58 ( (VIII). John Garrett Bowerman – of Wooler, Ont. p 58 ( “Stop Stranger, as you pass by;” “As you are now, so once was I” “As I am now, so you must be;” “Prepare for death, and follow me”. Picket-fence All this has long been swept away by the ruthless hand of time-and others. There is neither fence, gone but stone, nor other indication of the cherished spot to call the attention of any chance passer; the stone still inscription has perhaps served the melancholy purpose of the one who placed it in position, stands 1949 but they are all long since forgotten. To be revised E.B.C. (VIII). (IX). Francis Matilda Wilkins – born 11th July 1874. “ Ethel May “ - “ 13th June 1878, 58 ( (VIII). Horatio Nelson Young – b. 18th Sept. 1854; mar. 1st Nov. 1875, Kate Reagan, (IX). Walter Earl Young “ Margaret “ “ Harold “ (VIII) Ines Young – born 12th July 1856; mar. 16th Oct 1876, Peter Blackburn, of (IX). Otto C. Blackburn, born 4th Arpil 1880. “ Lillie “ “ 15th - - 1882. “ Amy “ “ 25th May 1889. (VIII)- Amos W. Young – born 28th July 1850; mar. 17th (IX). Ivan L. Young - born 17th May 1890; “ Otto “ - “ 25th Sept. 1895. “ Elva A. “ - “ 3rd Aug. 1898. (VIII). Minnie Young – Born, 7th Jun. 1862; mar. 8th Sept. 1880, Byron White, reside at Tacoma, Wash. (IX). Wlater White - born 30th Nov. 1883 “ Olive “ - “ 19th Aug. 1886. “ Sabra “ - “ 29th Dec. 1895. 58 ( (VIII). Amos Bowerman – “ Lydia “ “ Sarah “ Res. at New Market Ont. Children deceased. ( (VIII). Ralph Willis - born 2nd Sept. 1874. “ Frank L “ “ 27th May 1876. “ Florence E. “ “ 12th Sept. 1878. “ Edgar “ “ 7th Aug. 1881. “ Mary M. “ “ 5th DEC. 1885 “ Zuleima “ “ 11th Jul. 1887. “ Howard H. “ “ 16th Aug. 1889. Image 111 – Carm Foster (1) p 71 + (Bowerman) (Josiah & Sarah) ?(see p. 58) ( b. 11th Aug. ’31; d. 26th Sept. ‘31 ( b. 20th Mar. 1833; mar. 7th Jan. 1854, George B. Christy, son of Henry and Maria (Brewer) Christy. (VIII) Ada A. (VIII) John Wolcott (VIII) Bayard T. ------(died) (VIII) Minnie M. (VIII) Grace T. --------(died) ( b. 7th Aug. 1835; mar. 24th June 1858 Lucretia Utley, (VIII) Ebenezar ----(d. inf.) (VIII) Eugene N.----(“ “ ) (VIII) Fred. H. (VIII) Dwight --------(“ “ ) (VIII) Lulu – mar. (1) --------(2)------- (VIII) William “ died about 1900; the fam. res. at Woodbine, Harrison Co. Iowa, U.S.A. ( b. 12th June 1838; mar. (1) 22nd June ’61, Martha A Brink; (2) ------------------Henrietta Day. “ res. at “Soldier’s-Home”, Sawtelle, Los Angeles Co. California. (no issue). ( (b. 3rd June 1841; mar. 16th Nov. 1866, Eveline F. Sherman; (VIII) Ernest A. b. -------------1869; (VIII) Edna “ -------------1871; (VIII) Eugene N.” -------------1873; (VIII) Charles (VIII) Laura (The fam. Res. at Blair, Nebraska, U.S.A.) ( b. 19th Jan. 1844; mar. 19th Nov. 1872, Geo. P. Moorhead, (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) ( b. 28th Apr. 1846; mar. 8th Jan. 1872, Thos. Perrin, res. at “Moorhead” Monona Co. Iowa, U.S.A. (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) (VIII) Image 112 Doug Smith (2) p 71 + (Bowerman) (Josiah & Sarah) (See p 58) (VII) Harvey (VI) Josiah (V) Thos (IV) Ichabod – b. 4 th Oct. 1849; went to Centennial Exhibition at Phila. in ’76, looking for clues to the reputed “Anneke-Jans” Estate, but he disappeared at this time and has never been heard from since. To be revised. (VII) Royal Byron (VI) Josiah (V) Thos (IV) Ichabod – b. 18 th Nov. 1851; mar. 5 th Sept. 1881, Eliza J. McIntire, (VIII) Wilmot b. 23 rd July 1882; (VIII) Nelson “ 15 th Apr. 1884; (VIII) Edna May “ 19 th Aug. ’86; mar. 27 th July 1903, Chas. A. Gillis, res. Tuttletown, Tulare Co/ California. (IX) -- girl ---- b. 3 rd June ’04. (VIII) Harrison “ 9 th Aug. 1888; (VIII) Chauncy Ray b. 12 th Oct. 1893; (VIII) Bessie Almira b. 22 nd July 1900; (VIII) Royal Byron jr. b. 19 th Feb. 1904; (Res. at “Dos Palos”, near Fresno, California. U.S.A.) (VII) Lydia Maria (VI) Josiah (V) Thos (IV) Ichabod – b. 28 th Sept. 1854; d. 20 th July 1860. Image 113 Doug Smith (71) p 58 (VII) Ruth ( VI Amos V Thos IV Ich & Jane) L. Bowerman – born 25 th Mar. 1853; died 3 rd June 1893; married 9 th Oct. 1872, George Lundy, son of John and Hannah. (VIII) Vincent Lundy – born 28 th Jun. 1873. “ Linton “ - “ 13 th May 1873 [?] “ Arthur “ - “ 11 th Jun. 1878. “ Sophia “ - “ 24 th Nov. 1880. “ Emily “ - “ 11 th Mar. 1883; died 9 th Mar. 1884 (VIII) Lewis “ - “ 31 st Aug. 1885 58 (VII) Lewis ( VI Amos V Thos IV Ich & Jane) E. Bowerman - born 9 th Oct. 1856; mar. 7 th Mar. 1882, Emma Jane Hendry, dau. Thomas and Ann, res. “Soule” Mich. Farmer. (VIII) Wilbert Bowerman – born 25 th April 1883. “ Fred “ - “ 9 th Nov. 1885. “ Gretia A. “ - “ 15 th Aug. 1888. “ Olive A. “ - “ 4 th Sept. 1890; died 22 nd Mar. 1893. 59 (VII) Phebe (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Stinson – born 6 th Sept. 1831; mar. 23 rd Mar. 1853, Cornelius Noxon, son of Samuel and Rhoda (White) Noxon, of Bloomfield. Cornelius Noxon was born 28 th July 1830; died at the Noxon homestead, Bloomfield, 28 th Aug. 1881. (X) See page 74 (VIII) Flora Noxon - mar. - - Trumpour, Chicago, Ill. add VIII here—————“— Alice “ - mar. Finlay Morden, (see Ichabod and Rebecca Bowerman, descendants – page - -. No issue, both deceased. [3 lines above stroked out] (VII) Maturah (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Jane Stinson – born 23 rd Sept. 1835; mar. 3 rd Jan. 1861, Samuel Noxon , Brother of Cornelius, born 28 th June 1834. (VIII) Josephine Amanda Noxon – born, 12 th Apr. 1863; died 7 th Apr. 1870? “ Ada Lilian “ - “ 26 th Apr. 1867; “ 5 th May 1873. “ Herbert S. “ - “ 26 th Apr. 1872; “ Olive J. “ - “ 14 th May 1873? 59 (VII) Freeman (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Stinson – born 22 nd Dec. 1838; mar. 16 th Oct. 1861. Eliza Spencer, born 13 th Dec. 1837; (VIII) Phebe Adela Stinson – born 28 th Aug. 1871; died 19 th Dec. 1900. 69? (VII) Mary (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Amanda Stinson – born 17 th Apr. 1843; mar. 28 th Sept. 1862. Nathaniel Branscombe – son of Arthur and Catherine (Burlingham) Branscombe, born 28 th Sept. 1834. Arthur Branscombe was a son of Nathaniel and Sarah (Miller) Branscombe, from N.B. (VIII) John Branscombe – born 10 th Aug. 1875; mar. 24 th Sept. 190- Florence Mabel Jones, dau. of John W. Jones of Brighton, Ont. son of Gilbert Jones, Bloomfield. p 60 (VII) Lydia (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Leavens – mar. Hugh McHonald [sic], of Glengary, Ont. See Leavens qv (VIII) (VII) Samuel (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Leavens – mar. (1) Sarah Branscombe, and had – (VIII) Henry Leavens – mar. Elizabeth Weatherspoon (IX) Milton Leavens. Benjamin “ - mar.(2 nd) Annie Gilberts (half-sister of Elizabeth Weatherspoon) and had - - (IX) Samuel Leavens Carrie “ Note – (IIX) Benjamin Leavens, mar. 16 th, Mar. 1885, (IX) Carrie Leavens and had (X) – Gene dau. - Helen dau. Carrie died 6 th Oct. 1900, of Diphtheria. m – (2 @ Mltira? Huff – Jack – Edith – Henry (VII) Daniel (VI Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Leavens – mar. Helen warden – and had (VIII) Beatrice Leavens – mar. Wm. Albert Clark, son of Wm. G. Clark. (IX) Fred Clark - mar. “ Frances “ - mar. “ Werden Leavens – mar. 18 th April 1885, Hattie Hoag, dau. Charles Hoag, of Bloomfield. Image 114 Doug Smith p 72 or p 73 (VII) John G. Bowerman mar. Mary Laughlin, res. Nevada City, Calif. See p. 63 (VII) Rebecca Bowerman “ Richard Jackson, of West Lake, Co. Pr. Ed. (VIII) Sarah Ann “ John “ Ida “ Alberta “ Etta “ Frank Image 115 Doug Smith To full p 73 (1) (Bowerman) (V) Jonathan, (IV) Ich. “ mar. Sarah Vincent; (VI) Ichabod mar. Lavinia Gardner, q.v. ante, (VI) John “ Mary Harris (VII) Phebe, mar. John Philips; (VII) Martha “ Geo. Scriver , Set. Napanee (VIII) Catherine (VIII) George (VIII) Martha (VIII) Annie (VII) Olive “ Miles Lucas, son of --- (VIII) John Geo. mar. Mary Flannagan (VIII) Clarinda “ Duncan Mitchell; (VIII) Daniel “ Mary King of (VIII) Elizabeth “ S. J. Bowerman, q.v. (VIII) Martha “mar. Terwilliger; (VIII) Appie, died (VIII) Orpha “ “ (VII) Jonathan mar. Ann Oragen, (VIII) Alice A. mar. Ogden (VIII) John mar. Miller Alberta (VIII) Mary E. (VII) Henry mar. Maria Lucas, set. Napanee (VIII) Mary E. (VIII) Sarah (VIII) Bertha (VII) Valentine mar. Charlotte Cannon, Bloomf’d; (VIII) Charles mar. Ackerman (VIII) Catherine (VIII) Samuel K. “ (VIII) William (VII) Sarah mar. George Vanalstine, set: Napanee; (VII) Clara “ William Cannon, Bloomf’d; (VIII) Lucy mar. (VII) Julia “ Minard Mastin (VII) Stephen “ Mahala Reid (VIII) Minnie “ (1913)- M. J. E. MacArthur (VII) Samuel “ (I) Sarah Gerow (VIII) J. Freeman Mar. (VIII) Stephen “ (2) Elizabeth A. Bushell “ “ (3) Elizabeth Dulmage (nee Ostrander) (VI) Cornelius mar. Martha Morgan, - (VII) Deborah mar. Wm. Gerow (VIII) Adelaide (VIII) Martha (VIII) Arnold (VIII) Edward (VIII) Ichabod (VIII) Sarah (VII) Hannah “ (I) Oliver Gerow, Port Perry; (VIII) John A. (VIII) Edward C. (VIII) Deborah A. (VIII) Thomas (VIII) Gideon “ (2) Ezekiel Young of Sidney qv auld (VII) John, (see over) Image 116 Doug Smith (Bowerman) To foll p 73 11 (VII) John mar. Hannah Honeywell; (VIII) Rufus (VIII) Ida W. (VIII) Ira (VIII) Melissa (VIII) Mary (VII) Ichabod mar. (1) Jane McVene, Essex Co. (VIII) ? ? Helius John (VIII) Adam H. (VIII) Cornelius (VIII) Martha “ “ (2) Harriet Ann, wid. Cornelius Burlingham/ (VII) Daniel “ Elizabeth Brown, of Glenora; (VIII) Cornelius (VIII) Daniel (VIII) Sarah E. (VII) Leonard “ Barbara Lambertm (VIII) William H. (VIII) Ella M. unmar. (VII) Bennett, (q. v.) (VII) Thomas “ Rose C. Cunningham; set - - (VIII) Carrie A. (VIII) Frank C. (VIII) T. Morgan (VIII) William G. (VII) Sarah E. “ Addison McFaul “ (2) W. Midmer, Evans mills NY. (VIII) Eva (VIII) Alfretta (VII) Mallssa, Melissa, mar. Gid. Gerow, (VIII) Hannah J. (VIII) Augustus (VII) Joseph “ Melissa Spafford (VIII) Alva E. mar (1) Ella Moore (2) Helen Bond (IX) Marjorie (IX) Walter (VIII) Elwood G. “ - - - 2 others died about 1908 (VIII) Herbert A. “ Ada Snow. (VIII) Edith unmar. Thar.? Millman (VIII) Thos. G. “ (1) Flossie Thompson (2) (VIII) Kenneth W. (VII (IX) Stanley (IX) Maud Image 117 Doug Smith (7?) p63 (VII) John G. “ } See Note (VII) Rebecca (VII) Martha (vi Gideon V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman 11 th Oct. 1829; mar. 29 th Nov. 1849, Samuel Hyatt of Wellington, blacksmith. He died 24 th May 1895 (VIII) Obadiah Hyatt – born 8 th Sept. 1850; mar. 11 th Nov. 1874, Mir. Thorne died 31 st Jan. 1900, no issue. “ Susan “ - born “ Samuel Titus, son of Thos. “ William “ Emma “ Helen “ - “ 21 st Jan. 1861; died Oct. 1863. “ Anna “ - “ 21 st Jan. 1864; mar. (1) Herbert S. Clapp. (IX) Charles S Clapp. “ Frank “ - “ 15 th Oct. 1871. p63 (VII) Sarah (vi Gideon V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Andrew Stinson, son of David. (VIII) Walton Stinson - Res. Castleton, Ont. “ Brayton “ - “ Jackson, Mich. “ Helen May “ - mar. Nial - - - “ Nevada City, Calif. p 63 (VII) Thomas (vi Gideon V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) J. Bowerman – mar. Emma Morgan, dau. Richard. (VIII) Lulu May Bowerman – mar. - - - Scripture, Sandy Creek, N.Y. ‘ 63 (VII) Gideon (vi Gideon V Ichabod IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – born 7 th Oct. 1837, mar. Sarah J. Cornell, dau. of Lemuel, of Athens, Ont. She died, 6 th Mar. 1898. (VIII) Asher Augustus Bowerman – born 6 th May 1860; mar. 16 th Jan. 1884 Blanche Wallace (IX) Albert Gideon, b. 6 th Feb. 1885. “ Bessie May , b.19 th June 1889. “ (VII) Gideon Bowerman - mar. (2 nd) 26 th Apr. 1899, Clara Horsley, of Wooler. (VIII) Julia Elsie Bowerman – born 12 th Oct. 1900. m. Will. Clark p 64 (VII) Amos (vi Ichabod V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Dorothy Hill, born 1 st Jan. 1835. (VIII) John Thomas Bowerman – b. mar. Fannie from p 64 Set Cherry Valley Co. Pr. Ed. Porter, Ottawa. “John T. Bowerman, M.A. Principal of the Creighton Street public school, Ottawa and for 16 years a member of the Ottawa teaching staff, died 25 th April 1904, from an apoplectic stroke. He was 50 years old and a native of Bloomfield”. (Picton Times) vii – Cornelius vii – Ich. Smith vii – Susan (VIII) Elizabeth Bowerman - mar. Wm. T. Bushnell, of Athol. (VIII) David Wallace “ - Belvidere Willbanks [mar.] set Athol vi Cornelius p 64 (VII) Olive (VI John V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman mar. Miles Lucas. Olive died 25 th Nov. 1901 and Miles Lucas died 18 th Mar. 1904. p 64 — { “ Phebe “ Martha 64 (VII) Jonathan (VI John V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Ann Origen and had (VIII) Alice Bowerman – mar. George Ogden (VIII Henry 64 (VII) Valentine (VI John V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – died 3 rd May 1885 – mar. Charlotte Cannon- (VIII) Charles A. Bowerman – mar. - - - Ackerman Issue 1 — 2 Howard 3 Vera “ William “ - “ Samuel “ - “ - - - Ackerman, Picton. (VII) Hannah (vi Cornelius V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. (1) Oliver Gerow, (VIII) Edward Gerow. “ Gideon “ “ Thomas “ “ Deborah “ (2) Ezekiel Young ( Sidney) VII John VII Ichabod = 1 2 (VII) Daniel (vi Cornelius V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman – mar. Elizabeth Brown, of “Stone-Mills”. (VIII) Daniel Bowerman – mar. (1) (2) p 64 “ Cornelius “ - “ - - Haight, widow of Thos. M. Brown Jr. Q. V. “ Elizabeth “ - “ - - Buntz, both died in Portage le Prairie 64 (VII) Bennett (vi Cornelius V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman - mar. Mary Smith, of Marysburgh; (VIII) Frankie Bowerman – mar. Dr. Stewart Fraleigh, of Toronto. “ Lilian (2) (IX) Hilda (VIII) Jane A. “ Arthur F. Chubb (Toronto) (IX) Laurence (IX) Francis (IX) John A. B. Image 118 Doug Smith ( ? ) p 64 (VII) Jonathan (VI Deborah V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) T. Brown – born 24 Sept. 1827 in Picton. res. in Wellington Co. Pr. Ed. where he died (Insurance Agent) died 13 th Feb. 1900; mar. Susannah Baker, dau. of Joseph Baker and his wife Hannah White, (see p - -) below? (VIII) Ida Brown – mar. - - Brickman. “ Lindlay “ - “ Jos. “ - 65 (VII) Reuben (VI Elizabeth V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Christy – born 31 st Jan. 1831; mar. Mary Gilmore. (VIII) Sarah Christy – mar. Chas. S. Christy, son of Wm. and Lavina (Saylor). “ George “ - “ Nettie Ferris. Milkin? “ Eleanor 65 (VII) William (VI Elizabeth V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Christy – born 8 th Aug 1832; mar. Sophia d 6 Nov. 1910 Hendry, of Hallowell. (VIII) Emma Christy – mar. Fred. McDonald; son of Greer McDonald. “ John Stinson - “ Foster. 65 (VII) John (VI Elizabeth V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) Christy – born 27 th Dec. 1834; mar. 20 th Apr. 1860, Hannah Creeper. (VIII) Stewart Christy, died – “ Edward “ m. (1) Annie Breunnel? – 1 dau. (2) “ Franklin “ “ Russell “ “ “ Walter “ m. “ Cora Belle “ “ Dec 1912 (VII) Gideon (VI Elizabeth V Deborah IV Ich & Jane) V. Christy – born 6 th Sept. 1839; mar. Mary d 26 Oct 1913 Cunningham, dau. of William Cunningham, near Picton, (VIII) William Albert Christy – mar. (1) Mabel Foster.(Robinson) adopted by Theo. Foster “ (2) - - Harris “ Anna “ - “ Trypheua “ Florence “ - born 16 th Jan. 1870; mar. Teurose Auglice (VII) Theodore (VI Deborah V Jonathan IV Ich & Jane) Brown – born 12 th April 1839; mar. 6 th June 1867, Minerva Ann Haight. and had. (VIII) Alfred L. Brown – born 4 th June 1870. mar. (Meth. Minister) “ Perry C. “ - “ 1 st Jan. 1881, “ Fred. H. “ - “ 26 th Jan. 1886. p 66 (VII) Stephen ( VI Gid H. V Stephen IV Ich & Jane) J. Bowerman – born 31 st Dec. 1848; mar 20 th Sept. 1869, Elizabeth Lucas, dau. Miles and Olive, q. v. d10 Oct 1909 Weyburn Sask. (VIII) Byron G. Bowerman – born 30 th June, 1870; mar Margt Hicks { Ralph Albert Clifford Byron 11 Mar 1913 “ Rachel May “ - “ 1 st Mar. 18 —— died “ Alma Augusta “ - “ 21” Aug —— “ “ Ethel Maud “ - “ 21 “ April 1879 “ Stephen Earl “ - “ 2 nd Aug 1887 Marh? Thilford Cecil Cronk? Mar. May Weeks p 66 (VII) Albert C. Bowerman – born 22 nd June 1850; mar. (1) 30 th July 1879, Ida E. Bedell, dau. Willet N. Bedell and his wife Elizabeth Wilson, dau. Stewart, of Picton. Ida E. Bedell, born 14 th Mar; 1852; died 12 th Aug. ’91. mar. (2 nd ) Lilian Thorne, born 20 th Nov. 1875; dau. of James P. Thorne and his wife Helen Augusta Harrington of Picton, Ont. mar. on the 19 th Aug 1896. d 26 July 1911 El Monte, Los Angeles Co. Calif. USA Issue (VIII) Mary P. Bowerman – born 9 th June 1898; died 1 st Oct. 1898. “ Amy Helen Lilian - “ 11 th May 1901; “ Lilian Eleanor “ “ 23 rd Dec. 1908; at El Monte, Los Angeles Co. Calif. See p 72 + (VII) Phebe ( Lydia V Thos IV Ich & Jane) Stinson – mar. Cornelius Noxon ( Add VIII to list ante-) Add VIII to P 72 ab (X) (VIII) Florence Amanda Noxon – born mar. W. J. Trumpour, of Hillier (IX) Norman C. Trumpour, born 22 nd Aug. 1887. Killed “ Alice Gertrude Noxon – born 31 st Dec. 1859; mar. 23 rd Oct. 1881, Findlay W. Morden, no issue. Findlay, died 4 th Nov 1884; and Alice in Feb. 1889 (VII) Jonathan Ricketson Trumpour – mar. ? ? ? (VIII) Hannah Trumpour mar. (1) Robb - Reid died May 1913 “ (2) Robert Clapp, U.S. Consul, at Picton. “ (3) Ostrander (She died May 1913 “ ) Image 119 Doug Smith 75 p 54 (VII) J. Philip (Chas G. V Judah IV Ich & Jane) Bowerman - born 22 nd Mar. 1858; mar. (1 st) 10 th Oct. 1882; Edith E. Gregory, dau. of Arthur and Bertha, of Hawtre? Ont. The Gregorys were English – Edith E. Bowerman died 28 th Nov. at Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Issue – (VIII) Mary Winnifred Bowerman – born 27 th July 1884, at Toronto, Can. “ Philip Ivan “ - “ St Johns N.B. “ Arthur Lindlay “ - “ 5 th Nov. 1890, at Bloomfield Ont “ Walter “ - “ “ Nelson N. Z. (VII) J. Philip Bowerman – mar. (2 nd) res. Brooklin, N.Y. (VII) – 54 (VIII) Lavina (VI Margt J? V Judah IV Ich & Jane) Hubbs – born 31 st Aug. 1860; mar. 29 th Dec. 1881, John T. Dorland (VIII) Margaret H. Dorland – born 9 th Sept. 1882. M. John Webb “ John W. “ - “ 18 th July 1884 M. Bessie Philips “ Arthur Garrett “ - “ 30 th July 1887 M. Nellie Malone “ Elizabeth (Bessie) “ - “ 5 th Jan. 1893, at Willesden, London, Eng. Image 120 – Carm Foster 76 AYLESWORTH – or ELSWORTH. (I) Arthur Aylworth – (the Immigrant) before 29th July 1679 – married Mary Brown, of Providence, R.I. and had issue – (II) Robert Aylworth -mar. Ann Davis + + Arthur “ - “ Mary Franklin of whom later John “ - “ Dorcas Jones + Philip (1698) “ - “ Rachel Green “ “ “ Chad (1696) “ - “ (1) Elizabeth Major (2) Mary Wood Thomas “ - (no issue) Mary “ - “ John Green Elizabeth “ - “ (1) - - Dolliver (2) Peleg Card Katherine “ - “ - - Green Martha “ - “ John Davis +(II) Philip, b. 1692, mar. Rachel Green. (11) ++ Arthur, mar. Mary Franklin ( mar. (1) Sarah Clark “ (2) Sarah Aylworth - - (IV) Sarah (2nd wife X (IV) Job and Sarah had 10 children, the eldest, (V) Nial Elsworth – mar. Charlotte Bowerman qv(David) ( See below (IV) Caleb Elsworth - mar. Huldah Weightman “ “ Henry “ - “ Mary Huntley see(Peitt? Dan’l) “ “ Sarah “ - (no data) Philip and Deborah came to Canada from New Britain, Dutchess Co. N.Y. about 1790-91; remained in Ernestown for sometime, then crossed into Pr. Ed. Co. where, soon after, Deborah died advanced in years, at the house of her son Barrett Dyer. Philip, after spending some time in Columbus Co. N.Y. returned to Pr: Nd. [Pr. Ed.] and died suddenly while at work in the field at the home of Asa Werden, who mar. Elizabeth, his great-grand-daughter. Philip died at the age of ninety years. Deborah Waite, whose first husband was - Note- (IV) Job and Sarah (1st and 2nd cousins) came to Canada in the “scarce-year” 1788, settled in Ernestown, near Bath, where they and three of their children died of “spotted-fever” in 1803. (Aylesworth Hist.) They left 12 children, of whom the eldest was (IV) Otho Nial, (d. 1821), mar. 1805, Charlotte Bowerman (b. 16th Oct. 1779; d. 27th Mar. 1869). “At the Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends, held at the house of Cornelius Blount, 7th day of 2nd Mo. 1804, Charlotty Bowerman, and Sarah Carman are appointed to attend the Mo. Mtg.” (Friend’s Records). “At the same Prep. Mtg., 12th Mo. 11th 1805, “received acknowledgment signed Charlotty Elsworth condemning her misconduct for marrying out of the Unity of Friends –“. (idem). As Charlotte was an adopted dau. of David and Catherine, and as no mention of her name is made in the family records of the brothers of David her name is omitted from the descendants of David Bowerman. (IV) Caleb Elsworth, b. in R.I., mar. Huldah Weightman (Ransaeler Co. N.Y.) came to Canada about 1790-91, and settled permanently on the North side of East Lake, Co. Pr. Ed. + (V) Arthur Elsworth - mar. Abigail Richmond. (q.v.) “ Aaron “ - “ Christine Alger, res. Peterboro, Ont. “ Noel “ -- “ Caleb “ - “ Catherine Cryderman, Oshawa, Ont. Y? B+ “ George “ - “ Nancy Bowerman, (q.v.) “ Elizabeth “ - “ Asa Werden, (Eliz. Was eldest dau.) “ Huldah “ - “ Daniel Hare (q.v.) “ Deborah “ - “ Joseph Losee, res. Athol. “ Lois “ - “ Caleb Platt. “ Wealthy “ - “ William Bronson. “ Asa Weightman “ - “ Rhoda Bently, (Asa was youngest of family) (IV) Henry Elsworth – mar. Mary Huntley. They res. on the farm adjoining that of Robt.Hubbs, below Picton where Henry died early. (V) Lucretia Elsworth -mar. John Dorland. “ Elizabeth “ - “ Warren and had Henry Warren ? united? Mary (Huntley) Elsworth mar. (2) Daniel Petit, of West Lake, and had issue. √ Image 121 – Carm Foster (Wait) note to? to foll. p. -----------------------------76 (Elsworth) (Wait or Waite) (I) Jonithan Wait and his wife of Newport R.I. came to Canada in the early settlement if [of] the Bay of Quinte District, and settled on the lake shore above the present willage of Willinhton, [Wellington] Co. Pr. Ed. Children of Jonithan Wait. (II) Samuel ----- ----- ------- res. above Wellington. (II) Benjamin (II) George (II) Jonathan ----------was a blacksmith. In the accounts of James Barker occurs - “Oct. 1814, Jonathan Wait, Dr. to boards-. Mar. 1815. (II) Lucretia mar. Hopkins, - remained in R.I. (II) Ruth “ Thomas Spencer whose Son Corey mar. Matilda Bull. (II) Deborah “ ------Dyre (killed in Rev. War) (III) Barrett Dyre -------Lawson. ( (killed in rev. war) “ “ (2) Philip Elsworth ( ( (II) Catherine, mar. Samuel (or Thos.) Casey, probably of Otsego Co. ( (IV) - - a dau. mar. a Potter, on the Bellevillle Road and had (V) Jessie (V) Samuel (V) Willet. ( ( (IV) Martha mar. Jos. Hazzard. (IV) Willet “ Patty Philips. Image 122 – Carm Foster 77 Elsworth – cont’d (IV). Caleb Elsworth – mar Huldah Weightman, and had – (V) Arthur (1776) mar. Abigail Richmond. (V) George, mar. (V). Lois, mar. (VI) Job Philip (d. 13th Jun. ’68) Nancy Bowerman Caleb Platt mar. Maria Leavens. (q.v.) (VI). had 12 ch. ( (q.v. page - ) Bowerman 3. Mary (Polly), mar. Thomas Bowerman of “Bowerman’s Church”. Note- Arthur Elsworth was born about 1775 – nine miles from Kinderhook N.Y. Came to Canada with the family; mar. 8 miles below Bath, Abigail Richmond dau. Sylvester and Jane (Bowerman) Richmond. For issue see page - - ) thence to Seneca Lake, N.Y. THORNE – See (I) ChatherineThorne, born in Dutchess Co N.Y – mar. in NB Capt. Wm. Clark q.v. (Thorne-) (I). Samuel Thorne, of N.B. formerly of Dutchess Co. N.Y. a U.E.L. mar. in Dutchess compare Co. Phebe Chase (whose mother was Eppie Douglas, and whose sister Mary, & copy - called “Molly”, was grandmother of Sir. S.L. Tilley late Gov. of New Brunswick, Can. [a large bracket (II). Robert Thorne - -----res. Scarboro, Ont. encompasses (II) William “- mar. (1) -------- the Thorne Family] “ (2) Elizabeth Petit, dau. of Daniel Petit of West Lake. He was assessed 18th July 1798 “first class, at 2s. 6d.” (III). James P. Thorne. of Picton d Jan. 1918 (See Harrington) Samuel “ unmarr (3). Mary Blount, dau. Stephn and Content Ann. (II) Elizabeth “- “ Henry Babbitt. (II) Catherine “- “ George Hendry, whose father was born in Elgin, Morris- shire, Scotland, about 1768, went to Penn. 1768 – In 1776, he joined the fleet of Loyalists to Halifax, N.S. He assisted in building the 2nd log house on the site of the present city of St. Johns N.B. (II) Sophia “- “ Archie Babbett. (II) Mary Tilley “- “ Philip Flagler. see note (II) - Samuel M. “- “ Priscilla Petitt Petitt (II) Seth “- “ Rhoda Babbitt. CLARKE - (I). William Clark – known as “Cap’t Clark, came to Pr. Ed. Co. from N.B. about 1818. He married Catherine Thorne, (II). Sophia Clark - mar. M. McConnell. “ Elizabeth “ - “ John Branscombe. “ Fanny “ - “ William Smith. “ Nancy “ - “ Leavens Burlingham. “ Hester “ - “ Arthur Branscombe. “ Robert “ - “ Martha Branscombe. “ David “ - “ Sarah Ann Gerow. “ - Joseph H. “ - “ Phebe Leavens. d. 20 Sept 1910 at Picton, aged 91 yrs 5 mos. “ William “ - “ (1) Esther Ann Flagler, dau. Thos. and – Roblin. (2) Kate “ (sister of Esther). “ Samuel “ - “ Margaret Leavens. Carman CARMAN – (1). Mary Carman -mar. Jesse Haight, whose dau. Phila, mar. Charles Garrett. (1). Sarah “ - “ Isaac Garrett Sr. (1). Phila “ - “ (1) Jacob Cronkhite. Philadelphia[line drawn to Phila] ” (2) Judah Bowerman. (1). Margaret “ - “ (1) -------- Flannagan. “ (2) Benjamin Garrett Sr. q.v. page 77. √ Image 123 – Carm Foster Thorn) p 77 (II) (Thorn) ( mar. Margaret Clapp in Hillier, (IV) William D. set. Calif. (IV) Almeda mar. Denton Johnson, Hillier. (V) Nina. (IV) Miriam “ (1) Obadiah Hyatt; (2) Martin Oaterhout. (IV) Nancy “ Geo. Ackerman, set Athol, no issue. (IV) Lucetta “ Hiram Kotchapaw, Sophiasburg. (V) Pearl (V) Fred. ( ( ( ( ( (IV) Emma (IV) Alexander (IV) Abraham (IV) Blanche (IV) Lindon (IV) Lena ( ( ( [A large bracket surrounds the following and extends to the bottom of the page] ( mar. “ Chloe Chamberlain, set. Vancouver, B.C. (IV) Mary A. (IV) Charles (IV) Fred ( mar. (died at 20 unmar.) ( [Transcribers note, the length of this page is much shorter than the others and appears to have been torn away at the bottom. No indication of any script appears below the above mentioned “Robert”.] Image 124 – Carm Foster [The upper left corner of this page has been torn away] 78 Mary Cunningham, dau. of Daniel, Issue ---- ?pencer. den, and had – elia Morden. mar. Ellis Hughes. siah “ “ Charity White. Richard “ “ Mary Ann “ “ Aaron White, son of Moses. “ Susan “ “ “ David “ “ il “ “ David Barker Hill, son of ( Rebecca “ , died unmar. Cornelius”, “ “ Martha Baker - mar. Caleb Spencer, of Hillier. Alva “ - (drowned in Bowerman’s pond. Bloomfield, aet. 4 years) Joseph “ - “ Hannah White, dau. Aaron and Mary (Palmer) White. Amos “ - Roxy Leavens dau. Peter? ote – Nazareth Hill was in Adolphustown, 2nd Apr. 1799, with a total family of ten persons. Also “At a Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends, held at West Lake 12th of 2nd Mo. 1819 -v- “Abigail Baker sends a notice to said meeting of a proposal of marriage”- In 1812-13, George Baker left his family on the homestead (North half Lot ??, 1st Con. N.W.L.) which he had bought from Wm. Cunningham Sr. on the ?4th July 1807; and went with a company of soldiers to Cobourg. Later, he went to the U.S. taking with him a woman named Kellar, a protégé of Capt. John Stinson. Afterwards he married another woman and lived near Philadelphia, where they had a family. He was traced to the latter place by David Hill, who induced him to return to Canada and settle his estate BREWER – This family was probably from Dutchess Co. N.Y.; but they appeared at the vincinity of Utica N.Y. where Sarah was born who mar. Josiah Bowerman. As will be seen by the foll. list the mother was one of the prolific Bull family also of Dutchess Co. (I). Henry Brewer – mar. Ruth Bull, dau. of George Bull, the latter a brother of Josiah Bull, the progenitor of the Pr. Ed. Co. family. This family were at Utica in the year 1811, as Sarah was born there 11th Jan. of that year. (II). Maria Brewer – mar. Henry Christy, son of Wm. And Ruth (Bull) Christy. ( Ruth “ - “ Mathew Smith, of Sandwich Ill. George B. “ - “ Diana Bowerman, (q.v.) Dunlap Lydia “ - “ William Low. Phebe “ - “ Benjamin Jacobs. Henry A. “ - “ Sarah Eck, of Peterboro, Ont “ Elizabeth “ - “ Stephen Bull, son Amos and Martha (Cunningham). 9 “ Sarah “ - “ Josiah Bowerman – 25th Apr. 1830. (q.v.) “ Pamillia “ - “ Stephen Blount, son of Cornelius. (q.v.) “ Charlotte “ - “ Josiah Branscombe, and removed to Rochester x “Son of Aunt Lydia” “ Daniel “ - “ Mary Hubbs, dau. of Benjamin. (III Daniel) = Mary Gerow “ Harvey “ - “ (disappeared). Bea??? [different ink used] “ George “ - “ (died in 1828, unmarried). Engaged to marry Mehitable Christy Left a knife with WmChristy with his name on handle ACB Note – “West Lake Mo. Mtg. of Women Friends, held 8th Mo. 10th 1832 – We received and read in this meeting a certificate of removal on behalf of Ruth Brewer from Lowville Monthly Meeting of Friends held the 5th of 9th Mo. 1832”. VINCENT – Also a Dutchess Co. family. The foll. came to Pr. Ed. (1) Gersham Vincent - mar. Mary Butts, dau. of John and Hannah (Bowerman) Butts and widow of James Bettice. (q.v.) (1). Leonard Vincent - mar. Olive Hart, and lived near Brighton, Ont. (1). James Vincent - “ “ “ in “Greenbush”, Co. Pr. Ed. (1). Jonathan Vincent - “ (1). “Betsy” Blount, dau. of Jared, and had (II) Jared. (2). Jane Ann Bettice, dau James, and Mary (Butts) (1). Margaret Vincent - “ Stephen Ferguson, son of Abram and Margaret of Dutchess Co. N.Y. (Whence they all came; but it is not positively known that all these Vincents were of the same parentage – it is supposed that they were.) |
Image 125 – Carm Foster
Appendix p78 (Baker) (Hill) (vi B vi Benoni Bowerman p 16) (I) Silas Hill, born 28th Jan. 1771; NewMilford, Conn. died 11th Feb. 1847; in Pr. Ed. Co. Ont. (C.W.) mar. Sarah Barker, born 1st Dec. 1776; Dartmouth Mass. (Sister of Abram Barker of Picton) died 22nd July 1842: Pr. Ed. Co. (Silas Hill and Sarah Barker were mar. 8th Nov. 1795, in New Fairfield Connecticut.) q.v. - (II) David Barker Hill, born 22nd May 1797, Beekman Dutchess Co. N.Y. z Abigail Baker qv (II) Lydia Shove Hill, “ 16th Mar. 1800, Co. Pr. Ed. died 15th June 1835; mar. Calvin Pyre, Picton, (Hatter) ( ( ( (Calvin Pyre mar. (2) – Spencer, (3) Spencer, (4) ----- (II) Silas Hill, born 22nd Feb. 1803; mar. -----Hicks. (II) Caleb Hill, “ 3rd Mar. 1804. died 6th Nov. 1805. (II) Harriet Hill, “ 19th Oct. 1806; mar. Wm. Curry (19 ch.) (II) John S. Hill, “ 19th Nov. 1808. (II) Asa James Hill, “ 27th July 1810; mar. res. Trenton Ont. (II) Sarah Jane Hill, “ 18th Aug. 1812; mar. Edwin Newnham Kingsley, ( (After the death of Kingsley, Sarah mar. (2) --- .q.v – James Butts, son of John and Hannah (Bowerman) Butts. (II) Rebecca Arilla Hill, b, 24th July 1814; mar. Sheriff Jas. McDord died 25th Mar.1838: one son David, Hamilton; (II) Phebe Eliza Hill, b, 7th June 1816: mar. R.A. Norman, Picton. (From records of Mrs. Geo. E. VanDusen) (19th June 1913, A.C.B. Picton Ont.) Image 126 – Carm Foster Note – re 81 Bull – p1 1 (Bull) (Notes from letter of Nathaniel Niles Bull, of Oneonta N.Y. 1893) Josiah Bull sr. mar. Mehettable Thomas. (II) Stephen Bull mar. ( (IV) Nathaniel Niles Bull. Josiah Bull sr. of Eng. (or Welsh?) ancestry, born probably in R.I. settled in Dutchess Co. N.Y. where he lived and died at an advanced age. –We know that he had a brother Jeremy or Jeremiah who lived as early as the beginning of the French war at the settlement called “Little Rest” about 15 miles east of Po’keepsie. Jeremy Bull had children, the descendants of two of whom-of a son Jeremy, and a daughter Esther who was the wife of one Henry Tibbits-Iknew a good deal about in my boyhood. From the New. Eng. Records, find the name of Henry Bull born in South Wales 1610,- he came to Boston in 1635; settled in Rhode Island – name appears on list of first settlers of Newport.- Joined the Soc. of Friends – was 2nd Gov. of the Colony – and served two or three terms. He had numerous descendants – Any one of the name emigrating from R.I. can with considerable certainty be counted as one. Thomas Bull came over in 1635 – and tradition makes him a brother of Henry Bull, but not absolutely certain. Thomas settled at Hartford Conn. and became prominent in public matters – Comanded the Conn. Militia and engaged in the Pequot war. he had a son Jonathan, a capt. also distinguished. Thomas had numerous and respectable descendents – Lose sight of Josiah Bull sr. and of the family from about 1700 – (Sig.) N.N. Bull. NB (Bull – Note, p – (I). (II) Josiah Bull died in Dutchess Co. N.Y.: his dau. Maturah came to Canada in 1792: Matilda In 1793: Ruth in 1802: while his widow Mary and the three children by 2nd mar., came in 1817. The latter were brought by Wm. Chirsty and Ruth, in a covered lumber-wagon. William and Ruth had gone to Dutchess Co. To attend Yearly Mtg., prepared to bring back Mary And the children. William Christy and his sister Mary mar. dau. and father. On their return journey they reached the house of Corey Spencer (Picton-) where they had a mid-day dinner, thence proceeding to the bush farm of Wm. Christy about 6 or 7 miles west. In 1886, “Aunt Lizzie Wallace”, (v. Spencer) said she was a girl at school when the Christy’s and Bull’s came in 1817. (The school-house stood on the bank overlooking the Bay, behind the old “Johnson” residence:. When the other members of the Bull family came is not known; probably about 1802, as John Bull was mar. in Adolphustown in 1803. (MacDowell Reg.) Image 127 – Carm Foster BULL x 81 (1) (I). Josiah Bull – (son of Gov. Henry prob. B. in Wales. Bull of R.I.) was probably born in the State of Rhode Island, at that time one of the new Colonies. His birth is not known, nor the place of birth. He married, however, a woman of Dutch extraction, named Tripp, who is said to have been heir to a fabulous estate in the lower part of the present city of New York¢. Her name is given as Mary Tripp. Of the family relations of Josiah and Mary, aside from the list of children, little or nothing is known¢ (II).+ Josiah Bull -born 3rd July 1738; died 5th June 1813; of whom later “ Mary “ - “ 11th May 1740; “ Joseph “ - “ 28th Jan. 1742; “ Sarah “ - “ 15th Dec. 1745; mar.- - Bloodgood. “ Benjamin” - “ 19th Jan. 1746; “ Robert “ - “ 28th July 1748; below” “ + George “ - “ 13th Jan. 1751; of whom later. “ Henry “ - “ 5th Oct. 1753; “ Ruth “ - “ 9th Sept. 1754; This family lived near the city pf Poughkeepsie, on the Hudson. During the War of Independence, being Quakers, two brothers of the family were sent to new York as prisoners, unknown to the rest of the family. It is not said by which party the prisoners were taken; one of the brothers died in prison, and the other was removed only in time to die among his family. Of the remaining family Josiah moved to Hallowell, Co. of Pr. Ed. while George, with his family moved to the vicinity of the village of Colborne Ont. The families of Josiah and George frequently visited and later generations intermarried. ante? “ Note – George Bull – born 13th Jan. 1751; married Elizabeth Powell, a descendant of the celebrated “Anneka X Jans”, and had the following issue – ( (IV). Elizabeth Bull, blind, died unmar. at advanced age. x See “Brewer” “ Ruth Bull – henry x Brewer and resided for some time at Utica N.Y. “ Josiah Bull – mar. - - and had (IV) Betsy Bull, mar. Gideon Spencer. There were probably others not known to the writer. (II). Josiah Bull – born 3rd July 1738; married (1). Mehetable Thomas, and had-the following issue, most of whom settled in Pr. Ed. Co. ( “ + May “ - “ 15th Nov. 1766; mar. Simmons, Watertown, N.Y. “ + Amos “ - “ 4th Dec. 1768; “ Sarah “ - “ 28th Aug. 1770; died in infancy. “ + Matilda “ - “ 5th July 1771; “ Maturah “ - “ 21st Apr. 1773; died 2nd Nov. 1846; of whom later. “ Joseph “ - “ 13th Mar. 1775; “ John “ - “ 21st Nov. 1777; “ Ruth “ - “ 30th Oct 1778; “ Henry “ - “ 30th July 1780; died in infancy. “ Phebe “ - “ 19th Aug. 1781; “ Josiah “ - “ 10th Oct. 1783; “ Mehetable “ - “ 27th Nov. 1785; (II). Josiah Bull – mar. (2). Mary d 26 Apr 1825 aged 68 r. 6 mon. 18 d. buried in Lower “Friends Burying grd.” Bloomfield Christy, daughter of Dennis and Cornelia Christy of Dutchess Co.and the widow of (Robert) Kidney. She had a son? Robert. ( Patience “ - “ 26th Sept. 1799; Content Ann” - “” 10th Sept. 1802; Note – For further mention refer to the printed records. Note. – x v. “Humphrey Family” p. 112. - “Michael Humphrey mar. Priscilla (dau. Mathew Grant) 14 Oct. 1647” “Mat. Grant came over in the ship “Mary & John” to Dorchester 1630 – moved to” “Windsor 1635 – of the children the 7th was Hannah b. 21 Oct. 1669 --------------“ “Mar. (as 2nd Wife) Capt Joseph Bull of Hartford Conn.” ---- “v?. Barbouis Genealogy – p 48 – ““Hist. of Ancient Windsor – by Stiles –“ (x – “Anneka Jans said to have been step-dau. of one Westervelt Webber and a nat. sister of WmĪĪĪ of Eng. “ “ =had –? Ripp? Who had Eliz. Powell, the latter marrying Geo. Bull) Image 128 – Carm Foster 82 Bull - (2) Third Generation ( (IV) Henry Bull, who mar Lydia Niles, and had issue – (V) Nathaniel N Bull - / Oneonta NY “ Joseph “ “ Stephen “ (q.v.) “ Martha “ died at her home in West Oneonta NY 10 Nov 1903 aged 79 – the ???? of (4) Sons of Henry – (NNB)? “ Elizabeth “ ( p3- ( (v Richmond) --------------- Cunningham and his (2) wife Abigail Richmond; Martha died 23rd Jan 1842 They had issue as foll- (IV) Abigail Bull - “ Jemima “ - See “ Stephen “ - printed “ William “ - [a large bracket encompasses this generation of List “ Phebe “ - Bulls just to the right of “see printed list”] “ Maturah “ - see note page 3 – “ Sarah “ - “ Mary “ - “ Martha “ - “ George “ - “ Charles “ - “ Amos “ - “ John “ - In the assessment of the Twp of Hallowell 18th July 1798, the name of Amos Bull occurs on the “under list rated at 2s 0d” In 1808, Amos Bull was assessed in the Twp of Hallowell as foll – “Acres 140; cleared 50; House, round-log; Horses 2; Cows 3; Cattle 1; Total apprizement £10000; District Expenses 4s2d; Rep Ex 1s5d;” “9th day of 8th Mo 1803, - Martha Bull, one of a committee to attend the Montly Meeting at Adolphustown from the Prep Mtg of Women Friends held at West Lake, at the house of Cornelius Blount.” ( NY Corey Spencer, son of Thomas Spencer and his wife (v Waite) p 76 ------- Ruth Waite, dau. of Jonathan Waite of Newport, R.I.¢ This family reached Pr Ed on the 23rd May 1793, see Hist Sketch. (X) d 1874 aged 83----- (IV) Caleb Spencer - mar. Martha Baker, dau. of George Baker and Martha Cunningham, (see the latter) Martha Baker was born 1st Sept. 1807, They had viz – (V) Amos Spencer – [A large bracket encompasses the following handwritten entries] ?? -mar Orpha B Spafford--- “ Gideon “d in Hillier, 12 Oct. 1910 aged 82 yrs 7 mos 4 days– (buried “Chadsey’s”) VI-Cyrus (Sc? Bow??? Lt Ho Keeper?) “ Martha “ “ Oscar – Hillier - “ Alva “ “ Mrs EP Cox? – Consecon “ Josiah Spencer mar Sarah Baker, a sister of Martha; “ “ RA Karch – Hillier his brother’s wife, Sarah was born on the 2nd of July 1797 They had the foll. issue “ “ CRyan – “Nile’s Corners” (V) Corey Spencer - (died in infancy) “ Mary “ - mar. James Gilberts (Minneapolis Minn) “ Joseph “ - “ Sarah Raynor – Fred & Minnie (V) John H “ David H “ dau. Cornelia - “ Phebe Clapp (VI) CC Spencer Picton “ Calvin P > = N??? Storey “ Susan “ - “ John D Blakeley Picton “ Ruth Spencer - mar. Benjamin Bristol, and had – (V) Almon Bristol, mar. Mary E Hazard, dau. of Joseph Hazard and Patty Barker, the latter a dau of Abram Barker of Picton Eliza – Mrs Yarwood died in Picton “ Eliza Ann Bristol – mar. Thomas Yarwood, son of Samuel Yarwood 2nd November 1907 (VI) Millie mar. Geo? W McMullen “ Matilda Bristol - (not mar) “ Caroline “ “Carrie” - ( “ “ ) “ d 1857 aged 57-- “ Thomas Spencer - mar. Letty Compton, and had – (V) John Spencer - mar. – Terrill, dau of James and Dorothy (Hutcheson) Terrill (probably) died in Tp. Brighton 27 Nov--- “ Corey “ - mar. Margt Spencer; dau Augustus of Adolphustown 1906 age 82? yrs “ Jane E “ - mar. James Rogers “ Willet “ - “ Harriet Herrington “ Mehetable Spencer -mar. Calvin Pier (no issue) Mehetable died 24th Dec. 1846, aged 44 d 1873 age 68 “ Gideon Spencer - mar. Betsy Bull, dau. Josiah, son of George; see ante note p (1) and had issue – (V) Andrew Spencer - “ George “ - “ Emily “ - mar. Thos Todd, of Belleville vi Minie? “ Charles “ - “ Jane Smiley (6 ch) (VI) Andrew VI - Harry “ Gideon “ - Blake McK “ Franklin “ - Bessie (2) X See note page 3 – over Image 129 – Carm Foster Bull 83 (IV) Elizabeth Spencer - mar. in 1856 Luke Wallace They had no issue; Luke was a member of the AF and AM “Pr Ed No 18” Elizabeth died 24th Dec. 1893, aged 86? Years, 4 mos. and 5 days – She was the source of much of the local hist data; she had a great memory and was very fond of recounting her impressions of the early days of the country. “ Matilda Spencer – born 21st Apr. 1810, died 16th Feb. 1901 not mar? d 6 Jan 1898 aged 85 yrs - “ Corey Spencer – born 28th May 1812; mar 7th Apr. 1842 Eliza Ann Ketchum (died 6th Jan 1897) and had issue – (V) Charles C Spencer – mar. Elizabeth McDonald, dau. of George and Sarah (Beadle) McDonald. “ Louisa Spencer - mar. John Vandervoort “ Florence “ - “ Sam Merden “ Phebe “ - “ John White, son Aaron and Mary Ann (Merden) White d- 1898 aged 83 yrs “ Joseph Spencer – born 2nd Aug. 1815; mar. Sarah Baker Hill B Septr 1823 d 16 April 1911 in Picton, dau of David and Abigail (see Geo Baker) VRichmond. (V) 1 Emily Spencer – born 18th Apr. 1843; married 16th Feb. 1865, Charles Wilson, of Whitchurch, Co York Ont - - - “ 3 David A Spencer – born 14th Feb. 1852; married Jennie, dau Lewis B Stinson ¢ Jennie died 13th Sept. 1901, aet 51 yrs, 8 mos, and 23 days “ 2 Priscilla Spencer – born 15th Sept. 1847; mar. James A Heiveley, Williamsport Pa [line drawn to Priscilla] d. at Williamsport – 16 Dec. 1910 – ( (1) Thomas Bowerman, (For issue and data see the latter) p? (2) John Stinson, son of Capt John Stinson, and had issue – (IV) 1 James Stinson – born 31st Dec. 1815; died 8th Apr. 1843; mar. Mary Burlingham dau Ransaeler and Phebe of Hallowell She died at the age of 21 yrs. without issue – “ 2 Henry B Stinson – born 12th Dec. 1818; died 14th Sept. 1894 in Picton; married ------- VanHorn, and had issue- (V)- Harry Stinson – (V) Ada Stinson – mar. Albert G McDonald Note – “Prep Mtg of Women Friends, held at West Lake, 10th of 1st Mo 1815, an acknowledgment was forwarded to this meeting by way of the Overseers signed – Maturah Stinson” – ( Stephen viz Pr Ed in 1882,said his (IV) Setphen Bull – mar. and had - father made John Christys coffin& the (V) Joseph Bull – mar and had - two helped to bury him - (VI) Fred Bull – [Brackets surround the following information on John Bull with a comment “see next page”] ( (IV) Phebe Bull - born 12th Nov 1804, mar. John Cronkhite, of Hallow [off page] (IV) Corey (1st) Clara Clark, and had – (V) Correct see over (2nd) (see printed list for correct) (1) - Note – George Aldrich and Maturah Bull had a dau Maturah Aldrich, who was a protege of Stephen and Amy Bowerman She married a cousin one Thomas Converse of St Vincent, and moved out into one of the Western Territories They had also a dau Martha Aldrich, who married Jacob Cronkhite, of Hillier They Jacob and Martha, had several children, two of whom, a son Freeman; and a dau. both of whom were blind. (2) Note - “10th of 1st Mo 1815, at a Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held at West Lake, Matilda Spencer was appointed on a committee; to attend Monthly Meeting at Adolphustown” – (3) Note – Amos Bull once lived on the Cornelius White farm (Lot 2 Mil Tr East Half) in a little log house The house burned in the night and in trying to save a bed from the narrow loft and stairs, Martha (Cunningham), then an old woman, fell down the stair and broke her arm – Image 130 – Carm Foster (Bull) 84 (p3) (Bull) ( ( born 21st Nov 1777; died 23rd, Jan. 1859; mar. 27th June 1803 (McDowall Reg) Mary Palen, (born 14th Sept 1783, d, 2nd /Jan/’42 (IV) Phebe b. 12th Nov. 1804; mar. John Cronkhite, res. near Wellington, east of the Garret homestead. (V) (IV) Corey, born 15th Jan. 1808; d 18th /Feb. 1882; mar. (1) Clara Clarke, and had – (V) Gilbert, b, 21st Aug. 1833; mar. - - Lawson (VI) Edward M mar. (V) Harriet Ann b. 26th Jan. 1835; mar. (1) Cornelius Burlingham; (2) Ichabod Bowerman of Exeter, Ont (V) John b. 18th Feb. 1837; mar. Ella Young, dau. Geo. of Ameliasburgh (VI) Geo. Corey (VI) Florence, “ (2) Fanny Clarke, sister of Clara, and had – (V) Selick b 30th Mar. 1838; mar. Elizabeth Branscombe, dau.Arthur, and had – (VI) Jennie (VI) Ida (VI) Estella (V) Albert, b. 18th Mar. 1840; mar. 3rd Mar. ’66 – Orilla, dau Louis Winters, and had (VI) Louis A b 20th April 1870; mar. (VI) Dora b? 21st Sept. 1872; mar. – Robt Dewar- (V) Corey b. 6th /Sept. 1841: d 23rd July 1864 (V) Mary E “ 26th Aug 1843; mar. 8th Mar 1865 Jacob Fraleigh, son Wm. (VI) (V) Frances L b. 29th Oct. 1846; mar. Fred Bigg (VI) (V) Phebe b. 19th Dec. 1848; mar. - (res Brandon) (VI) (V) Alice M b. 16th April 1854;- ( “ - Chicago) (IV) John b. 31st Dec. 1815; d 4 Aug 1906 ---- mar. 7th Mar. 1843 Pamelia Davis (b 30th Oct. 1821; d.- (V) Herbert S / b. 16th Mar. 1846; mar. (1) 29th Aug. 1870, x b 28 Sept 1850 --------------Annie xBurlingham dau. David and d (VI) Norma b. 20 Aug. 1876 mar; Rowe – John Rowe d - - 1896 (V) Ida Augusta, b. 24th Sept 1851; mar. 3rd < Mongolia Auto? Pasadena Calif – May 1868, Thos H Noxon b. 2nd Feb. 1848; d. Vera Cruz M?? (VI) Herbert b. 10th Feb. 1874 Res Pasadena Calif Image 131 – Carm Foster (Bull) 85 p4 (Bull) ( ( b. 30th Oct. 1878; died at the house of John Stinson, 28th Sept. 1850; mar. in Dutchess Co. N.Y/. William Christy, son of Dennis Christy, the Irish ancestor, and his wife Cornelia Stewart. Wm. Christy was born 5th July 1772; died 9th Aug. 1828 (v. Christy). (III) Phebe, - (II) Josiah, - (I) Joaiah. [Josiah] b. 18th Aug. 1781; d. - - - mar. William Hubbs, son of Robert and Jane Haviland, and had – (IV) Maturah b. - - - , mar. Stephen Haight of Norwich, Ont. ( b. 10th Oct. 1783; died - - - - mar. Sarah, dau. Charles and “sally” Cunningham, (IV) Hiram b. - - - - - mar. Melvina Wrightman – (V) (V) (IV) Mary “. - - - - - mar. Wm. Wilson of Hillier – (d. 11th Dec. 1882; (V) Josiah mar. Sarah Nethery. (V) Alexander “ Mintie DeLong. (V) Richard “ Sarah A. Pettengill (V) Hiram “ Lydia Hubbs (V) John “ Adelaide McDonald (V) Thomas “ Adeline Platt (V) Sarah “ Alva Platt (V) Mary Ann “ Melvin d 13 Feb. 1906-(IV) Abigail” - - - - - - - - - mar. Richard Goodmurphy; (Abigail b. 1816) (V) Sarah “ - - Hutchings – Midland, Ont (V) Wm. Murphy - - - - - - - - - -West-Point (V) Deborah - - - - “ – Bartlett, “ “ (V) Phebe - - - - - -“ – McDonald, Calif. (V) Josiah - - - - - -“ – Alwilda McDonald (V) Patience (d/. about 1866) (V) Richard (d. in 1895) (V) Mary Ann – mar. - - Trumpour, d. 1904: (V) (IV) Phebe –“ Jonathan Burlingham, son of Reuben, and Phebe, dau. Benj. Leavens and Sarah Cunningham. (Related thro. the latter Fam,) (V) David - Res. Wellington (V) Hiram “ Hillier (IV) Hannah “ David Burlingham (bro. Jonathan) (Twins) (V) Annie, b. 28th Sept 1850; mar. H.S. Bull, son J John and Pamilia (p- - ) q.v. – (V) Augusta, mar. Finlay Morgan, son – Richard Morgan of Bloomfield, (VI) Clarence (IV) Sarah “ John Vincent, (Foundryman) of “ “ “ Image 132 – Carm Foster (Bull) (p5) 86 (Bull) ( b. 25th July 1797; mar. Amos Hubbs of East Lake, son of Robert Hubbs and Jane Haviland. (IV) Benjamin (d. in Picton, 3rd Mar. 1908; aged 83 yrs) mar. Nancy Stapleton (12th Sept. ’08, aet. 82.) (V) Mary Ann - - - mar. - - Warren. (V) Hannah - - - - “ - - - - (V) (IV) Stephen A. b. - - - - mar. Lydia, dau. Vincent Bowerman and Sarah Vincent. (d 3 Feb 1914 aet 86, 8 mos-) (1) (IV) Patience b. - - - - - - - “ Caleb Gibson. ( mar. 1818, William Garrett, (see Garrett) p --. ( b. 10th Sept. 1802; d/. 27th Mar. 1844; mar. Stephen, son of Cornelius Blount and Lydia Bowerman. (see – Bowerman –p-60) (IV) Lydia, mar. Geo. A. Sargent, from Cape Vincent; (V) John, mar. Lage Penny. (V) Walter “ - - - - (VI) Marshall - - “d. 21st May 1882. (V) Albert H. mar. - - Sargent, (cousin of Rochester, (VI) - - - - dau. (V) Marshall, d. 1870, unmar. (IV) Mary, mar. William Thorn (see Thorn – p--) (V) Content Ann, mar. Geo. Haylock. (V) Tilley, unmar. Res. Duluth. (IV) Jane, unmar. (IV) Patience, mar. James Perkins, (Mich.) (IV) Abigail, unmar. (IV) Phebe, mar. Thomas Blount of Ill. (cousins) (V) (V) Helen (V) Charles (V) (IV) Cornelius, mar. - - (IV) Josiah, “ - - - (IV) Content Ann, d. young. (IV) Matilda / unmar. Image 133 – Carm Foster Bull - 87 (4) Notes – (1). “6th day of 12 Mo. 1806 – An acknowledgment was handed into this meeting by way of the Overseers, sig. Mehetable Cooper, formerly Bull, concerning her misconduct in marrying out of the unity of Friends, which being read and considered is recommended to the Monthly Meeting: (From the records of Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held at West Lake,). (2). “Prep¢” Mtg. of Women Friends held at West Lake, 11th of 2nd Mo. 1819, an acknowledgment was forwarded to this meeting by way of the Overseers, signed, Patience Garrett, formerly Bull, for marrying contrary to the order of Friends”. (3). “Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends, held at West Lake 11th of 11th Mo 1819, an acknowledgment, etc. signed Abigail Hubbs, formerly Bull, for marrying contrary to the order of Friends”. (4). “Prep. Mtg. (Women Friends, West Lake) etc. 8th of 6th Mo. 1820, “Stephen Blount and Content Ann Bull inform this meeting that they propose marriage with each other.” COOPER – (1) Obadiah Cooper was English, and when a lad of eleven years he is said to have been pressed on board of an Eng. Man of War; where he learned the trade of tailor. After he escaped from the ship in America, where he followed the trade taught him on board ship. He settled in Dutchess Co. N.Y. but at what age is not known; and the name of his first wife has not been preserved. By this first wife however, Obadiah had a son John Cooper, (who married Mehetable (II) John Bull) and also others who remained in Dutchess Co. Obadiah Cooper married (2nd) a widow named Van Vlack, who had, by a former husband, a son named Henry VanVlack. The latter had two sons, one of whom named Elias lived at Waupoose; and wrote his name VanVlack, while the other named Stephen settled at Milford, Co. Pr. Ed. and wrote the name Van Black. Henry VanVlack had also several daughters, as well as two sisters viz – Elizabeth VanVlack (Betsy Townsend) – Catherine “ (Katy Osborne) – Obadiah Cooper had by his (2nd) wife, the widow VanVlack, one son James Cooper, who was born in Dutchess Co. and was brought to Canada in his fifth year. James Cooper married (1st) Hannah Hare, and had issue – (IV) Lucinda Cooper - mar. Henry Huff/ Mary “ - “ Isaac Huff, Huldah “ - “ John Symes, Obadiah “ - “ Mahala Hicks, “ “ “ (2nd) Nancy White, dau. of Cornelius White b Hallowell, and widow of Samuel Bently, son of “Preacher” Bently, and had issue – (IV) Sarah Elizabeth Cooper – mar. Thomas Young, son of William Young and “Peggy” Stinson, (see Stinson). “ Hannah Maris Cooper – mar, (1) Henry Hess (2) Louis Crouther, Cooper 1 – 11 – to follow him and (II) John Cooper = Mehetable Bull (see over?) Image 134 – Carm Foster [The upper left corner of this page has been torn away and is badly stained making some of the text illegible (Bull) ?4 ?ecording what order of his “old Friends” Feb. ? 1809 d Rausaria? & Phebe dau. (V) 3 ch. ???Vivian? (IV) & ch. 1 ????? Rebecca Burlingham, set. on the (V) Ich. Bowerman homestead in Bloomfield. 31 --------- (IV) Reuben B. = Kate Stinson d. ( 833--------- (IV) John = M. Cunningham d. Youngs (V) Herbt = Ella Noxon d. Philip 1836---------- (IV) Luke B. not mar. Lived many yrs. in San Francisco – d. Bloomfd --- (IV) Thos. H. d. un= (IV) Obadiah d. “ = -1840? (IV) Delilah = John son of Lawrence Goodmurphy (V) -18?? (IV) Ransselaer = Eliza d. Lawrence Goodmurphy (V) : ?? ?? Robert Hubbs ( V. Hubbs) set. at Black Creek, Co. Pr. Ed. (IV) Phebe? (IV) Benjamin (IV) Alzinah? (IV) John? (IV) Mehetable? (IV) Rebecca (IV) Sarah (IV) Obadiah ( (IV) Sarah M. (IV) Mary J. (IV) Hamilton (IV) Manley (IV) Orlinda d June? 1856 ( aged 37 yrs (IV) Thos. Henry (IV) Haviland (IV) Martha ( (IV) Maturah (IV) Obadiah (IV) Mehetable ( (IV) Mary J. (IV) Phebe A. (IV) Sarah J. (IV) Lydia M. (IV) Lavina M. ( d 25 Jan. 1910- (IV) John V. = Kate d. John Trumpour vi. Herbt = - Williamson vi. Bertha = - Ross. (IV) Amos = Lydia Maria, d. Elisha W. Talcott - vi.- William = (Dr) - vi - Ernist = d 13 Dec. 1913-- (IV) Mary J. = Wm Aaron Son Searing? Johnson & had vi. Ida b 4 July 64 (IV) Hannah M. = David B. Son Chas. G. Bowerman (no issue) b. 25 June 1862. d. 11 May 1904- ( (IV) Maturah J. mar. Wm. B. Cooper, q.v. (IV) Mary J. mar? Franklin McDodald, son Geo. V. Claude/ (IV) John S. mar. Nettie Cahoon, V. Florence, V. Celia. b. 4 May 1829- ( (IV) Mehetable (IV) William G. (IV) Josiah (IV) Mary Image 135 – Carm Foster (Bull) (Note – p – 3) (IV) Matilda b. 21st April 1810: not mar.; died 16th Feb. 1901, aged 90. With her widowed sister Elizabeth Wallace, she lived for many years on the hill overlooking “Tower-Point” cloae [close] to the spot where the first Spencer house was built -; and also where they family received their relatives the Bulls and the Christys in 1817. ( (Spencer-) ) (I) Abner, of East Greenwich in Kent Co. R.I. mar. - - - - (II) Thomas mar. Ruth Waite (dau. SamL. of kings Co/R.I. – (by banns published 30th Nov.1768 – sig: Thomas Aldrich). ( ( Thos’ family moved from East Greenwich to Dutchess Co. N.Y. where Corey mar. Matilda Bull, later moving to Can. with Corey, his wife, and children, landing at pottery-point, (Tower-Point) 3rd. May 1793. Corey d. 20th Mar. 1839; aged 79 yrs Matilda d. - - - 1841, aged 69 “. (Note-) p-3- “Mrs Elizabeth (Spencer) Wallace remembered seeing the troops who passed thro. the Co/on their way to “Lundy’s-Lane” in 1812 One of the latter said to her mother – “you will hear of some great exploits from us when we get out West”; They were however nearly all killed.” Amy (Hughes) Bowerman, remembered when these same troops passed the Stephen Bowerman homestead, some of them remained over night at the latter place. Amy heard one say to a comrade, “I wonder what my mother would say if she knew where I am to-night?”. Of the troops mentioned, there were two companies (Battallions) marched along the Danforth road about the same time – one English wearing the scarlet uniform, marched regularly carrying arms at the “slope”: while the others were doubtless Hessians, march’d in a regular rabble, without order, laughing, and talking in a foreign language.”. Image 136 and 137 - Doug Smith CHRISTY 90 (1) This family is of Scotch origin: they settled in the north of Ireland whence came Dennis Christy, the ancestor of the Dutchess Co. family, represented in Pr. Ed. Co. by the Christy family of Hallowell. Dennis Christy was the elder of two brothers who came to America probably prior to the Revolutionary War. Dennis settled in Dutchess Co. while the brother, whose name is not known, went to New Jersey, married and settled. (1) Dennis Christy married Cornelia Stewart, whose mother was Margaret, a woman of Dutch extraction. Cornelia was blind in her old age. The family lived near “Oswego” meeting of Friends, in Dutchess Co; and the foll – (II) 1 Mary Christy – mar. (1) - - Kidney, who had Robert Kidney, who mar. and had Rachel Kidney, who mar. Andrew Garrett (q.v.) “ (2) Josiah Bull, and had issue, see “Bull”. (II)2 William Christy – born 5 th Jul. 1772; died 9 th Aug. 1826 at the homestead lot 16? ? Con. IV? of West Lake. (see “Bull”) See Notes (II)3 John Christy - mar. Anna Grefis?- in Dutchess Co. where he died E. Mary Christy leaving issue as foll – (III) Benjamin Christy Richard “ Richard “ John “ (and several daughters) no not 4 Martha 5 Elizabeth Christy - } Cornelia mar. Isaac Mattise & brought up “ John Althouse who died 1913 Note- One of the latter had a daughter Cornelia, who mar. in Dutchess Co. Isaac Mattice; and later lived in Hallowell, on the farm of Stewart Christy, where they both died advanced in years. Cornelia died 14 th Dec. 1865 aged 88 years. They are buried in the Friend’s burial ground on the “Hill” near the graves of Wm. and Ruth Christy, at the foot of a grave marked “J.S.R.” (John Striker) – West of the latter is a grave marked “P.H.” on a rough stone – this is the grave of Phebe Hubbs – (Phebe Bull wife Amos Hubbs) Note – In 1808, William Christy is assessed as foll- “Acres 100; cleared 25; House, round-logs; Horses; 2; Cows 2; Cattle 1; Total Apprizement ₤70 : 10 : 0: District Expenses 2s. 11d ¼ ; Representative Expenses 1s. 0d ¾”. Ruth Christy’s name first appears on the records of the Prep. Mtg. of women Friends, held at West Lake 10 th day of 1 st Mo 1804, when she was appointed to attend Mo. Mtg. “At a Prep Mtg. of Women Friends, held at West Lake 12 th of the 11 th Mo 1806, was handed into this meeting a request signed William and Ruth Christy, signifying they had a mind for their three children, Stewart, Henry and Matilda, to be received into membership with Friends” William and Ruth Christy had issue 16 children, 12 of whom married 4 died in infancy, while 10 of the 12 have left surviving issue. (III) Stewart Christy – born 23 Oct. 1796; died 28 th May 1865; (see p65 Bowerman) (III) Matilda “ - “ 30 “ 1797; “ 10 th Jan. 1881; Jos. Brown of Whitby, originally from Moncton, Vermont issue – (IV) 1 Ruth Brown – born 1823; died 8 th Sept. 1862, 2 William C. “ - “ 6 th Sep. 1825; “ 19 Jan. 1871 4 Elizabeth “ - “ 3 rd Feb. 1831; mar. Isaac Toole (no surviving) 21 Nov. 1878 6 Lydia P. “ - “ 9 th Oct. 1836; “ Alfred White (“) 3 Stewart “ - “ 21 st Mar.1828; “ (1) Cath. Comer (V) Joseph Brown – Born 29 th Aug. 1848 – Sanger “ - “ 16 th Feb. 1852 – “ (2) Lydia Noxon, dau. of Jonathan, and had – Ida Cath “ - “ 11 th Apr 1865 = W. B. Leavens 21 Dec 1910 Howard Leavens mar. Mabel dau. Arthur Burlingham of Wellington Co. Pr. Ed. Willet S. “ _ “ 13 th Aug. 1867 = Henrietta Revnsu?? Bertha “ - “ 6 th Dec. 1877; —— 5 Thomas “ born 26 th Aug. 1833; died (not mar (3) Mar. 3 1909 Mrs. Skinner (V) Joseph Brown – mar. Jemima White, dau. Cornelius and ![]() Elizabeth and had – (VI) Sherman Brown – born 31 st Mar. 1877; Ethel E. “ - “ 25 th Jul. 1878; Donald “ - “ 10 th Aug.1880; Helen “ - “ 13 th Jun. 1882; died 13 th Jul. 1886- Sanger “ - “ (V) Sanger Brown – mar. 9 July 1885 Bella b 17 Oct. 1864 Christy, dau. of Henry and Sarah Christy. (Chicago) (VI) Christy Brown – born 3 May 1886 = x Stephen Bull and his father helped bury John –When Stephen was a boy –Stephen’s father —— made the Coffin – (S. Bull father 1882) Image 138 Doug Smith 92 Christy (III) William Christy – born 30 th Aug. 1816; died 26 th Jan. 1883; married (1) Lavinia Saylor, dau. Charles, and had – (IV) Mary Christy – mar. Willet Lane (no issue) “ Thomas “ - “ Martha Winters, and had – (V) Ella Christy = Hudson ? “ Elgin “ d 29 Feb 1908 “ Charles S. “ - “ Sarah E. Christy, dau. Reuben (q.v.) (V) – (2) Mary (Polly) Lane – (no issue) – (III) Ruth Christy – born 8 th May 1817; died 26 th Apr. 1840; married Adam Amans, who died 28 th Oct. 1887; aged 77 years; A.F & A. M. Masonic Funeral (IV) Rachel Amans – born “ John “ - “ Killet? nobmar? “ Thomas H. “ - “ mar. Edna Helwer? McMullen “ Freeman “ - “ “ Phebe Delany – (III) Patience Christy – born 25 th Jul. 1818; mar. Geo. M. Young, no issue – (III) Jonathan Christy – born 5 th Oct. 1820; died 9 th Jan 1891; married 1842 Charlotte Comer, the latter born in the parish of Ettingham, Norfolk, Eng. in 1820, being the dau. of James Comer and Mary Trittlewood?, of same parish. The Comers came to Canada in 1832. (see Stewart Brown – Benj Mastin – Being Payne & Charlotte died in 1900 – They had issue – (IV) Elmira Christy – mar. Wm. H. Richardson, Co. Simcoe “ Henry Walter “ - “ —— Frost of Belleville “ James Albert “ - “ (1) Lydia Mills, dau. Alfred – Amelia (2) Lydia Shoebridge, dau. Thos. “ Sophia “ - “ —— Walker, Co. Simcoe “ John D “ - “ - res on homestead, Hallowell. (III) Mary Christy – born 2 nd Oct. 1822; died 12 th Dec. 1897; mar. 25 th Jun ’45) Gideon Hughes Bowerman, of Hallowell. (q.v.) (IV) Stephen J. Bowerman – born 31 st Dec. 1848; married 19 th Sept. 1869. Elizabeth Lucas (q.v.) (V) Byron G. Bowerman – b 30 th Jun. 1870; (V) Rachel May “ - “ (V) Alma A. “ - “ (V) Ethel Maud “ - “ 21 st Apr. 1879?- (V) Stephen Earl “ - “ 2 th Aug 1889? – (V) Byron G. – (IV) Albert C. Bowerman – born 22 nd June 18??; married 30 July 1889 (1) Ida E. Bedell, born 14 Mar. 1852, dau. Willet N Bedell of Bloomfield Ont (died 12 th Aug. 1891) (2) Lilian born 20 Nov. 1875, Mar. 19 Aug. 1895, d. 26 July 1911 in El Monte, Los Angeles Co California USA. Buried in Glenwood Cemetery Picton Ont. Can. 3 Aug 1911 Thorne, dau. J. P. Thorne, Picton. (V) Mary P. Bowerman – b. 9 th June 1898; d 1? Oct. ‘98 Amy Helen Lilian b. 11 th May 1901- (V) Lilian Eleanor b 23 Dec 1908 at El Monte, Los Angeles Calif. USA Image 139 Doug Smith 93 (Christy) The tradition of the family as given by Miss E. May Christy of Silver Creek N. Y. are as foll. differing in some particulars from those of the Pr. Ed. Co. family. (1) — “Dennis Christy was brought to this country (America) from the north of Ireland by his uncle William Christy a sea-captain. I (E.M.C.) know nothing of him after age of eight until he married Cornelia Stewart. They lived in Dutchess Co. N.Y.” Their children were — (II) John b. 28 th Sept. 1755; died 19 th Mar. 1833; mar. 7 th Jan 1776 Anne Tripp. (II) Mary “ - - - 1757; ( “ 26 th April 1825, aged 68 yrs. 6 mos. 18 days) mar. (1) Robt. Kidney; Issue, Robt. mar Rachel Garrett, q.v. “ (2) Josiah Bull; “ Abigail, b 25 th July 1797; “ Patience “ 26 th Sept. 1799; “ Content Ann b. 10 th Sept. 1802; (II) Martha, - - - - mar. - - - Whaley. (II) Elizabeth, - - - “ - - (John) ? Bromfield. (II) Cornelia, b. - - - 1777; ) 2 1 Said later dau. of ? ? , or Eliz. — (II) Richard, (II) William, b, 5 th July 1772; d. 9 th Aug. 1828; mar. Ruth Bull. (II) John, (I) Dennis, b. 29 th Sept. 1755; d. 19 th Mar. 1833; son of Dennis and Cornelia (Stewart) Christy; Dutchess Co N.Y. mar. 7 th Jan. 1776; Anne Tripp. b. 12 th Feb. 1752; d. 21 st Jan. 1828, Issue - - - (III) Benjamin (III) Margaret (III) Richard (III) Sarah (III) Leonard (III) John (III) William (III) Anne (III) Benjamin , (II) John (I) Dennis b. 15 th Mar. 1776; d. 21 st Jan. 1828; mar. Esther Hall; b. 10 th Mar. 1777, dau. of Benj. Hall, b. 16 th Dec. 1740; d. 1815; and his (2) wife Tacy Force, b, 12 th Feb. 1750 mar. 1772; Tacy Force was dau. Benj. and Mary Force. (IV) Elizabeth, d. 1860; mar. Alfred Leaman. (IV) John B. mar. Polly Spencer; issue (V) Benjamin. (IV) Stephen d. 1849. (IV) James “ 1832. (IV) Joseph mar. Diana Thompson, b. 18 th May 1810; d. 2 nd June 1898; (V) Harrison B. mar. Helen E. Avery b. 18 th Mar. 1837; dau. Parke and Phebe Avery. (V) Harrison B. & Helen E. Avery mar. 27 th Nov. 1863; (VI) Norris, d. in Col. (Tuber,) Harrison B. lived in Brant N.Y. where he d. 22 nd June 1906. (IV) Jervis, - - - mar. Malinda Whitney. (IV) Catherine, mar. (I) John Rogers; (2) – Palmer; (V) Eliz. (V) Esther (IV) Richard, mar. Adeline Brown ; (V) Herbert, mar. (V) Fred. (V) Lucius, mar. Carrie Hammacher, (issue) (VI) Helen, mar. Ed Rose (VI) Herbert “ Mittie Jackett. Image 140 Doug Smith 94 (Christy) (III) Margaret, (II) John (I) Dennis b. 12 th April 1778; d. 4 th Sept. 1830; mar. Joseph Lockwood. (issue)- - - (IV) Anna, mar. Reynolds Harris. (IV) Sarah “ Larry Place. (IV) Betsy “ Richard Rogers. (IV) Daniel. (III) Richard, (II) John (I) Dennis b. 18 th Mar. 1780; mar. Margaret Rogers. (IV) Paulina. (III) Sarah (II) John (I) Dennis 20 th July 1782; mar. Daniel Corwin. (issue) (IV) Anna (IV) Maria, mar. Brown Upright (IV) Richard “ Miss Lion (IV) William “ (1) Elethea Besley, ( (V) John (V) Sarah “ “ (2) Catherine Cantine (IV) David “ - - - - - Gromea, (V) 3 ch. res. at “Old Paltz”, Ulster Co. N. Y. (IV) John (IV) George (IV) Adeline (III) Leonard, (II) John (I) Dennis b. 18 th Sept. 1784; d. 25 th Sept. 1859; mar. Ruth H. Hall, b. 28 th Sept. 1782; d. 3 rd Oct. 1870; dau. of Gideon Hall, b. 9 th Nov. 1742; d. 13 th Mar. 1808; and Rachel Clements, b. 18 th July 1744; died, 3 rd Mar.1830; (V Gideon – IV John – III William – II Wm. – I, Wm.) The Halls were of Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Leonard Christy and Ruth Hall, mar. 16 th Feb. 1806; and moved from Dutchess Co N.Y. to Chautauqua Co. N.Y. in 1835. (issue) - - - (IV) Gilbert H. (IV) Isaac (IV) Gideon Hall (IV) Mary (IV) Ann (IV) William (IV) Catherine (IV) Henry Ransome (IV) Ruth Emma (IV) Philetta (III) John (II) John (I) Dennis jr. b. 18 th Jan. 1787; d. 28 th Dec. 1847; mar. Martha Townsend, b. Jan. 1781; d. 25 th Jan. ’42. (IV) Maria Ann. b. 8 th 1809; d. 27 th Aug. 1850; mar. Hosea Baldwin, (V) Martha. (IV) Stewart T. b. 19 th Dec. 1811; d. 5 th Dec. 1875; mar. Cornelia Prendergast, (issue) – (V) John (V) Sarah (IV) Freelove b. 15 th July 1814; mar. Hosea Baldwin (IV) William J. b. 5 th April 1817; mar. Elvira Harrington. (III) William (II) John (I) Dennis b. 18 th Mar. 1789; d. 6 th Sept. 1812; mar. Margaret Brownell, (IV) Betsy Ann. (III) Anne (II) John (I) Dennis b. 11 th Aug. 1793; mar. Robt. Ingraham; (IV) Elinor). Image 141 – Judy Andrus Toporcer 95 (Christy) (IV) William, (III) Sarah, (II) John, (I) Dennis. “Corwin” mar. 9th Nov. ’36, Elethea, dau. of Bartholomew Besley and his wife Sarah Billew. They were members of the Soc. of “Friends”. (V) Sarah, mar. Daniel E. Hoornbeek of Ellenville Ulster Co. N.Y. (V) John D. (d. in infancy) " mar.(2) Catherine, dau. of Jacob Cantine of Leurenkill; and had (V) - - - - dau. who mar. C. Seward Johnson. " was b. in Dutchess Co. N.Y. 14th Sept. 1813; d. 4th Jan. 1899, at his home near Napanock, Ulster Co. N.Y. (Note) – From the “Ellenville Journal” 13th Jan. 1899. (N.Y.) “David Corwin and brother-in-law John Christy moved from Dutchess Co. to Ulster Co. in the spring of 1824. David Corwin settled on “Honk Hill” on a farm of 334 acres which he bought of Walter Lockwood, the other side of the “Rondent Stream”. These tracts were mostly covered with woods, though Christy’s farm had been opened and occupied by a man of the name of Hoornbeek, before the Revolution. The Corwin and Christy families were members of the Soc. of Friends, or Quakers; and possessed leading traits of that people – viz. Strict morals; industry; perseverance; and practical common-sense. There was a ford by which they crossed the “Rondent Stream” near Corwin’s home; and another near Christy’s, but no other way of crossing between Napanock and 10 miles above. David Corwin was about 45 years of age at the time of his removal to Ulster Co. and died about 1839. His widow Sarah (Christy) Corwin spent the remainder of her life at the home of her son William; and died in 1850. In the early 60’s, William sold his farm on “Honk-Hill” and bought near Napanock. Mr. Corwin was for several years a director of the 1st Nat. Bank of Ellenville; and was elected a member of the Board of Town Audit. His brother John C. Corwin was an invalid for more than 20 years. William was the last survivor of his father’s family”. (IV) Gilbert H/.b 21st Jan. 1807; d. 19th Nov. 1894; mar. Mary Tilton, b. 18th Sept. 1812; d. 7th Oct. 1868; dau. of Daniel Tilton b. 18th Jan. 1757; d. 3rd Mar. 1866; and his wife Betsy Salisbury, b. 12th Sept. 1792; d. 19th Jan. 1818. Daniel Tilton was the son of Peter and Margaret (Uhl) Tilton. (Issue -) + (V) Peter Harrison, b. 23rd April 1839; + (V) Leonard Daniel, " 27th April 1848; d. 15th Aug. 1903; (IV) Isaac (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis H. b. 25th April 1808; d. 7th May 1851; mar. Helen Beyn. (V) Harriet C. b. 29th Dec. 1836; mar. Chas. Wood. (V) Jane Eliza, " 30th Mar. 1839; " (I) Theo. Dual. (2) H. Jeslyn. (V) Philetta " 19th Aug. 1842; not mar. – (V) Gidley b. 11th Oct. 1845; mar. Sarah Averill; (issue)— (VI) Arthur (VI) Glenna (IV) Gideon (III)Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis Hall, b. 8th Nov. 1809; d. 26th Sept. 1882; mar. 21st Mar. 1835, Priscilla VanVlack, b. 14th Mar. 1810; d. 29th Oct. 1879; dau. of John A. VanVlack and 1st wife Elizabeth Gidley of Dutchess Co. N.Y. (V) Gilbert b. 4th Apr. 1837; d. 16th Aug. 1855. +(V) Elizabeth b. 23rd Aug. 1838; (V) Martha Ann " 10th May 1842 (V) Maria Adela " 12th Nov. 1843 +(V) John, b. 7th Aug. 1845; d. 23rd Mar. 1881 (V) Leonard b. 5th Apr. 1847; d. 6th Nov. 1851 +(V) Wilber Tilton, b. 6th Jan. 185o. [possibly 1856] Image 142 – Judy Andrus Toporcer 4 96 (Christy) (IV) Mary (III) Leonard (II)John (I) Dennis, b. 10th Nov. 1811; d. 23rd May 1886; mar. 27th Aug. 1831, Timothy Gidley b. 27th Aug. 1806, d. 26th April 1870. (Timothy Gidley was the son of Jonathan Gidley, b. 24th June 1757; and his wife Mary Hall, b. 13th July 1764; dau. Benj. Hall (b. 1740) and (I) wife Elizabeth Skidmore. (V) Cath. Rebecca b. 14th Oct. 1835; d. 24th Aug. 1862. (V) Hall Gidley, b. 27th Aug. 1838; mar. 1st Sept. 1863; Lucinda C. Smith, dau. Daniel and Cordelia (Cushman) Smith Hall and his wife both died at “Silver-Creek” (V) Henry B. b. 1oth Oct. 1841; d. 1oth [16th?] Dec. 1902; mar. 8th Sept. 187o, Ellen Douglas Kewley – b. 13th Jan. 1851; dau. John and Dorcas (Wetherby) Kewley. (V) Mary Ann b. 16th Nov. 1843; d. 29th Sept. 1844. (V) Harvey J. b. 22nd Nov. 1846; mar. 4th Feb. 1873, Nettie Ellis. (VI) Ellis, mar. Martha Wright, Buffalo, N.Y. Harvey Gidley res. in Dunkirk N.Y. (V) Ruth Rosalie, b. 3rd Dec. 1848; mar. 8th Sept. 1870, Augustus Holdridge. (VI) Grace, b. 9th July 1872. (VI) Myron T. b. 7th Dec. ’74; d. 28th Sept. ’75. (VI) Augustus " 16th Oct. 1876. (VI) Harvey G. b. 4th Oct. 188o. (VI) Frank (VI) Henry (Mrs R. Holderidge res. at White Plains N.Y.) (IV) Ann (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis, b. 24th Apr. 1814; mar. – 1833, Austin Watrous b. in Clinton Co. N.Y 27th Mar. 1819. (issue) - - (V) Francis – mar. Lura Day. (V) Henrietta " Sidney Nevins. (V) Justin, mar. (1) 17th Sept. 1874, Nellie dau. Benj. Hiller: (VI) Arthur D. (VI) George W. (VI) Lizzie M. (VI) Benj. A. (IV) William (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis, b. 30th June 1816; mar. 1838, Mary Elizabeth VanVlack, b. 31st Mar. 1818; d. 28th Jan. 1903; dau. John A. and Elizabeth (Gidley) VanVlack. (V) Anna, b. 7th May 1839, d. 14th May 1814 [sic] (V) Edgar V. b. 7th Mar. 1841; d. 27th Oct. 1854. x (V) Phebe Emma, b. x (V) Wm. Ricketson, b. 19th Aug. 1845; d. 4th Sept. 1871 x (V) (Frank L. b. 6th Sept. 1847; d. June 5th 1873. (V) Gideon H. b. 7th Apr. 185o; d. 9th June 185o. x (V) Electa Calista, b. 24th June 1851. x (V) George Washington, " 19th Sept. 1854; x (V) Martha Elvira Washington, " " " " (Twins). x (V) Mary Eliz’th. b. 24th June 1857; (IV) Henry Ransome (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis, b. 8th Jan. 1821; mar. Amanda Melvina Wood, b. 27th Aug. 1822. (V) Henry B. b. 23 June ’45; d. 10th April 1862. (V) Mary Lou. b. 22nd Aug. 1849; d. 2nd Sept. 1873. (V) Addie Melvina, b. 15th Feb. 1856; mar. John Orr, (VI) Mabel (VI) Leland (VI) Raymond (VI) John (V) Ella Adelle, b. 31st Dec. 1863. Image 143 – Judy Andrus Toporcer 5 97 (Christy) (IV) Ruth Emma (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis, b. 16th Feb. 1823; mar. (1) Ricketson VanVlack; (V) Mary (V) Ruth, (d. in infancy) (V) Eva, mar. Ephraim Needham (V) Clark, " Julia - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2) John Foster. (IV) Philetta (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis, b. 27th June 1825; mar. Norman Green. (V) Leonard, mar. Lydia Thomas, (VI) Elijah. (V) Frank (V) Mary Ann (V) Ruth Emma mar. - - - - Grant. (V) Gilbert (V) Hall (V) Eddie mar. Flora Green (V) Rosel (V) Hart (d. in infancy). (V) Elizabeth, (IV) Gid.(III) Leon’d ,(II) John, (I) Dennis. b. 23rd Aug. 1838; d. 31st May 1909. (VI) Ray Christy, mar – b. 28th Aug. 1877. (VI) Harriet Belle - b. 26th April 1883. (VI) Ray Christy, , mar. 17th Sept. 1903, Bertha Elmore (VII) Elmore Raymond, b. 14 Oct. 1906[?] (VII) Marvin Lee b. 11th June 1908. [Note: the alignment of this family above is presented as it was typed] (V) Peter Harrison, (IV) Gilbert H. (III) Leonard ,(II) John, (I) Dennis. b. 23rd Apr. 1839; mar 1st Oct. 1866, Mary Frances McCord, dau. of Daniel McCord and Mary Elizabeth Wooley, dau. of Capt. John, son of Joseph. (VI) Mary Thorne, b. 24th Mar. 1867; mar. Henry M. Walter, (VII) Francis W. b. 15th Dec. 1895. (VII) Henry M. " 13th Jan. 1903. " Peter H. Christy lives in Wash. D.C. In the “Pension Dept” was for many years connected with the Smithsonian Ins’t, Pres’t Capitol Camera Club, has a stock-farm at Clove, in Dutchess Co. N.Y. on the old “Hall” farm. (V) Leonard D. (IV) Gilbert, (III) Leonard, (II) John, (I) Dennis. b. 27th April 1848; mar. 8th Aug. 1874, Effie D. Graham, (VI) Edith May, (VI) Frank Harrison (VI) Leonard jr. (VI) Earl Mortimer – (Fam. res. in Po’keepsie N.Y.) (V) John, (IV) Stewart (III) John (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 14th Jan. 1844; d. 29th Dec. 1904; mar. Mary Chapman. (VI) Catherine (VI) Stewart – (of Fredonia, N.Y.) (V) Sarah, (IV) Stewart, (III) John, (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 29th July 184o; d. 25th Apr. 1881; mar. John Barclay. (VI) Jerome Image 144 – Judy Andrus Toporcer 6 98 (Christy) (V) Wilber Tilton (IV) Gideon Hall (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 6th Jan. 185o; mar. 10th Sept. 1872, Emma Keuley, b. 19th Jan. 1833; dau. John Keuley b. 9th May 1823; in Isle of Man and his wife Dorcas, dau. Asa and Nancy (Herrick) Wetherby. John Keuley d. 26th Dic? 1864, near Silver-Creek N.Y. – Dorcas Wetherby was b. 14th Dec. 1826; d. 1st Oct. 1908. John Keuley was the son of Philip and Christina (Clater) Kerly and (VI) Dorcas Wetherby was dau. of (V) Asa (IV) Paul (III) Paul (II) Ephraim (I) John of Mass. (VI) Ella May b. 31st Oct. 1875; E. May Christy Silver Creek N.Y. (V) John (IV) Gideon Hall (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 7th Aug. 1845; d. 23rd Mar. 1881; mar. 1870, Phila Smith, b. 7th Nov. 1845; dau. Daniel and Cordelia (Cushman) Smith. (VI) Lora b. 16th Oct. 1872; (VI) Flora P. b. 23rd Mar. 1874; d. 14th Apr. 1874. (VI) Gideon H. b. 24th Sept. 1875 (Mrs. Phila Christy lives at Silver-Creek N.Y.) " Gideon H. Christy mar. 4th Sept. 1898, Alice Esther Kent, b. 1st Aug. 1875; dau. of J. Brainerd and Esther (Hough) Kent. (VII) Harold Kent Christy, b.13th Jan. 1900. ( " address is – Irving, N.Y. (V) Phebe Emma (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. &th [sic] Aug. 1843; mar. James Lincoln, (VI) Amelia mar. - - - Osborne; (VI) Fred. (VI) Mamie (VI) Alice " Ray Harnes (VI) Robert (Fam. res. Silver-Creek, N.Y.) (V) Electa Calista, (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 24th June 1851; mar. 1869, Chauncey Holmes, (VI) Albert mar. Edith VanVlack, (VII) Carl, (Silver-Creek) (VI) Stewart (V) Geo. Wash., (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 19th Sept. 1854; mar. 22nd Nov. 1876, Louisa Cleese, (VI) Wm. Philip b. 25th Aug. 1877; mar. Alice Morse (VII) Jane (VII) - - - - - (son) (VI) John V. b. 15th June 1889; (Silver-Creek) N.Y. (V) Martha E. W. (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 19th Sept. 1854; mar. Morell Farnsworth. (VI) Mabel (d. in infancy) (VI) Georgia mar. (1) David Muzzey. " (2) Wm. Murray, (VII) Martha (VII) Flora (VII) - - - - - - (son) (VI) Flora " Benj. Beebe (VII) - - - - - - (son) (V) Mary Elizabeth (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 24th June 1857, mar. William Chapman, (VI) Mary Rebecca mar. Louis Rosenbauer, (VI) George Wallace Image 145 Doug Smith (98) (Christy) (V) Frank L. (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 6 th Sept. 1847; d. 5 th June 1873; mar. Mary A. - - - - who died 22 nd May 1872; (V) William R. (IV) Wm. (III) Leonard (II) John (I) Dennis. b. 19 th Aug. 1845; d. 4 th Sept. 1871; mar. Jennie Bull of Gowanda N.Y. (VI) Charles, - - - - -- res. at Amsterdam N.Y. Image 146 Doug Smith Note libre [?] 99 (1) GARRETT – (I) Isaac Garrett – born 28 th Oct. 1758, died 17 th. June 1841; mar. 15th Nov. 1780, Sarah Carman – born 11 th Nov. 1762; “ 21 st Dec. 1846. The Garretts came from the “Black-River” country, in the State of N. Y. and Isaac first appeared in Pr. Ed. in the year 1794, settling near the present village of Wellington, adjoining the Palmer family. In the assessment of 18 th July 1798, Isaac Garrett is rated “first-class at 2s. 6d.” (II) Richard Garrett – when 17, he left home and disappeared. (?) (II) Caleb Garrett – mar. Dorcas Carman and lived on the farms now the John G. Garrett and Anthony Haight, farms removed to Twp Murray, where Caleb died aet. 84 yr and Dorcas, aet. 82 yrs. They had issue – (III) Lydia Garrett – mar. Lawrence Goodmurphy. lived in Shore 4 with Murray? “ Townsend “ - “ Hannah Osterhout. perhaps dau. of David. “ Thomas “ - “ Esther Osterhout, sister of Hannah. “ Rachel “ - “ Joseph Bryant. “ Ann “ - “ (not mar.) “ John C. “ - “ Rhoda Haight, dau. of Philip, no issue. “ Adam H. “ - “ Abigail Leavens, dau. Peter N. “ Angeline “ - “ (1) Anthony Haight, son of John who was a brother of Philip Haight. (2) Jeb Bowerman “ Richard S. “ - “ Mary Jane Hubbs, dau. of Benjamin and Sally (Vermillyea) Hubbs. cripple — “ Lanah “ - “ Don. Beith, no issue. W. D. G. 9 Oct 1910.died “ William D. “ - “ Elizabeth Brundage, no issue ( 92 y 7 mos buried at “ Caleb “ - “ Maria Moines. Wooler, Ont “ Olivia “ - “ John Cardinall. (II) Mott d. 1889 Garrett – mar. Phebe Carman, sister of Dorcas. (Genessee NY) (II) Isaac Garrett - “ Ester Carman, “ “ “ (Mich) (II) Phebe Garrett - “ Stephen Bowerman, (see page - -) (a Battle Creek Mich 19 Jan. 1887, ab her daus. Mrs Chas. Vail (II) Thomas Garrett - “ Elizabeth Barker, dau. James and Polly, dau. of Joseph Leavens. (II) William Garrett - “ Patience Bull, dau. Josiah and his (2) nd wife Mary Christy (widow of Robert Kidney) (II) Charles Garrett - “ Phila. Haight, dau. Jesse Haight and his wife Mary Carman. (see note) (II) Mary Garrett - “ Michael Tinney and had issue. (II) Thomas Garrett kept a “tavern” in the lower village of Wellington. He mar. Eliz. Barker, dau. of James Barker, who built the Mill in Wellington and whose “account-book” is still extant. James Barker’s wife was Polly Leavens, dau. of Joseph. (see Leavens-) (III) Mary Ann Garrett – mar. John T. Dorland, son of Thos. I. and Betsy T. “ Phebe “ - “ Richard Carpenter. “ Lydia “ - “ Daniel Webster. “ Eliza “ - “ Bernard McFaul “ Susan “ - “ Garrett Garrettsee. “ James “ “ Truman “ “ Wilson “ (II) William Garrett – b 27 Dec. 1797 d. 22 Feb 1886 aged 89 mar. 18 th Sept. 1818, Patience b. 26 Sept. 1799 – d. 21 May 1882 aged 83 yrs. dau. Josiah Bull, Q.V. (III) Andrew Garrett – mar. Rachel Kidney, a descendant of Mary Christy. “ Stephen “ - Eliza Taylor. (English). See note attached d. 10 Oct. 1903 at Belleville Co Constable at [Belleville] (82 yrs old [Follows insert not clearly associated with any of the six possible people] ? ? son of Wm (in [Belleville] 34 yrs) (IV) Henry – Jovo??[place] Mrs Haight – Wellington Mrs Chillett – Rednersville? Mrs (Dr) G. L. Vallend? – Belleville “ Priscilla “ - (not mar.) b. 24 Apr 1824; d. 24 June 1896. “ Sarah “ - (not mar.) “ John “ - “ Martha Jane Dorland, dau. Dr. Willet q.v. Dorland. “ Amos “ - “ Sarah Sawyer, of Picton. “ Phebe Jane “ - “ Lewis T. Leavens. =(IV) Walter R = Sills (V) “ William H. “ - “ Matilda Fones. “ Ralph “ - “ in Iquiqui, Peru (Spanish) Note name “Ruliff” and was called “Rule” for short (I) Benjamin Garrett; b. about 1753 a brother of Isaac Garrett Sr. came to Canada sometime after Isaac and settled on the Ira Chadsey farm above the present village of Wellington, where he died at the age of 98 years. he married according to the foll. “Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends, held at west Lake 13 th of 9 th Mo 1821, Benjamin Garrett and Margaret Flannagan informed this meeting they proposed marriage with each other” over Image 147 Doug Smith Garrett 100 (II) (Garrett – from Allen McDonald, Elmhurst Calif.) (I) Benjamin Garrett brother of Isaac, mar.? (I) Margt. Flannigan See over (nee Carman) (2) Lucinda - - - - - - (II) Isaac mar. Lucretia Ferguson, Hillier (III) Edward - - - (III) Adam mar. - - - Tillison (III) Palmer - - - - (III) John Y. (tailor in Wellington) (III) Townsend mar. dau. Amos McDonald of West Lake Co. Pr. Ed. She lives with her brother at “Shell Mound Park” Oakland California. (III) Lydia mar. - - - Zufelt (III) ? Roxy(?) “ Richard VanHorn (III) Adeline “ Stephen Haight, near Picton. (III) Almira “ (II) Joseph mar. Lydia Clark, Hillier (See over) (II) Townsend “ “Sally” Bowerman, dau. Thos. and Maturah. q.v. (over) (II) Adam “ Hannah Pettingill and had - - (III) Benj. mar. (I) mar. (2) - - - (III) Margaret “ Martin Osterhout (III) Henrietta “ John Osterhout, brother of Martin (Hannah Pettingill, wid. Adam Garrett, mar. (2) Henry McDonald from N.B. The issue - - (III) Allen McDonald born 30 th July 1839; mar. Sprague, live in Elmhurst, suburb of Oakland Calif. (III) Philip McDonald mar. Eleanor Flood (Calif.) (II) Sarah (over) (IV) Ora, killed in action in Philipine war. (II) Phila ( “ ) (IV) Ida mar. Ed. Hutton, Monterey. (II) Polly ( “ ) (IV) Louise mar. (IV) James (IV) Robert (IV) Rhoda “ (IV) George (Note – Henry McDonald who mar. Hannah Pettingill for his second wife, was first mar. in N.B. to - - - Barton a sister to his brothers wife and by her had the foll. viz. – (II) William McDonald mar. - - - Cunningham, dau. Elijah sr. (II) Joseph “ accidentally killed by gun-shot. (II) Nathaniel “ mar. Mary (Poly) Vermillyea, Reynards Creek. (II) George “ not mar. went to Calif. in ’50; lived in “Grass Valley” and was killed by the indians (II) Sarah mar. Jared Clark (II) Hannah mar? John D. Osterhout (II) Charlotte mar. Dan. Cunningham/ (blind) (II) Ann mar. Alex. Greer. Image 148 Doug Smith 101 (III) (Garrett) p. (I) } The ancestor of the Garretts is said to have been Hugh Garrett from note} Belfast Ire. who first set. in Dutchess Co N.Y. His two sons Isaac and Benjamin came to Canada. Isaac came first and set. the homestead east of Wellington 1795; or ’96; Benjamin came later and set. between Isaac and the Reynolds farm now Vill. of Wellington. “Bay of Quinte Pioneers” says Benjamin Garrett mar. (I) - - - - and had issue as foll.- (II) Joseph mar. Lydia Clark, of Hillier and had -- (III) Jonathan mar. Eliza A. German, Picton. (III) Hetty “ Abram German, Brighton. (III) Sarah “ Allen McTaggert, Belleville. (III) Susan “ George German, Wellington. (III) Phila “ (I) Wm. Osterhout “ (2) Wm. Clapp “ (3) Rev. S.S. Philp. (III) Ruth “ William Osterhout, Murray. (III) Robert “ Jane Palen. “ (2) Catherine Markey, New Orleans. (III) Philip “ Eleanor Huyck (died 6 th Aug. 1910; aged 75 years. (IV) Alton H. mar. Minnie M. Fletcher (V) Philip C. (Toronto) (II) Townsend mar. (IV) Sarah Bowerman and had -- p55 (III) Adeline (III) Freeman (III) Almira (III) Melissa (III) Amanda (III) Jane (III) Matura (III) Patience (III) Edna (II) Sarah “ Jacob Terry, Wellington. (Had Jacob a bro. Benj? (III) Townsend (III) Robert (III) Stephen (II) Phila “ Robert Hubbs, Hillier. (III) Margaret (III) Grimmon (III) Benjamin (III) Abraham (III) Jane (III) Charles (III) Phebe (III) Lydia (III) Susan (II) Polly “ Ludovick Knapp, Consecon Lake (III) Margaret (III) Joseph (III) Benjamin (III) Phila Image 149 Doug Smith 102 GEROW This family came to Pr. Ed. Co. from N.B. before 1818 and settled the tract of land in Hallowell since called the “Gerow Gore”. There were three brothers who came together, probably in 1817, viz. Benjamin, Henry and Isaac. At the same time came Benjamin Jr. a son of Isaac. Benjamin returned to N.B. to settle some business and in 1818, he married - - - - and came again to Pr. Ed. bringing his wife, also his uncle John Gerow, as well as the Branscombes and the McDonalds – all these came from “Grand-Lake”, N. B., about 18 miles from St. John. (I) Benjamin Gerow – mar. Cornelia - - - (called “Aunt Neely”) (II) Shered Gerow “ Isaac “ “ Daniel “ - mar. Martha Striker – q.v. “ Peter “ “ James “ (I) Henry Gerow – mar. (II) Stephen Gerow “ Absalom “ (said to have been scared to death, by a sort of “Ghost”) Had black hair- turned red from fright. He died later from Consumption. (I) Isaac Gerow – mar. (II) John Gerow – “ Andrew “ “ William “ “ Benjamin “ – mar. (III) Sarah Gerow mar. David Clark (II) Nancy “ – mar. Isaac Beadle Jr. son Elias, q.v. (I) John Gerow – mar. Note – The mother of the four pioneer Gerows was named “Wiggins”; her first husband – Gerow – died in N.B., where she later married a man named “Pickett”, who also died in N.B. She then came to Pr, Ed. with the children of her first husband, the Gerows – Among her relatives, she went by the name of “Granny Pickett”; and she was buried in the Friend’s burial ground, near the meeting house on “Bowerman’s Hill”. The grave having been left unmarked, has long been among the majority, unmarked and “unknown”. Isaac Gerow’s wife was also buried on the hill; but Isaac was taken by his children to Michigan, where he died and is buried. FERGUSON – (I) Abram Ferguson, of Dutchess Co. mar. Margaret - - and lived for some time in the native Co. Abram was a farmer, had good land and prospered; but he was fond of hunting, so moved to Bredalbane, near Johnstown, where he said “there was good fur trapping and plenty of cranberries”. (II) Stephen Ferguson – mar. Margaret (Peggy) Vincent, sister of Jonathan. (III) Isaac Ferguson Deborah “ Polly “ Vincent “ - (born 1809). Richard “ (lived and died in Bredalbane) Gilbert “ (lived in N.Y. State, moved Stephen to Kingston in 1817, when on their way to Pr. Ed. Co. Abram “ Uriah “ Margaret “ (called Peggy) Elizabeth “ This family were all born in N.Y. Stephen was a tanner by trade; came with the family in 1817, settled at the place occupied in 1904, by the residence of Searing Johnson, Lower Bloomfield. Behind his dwelling, on the creek in front of Jonathan Bowerman’s grist-mill, he built a tannery. In front of his dwelling was an enormous boulder; the curious may sometime be surprised to find it “buried” on the spot. Stephen later bought land on “Gerow-Gore”, where he died aet. 85 years. FERGUSON – This family came from Dutchess Co. and are probably related to the above, as well as to that of the Arra Ferguson, of Picton. Rachel Ferguson – mar. Elias beadle. Sally “ - “ Joseph Purdy. Philamon “ _ “ Betsy Purdy. John “ _ “ Belinda Purdy. Farrington “ _ “ Mindwell Tubbs, dau. of Isaiah, of the “Island”. Frank “ - “ Mary Hardy. James “ - “ Charlotte Goodrich. Image 150 Doug Smith III 108 (Hubbs) The Pr. Ed. Co. family of this name descended from (I) Robert Hubbs born 10 th May 1753, on Long Island N.Y., where he married - - - -? and had the foll. issue – viz. - - (II) William Hubbs born in L.I. mar. Phebe Bull, dau. Josiah and Mehitabel, (see Bull p - - -) and had – (III) Maturah mar. Stephen Haight, set. Norrich. (I) Robert mar. (2) Jean Haviland, born 2 nd Nov. 1766, in Queens Co. L.I. dau. of - - - - Haviland and his wife Jemima Hall. (Jean Haviland had a brother Benjamin) (II) Benjamin Hubbs born in L.I. 27 th Oct 1783; mar. Sarah, born 30 th June 1784 near Albany N.Y. dau. of Daniel B. Way, later Sophiasburgh Co. Pr. Ed. (see Hugh Judge and Elias Hicks Journals). In Dec. 1799, Daniel B. Way was visited by Hugh Judge and in 1803, by Elias Hicks. (II) Robert Hubbs born in L.I. 3 rd Feb. 1786; mar. - - - McDonald, sister of John of Picton, lived in the Tp. of Hillier and built the Mill at Hubbs Creek above Wellington. (II) Mary Hubbs born in L.I. 27 th Mar. 1788; mar. Abram Barker a merchant tailor of Picton. (II) Jemima Hubbs born in L.I. 16 th Oct. 1790; mar. Charles Saylor, bro. Lavinia who mar. Judah Bowerman (II) Haviland Hubbs born L.I. 7 th April 1793; mar. Martha Southard, sister of Archelaeus, (II) Adam Hubbs born in L.I. 2 nd July 1795; mar. Mrs Willet Casey Barker – built first tannery in Picton. (see photo) (II) Amos Hubbs born in L.I. 1 st Dec. 1797; mar. Abigail, dau. Josiah and Mary (Christy) Bull. (see Bull p - -) (II) Hannah Hubbs born in Canada 5 th Nov. 1800; mar. John Van Cleaf, res. lot 2, 2 nd Con. Mil. Tract Co. Pr. Ed. (II) Anne Hubbs born in Can. 28 th April 1805; died 9 th Feb. 18 ? ? (II) Sarah Hubbs born in Can. 27 th April 1808; mar. Archelaus Southard, late Talbot St. Picton. Record of Daniel B. Ways family, (I) Daniel born 2 nd Dec. 1762; mar. Jemima Mosher, (born 13 th Feb. 1761 and died 10 th Nov. 1805) (II) John, born 4 th April 1783; (II) Sarah “ 30 th June 1784; mar. Benjamin Hubbs, q.v. (II) Mary “ 2 nd Feb. 1787; died 15 th July 1794. (II) Elizabeth born 8 th April 1789; (II) Cornelius “ 24 th Nov. 1790; died 3 rd Aug. 1813. (II) David “ 28 th Sept. 1794; born 22 th Aug. 1792. (II) Daniel “ 14 th Sept. 1794; died 29 th Nov. 1794. (II) Jacob T. “ 28 th June 1796; “ 18 th Sept. 1813. (II) Reuben “ 27 th Dec. 1800. (II) Richard “ 19 th Oct. 1805; died 27 th Mar. 1806. (II) William “ 19 th Dec. 1807; (II) Jemima “ 3 rd July 1809; mar. Jonathan Noxon (see Dorland) (II) Brock “ 12 th Sept. 1812; died 6 th Jan. 1813. (II) Abigail “ 5 th Nov. 1813. (II) Sabra “ 2 nd June 1819. (Note – The question is was Daniel B. Way mar. twice and were the children born in Canada by the second wife? ; or were the last five or seven on the list the children of (II) John Way?) The “Dorland Family Hist.” says page 95, that Jemima who mar. Jonathan Noxon, was born in 1802. possibly an error of the type. Image 151 Doug Smith Saylor 2 Hubbs 110 (2, Saylor) (II) Abraham B. - - - born - - - - 1829; mar. (I) Ruth Striker, dau. James and Martha, (1850) (III) Jemima, died in inf,. (III) Martha J. “ “ (III) Charles Henry, mar. Sarah Kelly (IV) Alma (IV) Sherman } twins (IV) Herman } died inft. mar. (2) Mary Williamson. (IV) Marion J. “ (3) Mary E. Yarwood. (III) Mary Elizabeth, mar. Alonzo Weeks, set. Bloomfield. (IV) May B. (IV) Pearl. died (III) James Vincent – died young. (Abram B. mar. (2) Cinderilla Winters (II) Anna H. - - - “ - - - - 1831; mar. Philip C. Vanderwater 1849, set. Hallowell. (III) James H. (III) Mary (III) Sarah (III) Robert (III) Julia (III) William (III) Andrew (III) Abraham (Anna H. died in 1864 aged 33 years.) Image 152 Doug Smith 112 HUGHES The only representatives of this particular Hughes family in Prince Edward County were Abigail, the wife of Judah Bowerman and Amy the wife of Stephen Bowerman. Abigail and Amy were daughters of Job Hughes and his [second] wife Eleanor Lee, of York Co. C.W. but formerly of Catawissa Pa. where Abigail and Amy were born. Judah Bowerman and Abigail (Hughes) left but one child – (VI) Rachel Bowerman, who married Peter Cronkhite. (see page - -) Stephen Bowerman and Amy (Hughes) Bowerman also left one son, (VI) Gideon Hughes Bowerman, who married Mary Christy, dau. Wm. and Ruth. The Hughes family came into Canada in the year 1806 [‘04], settling at Yonge Street, Co. of York. They are descended from the welsh Quaker Refugees of 1698, who settled the Township of “Gwynedd” or North-Wales, about 15 miles Northerly from the City of Philadelphia. The progenitor of this particular family was - (I) John ap Hugh – (or John, the son of Hugh). The Welsh up to their immigration, had followed the custom of assuming as the Surname the Christian name of the father; hence John’s father was Hugh, ap ?; but when they reached America they adopted the Eng. method, by which the name continues in the male line unchanged. In accordance with their system they assumed as a Surname, that of Hughe-es, or as later written “Hughes”. They are [four lines here are blurred by tape and camera flash] …consequence not related to other families of the same name; …have been called. “John”; “Johns” or “Jones”, though the …latter family were undisturbed in their genealogical lists by the untimely intrusion of this latter addition to the Hughes families. John ap Hugh, with Edward ap Foulke and many other Quaker families left Wales in 1698 on account of religious persecutions and settled in Pennsylvania, deriving their lands from Wm. Penn. Some of these were later persecuted in the latter State and their descendants sought the peaceful shores of Canada, where they underwent a further trial of religious stability at the hands of those military cotemporaries, self-styled, “Loyalists”. John ap Hugh, sister was Ellen Hugh wife of Edward Foulke qv omitted to leave documentary evidence of his descent from “Jupiter Ammon”; though Edward Foulke has thoughtfully supplied such an abundance of distinguished ancestors that those of John ap Hugh may be overlooked without serious loss. Edward Foulke wrote out his pedigree in Welsh. It has been many times published in America, doubtless as a democratic warning against the snares of Monarchial aristocracy. Edward limits his line at Rhirid Flaidd, A.D. 1130; but for what unaccountable reason does not appear, as he might without stint have been going on at the present time. It is through Jane, the daughter of Edward Foulke, that the descendants of John ap Hugh stretch their humble line to “Rhric” and “Charlemagne”, without forgetting “King Lear”; “Brutus” and “Aeneas” the Trojan”. Image 153 – Carm Foster 113 (I). RHIRID FLAIDD – called “Rhirid the Wolf”, was a Welsh Chieftain of the time of Henry II, of England. He was “Lord of Penllyn in “Gwynedd” or North Wales, where he was said to be a “leader of wolves” and that his cruelty was such that he was “wont to lay corpses in rows (with his sword) and to feast, with hovering ravens, glutted with flesh, butchers with keen scent of carcasses”. In accordance with his title, of “The Wolf”, his Arms were . “Vert, a Chevron between three wolvesheads, erased, argent, langued gulles”. ![]() Rhirid Flaidd is descended, through “Cunedda Wledig” A.D. 530, from Brwtws the first King (II). Madog ap Rhirid Flaidd – “Lord of Penllyn”. He was also a military leader in the time of Edward I.of England – ( (IV). Madoc (or Madog) ap Iorwerth, “Lord of Penllyn” – Time Edward I. 1305. (V) Sir Gruffyd ap Madoc – Knight, “of Llan Uwch Lyn Tegid”, distinguished in the French wars. He was with Edward at the battle of Crecy; was later in command of a noted company of “free-lances”, who pillaged the country from the Seine to the Loire; and from Paris to Orleans. He received lands on Lake Bala as a reward for his services; he was several times married, and was succeeded by his son. (VI). Sir. Ievan ap Gruffyd, Knight. He also was a soldier in the French wars, died about 1379, married (2) Annesta, dau. of Llewel ( (VIII). David ap Ievan Vauchan – mar. a kinswoman, descendant of Rhirid. (IX). David Lloyd ap David – mar. Anesta, dau. Griffith aplsvan. (X). Robert Lloyd ap David Lloyd – mar. Mary, dau. Reynold ap Griffith and “Lowry”, who was the ninth in the line from Edward I. (XI). Thomas Lloyd, “Gentleman”, of Gwern etc. mar. Catherine ap Robert, and so back to Rhirid Flaidd. Image 154 – Carm Foster 114 (XII). Evan ap Thomas Lloyd – 1555-1640. (XIII). Thomas ap Evan Lloyd – High Sheriff of Merionethshire in 1623. (XIV). Foulke ap Thomas Lloyd, or Foulke Thomas – baptized at Llanderfel Church 14th Apr. 1623. mar.Lowry. Ap Edward etc. (XV). Edward Foulke, son of Foulke ap Thomas Lloyd, born 13th 5th Mo. 1651, removed to Pa. in 1698, coming in the ship “Robert and Elizabeth”, which cleared from Liverpool 18th Apr. and arrived in Philad. 17th July 1699. Edward Foulke mar. in Wales about 1682, Eleanor dau. of Hugh ap Cadwallader descended from Meredith of Cai-Fadog, which house in turn trace their descent to the Princes of Wales. (XVI). Jane Foulke, dau. of Edward and Eleanor, born in Merioneth-shire in North Wales, 11th Mo. 10th 1684, and about 1710, she mar. Ellis Hugh-es, the son of John ap Hugh, of “Gwynedd”, Pa. From “Gwynedd”. They moved to Exeter Pa. where they are both buried in Friend’s Burial Ground. (XVII) William Hughes – born 12th Mo. 16th 1710, mar. Amy Willets, dau. of Thomas Willets of Long Island, and had – (XVIII). Job Hughes – born 7th Mo. 15th 1740, died 4th Mo. 26th 1807 at the house of Reuben Lundy, of Fishing Creek Pa. where he was buried. On 5th Mo. 18th 1776, he mar. (2) Eleanor Lee, dau. of Thomas Lee and his (cousin) wife Eleanor Ellis. Thomas Lee descends from a Nottingham, Eng. family, of that name. Eleanor Lee born 12th Mo. 22nd 1749; died 3rd Mo. 9th 1825. The issue of (XIX) Rachel Hughes, b. 1777; died 1864, mar. Israel Lundy, (NewMarket, Ont.) “ Sarah “ “ 1778; “ 1865, “ Enos Dennis, (Yonge Street) “ Abigail “ “ 1780; “ 1812, “ Judah Bowerman (West Lake q.v.) “ Amos “ “ 1782; “ 1834, “ Rebecca Chapman (Sharon Co. York) “ Samuel “ “ 1785; “ 1856, “ Sarah Webster (Aurora “ “ ) x “ Amy “ “ 1787: “ 1863, “ Stephen Bowerman (West Lake q.v.) “ Joel “ “ 1792; “ 1872, “ Sarah Philips, (Twp. King, Co. York) (XX). For the descendants of Judah and Stephen Bowerman, see (Bowerman) Note – The lineage of the Foulke – Hughes family here outlined, may be found by consulting – “Hist. Coll. of GWYNEDD”, by M.M. Jenkins, 1884. “The American Genealogist”, Vol; I Nos, 1;2;3;4; inclusive. Further than these, the curious genealogist is referred to any history, Modern or Ancient; also the “Foulke Chart”, published in Philad. The “Hughes” family in Canada, descendants of the before mentioned John ap Hugh, may be soon at the Library of the Ont. Hist. Soc. At Toronto. √ Image 155 – Carm Foster (1) 115 (83) LEAVENS - (1) Esther Sis Peter & dau. Peter b. Killingly Coun. 1677: Son John of Ropbury marr. 1640 d 1696 John born in Essex Co. Eng. 1582 mar Elizth? & came to America in the ship “William Francis”, landing at Boston 1632. He died 1647 – (I). Peter Leavens, of Not? Eng. parentage, resided in Dutchess Co. where he married 1745 Catherine Carson in Westchester Co. NY. Both died in Dutchess Co. where they had the following family, - (II) Patience mar. 1745, Vincent Vermilyea (b. 1750) (II). Hannah Leavens – mar, Joseph Thorne of N.Y. City, and had issue – ( (II) Elizabeth Leavens- “ Daniel Dean, a farmer and had – ( Daniel Dean – mar. settled the homestead in Dutchess Co. (b. 1754) (II) Joseph Leavens – 1775 “ Phebe Wood? of N.Y.; and settled in Hallowell, near the Burlingham family. x ( “ Benjamin “ - “ Prudence Huyck, of Hillier “ William “ - “ Lois Hummiston. “ Eliphlet “ - “ Deborah Rogers, and had (IV). Lewis T. (see Garrett). “ James “ - “ ------- ----------- “ ??????” “ Deborah “ - “ Matinas VanBlaricom. “ Sarah “ - “ Cornelius Palmer. See Barker. “ Mary (Polly)” - “ James Barker x, brother, Abram. “ Catherine “ - “ Enoch Cronk, “Green-Point”. (b. 1751) - (II) Peter Leavens - “ (1). Susan - - - of Oneida Co. N.Y. ( (2) Hannah Hunt ( see ?Cobus Striker). xx ( d 13 Apr 1885 aet 75 yrs (IV). Maria, mar. Job Elsworth. q.v. (IV). Noah Leavens, of Picton. x Note – ( 8 Mar. 1810. d 1898 1829 [this line applies to Elizabeth Leavens on the following line] (IV). Elizabeth Leavens - mar; Henry B. Cooper, (see John Bull). See note “ Phebe “ - “ “ Roxy “ - “ (Amos?) Baker, son George and Mary Cunningham.q.v. “ Polly “ - “ George Saunders, of Meaford. “ Joseph “ - “ Jane Armitage, dau. Seth. of Yonge St. “ Ransaeler “ - “ Fanny Ann Cunningham, q.v. “ Burton “ - “ Susan Aldrich. (dau. David? or George? J xx Note – ( x Victor Sykes, See Stephen Ferguson (II) Catherine Leavens - “ Abram Hyatt, and settled on the Hiram McFaul farm; ( “ Phebe Hyatt - mar. John P. Huyck, Hillilr. [Hillier] “ Catherine “ - “ Truman Wyman, of Oswego. x IV Hannah – James Gibson V. Catherine – Robt Saylor V. Jas Allen – Maria Cooper IV Platt = V. Abe. “ Samuel Titus “ - “ Jane Cole, (Sam. was drown.) “ John “ - “ Susan McDonald, West Lake. “ Abram “ - “ Phebe Cole, and had (IV) Leavens Hyatt, who went to “Bay-View”, Co. Grey, with Stephen Bowerman and Catherine Cunningham (II) Phebe Leavens - “ Samuel Titus, and remained in Dutchess Co. (II) Hester Leavens - “ Thomas Clark, and “ “ “ “ (II) Benjamin – See over. (For further information see “Leavens Family Hist” “Bay of Quinte Pioneers” Image 156 – Carm Foster (Leavens) (4) 118 (Leavens) (IV) Lydia, ( “ mar. Hugh McDonald, set. on the Leavens homestead; (V) Jane mar. Farrington Bedell (VI) Edwin mar. Emily Mills, dau. Alfred; (VI) Emma A.“ Marshall Mastin. (V) Mary “ Stephen White, son Stephen & Catherine. (VI) Myra mar. William W. Pope, Belleville. ( (V) Sarah “ John Haight, set. Toronto; (VI) Stephen, mar. Hattie Moro, set. Belleville ( ( (VI) Jennie, unmar. lives in Philadelphia. (V) Alexander “ Julia A. Clark, (Bloomf’d, no issue). both dead? (V) Phebe A. “ Gage Werden, rem’d to Wash. no issue. (V) Benjamin “ --------------set. Calif. (V) Eustace “ Austin Leavens, set. Rochester; (blacksmith Called “Doc” (VI) Harry mar. Hattie Brown (V) Samuel “ Augusta Fones, Belleville, no issue. (V) Helen “ Albert E. Clark, set. Hallowell; (VI) Julia M. mar. Wm. A. Campbell, Montreal/ ( ( (V) Harriet , unmar. (V) Lydia “ James Calendar, Bridgeport, Conn. (VI) Gussie (V) Allen mar. Nellie Winters, (homestead) (VI) Hubert mar. (VI) Muriel (V) Emily mar. Alfred Mills son Alfred, (VI) Harold mar. Inez Young, (VI) Sherman (VI) Nellie (IV)Samuel mar. (I) Sarah Branscombe (V) Henry (V) Lydia Jane “ “ (2-) Annie Gilbert (V) Carrie (V) Samuel (IV)Benjamin mar. Eustace Clapp, (V) Paul (V) Stephen (IV)Sarah, d unmar. (IV)Daniel mar. Helen E. Werden (V) Beatrice, mar. Wm. Albert Clark, son Wm. & Sarah; (VI) Fred mar. (Wash.) (VI) Frank died-- (V) Werden, mar. 18 Apr. 1855 Hattie Hoag, dau. Chas. Of Bloomf’d; (VI) Helen (IV)Caroline mar. Rev. Robert Sanderson, set. Coral, Mich. (V) Daniel mar. Nan. Freeman, set. Coral; (VI) Lapin (VI) Sarah (VI) Robert B. (V) Herbert (Phys.) mar. (I) Mabel Alvord (VI) Pearl A (VI) Alvord “ (2) Mary Brooks, set. Detroit. ((V) Ella “ Levi Baldwin set. Minnising, (VI) See over) Image 157 – Carm Foster (Leavens) 116 (2) x See note next page x (II). Benjamin b 1767 Leavens – mar. Sarah b 1767 Cunningham, (see Daniel and Abigail) They lived in Dutchess Co. about 15 years. In 1799 Benjamin came and bought the land from “Capt.“ John Stinson, planted the apple – seeds already referred to. On this farm were two log houses, one the “Smith Huff” hill, and one near Hugh McDonald’s stone house: In the house on the “Hill”, lived Jesse Walters, who married Pauline Carnahan, q.v. (O’Neils). The Leavens family came in 1800, and consisted of – ( ( (IV). Catherine, mar. Arthur Branscombe. < (Katy) “ Caroline, “ Benjamin Huyck. “ Daniel “ Rachel Branscombe. “ Leavens “ Nancy Clark. “ Elizabeth “ (not mar.) “ David “ Hannah Bull} “ Jonathan “ Phebe Bull. } Twins mar. sisters daus of Josiah Bull “ Mary “ Daniel Hubbs, son Benj. Son of Josiah & M. Thorne “ Sarah “ Charles Woods. “ Roxy “ Ira Chadsey. “ Phebe Jane “ Anthony White, son Moses. “ Huldah “ (not mar.) “ Cornelius “ (1) Phebe, dau. “Sally” Garret. (2) Harriet Ann Bull dau Corey) III Wm. Bateman Leavens – mar. Elizabeth Gerow. (IV). Samuel T. mar. Lydia Huff. – Son is W.B. = Ida Brown “ Phebe “ Joseph Clark, son Capt. Wm. “ Margaret “ Samuel Clark, “ “ “ “ Lenora “ - - - Webster. B of 2 – p – { Sarah J. { William H. (Note) – Contemporary with the Spencers, Hubbs, Barkers, and others of this section, was the family of “Ayer” or “Ayers”, the pregenitor of whom kept the “Ayer’s Tavern”, opposite the site of the present R.C. Church. This hostlery was also comtemporary with the “Hovington House”, at the West end of the hamlet. On the site of the Philip Low residence lived Stephen Hare, the progenitor of the family of that name. His wife was a sister of Arra Ferguson; and his children were – (II). Richard Hare – mar. “ Daniel “ “ “ John “ “ “ Eunice “ “ – Abram Spencer “ Annie “ - - Bates, near Cobourg. This family moved to Cobourg, with the exception of Daniel, who married Huldah Elsworth, a dau. of Caleb and Huldah (Weightman) Elsworth. Caleb’s brother Henry lived on the farm adjoining Robert Hubbs, and married Mary Huntley, who after his death, mar. (2) Daniel Petit of West Lake. (see Elsworth). √ Image 158 – Carm Foster (Leavens) 117 (3) [The following generation (VI) Jane Blount mar. Daniel Leavens and the children of that union was has been “X’d” out. Written beside this group is (incorrect)] (VI) Jane Blount mar. Daniel leavens, Son Benj. and Sarah; ( (VIII) Jane mar. Farrington Bedell, - (IX) Edwin mar. Em. Mills, (Alf,) (IX) Emma A. “ Marshall Mastin; (VIII) Mary “ Stephen White, son Ste. & Cath. (IX) Myra mar. Wm. W Pope, Belleville; (IX) Macaulay (VIII) Sarah mar. John Haight set. in Toronto. IX (VIII) Stephen mar. Hattie Moro set. Bellev’l (IX) Myrtle (IX) Grace IX (V (VIII) Alexander, mar. Julia A. Clark, Bloomfield, no issue. – (VIII) Phebe A. mar. Gage Werden, set. Watcam Wash. no issue. (VIII) Benjamin mar. set. in Califor – (VIII) Eustace “ Austin Leavens, set. Rochester, N.Y. IX ( (VIII) Samuel mar. Augusta Fones, set. Belleville, no issus. (VIII) Allen “ Nellie Winters, live on homestead. IX ( IX ( [End of “X’d” out section] ) (Leavens-), (Bay of Quinte Pioneers) Leavens, Benjamin – born 1766, mar. Sarah Cunningham (Born 1767); ( (IV) Lydia mar, Hugh McDonald qv p – (IV) Samuel “ (1) Sarah Branscombe (2) Annie Gilbert (IV) Benjamin “ Eustace Clapp (IV) Sarah d unmar. (IV) Daniel mar Helen E. Werden (IV) Caroline “ Rev. Robt Sanderson (IV) William (IV) Stephen (IV) Cornelius ( see p – ante (IV) Catherine (IV) Caroline (IV) Daniel (IV) Mary (IV) Benj. L. (IV) David (IV) Jonathan (IV) Cornelius (IV) Elizabeth (IV) Sarah (IV) Roxy (IV) Phebe J. (IV) Huldah (IV) Ransaeller (?) -------- (IV) Leavens, mar. Nancy Clark according to the recount of) (“Polly Leavens”) ( ( ( Image 159 – Carm Foster (Leavens) p 118 (5) (V) Ella mar. Levi Baldwin, set. Minnising, (VI) Frederick (VI) Esther E. (VI) Polly (VI) Richard E. (VI) Robert (V) Beatrice “ A.M. Shook, set. Coral; (VI) Robert D. (VI) Harry H. (V) S. Edward, (Phys.) mar. Clara Stephens, set in Detroit Mich. Image 160 – Carm Foster 119 (1) ( Mastin There were several brothers of this family to come from Dutchess Co. but the names and relationship are not known to the writer. One brother, whose wife’s name was Rebecca, settled on the West Lake shore. He died in 1826, and was buried on “Bowerman’s Hill”. He was rather familiarly called “old-man” Mastin, and although buried in the Friend’s burial ground the funeral service was Methodist, and was held at the residence. (I). Manard Mastin was another of the brothers, the only survivor of posthumous twins. He was a protege of the Morgans, of Dutchess Co. married Nancy Morgan, sister of Thomas Morgan, of the Friend’s School farm, came with the latter to Canada and settled on the village farm since known as the “Shove Barker” farm. He was accidentally killed at the raising of Judah Bowerman’s log house in 1801. Minard’s son Jonathan Mastin then about four years old, was adopted by Cornelius Blount. The issue – (II). Peter Mastin - mar. Anna Bowerman, dau. Israel, q.v. “ Betsy “ - “ Benjamin Mabee, of Port Hope. “ Polly “ - “ Joshua Hicks, of West Lake. “ Harriet “ - “ John Hicks, of South Bay, (cousin to Joshua) “ Jonathan “ - “ Mary (Polly) Leavens, dau. of Benjamin and Sarah (Cunningham) Leavens. She was born at the homestead, 14th Nov. 1805; died at Picton, 3rd Feb. 1899. ( “ Minard “ “ C. Miller, of Black Creek IV Edgar = “ Benjamin “ “ Susan Comer d 18 Feb 1911 aet 82 yrs “ Finlay = 23 Feb 1886 Sarah E. Noxon “ Daniel “ “ H. Osterhout. d. Reuben & Thomas “ Stephen B. “ “ Eliza Eckert. “ Nancy “ “ Richard Hill. Watertown “ Phebe “ “ Wesley Doxie, Trenton “ Mary E. “ “ John Bowen. D 19 June 1909 aet 62, at Toronto - “ Reuben B. note” “ Helen Dorland “ Lydia “ “ Abram Cannon, Long-Point “ Minard “ - “ Helen VanBlack, of Milford. Note – Nancy (Morgan) Mastin mar. (2). Cyrus Richmond – see page - - ) xNote Benjamin Leavens had a sister Elizabeth who = a Dean And another Hannah “ = a Thorn Hannah Thorn had – a dau. Elizabeth who never married – These three however visited at Benjamin Leavens’, and attended the first Half Yrs. Mtg – ( ) on Bowerman’s Hill - Benj. – took them with his family in the “lumber-wagon” – the ground was hard and not much snow – A good many people were at the mtg. and Benj. had 15 strangers for dinner. In 1815, Benj & wife & Polly (Mrs Mastin) went with lumberwagon to N.Y. Mtg – taking provisions. Went to his sister Hannah Thorns’ “away down in the City” – after several weeks they returned by way of Niagara Falls – (Polly – Mastin) Image 161 – Judy Andrus Toporcer 120 (1) O’Neil (90) (I) James O’Neil, the Irish ancestor, said to have been a younger son of an Irish Lord, and descended from the O’Neils of “Shane Castle”, was engaged in the shipping trade with New York. The last voyage was attended with disaster, and the loss of ship and cargo. James O’Neill then settled in N.Y. City where he married, and loft three children – (II). John O’Neil - " Sarah " - " James " - (II). John O’Neil – mar. and settled near Kingston, Can. where he reared a family of five children, of whom one was – (III). Catherine (Katy) O’Neil = mar. Samuel Walters, of Dutchess Co. N.Y. (II). Sarah O’Neil – born 1760, mar. Joseph Carnahan (from Co. Down Ireland) at Kinderhook, N.Y. and settled in Adolphustown, on Hay Bay, where Joseph kept a school in 1799. Add note here – (III). Moses Carnahan – mar. Nancy Wilkins, of “Carrying Place” 12 Mar, 1804; " Aaron " - " (born 17th Oct. 1781, died 7th Jan. 1828) " (2[?]) 29th Aug. 1810, Serafina VanSickler, an orphan from near Kingston, Can.; born 27th May 1793, died 31st May 1819 (IV). Parthenia Carnahan - born 3rd June 1814, died 18th Feb. 1899; mar. 17th May 1842, Jeremiah Harrington, q.v. " Serafina " - born 12th May 1819, mar Alexander Patterson, no issue " Sarah Ann " - born 27th Aug. 1816, married Robert Hopkins, of Batavia, N.Y. Mar. (2) 3rd May 1827 [possibly 1823] Mary (Polly) Jackson, dau. Jacob and Maria Jackson, born 22nd Feb. 1795, died 8th July 1828 and had - (III) (III) Hannah Carnahan - born 30th Dec. 1825, died 18th Aug. 1891; mar. Thomas Morton " Thomas " - born 11th Aug. 1823, died (III) Paulina Carnahan – born 1780, mar. Jessie Walters (See Leavens) " Sarah " - " " Schultz. B " Betsy " " Palen. add above x Note – Joseph Carnahan’s name appears on the list of inhabitants of Adolphustown for the years 1794 to 1809, inclusive, excepting the years 1798-1801-1803. Joseph and Sarah were both school-teachers. They lived at the lower end of “Hay Bay”, and gave the name to a cove or small inlet off the former bay, called “Carnahan’s Bay”. (II). James O’Neill – mar. Elizabeth Bradt, probably at Kinderhook N.Y. and removed to Berne, Montgomery Co. N.Y., where the foll. family was born – (III). Peter O’Neil – born 1782, died in Ernestown. " Eleanor " - " 15th Aug. 1796, mar. Stewart Wilson, of Picton " Rebecca " - " 1801 " James " - " 3rd Oct. 1803, died aet 25 years. " Sarah " - " 11th Sept. 1806, died " Nancy " - " 20th Jan. 1809, died Note – James O’Neil died 30th Mar. 1826 aged 66 years on the 20th June Elizabeth (Bradt) " 5th Apr. 1826, aged 62 years. Image 162 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (O’Neil) (2) 121 (O’Neil – Lord Pat. of “Shane Castle”, Ireland, is said to have been the ancestor of the “Bay of Quinte” O’Neils. A younger son desiring to engage in the shipping trade, was provided with a fully equipped ship, crew and cargo; the occasion of his first sailing was marked by a banquet, at which the family consisting of father and mother and 19 children, sat down. After the banquet the son James was escorted to the ship by the family and citizens, including the “Band”. Several prosperous voyages followed, after which the ship was wrecked off the N.F. or N.S. coast and became a total loss, while the crew is said to have been slowly starved for three weeks, subsisting on a keg of sea-buiscuits washed ashore, some wild cabbage and apartly [sic]devoured fish robbed from an eagle’s eyrie. During this time the crew sucked the blood of James O’Neil’s Negro servant; and were preparing to eat the emaciated remains, when a ship hove in sight and rescued them. From overindulgance on board the latter vessel, the whole crew died, excepting only James and his Negro. (Proper ending) “Capt.” James O’Neil then proceeded to N.Y., where he afterwards mar. and died leaving the foll. issue - - (II) John mar. - - - - - - - - - ? set. near Kingston Can. (III) Catherine (Katy) " Saml. Walters; (III) - - - - - - - 4, others set Kingston. (II) Sarah " Joseph Carnahan at Kinderhook N.Y. He was from Co. Down Ireland, and came early to Can. probably about 1780 with the O’Neils Joseph taught school, and from him was derived the name of “Carnahan’s-Bay: (III) Moses mar. Nancy Wilkins, of “Carrying Place”. She died in the cholera epidemic of 1834, and was buried in the Meth. burial ground in Picton. (no issue)- She was a dau. of Col. Wilkins. (III) Aaron b. 17th Oct. 1781; mar. (1) 29th Aug. 1810; Serafina VanSickler, an orphan from near Kingston, Ont. b. 27th May 1793; d. 31 May 1812; Aaron d. 7th Jan. 1828. (IV) Parthenia mar. Jer. Harrington (q v.) (IV) Sophana " Alex. Patterson. (IV) Sarah " Robert Hopkins. (IV) " (2) Polly Jackson, q.v. – (IV) Hannah (Morton) mar. Thos Morton druggist V May = dillve [??] (IV) Thomas not mar. b 1780 - (III) Paulina mar. Jesse Walters; (III) Sarah " - - - Schultz; (III) Betsy " - - - Palen. (II) James O’Neil jr. came to live at Kinderhook N.Y. where he mar. Elizabeth Bradt, (see Bradt) and removed to “Berne” Montgomery Co. N.Y. At this place the foll. family was born – (III) Peter b. 1782: d. in Ernestown, Can. (III) Eleanor " 15th Aug. 1796; mar. Stewart Wilson, of Picton. (III) Nancy & Sarah d. infants (III) Rebecca b. - - d. unmar. (III) James " 3rd Oct. 1803; killed by fall from tree, aet. 25. (III) Sarah b. 16th Sept. 1806; d. (III) Nancy " 20 Jan. 1809; ". " James O’Neil d. 30th Mar. 1826, (b. 20th Ju. 1781) " Elizabeth O’Neil, d. 5th Apr. 1826; aet. 62. Image 163 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (O’neil) 122 (3) (O’Neil – Bradt) Samuel " the ancestor, owned a large tract of land on the “Schenectady Flats, N.Y.; but dying in testate his heirs were defrauded on the property by an agent named Sheldon: " mar. Nancy Ann Mann, (Samuel was Dutch) – (II) Nancy mar. Danl. Freeman – no sur. issue. (II) Elizabeth mar. James O’Neil, fam. at Adolphustown. (II) Margaret " David McMerland; (II) Ellen " John Smith?and had a son, Meth. Rev.) (II) James (Cobus) mar. (II) Lanah mar. John Ward of Charlestown, N.Y. (II) Samuel jr. mar. - - - - - issue, Walter and Nancy. (O’Neil,) (III) Eleanor, (II) James b. 3 Jan. 1795 d. 3 Sept. 1885 aet[?] 90. and Elizabeth Bradt; (I) James (Hon.?) mar. Stewart Wilson of Picton, foundryman and carriage maker, formerly of Johnstown N.Y. and a son of Charles Wilson whose wife was a Boothe, (IV) Charles S. mar. Mary Biggar (Carrying Place) (V) Jessie mar. Ste. Noxon; (V) Herbert " Lee; (V) May mar. Seth. Sept. ’85, Fred. Eaton, " (2) Louisa – (V) Louella mar. Ira Standish; Tor. Barris- (IV) Elizabeth mar. Willet N. Bedell – q.v. (V) Ida Eleanor, b. 14th Mar. 1852; mar. 30th July 1879 A.C. Bowerman, d. 12th Aug. 1901. (V) Charles S. b. d. - - (V) Herbert W. " 8th Sept. 1865; mar. 1889 Emma VanCleaf, dau. Benj. (VI) Willet Van b. (IV) James C. mar. (1) Mary Meacham of Belleville. (V) Clara d. 15th Aug. ’85, at Toronto. aet 22 (V) Fred. mar. Grace Rose of Napanee; (V) Lillian d. 27th Sept. ’86; aet. 19 yrs. (2) Clara Kemp, (see Adam Hubbs) (IV) Emily mar. Finlay Roblin (V) Nellie mar. G.A. F. Andrews; (VI) Eunice (V) Stella " (V) Charles (V) Elizabeth (Lillie), Image 164 – Judy Andrus Toporcer (O’Neil) 123 (4) HARRINGTON - (Photo) (I). Moses Harrington – Came to Pr. Ed. Co. from Schenectady, N.Y. He married, (1). Vesta Wood, and had issue – (II). Anthony Harrington - " Alfred " - " *Jeremiah " - Married Parthenie Carnahan, (see Carnahan) p. " Charlotte " - " Katy " - (2). – a sister of first wife, Vesta Wood. (II) Moses Harrington - (died early) " George " - mar. Joanna Searles, res. in Wellington. See (Searles) * (II). Jeremiah Harrington – born , died 14th Aug. 1856, mar. [There is a stain on the page covering what looks like it might say ‘2nd’, but this is the transcriber’s best guess] 17th May 1842, Parthenia ^* [this arrow and asterisk is a hand-written insertion] Carnahan, (see above) Jeremiah was in Adolphustown 26th Mar. 1800. He was probably a brother of Moses Harrington. In July 1808, Jeremiah Harrington is assessed in the twn. of Hallowell as follows – “Acres 200-cleared 30-House, round-log-house 1-Cows 2-Total Apprizement £76.0.0 – District Expenses 3s.2d. – Representative Expenses 1s.1d. (III) Helen Augusta Harrington – born 5th May 1848, married James Petit Thorne, son of William. (see Thorne). (III) Annie b. 30 July 1852, d. - - 1913 Harrington – married James M. Nash. (III) Helen A. Harrington – Mar. James Petit d. - June 1903 Thorne and had (IV) Thana Thorne - born 23rd Feb. 1870. " Margaret " - " 9th July 1871, mar. Chas Cahoon d – " James " - " 3rd May 1873. d.at El Monte[?] " Lilian " - " 20th Nov. 1875 " A.C. Bowerman, qv and had – Calif-26 July 1911 (V). Mary P. Bowerman, b. 9th Jun 1898 d. 1st Oct. 1898. (V). Lilian Eleanor b. 23 Dec. 1908, El Monte California (V). Amy Helen Lilian, born 11th May 1901 " Wm Frost " - " 13rd May 1877. d. - - " Celia Augusta " 11th May 1881, mar. G. Fred. Hepburn. * Parthenia Harrington died at (V). Willie Kerr Hepburn, b. 15th Sept. 1898 d the[?] family res. Picton 18th Feb. d. Feb. 1904 1899 - in her 85th year " Thorne " b. 15th Feb. 1902 – (b 3 June 1814) " Clarence " b. 13th Feb. 1903, d. " Bernard " b. Mar. 1904 " Earle " - " 1886. " Helen A. " - " 11th May1888. JACKSON - (I). Jacob Jackson, of Coeyman’s Patent, near Albany, N.Y. married Maria Searing, and came to Pr. Ed. in 1801, settling on the south side of West Lake adjoining the Bela Johnson farm. Jacob died in 1822, and Maria in 1830. The Jacksons were Quakers; and are said to have emigrated through the unsettled condition of the country incident to the War of the Revolution. (II). James Jackson - moved to Brockport N.Y. 1812 " Isaac " - mar. (1) Annie Baldwin. (2) Eckert. " Rowland " - " Ferguson. " Willet " - " Betsy Cole; " Audrey " - " Harry Leet, of Guilford, N.Y. " Rebecca " - " Bela Johnson, (Blacksmith at Hallowell Bridge near the old Mullet’s tannery, in 1812. " Polly (Mary)" - " Aaron Carnahan, son Joseph, q.v. (Carnahan). * Aaron’s 2nd wife (III) (III) Hannah = Thos. Morden [Marlow??]. See O’Neil – Carnahan (III) Thomas = M[???]mar " " " Image 165 – Carm Foster Richmond “Arms” & C 124 ( RICHMOND. The Canadian family of this name is descended from the Richmond family of Taunton, Mass. and later of Stonington, Conn. (IV). Cyrus Richmond – son of ( was born in Kingson, R.I. he married, (1st) 29th Jan. 1718-19 Jane Crandall,, born 23rd Aug. 1672; died 28th Apr. 1733. She was the dau. of Samuel, and Sarah (Celly) Crandall. V. Ch. See note x over Insert- (IV) Cyrus married (2nd) 27th Mar. 1734, Phebe Mott. He was admitted a “freeman” of Westerly, R.I. on the last Tuesday of Feb. 1727-28. In his father’s will, dated 24th Feb. 1739-40, (V. Cyrus.) is described as “of Stonington”-. The dates of birth of (V). Cyrus, and (V). Sylvester, are supposed to have been transposed. The issue of Cyrus and Phebe Mott – (V). Jane Richmond - born 7th June 1736; mar. Ichabod Bowerman – q.v. x “ Sylvester “ - “ 4th July 1737. “ Jane Bowerman – q.v. “ Phebe “ - “ 25th Oct 1739 “ Peter Cole. Settled in N.S. “ Abigail “ - “ 16th July 1743. “ Daniel Cunningham. Pr. Ed. Co. “ Mary “ - “ 15th July 1745. “ Jos. Allison, of Adolphustown. This family did “ Cyrus “ - “ 26th May 1748. “ Rachel Vincent x see note Not come to Can. (See Richmond Family Hist) (V) Note – Mary Richmond, born in Westerly R.I. 15th July 1745; died in Adolphustown, C.W. 8th Oct 1840. She came to Canada first on a visit to the “Niles’” of Adolphustown, where she married Joseph Allison, no issue. Joseph Allison came originally from Haverstraw N.H. He was in Adolphustown in 1796; but was not then married. In the assessment of the township 2nd Apr. 1799, he is “married” – (V) - the youngest son Cyrus, also born at Westerly R.I. as above, married Rachel Vincent, of Dutchess Co. (b. 1757.d. 1833); while (V). Cyrus, died 21st Oct. 1837, at Conesville N.Y. to which place they moved in 1804, from their previous residence in Beekman, Dutchess Co. N.Y. (V) - Phebe Richmond is said by the “Richmond Family”, to have gone to Nova Scotia. There are grave doubts of the accuracy of this statement. It is stated by Eleanor Bowerman, that “Aunt Phebe lived in Adolphustown; that she had no children; that she became ill and was taken to Rome or Utica N.Y. for treatment, and died there” (V) - Reference to (V). Jane – and (V). Sylvester, will be found in the list of the “Bowerman” family, in their proper places. ______________________________________________________ CUNNINGHAM - (1) (V). Abigail Richmond – dau. of (4. Cyrus – 3. John – 2. Edward – 1. John); was born in Stonington, Conn. 15th July 1743; died in the township of Hallowell, Co. Pr. Ed. She married, in Dutchess Co. (?) Daniel Cunningham, and in 1796, they came to Canada and settled on the farm known as the “John Richards” farm, one mile West of the town of Picton. According to the “Richmond Family”. Daniel Cunningham was born in “Derry”, Ireland; when about 12 years of age, one day watching sailors stow cargo on a ship in Dublin, he was kidnapped and as a “stow-away” was brought to New York, where he was sold for the passage money. Here he was bought by a wealthy and philanthropic Quaker, who put him to work in the kitchen; but on account of his ability and address he was promoted to a place in the family. How well he filled his appointment may be gathered from his steady advancement to a business partnership, to membership in the Society of Friends, and to a matrimonial alliance with the daughter of his benefactor. The name of this worthy family is unfortunately not known. Daniel by this marriage, had two children – viz. (II) Patience Cunningham - mar. Soloman Vermilyea, and “went out West”. “ Charles “ - “ Sarah Sheppard, (“Polly” Bowerman, 1901) Charles and “Sally” settled on the farm near Bloomfield, known for later years, as the “Pierce” farm. Here was reared the family who later settled around West Lake, and on the Islands, and in distinction from the second family of Daniel and Abigail Richmond, are known as the “Cunninghams of the Island”. “Assessment of Twp. of Hallowell 18th July 1797, Chas. Cunningham is “placed on the “under-rated” list at 2s. 0.” + Sylvester b. at Stonington Conn. 4 July 1737. d June 1803-04 Earnestown, Frontenac Co. Can. Image 166 – Carm Foster (124) Richmond Now p1 (Richmond) – “From Little Compton Records” – see Rich’d Fam. By J.B.R.) (V) Children of (IV) Cyrus and Jane ( (V) Lydia born 4th Nov. 1719; mar. 20th Mar. 1744, John Allen. (V) Elizabeth “ 20th July 1722; (V) John “ 19th June 1724; (V) Ann “ 1st Sept. 1726; (V) Cyrus “ 8th Dec. 1730; Image 167 – Carm Foster (II) 125 (Cunningham) (I) Daniel, mar. (2) Abigail Richmand, and had - - (II) Mary born 1768, mar. George Baker. (see-) see Baker” (II) William “ 1770, “ Fanny White. “ see White” (II) Martha “ 1776, “ Amos Bull. “ “ “Bull” (II) Sarah “ - , “ Benjamin Leavens. “ “ Leavens. (Sarah was undoubtedly the eldest of the family, as her oldest son Daniel was born 29th April 1787.) (Richmond numbers) (VI) William Cunningham, mar. Fanny White. ( (VIII) Deborah mar. Archibald Brandon. Deborah died in Picton, 19th May 1909, aged 74 years 3 mos. (VIII) Fanny M. (VIII) Martha . (VIII) Hannah F. ( (VIII) William (VIII) Amos (VIII) Isabel (VIII) Alexia ( (VIII) Sarah E. mar. J. Clark Bowerman (IX) Charlotte (VIII) William W. mar. Cornelia E. Greer/, Calif. William died in Oakland Cal. 1901. “ “ (2) Sarah Waring (sister Mary) (VIII) Daniel, mar. Violet Rowe, of Trenton, (IX) Edwin (VIII) Joshua, mar. Seraphena Reynolds, Trenton, and hd (IX) J. Ross died 26 Oct 1913 aet 66 - (VIII) Mary mar. Gideon V. Christy. d 1912. (VIII) Joseph mar. (1) Annie Mills “ (2) Mary A. Elliot. (VVII) [sic] Annie, not “ (VIII) Henry, mar.Frank Palmer, Trenton [sic] (IX) William H. (VIII) Charles mar. (1) “ (2) wid. Wm. W. “ “ (3) Lydia Cooper dau. Henry (IX) Thomas C. (IX) Freeman (IX) Cornelius ( Image 168 – Carm Foster 126 (11 ½) Cont ( (VIII) Calvin (VIII) Margaret (VIII) Ellen (VIII) Martha “ “ (2) Pauline Scriver – (VIII) Fanny (VIII) Henry ( (VIII) Sarah F. (VIII) William F. (VIII) Samuel S. (VIII) John F. (VIII) Charles. (VIII) Elizabeth (VIII) Hannah (VIII) Esther ( (VIII) Reuben (VIII) Mary (VIII) Sarah (VIII) Esther (VIII) Eliza (VIII) Hannah (VIII) John (VIII) Charles (VIII) Minnie (died inf.) ( (VIII) Almira (VIII) Levi (VIII) Theordore (VIII) Paul (VIII) Eliza ( ( (VIII) Mary (VIII) William H. (VIII) Esther J. (VIII) Sarah S. (VIII) Hannah (VIII) Fanny (VIII) Delilah J. Image 169 – Carm Foster Note (Cunningham to be ( Inserted here ( The issue of Daniel Cunningham and (V) Abigail (d Dec. 1819 By I. Pioneer?)(Richmond) Cunningham, - (VI). Mary Cunningham – born in 1768; died 16th Nov. 1850; married George Baker, of whom, (see “Baker”, page - - .) “Assessment of Hallowell, 18th July 1798, George Baker” under-rated “2s. 0”.” (VI) William Cunningham – born 1770; died 22nd Mar. 1851 aet. 81 years. He married Fanny White, dau. of William and Hannah (Tomkins) White, of whom see “White” page - -. ( ( (3). Jonithan I. Bowerman (q.v. d 1880) ( Abigail was born 26th Aug. 1809; died 13th Dec. 1879. (VIII): Eliza H. Jones, b. 30th Sept 1829; mar. in 1848, note Levi Varney; of Sandwich, N.H. born 3rd Sept. 1819; d. 4th May 1885, at Bloomf’d. (VIII)- Fanny Ann Jones – b. 3rd Aug. “33; d. 25th¢ Jan. ‘55 mar. - - Collier, of Cherry Valley. issue (Mrs Cam Haight q.v.) VII. William W. “ “ (1). Mary Waring. (Sister Thomas). “ (2). Sarah Waring “ “ “ (2). Lydia Cooper, dau. of Henry and Elizabeth (Leavens) Cooper, (see Bull Family). Note – “11th of 10th Mo. 1803, Abigail Cunningham is appointed on a committee to attend Mo. Mtg. at Adolphustown, from the Prep. Mtg. of Women Friends held at the house of Cornelius Blount.” Note – Assessment of Twp. of Hallowell, 18th July 1798, First-class rated William Cunningham, 2s.6d.” (VI) Martha Cunningham Martha “ – “ born 1776; died 23rd Jan. 1842; mar. Amos Bull, q.v. (VI) Sarah Cunningham Sarah “ – “ mar. Benjamin Leavens, in Dutchess Co. Came to Note Sarah probably the eldest Canada in 1800. (see “Leavens” et seq.) of the Family – See birth of At that time the family consisted of 6 persons, the ( “ Phebe “ - “ 5th Feb. 1790; mar. Reuben Burlingham, (brother of Varnum Burlingham, father of the “Point-Peter” family of same name). “ Wm. Bateman “ - “ Elizabeth Gerow. “ Samuel “ - (born 1796; died at the age of 13 yr [off page] “ Mary “Polly” - (born 14th Nov. 1805; married Jonathan Mastin, q.v. page – - STRIKER√ ------------------------------------------------------------------- (I). John Striker – mar, Jemima Vincent – (both of Dutchess Co. N.Y.). (II). James Striker -mar. Martha Christy, dau. Wm. And Ruth (Bull) Christy. “ Elizabeth “ - “ Joseph Locklin, of Brighton, Ont. “ Jonathan “ - “ Eliza Jackson. “ Sarah “ - “ John Vanscriver. “James = -no issue = (2) Peter Hunt “ Jemima Ann” - “ Eli Smith. ( “ Martha “ - “ Daniel Gerow, q.v. “ Vincent “ - “ Sophia Cooper, (see Bull) [above the bolded surname STRIKER was inserted two handwritten lines with a line drawn to James Striker below] Son of James of Dutchess Co. Was this “James the “Cobus” below? (I) James Striker (called ‘Cobus) mar. - - (1) -------------? (II). James Striker - “ Garrett “ - (see Ichabod Bowerman) mar Lydia Lawrence? ?? “ Jonathan “ - “ Martha “ - (called “Patty”) mar. Henry Harris, of Dutchess Co whose bro. John Harris mar. Polly, dau. Peter Leavens. (I)- (Cobus) mar. (2). Hannah Hunt, widow of Peter Leavens, and had a dau. ------who mar. Jacob Hicks, and moved to Thurlow, and died. Peter Leavens died in the U.S.; but his son Peter E. Leavens, and wife died at 3rd. Con. of Sidney, Co. Hastings, Ont. Image 170 – Carm Foster [This page has almost been torn in half. There is no page number. Transcribing will be done as it appears.] t) rs at The fami ith six c chi Amos, later Daniel, remar George, mar. Lydi on t Daniel re homestead ne settling, the fa George could not meantime claimed it ure; but as he could not pay George provements he was compelled to sign off for a moderate amo and leave George in possession. Susan, mar. George Smith in Fredericksburgh. (------?) “ ))) ----------? – Wells. (------?) “ ----------? – King. This family had a dau Po mar. Charles Blanchard and had Jos. -ard one time proprietor of th -chard Hotel “Picton. The father of these Lucases was buried near the “Big Creek The widow married Samuel Bronson and had a son Sam. jr. who with Sam. Casey and Sam. Dorland are said to have been the three largest recruits in the locality. To get the Govt. Deeds of his farm George walked to Toronto and back, taking three days each way. Image 171 – Carm Foster Copied Mtg. Records before opening of West Lake Mtg. “”10th Mo. 1800, Cyrus Richmond applied for minute: Committee – James Noxon and Cornelius Blount. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ ? Cyrus Howe admitted to Membership.” “ same date – “ Jonithan Clark applied for membership”. “24th Dec. 1800, Thomas Bowerman and Philip Dorland comm. on application of Ephraim “4th Day, 28th Jan. 1801-)- 4th Nov. 1800, “was Prep. Mtg. At Adolphustown and their first Mo. Mtg. was the foll. day – Daniel Haight, Clerk – “copied from Nine Partners Quarterly Mtg” “7th Mo. 1800, Judah Bowerman admitted to membership at Nine Partner” “20th Nov. 1800, Isaac Barton, and Aaron White, Adm. to “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ also Stephen and Jonathan Bowerman “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “Acc’T of first Library, care of Aaron Brewer, Philip Dorland, Ichabod Bowerman and Jacob Cronk.” (Note – Arron Brewer died at Kingston, 25th July 1802.) “Abigail Cunningham added to membership 21st 2nd Mo. 1801, Nine Par. (1801) “ Meeting allowed at house of Aaron Brewer, Kingson, on the “ 6th day of the week preceeding 3rd 5th day of each Mo. “16th 4th Mo. 1801 – First Mtg. for worship allowed for 3 Mos. At house of Cornelius Blount, under Adolphus “Mo. Mtg. “ First Meeting held 1st Firstday of 5th Mo/1801.” Renewed for 3 Mos. Then for 6 Mos. then permanent.” “Aldolphustown Mo. Mtg., under sanction of Nine Partners, established West Lake meeting for worship and Prep. on the 21st 4TH Mo. 1803/: Thomas Bowerman and Townsend Carman building comm. To build log meeting-house on the hill, at West Lake, - Adolphustown agreeing to furnish, glass, nails, and stove: West Lake to furnish flooring, shingles – (size – 21ft. X 31 ft. with a gallery.” Copied |